Comfort for the Believer
Since God is greater than our hearts and knows all things, we should comfort our condemning consciences. As we seek this comfort, we will have confidence before Him, and we will experience joy-filled prayer.
Since God is greater than our hearts and knows all things, we should comfort our condemning consciences.
As we seek this comfort, we will have confidence before Him, and we will experience joy-filled prayer.
Comfort for the Condemned Conscience
Condemned Conscience
Sinning Against the Conscience
• You have to ask forgiveness over and over for a sin you no longer commit.
• You ruminate about past mistakes and failures in your life.
• You seldom feel acceptable to or accepted by God.
• You get down on yourself for small errors or normal human failures.
• You have vague feelings of guilt, but you are not really sure why.
Setting Our Hearts at Rest
From Inward to Upward
the hypersensitive conscience has made the standards of Christian righteousness higher or different than the standards that the Bible itself sets. It is as if rules, rituals, and requirements take greater precedence than a right relationship with God and with people.
Focusing Upward
Benefits for the Confident
Confidence before God
“the boldness with which the son appears before the Father, and not that with which the accused appears before the Judge.”