Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Where is the seat of authority?
State House?
Polling Place?
Government Summits?
Executive Board Rooms?
Wall Street?
Demonstrations in the street?
Social Media?
I propose that these are sources of OPINIONS, but all AUTHORITY originates with the one who is the source of all things.
Rights are given by God and recognized by various entities.
Many of you have attended a wedding that I have performed.
You may have noticed that when I pronounce husband and wife, I use words different than many preachers.
They often say “by the power vested in my by the state of…” I state “by the power entrusted to me by Almighty God and recognized by the state of… I now pronounce you husband and wife.
The difference may be small in your mind, but is huge in mine.
My authority does not come from state statute.
I have been called by God and set apart (ordained) by His people.
The best that government can do is establish constitutional or civil rights, but God grants human rights that are unalienable.
If the government ever strips pastors from the authority to sign a marriage license, I will still lead couples into covenanting together before God as a picture of Christ and the Church.
In our first sermon in this series, we worshipped a God who is sufficient for any situation.
In the second we adored the God who knows your situation.
This week we bow in awe at the God who is over all situations.
Transition: In a world where “personal truth” is promoted as ultimate reality, It is good for us to adjust our understanding to conform to the revealed truth from the origin of truth.
The error of wandering into falsehood is not a new problem…
The Trinity of God
Precision matters:
Arius was a preacher in the early 4th century proclaiming that Jesus was somehow less important than the Father.
So Emperor Constantine invited the 1800 Bishops in all of Christendom to come together in summer of AD 325.
About 300 Bishops accepted the invitation.
After 3 months of debate and discussion, a statement was agreed upon that was signed by EVERY representative but 2. They were then excommunicated and their titles removed.
The council decided some smaller things (like when to celebrate Easter), but the biggest thing coming out of the Council was the first officially signed Creed.
The Lexham Bible Dictionary (The Creed of 325)
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man; He suffered, and the third day He rose again, ascended into heaven; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
And in the Holy Ghost.
Why does it matter?
When Jesus was literally dead, The Father and Spirit were both living and active!
An over-emphasis on oneness leads to confusion.
An over-emphasis on personhood leads to misunderstanding.
Most of us have parents that we admire.
Generally, from our parents were learn life skills like cooking, managing a checkbook, cleaning, laundry, how to check the oil or change a tire on the car, how to bait a hook or gut a deer.
In my family, I’ve never seen my mother under the hood of the car.
And I’ve never seen my father leaning over the washing machine.
I’ve learned these skills from my “parents”, sometimes it was my “father”, and other times it was my “mother”.
Now, ALL analogies break down, because the Trinity is a unique (one-of-a-kind) relationship!
You may have one parent, but not the other and still have a parent.
But with God, if any person of the godhead is missing, what you have is less than God.
But we can easily see how confusion and/or misunderstanding develop around words and persons.
There is a very popular worship song that is rooted in Revelation 4-5.
But the lyrics of the song move back and forth between the Father (Rev.
4) and the Son (Rev.
5) in a way that can lead to wrong conclusions!
4:2 clearly describes one SEATED on the throne.
5:6 clearly says the Lamb is STANDING and 5:7 describes the standing Lamb taking the scroll from the seated One.
Last month we appropriately honors our Mothers, Last week we appropriately honored our Fathers, but Fathers are not Mothers and Mothers are not Fathers in the economy of God.
The Throne of God
Math Facts
3 holies (4:8)
4 creatures (4:6,8,9; 5:6,8,11,14) (mentioned 7X)
7 - sevens (torches, Spirit, seals, horns & eyes)
4 - 24s (thrones & elders)
The number “twenty-four” has been related to the twenty-four books Jewish writers assigned to the Hebrew canon, but more relevantly to the twelve tribes plus the twelve apostles (cf.
Rev 21:12–14), or the twenty-four orders of priests.
(1 Chron 24:5)
Even though I made a big deal about the Father and Lamb in the 2 chapters.
Notice that the 4 Creatures & Elders bow down before both!
(4:8-10 & 5:8).
Distinct persons, but same worship.
Thrones (Rev.
Government & Administration
One of my Bible Background Commentaries states, “Elders” were those with authority in Old Testament cities and later Jewish communities who could function as representatives for their communities (e.g., Deut 21:6); see Isaiah 24:23[i]
Encircling the Throne
Have you ever thought why politicians appear on a stage (usually with no one behind them) but athletes are normally given their trophies in the middle of an arena?
The only people allowed behind a politician are those who have been thoroughly vetted to prove they pose no threat to the speaker.
I’ve heard that one of the most terrifying times to be a Secret Service officer is when the person being protected gets out of the limousine, because he or she creates a 360-degree exposure to attack.
The Throne room of Heaven is in the round because there is no possible threat that could jeopardize the one seated there.
Thunder & Lightening (Rev.
Reminiscent of God’s revelation to the Israelites on Sinai and in the wilderness
Sea of Glass (Rev.
Have you ever thought about all the places where reflecting pools are placed?
These are places where the pool does little to add to the grandeur of the person or events being honored, but the pool is a call for spectators to reflect on how important that place is.
The sea of glass before the Throne of God is meant to hit our pause button so that we will take a moment to soak in the grandeur of our God.
Crowns (Rev.
4:4, 4:10)
Crowns in Heaven are NOT symbols of pride.
These are not just laurel leaves, the elders are dressed in white with golden laurels (4:4)
All the elders cast their laurels before the King.
Praise & Thanksgiving (Rev.
4:8 & 11)
Rev. 4:8 – Who God is
Rev. 4:11 – What God did
These 2 elements are good structure for our prayers
Transition: Without missing a beat or pausing for breath, the praise of the One seated on the Throne moves to focus on a scroll sealed with perfect seals.
Have you ever been frustrated by packaging that was so tight, you couldn’t get it open?
I’ll never understand why the five and dime packages 95 cent batteries in a blister pack that is impossible to open.
Our Sundays begin with a stop by Casey’s to get iced coffee for Ann.
Since I am too cheap to pay for the name brand, She usually ends up with the store brand.
But I have a complaint about Casey’s brand coffee.
In the bottles the shrink wrap is not perforated and in the cans the pull tab bends and breaks without opening the can,
Now my struggle with batteries and coffee pales in comparison to the struggle in Heaven.
The majestic One in Heaven has a Scroll that contains His plan for humanity.
An Angel begins to ask if anyone is able to open the scroll and NOBODY in Heaven or on Earth is qualified to open the scroll.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9