01-18 The Fall of Man--Pt 2
Genesis 3:1-7
5729 Moody’s “Saints” Stayed In Church
At a church where D. L. Moody was invited to preach, he was warned that some of the congregation usually left before the end of the sermon.
When Mr. Moody rose to begin his sermon, he announced, “I am going to speak to two classes of people this morning: first to the sinners, and then to the saints.”
He proceeded to address the “sinners” for awhile, then said they could leave. For once every member of the congregation stayed to the end of the sermon.
I. The Tempter
A. His Identity
B. His Rebellion
C. His Character
II. The Tactic
A. Satan Creates Doubt
He grossly exaggerates God’s prohibition, claiming that God did not allow them access to any of the orchard trees. Apart from this claim being unadulterated distortion, it is an attempt to create in the woman’s mind the impression that God is spiteful, mean, obsessively jealous, and self-protective.