Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
Tonight, we begin our Vacation Bible School!
This week, the CMB will be filled with the sounds of… eating, praying, singing, laughing, crying, yelling … and that is just the sounds of the workers!
We are looking forward to ministering to different children this week, through our VBS program.
V.B.S. is always an exciting time.
It takes a lot of work, preparation, money, praying & sacrifice… and some people always ask themselves... Is it WORTH it?
Is it worth all the time and effort put into these children for the next five days…??
To answer that question… I will ask this one…
What did Jesus think about children?
We are going to answer that this morning and as we do, we will find an answer that we can use as an example in our preparation for our VBS Program this week.
We are going to look at 2 examples of how and when Jesus was dealing with Children… Open your Bible’s to Matthew 18… (Read vv.
1-6 and 19:13-15)
This isn’t part of your notes, but I feel it is worth mentioning… Jesus’ disciples were ordinary people… they weren’t selected to be disciples because of their amazing abilities to speak, they weren’t selected to be disciples because of their astounding good looks, they weren’t selected to be disciples because they held prominent positions in the city… they were disciples because Jesus said “follow Me”… and they did.
They were called the same way that each and everyone of is called… and we have to make the decision of whether or not we are going to follow Him.
Now, I say that, to say this… even after they chose to follow Christ, like us, were not perfect.
They still had their faults, they still made mistakes… and this is the prime example of one…
In the verses we just read in chapter 18, I think Jesus made it very clear that children were important to Him… that must have gone in one ear and out the other with the disciples, because here in Chapter 19, they are shewing these kids away.
How often do we do the same thing?
We hear a sermon about a topic or read about it in our devotional time and then the very next day, we are falling straight into the sin that we were just hearing or reading about…??
Thank God for His Grace and Mercy that renews every morning!
So, what did Jesus think about Children???
The first thing that I want you to see is the fact that…
They Were Brought To Him
That is exactly what v.13 says…
“Then little children were brought to Him...”
NOTICE that it doesn’t specifically that they were brought by their PARENTS … although that may have been the case with SOME of the children.
The unfortunate fact is… Not every parent is interested in the spiritual well-being of their children.
Some parents:
- Don’t know Jesus and aren’t raising their children in a Christian home.
- Don’t care about the spiritual condition of their children and will just drop them off at V.B.S. so we can “baby-sit” them for a couple of hours, so they can have a night “free from children”.
- Don’t understand the importance of teaching there children about Christ.
They want them to wait until they are old enough to decide for themselves about spiritual things … or go to church.
A preacher wanted to show off his garden to a man who wouldn’t let his children attend church … he wanted them to wait until they were old enough to decide for themselves.
When they walked into the garden, it was full of weeds, which were choking out his squash, beans & okra.
The man said: “This is a pitiful excuse for a garden!”
To which the preacher replied: “I just wanted to wait until the vegetables had a chance to decide for themselves what they wanted to do!”.
Y’all, the amount of garbage that kids are exposed to today… even elementary school aged kids, talking about things they should have absolutely no idea about…
We used our van this year to help with Aleta’s release time Bible class for the Sand Lake elementary school kids.
The things that these kids would talk about, the movies they’ve watched, the games they’ve played…
VBS is a way that we can minister to these kids and share with them the Love of Christ.
Through VBS we can get them away from that toxic environment and introduce them to Jesus.
Matthew 19:13 says that the children were brought to Jesus…
1.1 For A Blessing
“Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray...”
It was a common thing in Bible times for people to bring children to a prophet or priest for them to bless their children … like a “Child Dedication Service”.
As a prophet of God, they wanted Jesus to pray for the children, to tell them how much God loved them, and give them a special blessing from God.
They knew that Jesus was anointed by God, and wanted their children to share in God’s anointing.
I am certain that Jesus has a special blessing He wants to share with the children this year at V.B.S.
For some it might be to let them hear for the FIRST TIME that Jesus loves them.
For others it might be to let them experience a Christian environment … around those who love them and love Jesus.
For others it might be to plant the seed of the gospel, that later will be ripe unto harvest… and for maybe just one, it might be to touch their heart to trust Jesus as their personal Savior.
I don’t know HOW Jesus is going to bless His children this week.
BUT – I DO KNOW, that Jesus WANTS to bless the children.
The second thing that I want you to notice about these children… is the fact that…
2. They Were Hindered
“Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.”
They were hindered…
2.1 By the Disciples
The Disciples rebuked those who brought the children to Jesus!
They thought that Jesus was too important to mess with little children.
They thought that they were a bother, a nuisance, trouble.
“Can’t you see that Jesus is busy with more important things than children?
He’s got to do the work of Almighty God … leave Him alone!
He’s busy teaching US … He doesn’t have time to waste on little kids!”
The Disciple tried to keep the children away from Jesus… Even though, as I mentioned before and we will look at in a bit, that Jesus thought very highly of children.
There are times when we ourselves, are guilty of the same thing....
We may not even realize it, but we do cause different hindrances at times.
We can be guilty of causing the hindrance of neglect…
So often children are overlooked in the ministry.
We have a tendency to view children differently:
Some people may not prepare themselves in teaching their lessons … like we would if we were teaching adults.
Some people might treat Children’s Sunday School and Children’s Church, like a time to “occupy” the children to keep them from interfering with “adult” worship.
Some people might ignore the children of our church because they can’t contribute to the church … they are a liability and not an asset … an expense and not a source of revenue.
Some people may not want the kids to be in church until they can sit properly and quietly… to that i would pose the question… how can the children learn to sit in church if they are not in church??
Do you think that all the children that were brought to Jesus were perfectly well behaved???… … I think the ones that brought the kids to Jesus were parents of boys and the only explanation for their stubborn attitude and behavior must be demon possession…
So they brought them to Jesus in order to have the demons cast out... and as these tired moms are explaining their woes, their boys are running around in circles, hitting the disciples with sticks and running away…
I can picture one trying to run passed Jesus and swoops down, picks up the rambunctious lad, looks at him and says “You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of Almighty God.”…
The little boy wipes the booger from his nose, looks at Jesus and says.... “Cool!” Jesus sets Him down and as the child runs away, Jesus says to the mother, with a smile on His face… “Boys will be boys”
Jesus did not neglect the little children and neither should we…
We can also cause a hindrance of example… One thing that I encourage everyone to do and something that I strive to do myself is… to be a good example… a godly example…
The Disciples sure weren’t being very good examples to these kids, and we need to make sure that we don’t make the same mistakes…
BY EXAMPLE, they were teaching the little children that they weren’t important to Jesus.
If you want your kids to live for Christ… You should be living for Christ.
If you want your kids to be in Church… You should be in church.
If you want your kids to be respectful to other people… you should be respectful to other people.
A big factory was having a company wide lunch catered in for all the employees and their families.
One the guys has brought his wife and his 6 year old son, Timmy.
Timmy asks his dad “daddy, are we going to meet your boss today?”
His dad says “I am sure he is around here somewhere.”…
A little while later, the boss man is walking around and so Timmy’s dad introduces him to the family “This is my wife… and this our son Timmy”.
As Timmy and the boss man shake hands, Timmy says with excitement “I’ve always wanted to meet a troll!”
Timmy’s dad is instantly embarrassed, apologizes for Timmy’s comment and asks Timmy, “Why would you say that?”… Timmy replies, “Well, every time you talk about your boss, you say that he is an overpaid troll”…
We need to be a good, godly example because our kids are following in whichever way we lead.
There are so many other hindrances for our children in the world today… let’s not be one of them!
These kids were brought to Jesus...
They were hindered from seeing Him, but only for a minute…
But Jesus let his disciples know something about these kids…
They are Important
Going back to Matthew 18…
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