Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Same day as 21–28
The Proof of His Claims
Encounter earlier: demon-possessed man; now sick woman
First private.
Apparently word spread, b/c “whole town”
“healed many who were sick… and cast out many demons” ≠ left some sick, underscores quantity of healings and deliverance
Jesus vs the Faith Healers
Don’t know if you’ve encountered modern “faith healers” (I have)—always vague ailments, or controlled environments
Nothing vague about Jesus’ miracles.
People who see them always shocked and amazed, bitter enemies admitted they were undeniable
Modern “campaign” vs dealing with needs as He met them.
He doesn’t have a “technique”—He has “authority”
His authority doesn’t require any time.
MiL doesn’t have to recuperate.
No bedrest, lifting restrictions—instant full strength.
Significantly, Jesus performed His healing miracles in full public view, during the normal course of His daily ministry as He moved through crowds of people from place to place.
He did not require a highly controlled environment in order to manipulate the crowds and the circumstances.
Rather, He was able to heal anyone at any time in any place of any ailment.
Sickness ≠ demons (“ancient people thought”)
Mark 1:34 (ESV)
And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons.
Clearly Mark understood diff.
between illness and demon possession—we’re probably the ones who are confused
Why demons were silenced
maybe: character of witnesses
likely: His timetable (“Messianic secret”)
Mark 1:34 (ESV)
And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.
What was the point of the miracles?
Not common in history (Moses, Elijah, none for 100s yrs), sudden explosion—why?
Was Peter’s MiL healed?
Later die?
Clue: miracles aren’t the point; His claims are the point
Mark introduced Jesus as son of God, who heralds the true gospel; when He meets demons or illness, they flee; total authority
Not doing miracles for the sake of miracles, or to provide care: doing them to substantiate His claims to be Messiah, King, Son of God, Savior
Heals sickness: total authority over physical creation
Casts out demons: total authority over spiritual creation
Seeing a foretaste of what it will be like when He finally rules over all: in His kingdom, all sickness and all evil will be banished
The Source of His Power
2nd Person, eternally in perfect union/communion w/ Father, praying.
Never forget: in incarnation, did not cease to be God, but did become fully and actually human being
As God, still in perfect loving union w/ Father
As man, absolutely dependent on Father through Spirit—just like we must be
Did not put on a human costume and walk around as Divine person, doing whatever.
Actually became a man, and did all His work in submission to Father by power of Spirit
You’re seeing Him as perfect, 2nd Adam.
What empowered this incredible ministry of teaching and miracles?
Prayer; submission to Father, dependence on Spirit
The Priority of the Message
Hey, we’ve got a good thing going here.
Keep doing miracles
Mark such a good storyteller—the verb he uses “looking for you” is just so ironic.
Disciples are like, this is great, you’re in high demand
“seeking” Word in rest of Mark used like this:
Chief priests and scribes are seeking him to arrest him
Religious leaders seeking a way to destroy him
Judas seeking opportunity to betray him
Disciples don’t know, but Mark knows: crowd’s interest here isn’t good.
Excited about goodies; not excited about Him
First time, but not last: disciples don’t get it.
Don’t understand Jesus mission.
“This miracle and exorcism thing in wildly successful—let’s keep it up!”
That’s not His mission:
So why do the miracles?
Compassion, but primarily proof that what he’s preaching is true
“That is why I came out”—one word, “to go out (exit)” — from where? from house?
Or from Heaven?
Think Mark’s intentionally left that ambiguous—immediate story, concern of disciples was his departure from Capernaum; broader story, issue was Son coming to earth to save sinners
(BTW Luke takes it that way:
But Capernaum is the main city of the region!
Where the action is! Doesn’t Jesus know we have a mandate for the city?
Instead, he wants to go to all the backwater “towns” (diff.
word) of Galilee
So he does:
Now you know what matters to Jesus: not the acts of mercy, as important and genuine as they were.
Didn’t come to do miracles.
Came to preach good news.
To everyone.
Now let me show you something interesting:
“Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also...” “and he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues...” and that’s the last time Mark uses that word, “preach,” “herald,” about Jesus
Does the preaching stop?
Nope: disciples.
Word you’ll see Mark use about Jesus is “discipling,” teaching—teaching His disciples, so they can be the heralds
Jesus didn’t just come to herald the message; came to raise up heralds of the message
Why has God left us here so long?
Apparently He still intends for others to hear the gospel and believe and be saved
So Mark shows us:
proof of his claims—Jesus brings, and is, new revelation from God. Miracles authenticate the messenger
source of his power—Jesus, the God-man, perfect man, submitting to Father in prayerful dependence on Spirit
priority of his message—didn’t come to show off power or temporarily alleviate suffering in a fallen world; came to save sinners, and says right off the bat: that message is the most important thing
Has that message saved your soul, forever?
Won’t you tell one other person this week the same message that saved you?
< .5
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> .9