Portrait of a Disgruntled Prophet - Part 1
So, first of all, can you hear me clearly? All right.
I'm going to set my timer. So, for this first session is first lecture at what time should I be aiming to finish?
1015. Okay, I don't need to set the timer, I just watched the clock then so. So that's for the whole event, queuing is well. Okay, so I'll try and finish by 10. my great joy to be here again with you at the center for today, Christmas or third time here now, and I love being here, When James asked me, if I'd be willing to do some teaching, he didn't say lecturing. So early. If you want to call it, the election is fine. I call it a dvar-torah, it's a word of Torah or the teaching that I'm going to be doing with you. And I thought that I would meditate with you on 1st Samuel since I'm working on a book on the subject book on 1st, Samuel 1 through 15 for Edmonds, publishing talks portrait of a disgruntled profit and if you've got that type of Charity as Samuel resistance to Garden on doing a salt is the title of the book. At least I think it would be the title of the book. We will see why the publisher thinks when it comes ready to go to press. Unlike the previous teaching I've done here. These talks are much less polished. I don't have a lot of nice PowerPoint slides that I've been using. I've been teaching the book and lectures and discussions with my students for a while now, but I haven't done formal presentations on it like this. So I don't really have the fences slide with Steve has come up with some put it put the headings from my outline up for you so you can follow along with it as a progressive and I'm going to try to read carefully biblical text when it's necessary to illustrate the point. I want to make a you. Can you use following the Bible's if you want? But I don't have them projected like I like to have them projected And I do believe that at some point, you're going to be able to get hyperlinks to PDFs of my entire outline, with all the biblical texts, have three and one of them is 8 pages, long one is 10 phases of what's a detail. You can follow up and check this out after the fact. No, I've chosen the first Samuel 115 of the topic for this book and these talks, because here we have the opportunity. If we take a careful close reading to examine the power dynamics between Samuel. And the one hand, God, and the other hand Soul. How did the prophet relate to The God? Who is called him to be a prophet? How does it relate to the king? He has called to speak God's word to And you're going to get a somewhat different read of the prophet Samuel, then you might have ever got before in your life. If you heard me speak before, you know that's coming, but it's grounded in the close, reading of the text. What interest in the story of Samuel, soul of God in these chapters is driven. Not only by my love for scripture and I do love it and gays exegetical work with the Bible was written by my concern. For the use of power. Especially. Cult leaders in society and now especially in the church used and abused power. How we use our power to bless or curse, the help or harm and if you're paying attention to what's happening in the Christian church in America, today you are very concerned about that. So what kind of implications here for each of us in any situation, which we have some degree of Agents, your power as a parent as a teacher, as head of an organization. In any context, we have the question is, how do we use the gifts? God has given us for the benefit of others. That's a question that underlies, my study, and I hope that you would reflect with me on these kind of questions as we go through the material.
All right, so it's going to be a bit of a whirlwind tour through chapters 1 through 3 of Samuel chapters 8 through 10. Okay, let's talk about the conflict that begins in these chapters and her one. Look at the Prelude to the conflict. I want to focus on 1st Samuel 1 through 3. And that you do you have a heading for that. I'm not sure Prelude to the conflict and so Point within that is going to be kind of unusual initiative. I just got to highlight a few points here. There is in the Bible and enunciation type-c, see where a woman who does not have children, she's Byron received, the gift of a child from God and then a miraculous way. And that is a notes by an Angel, or perhaps a prophet, who speaks God's word and this child and plays an important part of the story, to follow classic examples. Sarah, we cannot have a child and in the Sand by Zac announced by God or the wife of Manila and the birth of Samson in the Book of Judges in 2nd Kings 4. The shunammite woman who cannot have a child and then her name's hoochie receives in the New Testament. Elizabeth is Baron John the Baptist In Hannah's case there was a deviation from the pattern. There is no Divine initiative or Angelica prophetic announcement of the coming birth Instead, The Pursuit on usually takes initiative to ask for a child that breaks the pattern is different. Look for the difference. It tells you something about that particular story,
She was so deep in distress. She pray to the Lord and wept bitterly and made a vow. Oh, lord of hosts. If you look at the misery of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant your servant of male child that I was dedicating for Tampa service. She asks for child know, if we take the story of Hannah in chapters 1 and chapter 2 up two verse 26, As a genuine introduction to 1st, Samuel will be on the lookout for characters in The later narrative, who also take initiative with God. What we have different from what comes before in the Bible is it is a narrative in which humans are taking initiative and there is very little specific evaluation of their actions by the narrator or God as to whether it's good or bad initiative, the reader has to carefully attend to what's happening. So there is a responsibility on us to take initiative as readers of this text and evaluate what's going on in the story. So one of the distinctive marks the first and second Samuel is a way the narrative for groen's, human initiative. The characters in the story, do things on their own. Sometimes tell me the truth, but you don't hear anything about it. Actually being from God, you got to destroy him that and there is some freedom and ambiguity and what they do. And this is directly relevant to the role of Samuel God and soul. OK, second point, the word play with asked all the verbs shall ask, or shall I ask what sound does birth and his dedication and then late for the people ask for King, so the prophet Eli. Eli is the first person to use this verb. Ketocana in verse 17 of chapter one, may the god of Israel Grant, what you have asked of him. Later Hunter explains the name of her, son, by referring to her asking him from Yahoo, and this is what she said, I have child him from the Lord. I work today. Later on, when she bring some beer for dedication in in verses 27 and 28 to use the basic form of the verb. Reveal ideas saying that she had asked him of the Lord. But then she also uses what caused the history of stamp to say something in Hebrew, right? When are the conjugations, which means, it doesn't mean to ask me to lend, as usual. The passive participle of that Workshop out which means lent. So she says this, therefore, I have linked him to the Lord, as long as he lives, he is linked to the Lord. But here's a problem. My problem is that this problem has recognized that almost all readers are commentaries on. Samuel can, I use the verb asked to explain the name Samuel, Samuel, It doesn't quite explain it. There's some parts of that word that aren't explained, that adverb, but it is much more obviously related to the name. So
It's actual, it's just the past participle of the verb to the Lord. It actually could be translated as long as the Lord. Which is very confusing.
So the ambiguity of whose name is linked better to the verb for us is not accidental, the narrator under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Introduces this ambiguity for the reader to be put on notice that a conference is going to arrive between these two people. Samuel and Saul about who is the true chosen leader. For Israel rhetorical way the narrative, put a notice about that has Victory song. Powerful pump in Chapter 2 verses 1 to 10 the birth of her son or the dedication of person who sings this at the dedication of his birth. Stop. So there's a reference in there in verse five to the barren woman. Having seven children, all the children that Hannah has in the storage. Actually only has six, this goes beyond, this cannot be exactly about her life only. And then you read verses to say sorry for 28, the bows of the mighty have broken. The feeble Garden strength in the Lord brings to life. Brings down to see old and raises up, makes the poor makes the poor and the rich brings low in exhaust RZR 4 from the dust. Makes himself is Princess The Pillars of the Earth belong to the word about her personal life. That's much. Bigger, is a victory song about the victory of God in them in the world and then the song closes inverse tan of a notice about the coming monarchy, the most high with thunder in heaven. The judge the ends of the Earth and give strength to his King and Powerful in his anointed. This anticipates, the coming of a k, but you don't actually here, but in an hour to 8, so Hannah, some may have been placed here, not just about her personal victory in having a child. What are the warning to all in the story that follow? The God is the final judge and can make reversals? No human being is going to be in control. Much has got to give me the ministry to no human being would be in full control.
Point four. Does God want a new priest or prophet? So pretty and attractive to a man of God comes and delivers, an oracle of judgment against the priests Eli and the Priestly house because his sons have been abusing privileges. If we had time, we get into all that the article includes the promise of a new priest to replace Eli on his Priestly house in the context of God's anointed actually mentioned the coming back in God's anointed this what it says for Samuel to 35 I will raise up for myself a faithful priest. Faithful, is a man from a man secure solid trustworthy. Faithful that God promised David, a man house for dynasty. I'm going to raise it for myself, a faithful priest, who shall do according to what's in my heart and my mind, and I would be the mature house, same word, and you will go in and out before my anointed One Forever been corrupt. Debbie Young Samuel is is apprenticed as a priest to Eli. Eli's, health comes to know chocolate in 1st Samuel chapter 3.
Yes, at the end of chapter 3 verses, 20 and 21. Samuel does not become a priest, but a prophet. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba. Knew that Samuel was a man profit of Yahoo. And the Lord continue to appear at Shiloh for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel Shiloh by the word of the Lord. Where's the shift from a man priest and prophet? Prophets of the Old Testament are sent to bring God's word used to challenge them. Moses to Pharaoh, Nathan, to David, Elijah to a Hab Isaiah and Hezekiah, Jeremiah to Jehovah came in second and all these other ones, right? The god in for seating, the coming of the monarchy. He knows that people will ask for a king and he will allow it. Besides a profit is more necessary at this point in history that a priest. Until Samuel becomes a prophet, as trustworthy Prophet, whose word is going to speak to the coming King. My question at this point is, what does it tell us about God? And God's ability to adapt to new situations? That's not stuck in the mud you know, your son comes tears as Dad, it's got my license could I borrow your car? I don't know, don't know you don't really know what you're doing is brand-new for you and monarchy is brand-new. Think it's a good idea or not. Well, here's some rules, don't drive at night for the first year. Don't drive when you're drinking. Don't have friends of the friends, he talking to you while you're driving to get used to his first. I hear the key. And tell them you can have a king. Deuteronomy 17, give the Torah for The King. The King should always follow God's law. Not accumulate wealth. Not accumulate power, not accumulate. Arm is Scott is limp, put limits on the K situation, that's going to be important for us later on. Because Samuel does not think God should have adapted.
Okay, point five, the word of God and the word of Samuel God's commitment to support the prophetic word. If you're the coming, monarchy is articulated in verse 3:19 by Samuel. The Lord was with him to the ground. None of his word, who are Samuel swords or God's words? Yes. God is going to support some of those words, not allow them to fail, that fall to the ground means, he will ensure they are successful. The word that goes with my mouth will not return void, you know, Isaiah 55, he's going to support the prophetic word because the market could be a great abuse of power. Yet the very next verse to versus later, actually it's the beginning of chapter 4 to half of the half of 4:1 is really the end of chapter 3. They made the division in the wrong place. And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. I didn't say the word of the Lord came to Samuel Kim.
The human initiative again, and the question is, is Samuel's word, the same as God's word. But I know we come to the next major section Samuel and God at odds. The Gap begins to open up now between God and the prophet. .1 Samuel and God's versus responses to the request for a king with a different King. Samuel's immediate response in 8:6 is the thing was Evelyn sandal size transmission. See them. God's responses, listen to the voice of the people that is doing the ask. It's not raining about, you was about me. They rejected me but it didn't start with the monarchy, never texted me. The time of the judges too so he can get over it and it's not about you. So he said listen to the voice of the people in all they say to you for there's not rejected you but they rejected me from being King over them up to this day for shaking me and serving other gods. So they're doing to you notice, he added that in other words, Some days you're being rejected too, but not primary. I'm being rejected primarily but get used to the fact, the profit must experience the same rejection guard experiences that helps. You understand the book of Jeremiah Jeremiah persecution that he experiences is because the people are rejecting the God who sent him.
Point to be the slippage now between God's first set of instructions in Samuel's implementation. This, I want to read a literal translation of verse 9. Now then listen to their voice. Only you should sell me, warn them. And show them the ways. The king, the ways of the king who shall rule over them know, the term for ways is actually mishpat, Justice will get the white could be translated ways in the moment. There are three sets of instructions that God gives listen to the voice of the people that's repeated from the previous verse 7. Which means to do what they asked. If it all the translation in a chamar them or give them. But what about the king and the possible misuse of power, but certainly teach them or show them the message part of the king which I think is Deuteronomy 17, the total for the King, give him a king warning about the possibility of abuse, show them the limits of kingship, the duties of the cake cuz actually the Justice missed part of the priest, is a phrase used in the Bible for the duties of the priests to the mission. Part of the king, could be the duties of the Kings or the king should do. Camel. Ignore the first. Give him a king, listen to their voice and he emerges as the third, he warns them about the evil. Ways of the king at Justice in an ironic since you want to know was a Justice of the case, let me tell you he going to take everything from you and leave you high and dry. That's negative read and many translations follows a interpretation and translated. As if God is doing two sets of instruction this is the voice of the people but wonder about the Justice of the King Street.
Now, the narrator preferences Samuels word to the people, where he warns that all the bad things that came with do with a very ironic comment. on the surface, it's patently false, she says verse 10 to Samuel reported, all the words of the Lord to the people who are asking for a king but he see what time he actually says, it's not at all what God Said. Not only does it not say some things. God said, he asked to it. Because of the Apostle Paul put it in. First Corinthians 14, the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the prophet prophesied, your own decisions about what to say, how to say, think of Nathan, and David, Nathan, coming with the word of judgment the day before Bathsheba Uriah, but he knows, he can't just say no said the Lord cuz they were going to kill him today. We don't like bad messages to. Let me tell you a story about a man who had a zebra mussels look like when David is ready. Is prime the pump. Okay, .3 slippers between god's second instructions and Samuel implementation. This is even clearer. The guard says the Samuel listen to their voice. This is now going down to verse 22. End of the chapter listen, to their voice and over them. In other words. Do what I say? If you don't understand what that meant but time isn't ready to give them a king. So the rest of the verse, says, Samuel said to the people of Israel to go home. Going home. I ain't ready to give you a kid. I'll give you a call when I'm ready. Not, When God says, I didn't say that. He is not ready because he is resisting the monarchy. No, the New Living Translation.
Tries to make salmon a good guy. And as a phrase that's not in the Hebrew, this is the NLT then Samuel agreed but he does not agree with got him. This he resists carrying out God's explicit instructions as being revised right now. I have two friends on the New Testament committee for revision. I want to tell them, make sure you fix this. This makes a meal into somebody, he's not a point C. Next, big section Samuel and Saul at the convoluted path to kingship in chapters 9 and 10. To God has on Ambiguously chosen to be king, I'm going to read from chapter 9, verses 15, through 17. A day before. So I came. The Lord has revealed to Samuel tomorrow about this time. I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin. You shall anoint him to be ruler Over My People, Israel and save my people from the Philistines. I've seen the suffering of my people because they're outcry has come to me. When Samuel sauce, all the Lord told him. Here is the man of whom I spoke to you. He is the one true love of my people make this point because I have read commentaries which was not God's choice for the People's Choice. Then read the Bible. Then read the Bible but that's not uncommon in commentaries.
Then when Saul and Samuel meet there is this Feast that Samuel invites all to, but there is no clear explanation to sort of why. So it's a village tonight with the elders. Come with me. When you are ready to leave. I will tell you everything you're thinking. That's really weird. First of all, I'm going to tell you what you're thinking and special status for you and your father's house. That all Israel is looking for you. But he says it in the question. Is very ambiguous. What does that mean? He doesn't say? God has told you to be a Kik.
I'll send it in her soul sleeps on the roof cuz it's really hot. And Samuel is a third point. Now there's a secret anointing. Samuel take, so I'll be on the city Gates and send the servants away.
I'll let me read it. And a couple comments at the break of dawn. Samuel called a sore on the roof. This is 9:26. Get up, so I may send you on your way. So I got up and both he and Samuel went out into the street and I are going to the outskirts of town Samuel to tell the boys to go ahead of us when he has passed on stopped here. A while that I make known to you the word of God. Can mythical Viola foil, as they usually do a inheritance? In Hebrew. It's so ambiguous and so minimal. The Septuagint has to add a whole set of comments about, you really are going to be king install, going to happen to you because it doesn't make sense to annoy someone. That's okay. But it is a boiler for a while ago. I like typically a horn and they say? Einstein's secret. No Witnesses. What's all going to do Walker? Where are you? There's no Witnesses. Do salmon has literally done what God has anointed Saul to be king, but who'd believe him what happened to you? Point for the three signs to confirm. So his kingship Samuel gives all three sets of instructions are called signs in the Septuagint and then later on that he was has recalled science.
No, these three sets of instructions are full of unnecessary details. You could have just said go ahead and meet somebody and they give you this says, go there. Give me three people that need to be doing. This one will give you this. What's the relevance of all the extra instruction and every set of instructions has a lot of unnecessary details. One of my favorite shows when it was on the radio is car talk with picking Clap, the clap traffic brothers and if you ever listen to that and they have this thing called The Puzzler, they give you a puzzle and it was full of witnesses every detail, as they call it a prescription to throw you off a check. So you wouldn't figure out what they really asking for. This reminds me of that. I've often asked my students video of instructions. Can you reproduce What Samuel said? And they can't because it's too much detail. Go to the store wondering, I got to keep all this in my what is happening now, but most of the details directly relevant for him is only one or two points that are actually important. The first thing is, you got to meet two men from Benjamin, who know your father going to tell you something? Then you going to go to bed, early. Going to be three men. Want to give you something, then you get me. The band a prophet in the give you a chance. This will happen to you, but he's all kinds of details along the way. The next Point, 0.5 is actually the most interesting that happened 7 do, whatever your hand finds to do for God is with you. Amen.
I'm go down to Google ahead of me, then I'll come and put them burnt offerings and sacrifices their well-being. Shalom offerings.
Do what your hand finds to do cuz the Lord is with you or with me seven days and I'll come and tell you what to do. Let's go drinking somebody around. If you treated, if I seen it past that treated an assistant, pastor that way on Sunday, a wait a week and then I'll come and tell you what you preach on any sense in the PDF, when you get it, you're going to find a link to a 1 minute, YouTube videos and add for Ally Bank at the great. I wish I could show it right now. You know, that, that that the little girl, I tried to call and there's a square on the ground and she's inside the square. In the man says, he's pretending to be somebody for another bag. You can have anything you want with this account, you can ride your bike anywhere, she reaches its top. You can't go any further. There she goes on and that's what I like or bank accounts are better than more open-ended.
And then the contradiction in departing that was five. I was a contradiction. That's what I was getting too. And I will go to the number 6. Casting. Lots to select the king. No God already. Chosen soul. Why did you have this interesting event in chapter 10 where they must cost a lots to determine who is to be? The king makes no sense. Except two possible reasons why is it might be too embarrassed already shy and Confused soul and it's like, he's embarrassed. He hides among the luggage, right? More likely it is to indict Israel. Answer for their sin because they use two blocks recalls. How they found out that Akon was one was stolen the booty in Joshua. That was exactly who I'm going to show you the parallels. Know, the reason the last Joshua 7:15, the guilty person be punished for the transgressing, the Covenant of Yahweh and having done with rage. Something is wrong with taking spoil that he wasn't supposed to have taken from their harems band. In 1st Samuel 10:19 today. You have rejected, God who saves you from? All your km in your distress. It you said, no we want to spoil its ass in. We're going to find out who did it. So now we don't have to go to tribe, the good to shove it in Hebrew. Send Joshua 7, Joshua Rose early in the morning and brought Israel near tribe by tribe in the tribe of Judah, was taken Dickens locanda to capture like in a cage. 1st Samuel, 10:20 then Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel near. The Tribe of Benjamin was taken. Joshua 7:17 about the guilty Clan Mister car and also in the household he brought in are the kinds of Judah. And the cleansing is the right was taken. And he bought are the kinds of the right by hohos. Anxiety was taken for Samuel. 1021, he brought in, are The Tribe of Benjamin back, plans, in the time of the Mitch Rights was taken. He's kept the household. So but now that you was a good individual, Joshua 7, he brought near the household, one by one and a concern of cameras on a job. Decent, is there of the tribe of Judah was taken? 1st Samuel, 10:21 finally brought the kind of the Mitch rights near one-by-one and saw the son of Kish was taken.
Getting into the consciousness of Israel. That's all it is guilty of something. What is it?
Because he thinks the monarchy is a sin. Conclusion. From the time, God decided to allow the monarchy. Samuel has been upset at this position. First. He resisted it. Didn't want to give him a king right away, then he delay the process, spreads it out first, The Secret anointing, then complicated destruction. Finally casting lots. And then we didn't get to the spot in chapter. Eleven Solis file install the skin.
Why is Samuel resisting? Very interesting question. Let me suggest, three or four possible reasons. First Community Personal. He could just be upset that he's being replaced as Israel's leader when you have a position that you do care about. And somebody else is going to take over and you're not ready to give it up, you can resist. That makes perfect sense. When God said, it's not about you, right? It could be a political view. He has at the tribal Confederacy. In the time of the judges is the proper way to Israel. Organized politically and monarchy is an innovation from the Pagan culture. He doesn't want that. You could have a political ideology that says, Monica is a bad idea.
But there's another point and I think that is two sides of this, the human of the Divine side. I think Samuel thinks a good leader should not Bend to the whims of the people. He lead put it up when stand-up
the leadership principle that has and your prize at the God, God is Sovereign leader of Israel. In other words, theologically Samuel is committed to what we call Design, immutability the god shouldn't change. God shouldn't change his mind and adapt to what the people do. God should be unchanging by tell me going to check the 15, that's going to become very, very clear that the electrical point is there. so when God tells Samuel, Samuel does it but he drags out the process in a way to confuse Saul and
I am a master manipulator. Because he cannot separate the monarchy, which guards the load. Or the installation of a new king who God has chosen. He exercises his power in such a way as to maintain a semblance of control over the new king and the situation of monarchy,
I don't even think he's doing this consciously. I think it's subconscious. Which is often the way we act when we feel threatened. We don't answer the best motives. I'm going to follow this further in the second and the third dvar-torah. But no, we have some time quite a bit of time for questions so let me open it up and see what we have to say.
James: thank you, buddy. Testing went to the both of you have been driving that way, these are being recorded, so you'll be able to Circle back around. And then as I have always learned with good teaching, it's fun to come back and listen because you, you get what you got and you get more. So here in this dvar-torah, obviously they are the wheels of our minds are turning and this is an opportunity to chat dialogue with the Richard. If you have a question and it could be as simple as clarification. Lot of times, the people don't ask questions of the one. I would wish would ask questions because they would help everybody. We do this intense study group some logo. I'm not really sure about this point, and the teachers able to elaborate on it and it becomes even more clear for everyone? Is there something you'd like to ask a clarifying question about ask any kind of question or you are up open to give a comment. I'll bring the mic to you if you just raise your hand. One are the Front .... Moriah: - So, when I definitely think of prophets of God, I think of, you know, the word of the Lord came flattened me and I had to speak, you know, I think of, like Isaiah's up. It's like the word comes in and it's like there's no saying, no, sorry, I don't want to say that, and he kind of just know what he wants said. Get said, why do you think in cases, like Samuel or Jonah? That sometimes God, doesn't he like wind wind, why do you think sometimes he's like, no, you going to say it? Exactly. As I want to said, Other times, he seems to allow us to kind of stretch our legs and push back of it. No cases. Is it that the prophets? Speak, verbatim the words. God brings. I don't even buy. Gives the fruit. The words. Let me explain why I think that Jonas. Is it for 2 days? And then, if I should be destroyed, then you run for cover. Cuz he wants to, like me to come down from heaven, right? I am sure that God wants a little more than that, but he gives a minimal that you could get. No. Let's take Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel three, Major Prophets, right? Isaiah is the only problem, you know, any Old Testament who had access to the Royal Court, give me up in a Royal Blood and talk to them shall conceive. A child need to apply to the birth of Jesus room to Merry. Write in that type of logical. Interpretation about Redemption is often about a branch coming out of the stump of a tree. I just cut down a new Royal Line. Coming a royal figure, who come who the government be upon his shoulders. And this is Isaiah just training in the Royal Court. Gives him Royal language for the word, he has to deliver The Jeremiah, can I buy a large? Doesn't do that. Jeremiah is a prophet who if you know the Hebrew and you read, Jeremiah careful. You know that this man has imbibed the book of Deuteronomy, the language ideas of Deuteronomy, permeate the book of Jeremiah and Scholars are very clear about that. Jeremiah speaks about the broken Covenant. Covenant God makes with Israel being broken difficult this obedient and I don't use the word covenant in chapter 11, identify course there's a new covenant coming in chapter 31, not like the one that God made before because you're broken Covenant language, Premier Jeremiah because he's trained in Covenant terminology from Deuteronomy. So the word comes to him and it comes in that language is he was a priest that was a priest but we have a train to the priest. He was part of the priest preacher line of thought that was kicked out and tell him to get brought a new priest it and that's all he was a disenfranchised. Is it good as a priest and a priest has to do with teaching the people different in the sacred and the common and the unclean all this kind of language, Susie Q's language of Israel. Sinned is permeating bad language in this an abomination.
Their language is very different. The message from God is accurate but it comes in their language. Paul couldn't have written the letters. He wrote without being trained at the pharmacy yet have that training to be able to do the kind of stuff. He did an over and over, you can think of it that way. So the preparation of the profit is part of what shape, the message. It's never verbatim contemporary is a joke. have you been around in a charismatic churches where people speak in tongues and interpretations and I've been around that for all my life when I was young I'm saying early 70s before the NIV was translated people gave prophecies in King James language know, they given an IV.
That's just a perfect example of what's going on. The word is not dictated you speak in the language, you know. But both the concept and the terminology does that help. Sure. Yes.
Hold on a second break so we can all hear you. Follow up. Not at all. Okay, so I totally yes. I agree with that. 100% that, that that makes a lot of sense that they're their culture and their background would color the way they deliver the message. I guess, I'm wondering like it like that, the phrase I am undone. You know, when God speaks I'm on done. It seems like when God spoke to Samuel, he wasn't done done. Who's kind of like? It seems like sometimes God's like Revealing some Glory, some power.
I got 40 in all the cases do at whatever. I'm highlighting is human Freedom. So one way to play, the freedom is to resist the message. If you don't like the message, if you're not ready to give it to the island done is Isaiah chapter 6, and he's got a theophany of Yahweh season. Are they having the throwing of the train of his real feeling than Jerusalem Temple and the seraphim around him? And he's like, I am on team. No, didn't quite get a message like that or Vision like that. If you're feeling like that of a mega-sized 80 that would totally make me under, you know, the throne Vision in the first few chapters. I need falls on the ground and goes in a fetal position. So it's a great question. Thank you so much. And then back here, Cut.
Question: - Okay, I was wondering about it seemed like Not only was single rejected but remember it was his sons that were causing the problem. It's like Samuel felt just like his predecessor up. If I failed that parallel is there and I'm wondering if that also played a role in his behavior Richard: - but so many people have contracts Eli's field house cuz his sons were corrupt with Samuel and his sons, but the contrasts that they don't even notice that. The first thing that people say they want a king has come, your sons are unjust and taking bribes and so on and they're going to do bad stuff. So yeah, why would you appoint your sons and judges? Because the judgeship is not hereditary thing, like, the kingship is But he's already treating the judgeship as if it's hereditary. So yeah, it is interesting. I got to do more more that I'm not sure if I was going to teach on the Eli Samuel connection. I'd explore that quite a bit further. Yeah. : - : Peter: - : How do you expect my so, my question is, how do you explain the Paradox of God saying to Israel? It's bad basically that you want the king and yet you shoe is destined to be the Messiah, the Son of David's, son of God and my in. So that's my question. And then just so it's easier for you to answer. My my answer that. You maybe you could critique or you could respond to his, is it in? I'll put it as a question. Is it about the conflict between God's chosen lineage, the Son of God? Lineage from Adam to Abraham, Isaac. Jacob, to David ultimately prophesied by Jacob in in Egypt, right? And that the chart tribe of Judah. It is it God's choice. Chosen Judah. A chosen David, I chosen you. Shua versus Israel choice. In a sense saw of The Tribe of Benjamin to Josephine Benjamin, word songs of Rachel who were the aristocracy in Egypt that then come to Israel and the settle and remain. Kind of leadership role and got to know. They're not the leaders, David Jude as a leader and that is it. Call fat, or is there some other Paradox, : - :Richard: - :initially Joseph Astros Revenge router and then they return, it gets complicated. The way I look at it is this
Monarchy is generally a bad thing in the ancient world, it has its absolute monarchies divine, right of kings the king rules on behalf of the Guard, the king's word, is the God's word. You can find it on. A lot of the literature the language of Assyria and kingship, Babylonian kingship hittite kingship. So that's why you're running me. 17 is so unusual. It limits our King to something. Like, I see you but you don't have the Privileges. I think God is saying, I value. I want to bring Redemption to my people. If you have a child whose rebellious and goes up into an adolescent and young adult, I mean rebellious, as a child wants to do something. You can say, no, I cut you off. Or you can say, I think what you think is wrong, but I'm going to work with you because I want to bring attention to the relationship. We good but I'm going to work for them and I'm going to adapt it. For a coming King. Who would be? So unlike those games Did the king will serve to wash his feet to give his life around super many. I use that I can I don't ways to use. That would be a king. Probably not make come a different way. Different ways. We can't even imagine going anywhere you want. So give me the monarchy we have Messiah, I cannot speculate what might have been, but God, he uses a stock of circumstances and benefit to his will without overturning human freedom. And it works to say that works for the benefit of human Freedom. We still are free. We do something more. It means that from, before the cross long before, the cross God was suffering, but if you stay with a disobedient rebellious child and being a relation to, then you will stay and guard have been suffering. The Passion of God, shows up in the Old Testament. In lots of places long before Jesus Passion of God. : - : James: - :Wow. Okay, to take one more question. Maybe maybe two. Yes, but there's here but there's you're okay. That's go here. I was I think I missed you sir. How do I know the whole this making you go ahead? When I first told me you told him I first I just wanted to make a comment in the chuckled when you mentioned that some of the problems with Biblical commentaries at the commentaries to read the Bible that we enjoyed that. But also then I want to say you had so many great lessons in this talk. I wanted to give you just reflect upon what was the impetus? What drove you? What inspired you to put together that lesson?
Nice reason that I get the real reason. The nice reason is we're in a situation where power is being abused all around the place. So you can see it everywhere I maybe it's important to reflect on how the Bible addresses. This question that humanizing I did the people in The Narrative reason is that in 1997? I received a letter from Abingdon press. Ask me what? I write a commentary on 1st and 2nd Samuel. They wanted a 650 page manuscript. And I was in my second year, actually I was in my first year of teaching my second semester of a full-time teaching job. Sure I never thought so before I better start teaching my workshop and besides teaching send them back then and over the years I started getting some clarity on ideas about what the book was about. And finally I told them, you know, I don't want to write a 650. Mine is overwhelming to me like, you know, maybe forty or fifty pages of it. I don't know. Hannah story and chapter 15. I started working on here and I said, I'd like to come out of this commentary. I said that's okay with the commentary seems like it's kind of stuck right now you're released from it and at the same time has come to me to write a book, a short book, maybe on Samuel, cuz you been working in that short book on first time, you want to start. But what I have been do we have been shaping? My teaching is to say, this is a reflection of the ethics of power. Are you never just read the Bible for its antiquarian value is something that happened way back when you read it for how does it speak to us today? And so I'm pushing that with my students to reflect on that question. And I need to think more about what I would say about that because it's the second open question, know, how do we go from reading this book to taking more responsibility for the Next Generation to me? That's the key issue for the farmer's son, who had no illusions of power. That's what time is it going to take? Take take me to go to men's room and just a sense of responsibility and Samuel instead. Show them. So off balance, he becomes mentally unstable. Think about the consequences we have been mentoring for the people to Mentor that that's where I want to go with it for the question. What's the personal touch that personal bio? I really appreciate that. Question is a great place to stop but be encouraged after every session. There's going to be queuing a and maybe you can. But I want to give the speaker a break, but I really wanted to touch on that. Richard first, I want to thank you for coming. I it was no small courtesy for you to come help me know the name, Louis to Bluebird. What was said to me, how did you get Richard to come? He's so in demand, and he's come because of his love for this body. For this work, our partnership at JC studies, and when we were on the phone and you had no margin in your schedule, he's actually on a, you know, what kind of our research sabbatical supposed to be kind of deal, and when I reached out to him, he said, look at we could go get 2023 and I said, absolutely no problem and he said you found this little window in June, that worked for us and my comment to you at the time, was anything. We can help you with, can we be a catalyst for you? So listen to that, but hit by a graphical history. All way back. When you got started with Samuel, this is been percolating and developing and you're I love this direction. In this sense of honing were already receiving. We've all manipulated and been manipulated, we all have power. We really starting to receive the power of what God is invested in you. So I'm coming here is not only blessing to us but we're being a blessing to him as he continues to get this material out and prime the pump for Reading, Writing his book. So thank you for coming. I mean I mean you can actually stay