Breakfast of Champions
TEXT: Numbers 14:6-9
Introductions: When I was a child, I received a lot of different input as to what was good for my body. Popeye told me that if I ate spinach, I would be strong and healthy. My parents told me that things like broccoli and brussels sprouts would make me grow up strong. The television proclaimed Wheaties as The Breakfast Of Champions. While all of these may have their benefits to the physical side of man, his spiritual side requires a vastly different diet. This passage reveals what is in fact the real Breakfast Of Champions.
Now, before I reveal my entire message, some background material is in order. To reach this point in the story, Israel has been delivered from slavery in Egypt by the mighty hand of God. They have been traveling for some 2 years through a terrible desert and have finally arrived at the Jordan River, the final barrier between them and the land of promise and blessing, Canaan. Canaan was a place of great expectation for the people of Israel. They had heard about Canaan through the word of God as delivered through Moses, Exodus 3:8. According to this promises Canaan sounded like the perfect place for them to be. It was a place where they could finally be free, where could rest from their journey, a place where they could enjoy the blessings of God in peace and safety. Canaan was the land of their victory and of their anticipated blessing.
Now, Canaan has come to represent Heaven for many Christians. However, Canaan is not a picture of Heaven. After Israel arrived in Canaan, they still had battles to fight and they still faced times when they were guilty of sin before the Lord. Canaan is in reality a place of victory and a place of blessing. For the Christian, it speaks of reaching a place in our walk with the Lord where we can enjoy the Lord's blessings, where we are not always defeated and where we walk in victory in the Lord. You see, God did not save us for us to be defeated, John 8:36. In truth, God saved us so that we could enjoy a life of abundance and victory - John 10:10; 1 Cor. 15:57. Now, I realize that this is a far cry from the doom merchant who tells you that you will just have to wait to Heaven to have your victory. That this life is something to be endured rather than enjoyed. I say hogwash! There is a Canaanland for every child of God. It is known as the victorious Christian life and it is available to every Christian who will pay the price to enter that land of blessing and victory.
Israel had been brought out of Egypt with the hope of reaching Canaan. When they finally arrived at the border of that land, they some very large obstacles blocking their way: Giants! They just couldn't seem to get around them and they wound up defeated, disillusioned and discouraged. It is the same for us! We all have giants that we face in life. This church has giants that it faces. These giants must be overcome, or they will prevent us from entering our Canaan and they will defeat us spiritually. I want you to know this morning that it does not have to be that way at all! Satan has defeated the children of God and the church of God for far too long. Tonight, if you will give me your attention, I would like to try and show you the things which defeat you can be overcome and be turned into blessings in your life. Allow me to share five insights that will guarantee everyone of us the victory in our walk with the Lord. Five attitudes that we need to possess in order to enjoy the Breakfast Of Champions.
What waited on Israel when they took possession of the land of Canaan. It was a land that flowed with milk and honey. It was a land of blessing, peace and prosperity. They were longing for a land of which they had only heard. However, their hope was based on 2 rock solid standards.
A. The Word Of God 13:2
1. In this verses God told Moses that He had already given the title deed of Canaan to the people of Israel.
2. It was their land, all they had to do was march in and take it.
B. The Will Of God 13:2
1. It had already been determined by the Lord that these people were to dwell in this land.
2. It was God's perfect will that they march into Canaan and claim what He had already provided for them.
C. There is a great lesson here for the children of God!
1. God did not save us for us to walk around in a desert of misery and spiritual defeat.
2. He saved us so that we might enjoy victory and blessing in Him. God brought us out of the bondage of sin to give us a new and abundant life in the Lord Jesus Christ!
3. Sadly, many Christians never reach the place where they are victorious. Instead, they live in fear and often live below God's standard for their lives.
4. Notice some areas where many Christians are constantly defeated:
a) In Assurance Of Salvation - Many Christians never reach their Canaan because they aren't even sure they are saved. They are constantly in doubt and fear over the condition of their soul. This must be nailed down! (Ill. Rom. 10:9-10; John 6:37)
b) In Conquering Some Besetting Sin - There are multitudes who secretly battle some recurring sin in their lives. This doesn't have to be. We need to realize that God has made a way for us to be victorious over the sins we face. (Ill. 1 Cor. 10:13)
c) In Facing The Worries Of Life - Many spend their time and spin their wheels worrying about every little thing in life. This has never been God's plan! His ideal is that men would trust Him and place their face in what He can do in their lives - Phil. 4:6-7; Matt. 6:33.
D. Whatever it is that keeps you out of Canaan, you need to realize that God, according to His Word, wants you to have a victorious Christian experience, 1 Cor. 15:57; Rom. 8:37.
1. It is God's will that His children be more than conquerors in this world in which we live and walk. That is the foresight that we must have as we face the battles of life.
2. Giants are worth the trouble, just look at what is ahead!
13:30 - 10 of the 12 spies brought back an evil report of the land of Canaan. However, Caleb and Joshua believed God! They knew that if God were for them, they had nothing to fear from any enemy! When we face our giants, whether it be as individuals or as a church, there are 2 area where we must place our faith and trust the Lord to give the victory.
We Must Have Faith In:
A. The Promises Of God
1. God has already promised us that every situation in life is for our good and for His glory, Rom. 8:28.
2. These sons of Anak did not take God by surprise.
3. He knew they were going to be there from before the foundations of the world and He had already implemented a plan whereby they would be defeated.
4. All Israel had to do was place their faith in the Lord and go forward on that faith and the victory was assured.
5. However, they refused and as a result, they found themselves defeated and locked outside the land of blessing.
6. As you face the giants of life, there are 2 things you can be assured that the Lord will stand by.
a) His Word - Rom. 4:21; Isa. 55:11
b) His People - Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:20
B. The Power Of God
1. Caleb knew, 13:30, that God was working in his life and that if he had to face a giant, he would win because God was the One giving the victory.
2. The child of God would do well to remember that truth!
3. God has not changed!
4. He still possess all power and He has placed that power in the faith of His children.
5. God's power will ever be greater than anything we will ever face in this world - 1 John 4:4.
6. No trial, no giant, no problem, no issue is greater in power than our God - Eph. 3:20.
Noah - It took great faith in the power and presence of God to spend 120 years building that ark in the face of ridicule and sinful opposition. It took faith to put your family in there and trust that hunk of wood to guarantee your safety while the world perished in the flood. It took faith to do that. However, Noah's faith was rewarded!
Elijah - It took faith to climb Mt. Carmel and face 850 priests and prophets of Baal. It took faith to challenge them to a showdown. It took faith to watch them try for half a day to get a response from their god and then step forth and build and altar, dig a trench around it, place the wood upon it, place the sacrifice upon it, have water poured upon it 3 times until the trench around the altar was running over with water, and then pray a 63 world pray of faith. It took faith, but Elijah's faith was rewarded! Fire fell and consumed everything pertaining to that altar, even the dust on the earth.
It took faith, but faith in God is never misplaced, and is always rewarded! Besides, faith is essential to our walk with the Lord. It is the only way to please Him - Rom. 14:23; Heb. 11:6)
According to 13:31-33 the 10 spies who brought back the evil report were afflicted with "The Grasshopper Complex." That is, they looked at the giants and saw how large they were. They looked at themselves and saw how small they were and decided that they were defeated before the battle ever began. There are many Christians and churches that are afflicted by the same problem this morning. They look at their problems and their giants and decide that they are too small to do anything about them, so they allow themselves to become defeated before they ever go to battle against the things they face. However, there was one problem with the 10 spies' outlook and there is a problem with ours as well. While they looked at the giants and at themselves, you can read nowhere where they looked at God. Aren't we guilty of the same mistake? We look at the size of the problem, and then we look at our abilities and our resources and we decide that we are whipped. However, we never stop and look at God! He is greater than anything we will ever face in this world or the next. He can cure "The Grasshopper Complex" if we will let Him.
There are 2 truths to remember that will help you face your giants without fear.
A. God Is Own Our Side
1. Rom. 8:31; 37 declare the truth that we are under the Sovereign protection of Almighty God.
2. If we are in His will and walking according to His commands, then we have absolutely nothing at all to fear from the world, the devil or from any of the giants we face.
a) Fear is a lack of faith - 2 Tim. 1:7)
b) God + One always equals a majority!
B. Because Of Our Security
1. I am of the opinion that when a child of God is in the will of God, there is nothing that can harm him or hurt him!
2. Notice where the Bible says we are - John 10:28-29; Col. 3:3.
3. If I am hidden in the Lord, then anything that comes against me must go through Him first!
Job - Job 1:6-2:7 - Satan had to secure permission from the Father before he could lay a finger on Job. All the while Job was going through his trials, he was still secure inside the hedge with God. God never lifted the hedge, He only tightened it to the point where nothing was inside the hedge but God and Job.)
There are other accounts of this kind of security in the Word of God:
The 3 Hebrews, Dan. 3; and +Daniel himself, Dan. 6
The truth is, do not fear because God will never let you down!
There is a simple truth here that is the reason for the title of this message and that ought to give us hope and comfort as we face the giants in our lives.
A. Giants Are For Food
1. When we face a giant in life, whether it is as an individual, or as a congregation, we must realize that God has allowed that giant to come into your life and mine so the He might help us grow more into His image.
2. Instead of seeing every giant as a source of fear and of worry, begin to look at them as a source of growth, Rom. 8:28; Job 23:10.
3. Begin to look at the giants the way the Lord does.
4. He sends them so that we might grow.
5. Look at that giant and say, "Praise God, here is an opportunity for me to learn a little more about God." "Here is an opportunity for me to grow more like Him."
a) The Disciples would have never known that Jesus could walk on water unless they had faced the storm first, John 6.
b) Mary and Martha would have never known that Jesus could raise the dead unless Lazarus had died first, John 11.
c) You and I will never know what God can do until we first face some giants along the way.
d) Therefore, enjoy a good giant sandwich and thank God for sending you something whereby you can grow.
B. The Wise Christian Grows On The Giants That God Sends His Way
1. Instead of allowing every bump in the road to cause defeat and discouragement, the wise Christian sees the obstacles of life as an opportunity for growth in the Lord.
2. Do not be guilty of running from your giants.
3. Learn to face them and feed on them, for they will help you to grow up in the Lord.
4. After you have faced them, you will be stronger than ever.
The Disciples and their fear in John 6. When they were called upon to feed the 5,000 they faced a giant. But, as they faced that giant, they began to grow in the Lord and when they had received the 12 baskets filled with fragments, they knew Jesus could do anything! Your giants will do the same for you when they are faced and fed upon by faith in the Lord.
This may be the greatest truth in this entire message. Try as they did, Caleb and Joshua were unable to get the people of Israel to obey the Lord. They refused to face the giants and go an claim their Canaan. As a result, they were chastened by the Lord and condemned to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. One year for each day they had spied out the land, Num. 14:33-35. What a waste! However, this is no different than what many Christians face in life. As result of our reluctance to battle our giants, we find ourselves wandering around in a spiritual wilderness of defeat, disappointment and disillusionment. It does not have to be that way! You will face your giants. You cannot simply run away from them. For they will haunt you until they are dealt with by faith. Notice what happened to Israel when they tried to run away from their giants.
A. They Will Come Again - (Ill. Deut. 9:1-3; Josh. 11:21-22)
1. 38 years later, Israel once again stood by the Jordan ready to cross over into Canaan.
2. Everyone who had stood here 38 years earlier, with the exception of Caleb and Joshua is now dead. Yet the children of those who ran from the giants still had to face them.
3. Folk, whatever your giants are this morning, whatever form they take, they might as well be faced now for they will come again. You will never be able to run away from them.
4. Before you ever enter into victory as a child of God, you must face the giants that God allows in your life.
B. They Can Be Conquered –
1. Caleb, as an 85 year old man went into Canaan and defeated the giants that he could have defeated as a 45 year old man.
2. The great truth here is that they may be large, they may look scary, they may seem more powerful than you, but they can be defeated by the awesome power of Almighty God!
a) Moses at the Red Sea, Ex. 14;
b) David facing Goliath, 1 Sam. 17;
c) Jesus in Gethsemane, Luke 22.)
C. We Must Trust The Captain
1. Israel did not defeat their giants alone and neither can we!
2. When Joshua entered Canaan, the first giant he faced was Jericho. He, along with all of Israel, trust the Captain of the Lord's Host and they were victorious, Josh. 5:13-15.
3. When we learn to trust the Captain, we are guaranteed the victory!
4. Do not fall into the same trap that hounded Israel.
a) They constantly looked to man instead of God.
b) The victory does not lie in men, denominations or churches. The victory lies in Jesus and in Him alone.
Conclusion: I do not know what kind of giants you face this morning. But, I do know that whatever it is, it is not larger than God! You may feel like a grasshopper facing a giant, but I challenge you to place that giant beside God and ten tell me who the real grasshopper is. Bring your giants to Jesus right now and get ready to enter your Canaan. Whatever that giant is - sin, bitterness, hatred, financial, weakness, etc. bring it to God and watch it go down tonight. The choice is yours! You can either walk in victory or you can walk in defeat. It all depends on you. Folk, God's people have wandered around in the wilderness of defeat and discouragement for too long. It is time for us to stand up and take what is rightfully ours. The world will not be won by a bunch of downtrodden, defeated Christians. The battle will be won by those who have learned to defeat their giants and who have learned to walk in victory. Let's bring those giants to Jesus this morning and feed on the Breakfast of Champions.