Assimilating People Into Our Church Pt. 5
A good evening. Good to see everyone. Glad that you're here with a little low and number tonight, but that's okay. That's right. It doesn't matter. That's exactly, right.
Well, it's been a good day's. Been a good week so far. Hope you had a good ones. Been hot. I know that we do need some rain. At least we do it. My house. I know that. So
Oh it's this is hot. Is hot. I'm done. Well tonight, we want to continue in our series vision2020 for the Dynamic Church initiative and tonight will be. I don't want to say our last night on this, but next week we're going to outreach but we'll have to come back and revisit this as we start doing things. So just think up tonight as just like a recap of, of kind of what we have covered and this is part 5. Tonight of this study, how to widen our front door. And of course, we took it from Acts chapter 44, chapter 22 verses 42 through 46. And we've been talkin about how we're going to assimilate people in our church. We've been talkin about How you know that, what we need to do to get ready for that Vicky, if you can go to maybe point to, I think it is on there.
Okay, I know that. Wouldn't it be the next? There you go. All right, so we've been talking about what brings people back friendliness. Remember, we went through the line up across that cleanliness outside-inside, we'll talk more about both of those tonight. Quality of service, we can constantly tweet that quality of childcare people find someone like them and personable post service contact. Now, that's what we talked about last week. So what I want to do tonight, I'm giving you a a sheet tonight if what I want us to do is just kind of go through this sheet. and, Best kind of covers everything that we've covered, but it's just kind of doesn't anamorphosis think form here just a little short analogies of everything that we've covered and where it will stop at a couple of these tonight. Talk about them a little more and then maybe get some of your input as well on some things. So let's look at number one, their simulation check list, greeters train to greet, direct and seat gas. So, remember when we talked about, when people come to church, they want to be greeted. They want to be directed, they want to be seated. They want to be treated. And so, now course, went to church like ours when we first started, we don't have that many here. So people, if someone new comes to our church, you're not necessarily going to have to seat them cuz they can find their own seat, but wants a church, get sixty 65%. Lot of people are hesitant to go and see it cuz it ain't going to sit in some one spot or something like that. So that's when that we would start seeding. People as far as greeters. I think Martha said that she would hand out the bulletins back at the front door when people come in in the morning. So she can be our greeter. We met it just depends on what our church does. We met at some point? Need someone in the parking lot, but we shouldn't need really more than one or two because the bacterial back. There is just it's tiny and so once someone gets through their you're in the sanctuary anyway. So and I think Mark has already been doing that anyway. Last week, I think she was she was back there handing out the bulletins. Now, when we When when, when we start, this will probably won't.
Will probably want to be here. No later than the 10:40. so, maybe our men's prayer group, maybe if we could start praying around 20 till John can start playing around quarter til. And play all the way up to 11, but we'll, we'll talk more about that in a second. When we get there. Greeters number to greeters trained to exit greet. All that is, is just saying see you next week. That's how we want to tell people. New people who come see or anybody member that comes. See you next week. That's what we won't miss a handwritten note for the first time. Note, remember? We don't like form. Letters will talk more about that in a moment. I have some stuff on the back. I want you to look at handwritten first time note, that will be from me a script for welcome and greeting time. That's the course, when Pat is up here on Sunday morning and David is up here and, you know, to welcome people. And if we have a first-time guest number five, says strip for filling out connection card. So Pat, maybe you can have you, when we get our connection cards, you can grab one. You can hold it up. Just let everybody know there's a connection card in the Pew right. In front of you, you can even tell him if everybody would just grab one and hold it up on and make sure everybody has one. And then you would just say something like, if you're a first-time visitor or gas. You hang on to that and you give it to our greater, which would be Martha. When you exit the day and you'll get a small gift from you, Grace all other people. If you would put your connection card in the offering plate at the end of the service when it's passed around. So we just want to make sure that Everett that the first-time guest, understand that, they need to keep those and fill it out. And if they want a gift, they need to give it to Martha, okay? If they don't give it to her, she don't give him a gift, you know. So that's right. If so and remember we said that these connection cards I know that we have a time of prayer before I preach and people give their prayer request but if the members would just write down on their connection cards if we have visitors here so they can see us use them. Then they will write to, I appreciate David and Miss Farrell cuz both of those last week, wrote down prayer requests and put it in the offering plate. And I appreciate that. That's a good start. That's that's the way to start. And so, in our connection cards are going to look a lot better than the little things that we have. Now, number six script for close of service, and that will be me. And that's just when you know I close out the invitation, I talk about what's coming up maybe Wednesday night or whatever. And then we I'll say something about the offering and probably what I'm going to start doing is right before we take off and I'm going to have a prayer for the offering. Then we'll have our song as we're all standing. Will have the offering and then again will be dismissed. After the song first-time guests, I put it down here first time, guess calling team. And I put beside there so I just wrote this Riders and collars. So we're going to need someone that's going to be able to take up these connection cards when we receive them. And we're going to need someone to put that into our Faith Life church account. Now, if you go to our website and Vicky, could you go to the website right now or not or not, the website, if you could just go to faithlife where it shows on the side, you know, the admin and all like that. Okay, if you can pull that up. So what it is is on our faith. Life site is it says admin and it just financed. It just gives a bunch of stuff that you can do in one section it says people. When you click on where it says people you get a drop down list and it'll say connection card and you can click on that and then you can put the people in what they fill out. Name address email phone number. If they give it, then you can put it in there. And then I will be able to go in and see that. So because I'm going to have to write notes or send emails to these first-time gas. So I'm going to have to know, okay, with who are they? So if we have someone that can take the connection cards and I think it would be all the way down on the bottom. You see, I don't go to
go to, I don't think that's the right. Activity. I know it's not the best thing. That's not the right is the page? That shows everything down the side on the left side I can't remember. We're at new Grace Church, right?
You know where it shows the finance team and everything. It shows all of that.
Okay. Yes, I can. You sign in? Okay. But anyway, we're going to need someone to take up those connection cards and put that information in here. So it we need someone, you know, this pretty handy with the internet and can do things like that. Now whether that person is the same one that would call, or I will call the first time. Visitors the second time guest will get an email and I note and a call from a church member Someone who ever decides to do that. So the first time, guess I will send them an e-mail on Monday morning. I will send them a handwritten note that gets their home by Thursday and then I'll probably send them another email on or call them and will probably send another email on Friday and buy them back to this you know Sundays service. But this if they come a second time that's when someone from the church can contact them basically the same way I did and if they do that then that their hearing from the pastor but they're also hearing from someone in the church. Did it work Mickey okay go to people right there. Yeah, and then connection card.
Where was doing that?
Yeah, I had a connection card. I just put in, just any a name. Put I'll whatever, whatever. All right. Well I come up. We don't want Peggy just a different name than someone in the church.
Okay, go ahead and create
All right, hit Don.
Okay. Okay. Now that will add a family or whatever in a family member, if you want to put them in as a family feud, go back up there. And just click on Bob, see what that does.
Is that the connection card?
okay, well, It'll come up where you can put his information at name address and all. That's probably get there. Okay, and so somebody's going to have to go in and do that there. and put those folks in and then send me an email or something and say Mike, These people here were first-time guest today, then I can go in there and then I can start sending emails, get their email address, and all like that. So we're going to need someone to do that.
Number 9 gift for first-time, guess we'll will give like a will get us some pain or some pins from from the church with the church name on it maybe email address or website and we'll get maybe a notepad with a church. I got a little book. I'm going to put in there and maybe one something else we'll need gift bags. And we'll need someone to you know to put the gifts in there. I have found a website is equip Ministry resources. And you can get connection cards and door hangers, and gift bags, you can get water bottles, you can get anything you want, pens and everything right there. So, I think that may be a good website for us to use to get these folk will need to get, you know, the gift bags and then we'll we'll go put the church name on the gift bag and everything. And so that's something else that will have to do and will probably need someone.
Who you know can make the gift bags up and then we need them sitting back there in the back, you know, owns on Sundays on Sunday mornings for that, okay? Number 10. Process for ensuring that building and grounds are clean and tidy. We've already talked about that and I know Keith and Vicky has put some mulch out. I'm going to see about what it would cost to get the church power washed. And I know we talked last week, there's some other things that need to be done like the floors or sagging the roof up here and a couple of places that doesn't necessarily mean, we need to do it all before, we have our first event in October or whenever we have it. So what I would like to know tonight, I know we talked about putting some more mulch out here may be painting the swing set. What else? That would you say that we need to do before we have our big big day? Downtown by outside right now.
All right.
So that's the well house.
Are the steps maybe because they said something about being slick steps.
Well Keith was saying last week that they make this paint where you can put on it and it's not it won't be slippery, that would be better than probably Matt. That's going to get wet and dirty and have to back him and everything else.
Okay. So, power washing and probably at some point, we will probably need to paint the church. But for right now I think we can get by a power, washing will be fine on the swingset mulch out there.
Anything anything else that y'all know of? That we would need to do. As far as the outside. Yeah.
Rock. Inca. Got one more nominate you to find out if there's any Hornets around here, okay? I don't want to be the one to do it that we going to pencil in John, on that right there. Oh yeah, this is just things that we want to think of it and we can prioritize them and everything. Don't have to be done before. We have our big day or when we start inviting people but some things need to be done anything that yes Pat
Right. Out here in front.
Right. Right.
Okay. Yeah, that be good.
Okay. All right.
So we'll need to look at maybe painting the swing set and I think someone said there's a rope over here that needs to be replaced or something. Just make sure it's safe and everything is in place. So
So, will we? We will look at doing this first, the painting, the steps, the power washing spray in the grass. The whale house painting it. Will make sure that's done before. Our event. How about the floors and the does the floors need to be? I mean how urgent is it?
I mean is it is that something that we would need to do the floor in here before we have or you think that can wait
What are y'all playing?
did not spot be fixed up there since that is in the sanctuary before or What would we have to do there you, no key.
Haha. All right, well, we can look at that. I know there's a low spot back there. This one here and I know there's one around the toilet. In the ladies bathroom. I don't know anywhere else, but that's probably not. Probably don't have to do that before. I don't think we would have a big you know our our big event or whatever day. Alright so we will leave that there for the outside. How about the inside other than just your basic basic cleaning? Is there? Anything that we need to do is anything that doesn't work or Anybody. Doo wop. Yeah.
We and especially if we start having gas, if we have some young families, they may want to use the nursery we specially want that to be right the nursery. Especially that. and the other rooms, I mean, we can look at
Does the nursery need painting or can it be cleaned? I was looking at the molding in there, the other week in it looked like it was kind of have brown spots or Stacks or something a lot of it. So I don't know if that can be clean or does it need to be painted?
You what? Okay.
Right. And that's, you know, that's something else, you know? Make sure all the toys are safe. And Up-to-date, what we supposed to do to get back and get let out of them. Have iPhone or iPad or something like that. Up-to-date toys that everybody stays on the phone now anyway. Me on the tablet. That's right. So, so there. That's some things that we need to do.
and so, you know, we'll just revisit this But those are things really that I think are pertinent before we start anyting. Number 11, Music playing in the auditorium before and after heat service. So John will start playing and you can start this week or whenever start playing. You start playing the court 11. And you play all the way up until Pat steps up. Yeah, you play all the way up. This continuous. You can change it. Some a little solemn, some little up beat, but you can do that. And even after we leave, I know I told her but I want everybody to speak, but even as we're leaving when the song is over and people, stand up, if you want to play a little, something play that one song while you know, people are leaving and number 12, we don't have a lobby, but the vestibule, but that's the same the auditorium in this. The same thing, you just scratch through 12 number, 13, and process. For ensuring that children are safe if we start having children, and of course, there's going to be neat workers to be back there that there needs to be. I think, even on our faith life, There's a way that you can check folks end and you can check on me in and, you know, I don't know if if we would need a computer for that but you know some Churches have these little things like you get it restaurant set up blink at you when it's ready and I'll like that churches do that. But at least have the parents phone number where you could text them if they're in the service and if they need to come back, you know, something like that. But we just need to make sure that, you know, parents know their children are safe and There's a little accountability there. Number 14, children's curriculum design, with Van. Remember number one parent function by child safe. Number to. Did you have fun? So, just make sure that our curriculum when we have a children's curriculum. That is fun and that they learn something. But in order what parents want is safety fund, learn Is it, is it fun? And then number 15? Remember I talked about this last week design for where the take-home give him a sheet of paper to do something at home and bring back the next week. Cuz they may say or Mom and Dad and, you know, I need to go back, I got to turn this in. I've got some color there, so I'm going to do that, I need to turn this in, so give them something to take home. Number 16 would not be for us now, but that would be later at some point after the service was over, if you have a Hospitality area or something like that or if you just have people who want to to talk about, you can have something to drink or you know, coffee Donuts or something. But that would be later. Number 17 lineup talked to the congregation. Remember what line up said? Real stands for look for someone you don't know. Eyes introduce yourself. So, when we have visitors here, look for somebody, you don't know, introduce yourself never said alone. In is never said alone, he engage in conversation after the service. We won't worry about the one, the VIP that's kind of, like, for the hospitality table and all, we won't worry about that now. And then, practice the 210 row, State, the two people that you had spoke to spend about 10 minutes here after church, what Martha would like is, she would like to walk back there when the song is going on. And if there's gas here, she would like for it to be about five minutes before they got to her. That's what she would like. That means, people have stopped them and that they're talking to him or introducing themselves. 18, Monday morning, email. That would be whoever gets the gets the
The cards connect cards would go home and if they could put that in by Sunday evening, put the people in by Sunday evening, shoot me an e-mail. That way I can have an email sent to those Folks by 10 a.m. Monday morning.
Process for adding newcomers to the database. Well, we have a process, we just looked at it, click on people, hit connect card, put the information in. We just need someone to do that process for tracking first and second time, gas on our connect card is going to say, first time. Guess, second time or third time. They can check that but we need to put that also in the notes when we put someone in there, so that I'll know exactly. Do I need to send them something or someone in the church, need to send them something. So we'll just put. So info. Joe Davis was here first time gas, just put that first-time gas in parentheses and maybe put the date. And then I'll know. Okay. Yesterday, he was the first time. Yes. I need to send him this. If it was the second time. Yes. Then whoever else we get to to call or to write a note, they need to do it. so, Once we have the people that we want to do, that's going to do this and volunteer, then we can meet and we can smooth all this out.
A diversity of greeters people on stage wear small church. Just everybody be a good reader. Just think of yourself as a greeter whether or not you're standing back there or in the parking lot. Or if you're sitting here, everybody is a greeter 22 website. With information for gas, we already have that. And if there's anything else to add, I will. But I think it's good right now. For people that's never visited here. If they go to our website, they'll find some information. What we're about, what we believe how they need to dress what they can expect. It's already there.
Worship leader trying to be prepared for opening line. That's Pat when he stands up, and that's just welcoming everybody. And then going in and talkin about the connect card,
Pastor be prepared for preaching parameters. And that's me when I get up here to preach, I need to preach and make it interesting. And I need to introduce my subject in a way that is compelling and that people want to listen. And so, I tried to do that each week, but I need to be prepared on that second time. Yes, letter writer. And that's the same thing. The second time, guess someone other than the pastor needs to send something and that will be a volunteer, it may be the same one who doesn't connect card or maybe another person pins with Church's. Info purchase will do that. We can do that through, that equip Ministry if we choose to use them,
Number 27, I put this here because I saw it in a church before pin collection basket purchased. A lot of people don't mean to, but they'll just take the pain home with him. I mean, if you put pins in the pews people were using the right and they have in their hand and then they just throw it in the pocketbook. Not think about it. We might need to put something back there on that, one of the tables where people can drop their pins in that they used, you know, people don't do it on purpose, you know, at least all of them, but sometimes it's very easy for pens. To get gone out of a church. Have a child in church. And they are acting up. Well, the Mama and Daddy's going to grab that here or Draw Something. Well, it just goes home with him, you know. So maybe that's something we we can put, we can even mention. Drop a pin in the basket on your way out. I mean first time that's going to get a new pain anyway so they don't want to so they can drop it in the basket. Number 28. Monkey survey design posted including an email script. So there's a called Survey Monkey and I think it's basically free for you to use that and when I send an email, I'm going to put a survey on there, just asked a few questions. How was your first visit, you know, and other things? What do you think about this or that? Anything we could improve on? How would it make your visit better? And they and people can write on there and take that, you know, will take 60 seconds to do it. If so, I'll probably put that on the email that I send them on, Monday morning, number 29, membership class, schedule, and advertise regularly. That's something I'm going to have to do. I want to put a, what I would call discovering church membership class together. and so if someone comes up and says what we would like to join your church, Somebody walks down. The aisle says we would like to join your church. Well, I'm not going to turn around. Say well, this is so and so and so, and so and they filled out a car today and they've been coming here and we're thankful that they're here and they want to join our church. Can I see a raise of hands of who agrees that? Let them join the church. I'm not going to do that. You don't you don't you don't do that. When somebody comes down for salvation, I've seen churches before soon as they come down. So I got saved this morning. Okay. Wasn't we going to put them in the church? Know, you don't know if they're saved. You have to talk to him, you have to meet with them and then have them come back up. Once you know, that they're actually saved in the know what they're talkin about, then you can introduce them to the church. But before anyone that we vote on anyone to join the church, they need to go through what church membership means here at new Grace. So I need to put together a little hour hour-and-a-half little class. That talks about the history of the church. What we believe what our mission and purpose is. what we consider primary here at our church, you can just say a prayer serving giving You know, I would talk about all that in other words, what does Dick's the church expect out of me? And then, what can I expect out of the church and go over those things with people and then when they hear that and go through that little one 1/2 hour class if they want to join then then that's when we'll bring them up and ask them and it's probably best done on a Sunday after preaching. If somebody comes that we want to join, I would get with them. And say, okay, next Sunday, how about coming to our membership class after church? It only be an hour or so, we can have a little, maybe a little sub sandwich to your form or something chips, or something like that. And we'll meet back here in a room and I'll go through this discovering church membership with them.
Yeah, yeah. It's it's just it's just the best way to do it because you want them to understand what we expect. We want to know where they're coming from their background, what we can expect from them. And, you know, like like I said, if he lost people who are saved, if they start going to church, it takes them two years before they start tithing. Know why would that be
And that's something that you can talk about even in a church membership class for people who's already been safe, they're moving their letter from another church, or they come in from out of town or something, and they want to join our church. That's a perfect time to talk about tithing and what we expect members, you know, to tithe and to give and to pray for the people in the church. It wouldn't even be a bad idea to have a covenant that they signed that they pledged to do this. That's not even a bad idea. I don't think because people know exactly what they're getting in and what they what we expect and we know what they expect and then if there's anything else that we should do to help or impress our newcomers, if you have anything. New to add or anyting, please. Please do that. So that's basically everything that we've covered in the last five weeks, the most important thing. So you as you see here, we're going to need to get busy with the outside work. And if we're going to paint the nursery or inside, you know, we need to get busy with that. I need to get these connection cards ordered gift bags. We need someone to volunteer for to put the people in the in the database Force, someone to volunteer to write a note and call them on their second visit. If if we're fortunate enough to them to come back someone to be in the nursery when On our big day, someone there Martha will be greeting. There's just some things seat there, just some things that we going to have to talk about even though we're going on to outreach next week, they're still things that we have to put together here. So it's not finished. Okay, but we're not going to sit here for three months until we finish everything. And then move on, we know what we need to do, we just need to get the ball rolling and now we can move on the Outreach with to take us another month or so. And then after that, we can start planning for something in September or 1st of October. So here's what I want you to do and I want the whole church to do. I want you to continue to pray or 90 Day prayer, of course, continue to do that. But I want you to pray about how God may be able to use you. And one of these areas that we talked about, Maybe one day we can just have a Saturday or we can just invite the church and we can do a walk-through and we can start doing things or maybe when we're finished up we can all have a walkthrough or something like that. But I want you to start praying about how God may be able to use you. And one of these aspects here, of, of doing this, I don't want to pressure anyone. I don't want, I mean, if someone never goes on the internet and never goes on social media and you don't care about computers, don't, don't volunteer to add people into a database don't do it because you hate it. And just let somebody do it that, that likes to do that, you know, do you know what your gifts are? You know what that you can do? So, I'm not going to make anyone feel guilty for not doing something in this ministry. We going to have nine different systems that needs to be running. Well, in this church, and we have about
10 or 12 active members.
And we going to have nine systems. So, everybody's going to be doing. A lot anyway, going to be doing something. Now if we can get some more people in as we continue to build our systems, then that's going to help. But we're all going to be doing at least to begin with. You know, quite a bit.
So just pray about that and you know, we'll we'll meet again and and we'll but really we probably need to jump on the painting and stuff like that pretty quick. I mean, it's already why it's almost July. so, Now. Would we are the plan to get someone to paint or can we do it?
Do we have painters that? Feel good enough to paint? Or do we need to?
Look at hiring someone.
swing set steps and maybe back here, whatever needs Well house.
Yeah, well, that's why I let me know that's right. That saves money, you know, you know, I can save us a little bit of money like that.
And I'll see about getting the guys over here looking at the church. See what they would charge to pressure wash.
And we just need to, you know, get some more Moss. Put out here, we don't have to do that next week. I can be leading up until we have our event or big day. It can be a week before that, that that doesn't that's not pressing.
But that stuff and I will order the connection cards, the gift bags of the things that we're going to put in it. I'll, I'll get that ordered and have that and probably will just need someone maybe to to put the things in the bag. Set them out. There may be someone responsible for that.
It's Friday.
Spell. Yeah. Pack telepathic Ministry, whatever. Well, I was right here, doing it right there, right now.
You know, it's going to take three or four people to do on the simulation side. It's going to take, you know, three or four people probably to do that, but pray about that and next week we'll start in on Outreach. and, Because I was going to tell you also on our website, you know, where you can give it says, general fund, I put in building fun as well. So now on the drop-down you can choose general or building and I did that because in case you know, someone specifically wanted to give to the building fund they could and I don't know if we will need to put Maybe an Outreach van or if that can just come out of the general fund, whatever we decide to do, would that be hard for you to keep up with if we had another fun, or
Right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I was just thinking on the Outreach, you know, they'll do you know, they may be postcards or whatever that we send out door hangers to buy. They'll be Facebook ads. You know, that's like $100 when you do that, I will probably do it maybe 23 times a year. I mean, I know it's not that much but it may be good if we had it set up like an Outreach fund. and then maybe at the end of the year on in December or sometime during the year, we can have a month where we can just have, okay, we want to have For the month of December, if you could give to the Outreach fund or something like that. And for that month, will just take up if somebody wants to give to the Outreach fund, then maybe that's how we can get enough money for that to last the whole, you know, for the year that we that were using it. So, Anybody else have any questions or comments? What we talked about the last five weeks.
Okay. Yeah. Yep.
Yeah, if you want to paint it, you would definitely pressure wash first, but do we want this entire church? Is that what you're saying the whole outside? Is that what you mean? Or you just told me that specific. Okay.
Yeah, they do it all. They do it all.
Right. Right.
Yeah, and swing set. It's a UPS. Yeah, I think if you pressure watch the church would look good, but it will need painting at some point the entire turn. I mean the building outside, but I think it's okay. You know, right now I think that pressure washing, I think it would look good. Anybody else have anything on this simulation system? what we're doing, and So those handouts I gave you you had one that was two pages front and back and then one I gave you tonight front and back. You keep those, you keep those in a binder or something. Because in about a year-and-a-half, we going to have nine systems in there and you don't have a full binder. and if this, God, blesses us like, I think that he will. We're going to have a blueprint.
On how to grow a church from scratch. Now, wonder how many churches have that and wonder how many churches would like to have that.
How to grow a church from scratch and we going to and weed and we'll put it all together and that'll be a blueprint right there. So if anybody else ever comes here in the next whenever years. If, if I'm gone or y'all run me off or whatever someone else comes and maybe they're young or something and don't know quite what to do. You giving the bonder save this work at new Grace, this this right here. So
Well, you never know that, you don't know that so but anyway, that's that's all I have tonight. Anybody else have anything whatsoever? All right, well let me pray and will be dismissed father. We thank you tonight that we can come here and do the work and work on the business of this church. Lord, you know, all of our hearts, you know, my heart, you know where I stand and what exactly that I want in my motivations Lord. I pray that you would just see if anything in my heart and life, that's not right. Lord that if there's any motivations that would not be pleasing to you. That you would show them to me. Lord, I Thank you for each one. That's here. I think you for our church and Lord, we know that we are undertaking something, that's an endeavor. For some is scary. For some we don't know exactly how this is going to turn out the Lord. What we do know is that you want us to go out and you want us to witness and you want us to bring other people into your house so that they can hear the word of God. Lord. That's exactly what we want to do. Lord, we only have good intentions behind this. I just think you for each person, that's here for the work that they're going to do. Lord help us to be one. Help us to be unified. And Lord, we just pray that you're going to do something wonderful here at new Grace Church forest in Christ's name, I pray. Amen.