Sunday Service
Jesus name. Hallelujah. If you don't mind, stand to your feet and I will introduce them presenter. You are pastor of New Life. Pastor Steven birthday Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, praise the lord. We are
So, glad to be in the house of the Lord. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. I tell you when, when we have no music, the lord gave us a beautiful instrument right within our bodies. And if if you think that you sing auto-tune a little bit, but that's okay. You're not sitting in the Pastor Steven and not sitting in the pasture lady. Pastor P. Look at that one on the Lord. Hallelujah. But I tell you, we are a little stiff at the beginning. But you know what, it's like. When you realize, it's okay, when you realize and let your yard free, your mind free, we started having fun. We started worship until we started singing to the Lord and we enjoyed it. And what we were doing is we're ushering in the spirit wear ushering in the Holy Ghost into this place. So we can set our minds and our hearts are right for the word. That's going to be delivered. Praise the Lord and heavenly father with our heads phone When I Survey the Wondrous Cross on which the prince of heavenly father Hallelujah glory to the name of Jesus. Heavenly father I appreciate you. I love you Lord for your mercies never fail us but they are new heavenly father and welcome to you into this house today. Come in with the power of your phone. This a phone is a business and just have your way home. Cool today. Oh Lord then send the letter eight. We need that letter today. Oh Lord Spirit of the Living God.
We need you. Lord, we need you more than ever Lord. Somebody is hurting today. Oh, Lord. I need you to tell Lord, I need you to pray in the name of Jesus. That is it is it? If it is, your will to restore what the devil has taken from your children's clothes that are traveling. Right now, I am praying for the ones that are with him now and the ones that are not here to judge a cover them whole or wherever they are demo. Lord let your angels are camped around them. Oh Lord every plan of the enemy I pulled down right now. In Jesus name in Jesus name let nothing weapon formed against them Prosper. Oh Lord. Oh Lord Jesus.
Jesus spirit of God. Move in this place today. Lord, I give you thanks. I give you all the praise in Jesus, precious name in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen, hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Over few here today cuz we are here, we need to capture the sound. We need to capture Yes, Lord. The name of my message today is first, your faith must stand trial. Coming from 1st Peter 1:7 and 1st Peter. 4:12 praise the Lord. I give honor to my God and Lord and Savior, oh Lord, I give on it to my wife and I give honor to the people of New Life, wherever they may be today, wherever they are today. And welcome to the newcomer and Welcome to our place today. Repeater 177, that the trial of your faith being much, more precious than gold, that perished. And though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honour and Glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. 1st Peter. 4:12 says, beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you. Through some strange thing, happened unto you. Amen. We are living in challenging times right now. We struggle in ways that people don't even know he struggle. We have raised the generation a generation of people who cannot deal with delayed gratification.
Everything we have is we was coming now. Everything will he has? We want, it says everything must be quick. and instead of us, Setting the pattern of the world. The world seems to be setting a pattern for us. See the tragedy is. And we are failing, the people. We are failing them to be prepared for the real walk with God. We have not taught them that face. Does not exempt them from tragedy. We not trust them. That face does not exempt them from.
It doesn't exempt them from paying. It doesn't exempt them from struggle or work or broken. That's and still. You will have trouble in your life as a follower of Christ, but I'm here today to open the book I'm here today to unveil the truth. You'll never know that you have faith. Until you've been in a good fight.
Real faith is proven in the furnace of affliction.
In the time of adversity. No one will escape the courtroom of God.
You see, single people say, if I only could get just getting married, I could escape this feeling of being alone, but it up, there are people that are married taking if I choose to get rid of them. I could go on and on about how it looks greener on the other side of the fence. But he speaks about the fiery trials, people. The truth is that every man and every woman had a report and every girl will go through a time where they are. You must stand trial.
And I'm talkin. Trial here. Now, I'm not talking about some little fiction. Where you work picked for the high school team. I'm not talking about somebody walked by you and it didn't say hello or somebody walked by you and it called you a nanny. I'm talking about a real trial here. Now, people I can just imagine What the Heavenly saint? Of the pastor saying, no.
I was stoned to death. I was crucified upside down. Hi was boiled in oil. I was thrown to the wild beasts. I was thrown into the fire. I'm afraid for this generation. I'm afraid for this generation has a stand before God and the worst that this generation will say, is that somebody about me? Somebody blew me up on Facebook, Instagram, for on social media. I didn't get picked for the team. Somebody called me a bad name. You know, what's sad? It's sad that we have more Avenues. We have more roads. We have more resources for the word of God. That any other generation.
Today, we have. Intellectual speakers. We have Backwoods preachers. We have got front wood, speakers. We got smooth preachers, and we got not so smooth creatures. With more churches and more ways to get to church then ever before.
Who told you nothing was going to happen to you. Who told you that you wouldn't go through any trials?
Brothers and sisters, your faith must stand trial. No matter who you are, no matter how good you look, no matter how much money you have, no matter how much good you've done, no matter how good you pray or how well you prophesied, no matter how talented or gifted you are, no matter how profound you may be. No matter how many times they call you to sing, you will have troubles and trials.
Save yourself. What am I shocked about?
Who crucified you? As in John and Mark whose side you were sent to her in Psalms 129 in the Bible is known from 2nd Peter.
in other words, but if we can bus stand, For every trial. Is going to be glory. We're asking God to fix things.
We're asking God to change things in your life. May not just change. Because in his strength is made in perfect weakness.
He will give you the grace to bear it. He may not change it. He may not move it. But he will give you the grace and stand and ferrets. He told his disciples when you go before the judge is in Luke 12. I will speak to them through you.
You don't even have to pre meditate. What you have to say? If it's your face that's on trial, if it's your faith, that's on trial. Don't worry about it. When it's time to speak.
Just open your mouth. And God is going to speak for you. You know, I didn't come to preach to everybody. Today, I came to preach to somebody today. Somebody today. Somebody today. Somebody today, this is the work for somebody. Who's going through the fire who just sent her the fire who's been in it for a while and your Wonder to your Lord. Oh Lord. How long, how long? I'm here to tell you that God may not take you out in a fire today but he's going to be the thermostat in the fiery furnace and he will regulate the temperature. He will regulate the master trials you have to go through today. To save yourself today. Don't worry about it. My faith is on trial but I've got a good lawyer. I've got somebody pleading my case.
You got a bona fide? Person from the heavenlies standing in your Stead. I've got somebody petitioning the throne on my behalf.
and for all of you that have been delivered from the fire, You just got to say, so you just got to say. So you have a bona fide rights to praise the Lord. You got a bona fide rights to praise the Lord. You should have been gone a long time ago. but God delivered, you God delivered me. Chart of the host for the Lord, ain't nobody around me going to get mad because I just got to praise him. I know somebody doesn't want to hear it but I got to pray. I know sometimes I get a little loud, but I got up. I know it upset some people when I got appraised.
oh man, it may be It may be a long court case people. And the jury may be out for months.
But when it's all over, when it's all over, I shall come out forth as pure go who Hallelujah job 23:10. If it had not been for the Lord on my side and some 124. Hallelujah, persons like there's going to be some trials and it's going to be some Fest thing. And you must walk it alone. Except the Lord by your side. See the purpose is the at the purpose of the trial is, it's a show. Satan Do not no matter what.
You're going to do the will of the father.
The trial is to let you know that you are tougher than you think. That you can go through more than you think stay strong in the Lord, go through it. Go through the tryout, pray to your lord and savior to the left, to the right, you can look forward and you can look behind you, but there may be nobody there, but if you pray to your Lord, he's standing right there with you. He's supporting you lifting you. He's telling you these f****** hallelujah. Hallelujah.
It was him, it was him that was holding you together.
It was him. Who rock you to sleep at night? He was him when nobody else was there to hold you. He's making you a better worshipper. He's shaping you. He is molding, you. He is caring for you. But when you go through hell and you go through high water and you think you're alone with the help of the Lord, you will get through and then you can get through it. And then you can forget about all that stuff. You learn how a better worship. You are a better Christian. You are a person. Now who will turn to the Lord, you will go to the Lord in your prayer closet, you will speak to the Lord. You will get to your knees and thank the Lord and you can stand up and you can walk out the door and you said, send me free through and I
Have a better Christian, a better, father work. And I am. Your child. Your faith must go hunt trial. Your faith must go on trial.
We tell the kids all the time. Don't do this.
He had to do that on his own to know what the pain is like, he'll never touch the further again.
We pray to the Lord, we send our kids out in the street at 16 17 and 18 in these three ton cars.
We let them go on their own. And we pray to God to come back safely.
It's just not about our kids. We had to go through it ourselves.
And that's how we learn and that's how we feel and that's how we grow. And we got to do it on our own. Your faith must go on trial first for you to become a better Christian, a smart, a Christian, a wiser person in life.
You will become a better worship her. Your faith must go on trial. so he can send you out into the world so you can be a Living Sacrifice so you can be a living
Shining Light.
The price. Would somebody look at you and they say what you got? You can say, I'm sexify. You can say I'm baptized in the water. Hallelujah.
He's going to send you. But you got to be ready. And you got to go through what you got to go through. So you can know what, you know. New Life. Christian Church, six years strong. 6 year, strong. Yes. He is sending us. Yes, he's sending you. But first. Your faith must stand trial. In the name of Jesus. I pray, hallelujah. Hallelujah.