Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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It's alright.
Pastor Jerry is going to come and give the good word.
That works.
Anything else?
It's good to see each one of you this morning.
The lord has laid on my heart, a message that they see more.
Doctrinal been inspirational, but I hope it's both.
You know, we is Baptist.
Understand the scripture to tell us that we have two symbols or two ordinances that the Lord has asked us.
To do one.
We're commanded to do that is to follow him in baptism.
Matthew 28, it says, baptized them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we have been privileged this month to see several baptisms and Patricia.
I apologize for hitting your head.
To remember.
Okay, I thought I had it on.
Sorry about that.
All those people online.
The Lord's Supper Jesus asked us to do it as often as we wanted to.
To remember, his sacrifice for us, is human sacrifice for us on that, terrible Friday.
When he hung on that cross.
And died for us, we are to remember that.
But there's more to it with the Lord's.
Supper The Lord's Supper is a foreshadowing of the Messianic banquet in the kingdom of God.
Now, my son would say that's nerdville speaking but you needed to hear that because that's going to be a time with a Heavenly fellowship with the Believers from all ages.
with Christ, Our Messiah, and God, the Father,
That should have gotten an email me and then we're going to have a banquet, the prophet Isaiah wrote several hundred years before Jesus came.
He wrote to prophesy the time when God's people would feast in his presence.
He wrote
For here on this mountain, god of the army, angels will throw a feast for all the people of the world of feast of finest Foods.
A feast of Vintage Wines, a feast of seven courses, A feast lavish with Gourmet desserts.
Ready field.
Oh yeah, that's that's that's mine.
And here on this mountain, the prophet said God will banish the Pall of Doom hanging over all peoples.
The shadow of Doom darkening.
All the nation.
He'll banish death forever and God will wipe away the tears.
From every face.
Do you remove every sign of disgrace from his people, whoever wherever they are?
Yes God says so. Wow.
Wow, what a prophecy.
This bright prophecy.
Look forward to an age when people from all people groups and Nations will have fellowship with God.
In a festive celebration.
Note that the occasion takes the format of a Middle East.
Banquet, some of us went on a mission trip and experienced a Middle East, then quit.
I hope we have chairs and tables.
Mankind is made.
In the image of God were told.
Made to live in a meaningful live relationship with his creator.
And since we're made like him, we also are made for celebration.
It appears that of all the creatures that God made only mankind.
Truly knows how to celebrate.
Our God is a party God.
He loves for us to celebrate to celebrate Kim.
Not because he needs our celebration.
But he knows, we need to celebrate.
We need to celebrate what he has done for us.
All the way from creation to Salvation.
And that is the best that we can do is celebrate him.
And our celebration of the Lord's.
Banquet will be so joyous.
And complete that sorrow and death themselves will be banished.
You can't have fun with that hanging over your head.
And God says, there ain't going to be, what kind of celebrate Will be there be no more.
The Lord himself will wipe away our tears and forgive us until all shame and guilt cease to be exist.
Man, what a party.
the Apostle Paul cut the vision of this, when he wrote to his son, Timothy his son in the Lord.
This is now been made evident Through the appearing of Our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
Did you catch that?
It's Jesus Christ.
Cool polish death by his death.
And Graces Life by his resurrection.
Paul also wrote to the early Church in Greece.
He said death has been swallowed up in Victory.
Hold that almost calls for a victory elf.
Doesn't it has been swallowed up in Victory?
Jesus is Victorious.
And we followed Jesus.
We are victorious.
We're not defeated.
We just waiting.
Here's the Chloe, promise of Life abundant with God in eternity.
It has been anticipated for centuries.
and one day, And I hope one day soon.
It'll happen, it'll come.
That day will come.
We're all called to remember this.
When we are for taking in the Lord's Supper not just what he did the agony, what he did but what he's going to do.
We can look forward to what he's going to do.
Going to call as soon as party.
The Apostle Matthew record, Jesus healing the Roman centurions servant and Jesus was amazed at the soldiers faith.
He said to Jesus only say the word and my servant will be healed, you don't have to go just say it.
And cheese has commended commented on the officer's face.
And said, I tell you that many, like you will come from east and west and recline at the table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Did you catch that?
We're going to get to have dinner with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
And Mary the mother of Jesus and Paul, and I've got a lot of questions to ask Paul.
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