Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Good Morning
Good Morning Everybody!
We are so thankful you are here in worship with us this morning whether you are joining us in person or online we want to welcome you.
My name is Terry I Serve here as a the Lead Pastor.
We have an amazing team of people here at Freedom Chapel that work so diligently to help this church family live up to our Mission of Bringing Hope to our Community by being a Place to Belong a Church for the Whole Family.
If you are new here please fill out the little flap on your bulletin.
House Keeping
We Start selling Fireworks Tomorrow.
This is why it matters.
Freedom Fest is just two weeks away.
Roe v. Wade: This is a tremendous change.
My deepest struggle with politics has been the play on Christian Values without results.
This week we saw results.
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that there is not a Constitutional Right to Abortion.
This putting the right to make laws back into the hands of the the voters in the individual States of our Union.
That is where we are as a State.
I am about to show you a video talking about the Value Them Both Amendment Vote that is Scheduled for August 2. Before I do I want to understand where I come from on my stance on abortion.
Chaelie Starnes
My Story.
I am going to switch gears for a couple of weeks.
We are going to detour from Romans and I am going to speak in a different direction.
Hannah and I met this week.
She shared with me the songs she had picked for this week and all of them had something to do with Fire.
The first song we sang today was call Another in the Fire.
If you don’t have much of a biblical background you probably have no idea what this song is about.
If that is you I want to apologize.
Church can be difficult especially when we use insider speak.
Today I want to talk about the relevance of this song.
If you have your Bibles turn with me to Daniel Chapter 3.
In 605 B.C. God became frustrated with the sin of the Jews and exciled them into the captivity of the Babylonians.
Daniel along with several young men were chosen to serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s court.
Daniel 1:3 tells us how they were selected
Today we are going to talk about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
If you read through Chapters 1 and 2 you will find that these three men along with Daniel served God with everything they had.
When adversity came they stood their ground and stuck to their belief system and their faith.
They stayed faithful to God in spite of what was being enforced around them.
Now move with me to Chapter 3.
Here we find that the King has made a golden image and has made a decree that every time a rag tag band of strange instruments start playing every one has to stop and bow down to this golden image.
If you didn’t bow down you would be thrown into the furnace that was used to make the golden image.
So here we are in Chapter 3 verse 8.
This very scripture helps me to understand that no matter how well I am serving God there is always going to be somebody that is trying to make sure I fail.
Jealousy is a powerful thing and it causes people to do some pretty jerkish things.
This is where the song came from.
This is a beautiful display of God’s faithfulness when we serve and follow his direction.
This is a beautiful song.
However sometimes we sing songs and have expectations from God in our lives without putting in the effort see those results.
We end up going through the fire of life wondering why God isn’t present in the fire.
These are very uncertain times we are facing.
Sin and Lawlessness are rampant.
Supply Chain, inflation, financial security, and our general way of living are all troubling.
I would say in a way we are facing a fiery furnace.
The question we must ask ourselves is who is in the fire with us.
The Fourth Person in the Fire for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is Jesus.
Why was he there.
Well quite frankly he was invited.
Their lifestyles seperated them from the world and distinctly invited in the Favor of God for their lives.
If you want God to be with you in the Fires of your life you need to invite him there.
Today for the sake of time I am going to pick on 4 areas that are the most burned up areas I am approached with as a Pastor.
Most of these areas that are burned up in our lives are because We refuse to invite God into the situation.
3. Work Experiences
4. Illnesses
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9