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We are commissioned from God.
Samson was moved in the camp by the Spirit.
Could discourgement depression get under my skin.
Its not a good guys club.
Matt 3:9 “and do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.”
We have national pride and religious pride.
Moral reformation
The only authroity is the doctrine and the Spirit of Good
Its the authority of The Spirit that restores my soul
The idea of fire is authority
Fire is spiritual and the ministry is spiritual
Whats primary is healing and authority
What is revival?
Its when The Spirit of God is moving and people have discovered there Bible .
How do you communicate to people about our church.
What quenches a fire is our flesh
Driving them in a way and against God
Draw away to be baptist with fire and draw near.
Its about being baptized with fire. Regardless how ever old you are.
If you and I have a ministry of fire it spreads.
A.Z. Tower said if the The Holy Spirit left the world the church wouldn’t know the difference
What keeps us stirred up!
A number of outlets to be stir up
Pastor Scibelli
How do I keep my heart of fire.
Those basic foundations
I can found myself being lazy or strange
Teach me to pray and draw near to the church and body.
God seeking to give me life the devil seeking to devour .
I’m just gonna talk to people about God
The first thing satan will like to steal from a believer is when the lost
How easy it is to be lukewarm
1 Cor 16- they where addicted to the ministry of the saints.
Being addicted to the saints
God keep us on fire!
Keep receiving and keep going.
Wow is satan going around because he doesn’t have a home
He sends us so we can make homes for people
Broken hearts are common in life and you might have one one day!
2 Sam. 22:23 “For all His judgments were before me; And as for His statutes, I did not depart from them.”
The devil ways us down.
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