Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Chriostian life is full of strange dicotamies.
We are set free.
But at the same time we are slaves to Christ.
There are also mystries regarding our identity in Christ.
On one hand:
On the other hand
Today we are going to look at one of these mystries.
It is the mystrey of the different levels of fellowship different believers have with Jesus Christ.
By the book, eveery Christian should have the exact same fellowship with Jesus.
This is because every single one of us did not ern our fellowship, but it was given to us by God through reconciliation.
again if we look at Gal
We are all one.
Paul says it like this:
Scripture tells us that each of us has:
Let me put this plainly:
We were ALL sinners.
We were all given the same grace.
We were all washed by the same blood.
We were all filled with the same spirit.
We all pray in the same name - the name of Jesus.
We all read the same scriptures.
Christianity is the ultimate level playing field.
But we find a dicotomy:
Whilst in theory we should all be the same spiritually, we find this is not the case.
There are christians who seem to have more peace than us, when scripture tells us we have all been given the same peace.
There are christians who have more joy than us, when scripture clealy tells us that our joy is the same.
Thdere are christians who are stronger than us, while scripture says tht we al have access to the same strength.
What are we to make of this?
The difference between a victorious christian nd a defeated christian has got nothing to do with God granting the one more than the other.
In fact, its got nothing to do with God at all.
The difference boils down to sanctification.
Sanctification and Justification
A while ago we did a sermon on these two biblical words.
Let me refresh:
Justification is the act wherby God declares the beliving sinner righteous in Jesus Christ.
Very important to note is this is a legal decleration by God.
God simply declares us to be righteous.
BUT this decleration does not actually MAKE us righteous.
Imagine a thief in court, he pays his fine - when his fine is payed the judge declares that justice has been done and the thief is free to walk out as an innicent man.
He is not ACTUALLY innocent, but rather has been delared LEGALLY innocent.
This is what God did to each of us through Jesus Christ.
I am a sinner.I know i am a sinner because i sin.
But LEGALY i am not a sinner because God has justified me.
Legally i am:
Now this is very important because it is on this basis of our justification that God dealls with us.
When he sees me, he does not see me as a sinner (which i am) but he sees me as righteous as Jesus Christ.
The same is true for all of you.
Thats why we are all the same in Jesus.
You cant be more justified than you are now or more than any other Christian.
However, there is another part to our slvation other than our justification.
Sanctification is not like justification.
Justification is a single act of God that takes place once at our conversion.
Sanctification is a process that takes the rest of our lives.
Sanctification is us, with God’s grace and help, living our lives to match our justification.
Simply put:
Here are the facts:
None of us are worthy to be called God’s children.
Neverthelesss, in God’s great love, He declared us His Chiuldren.
Thats justification!
Now, ou duty is to strive with all our heart, soul and strnegth and grace to live AS IF we WERE worthy of that calling.
That is sanctification!
And it is here that we find why christians who share the exact same justification experience such different degrees of power and presence - the difference is their sanctification.
Justification is your calling.
Sanctification is your walking.
A classic example of the discrepency is Abraham and Lot.
Lets look at the facts:
BOTH Abraham and Lot were saved men.
Abraham was saved:
Lots was also saved:
Now one day Jesus and 2 angels came to visit Abraham:
While there the Lord sat, talked and even ate a meal with Abraham.
The Lord and the angels felt at home with Abraham because he was a man of holy living.
They had also come to investigate the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, which was where Lot lived.
What is interesting is that of the 3, only the 2 angels went to Lot.
The Lord did not come to lot, sit with him, talk to him, eat and fellowship with him like He did with Abraham - EVEN THROUGH BOTH MEN WERE SAVED.
The reason is simply because Lot, though saved and delievered from judgment - was NOT a SANCTIFIED man.
Our vision verse says it like this:
That word dwell literally means to unpack and make youself at home.
Jesus made himself at home with Abraham because he was justified AND sanctified.
But Jesus was not at home with Lot, Jesus saved Lot from judgment but not once does scripture say He dwelet with Lot.
How worthy of the title Child of the Living God do you walk?
Are you at home in sinful Sodom?
< .5
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> .9