Well-placed Hope
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ILLUST: War of 1812 intervention
ILLUST: War of 1812 intervention
Praying for people who don’t want it, or who don’t believe they need it. -
Praying for people who don’t want it, or who don’t believe they need it. -
to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’
READ: Psalm 20 - a Prayer for the king
READ: Psalm 20 - a Prayer for the king
“May the Lord answer you in distress”
Are our leaders even calling on Him in order for Him to answer?
Prayer in our days
Prayer in our days
1) Pray that the Lord protects our nation
1) Pray that the Lord protects our nation
Physically - so that we can serve Him openly (NOT so you can have an easy life of Freedom)
Spiritually - with the blessing that come with connection to God (peace, joy)
Our leaders are NOT following the Lord
So we pray for them? YES
Ultimately, our prayer is for God to protect, deliver, and bless
Psalm 20, they pray for their king, their leader
David - he actually does lead in prayer
Our leaders do not
OK, so then what
REM - last week, Fathers, teach your children, they may grow up to lead others
Our leaders were not taught to lead spiritually
Some history:
John Winthrop (first gov. of Mass. Bay Colony)
“I do resolve first to give myself - my life, my wits, my health - to the service of my God and Savior, by giving Himself for me and to me, deserves whatsoever I am or can be, to be at His commandment and for His glory.”
George Washington
“…Direct my thoughts, words and work, wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb, and purge my heart by the Holy Spirit.”
1776 vote in Philadelphia
Samuel Adams: “We have this day restored the Sovereign to whom alone men ought to be obedient.”
Benjamin Franklin, not a Christian, even called for daily prayer.
They prayed - God answered
I believe the prayers of millions of Christians led to the SCOTUS decision
Do we pray?
We don’t need a theocracy (meaning, state-mandated religion), but we need leaders seeking God’s blessing and guidance
2) Be Assured - He hears our prayers
2) Be Assured - He hears our prayers
Problem: Our nation is confident in our own strength
when the economy is good
when the military is strong
When these areas fail us (by our standards), we worry
Like Israel of OT, we tend to trust in “chariots” and “horses” and our allies
We, USA, now lead the world in this way of thinking, here and now, prosperity and security in stuff
The Lord hears our prayers, and also the lack of them
TRUTH - if our reliance would be on God - we’d realize true strength
Exodus from Egypt
Jericho walls
Modern examples exist
America - Revolutionary War, War of 1812
Nations who seek GOD’s freedom will receive it
Nations who forget God - will be overwhelmed by tyranny (unjust governmental power)
USA on this path
Nations forgetting God deserve what they get from the ruler of this world, Satan
Nations remembering God when it’s convenient may be left to their own devices
Such as in Romans 1:28
And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,
3) So we pray - Psalm 21
3) So we pray - Psalm 21
The church must hold fast to the Word, stand up and speak up for Christ
We must pray for leaders to lead in godly ways
And if our rulers are not leading this way, then we raise up godly leaders
We must pray, expecting God to protect us, knowing that when He does, we, in response, will serve Him (not relax on the couch and feel good about the good ol’ USA)
Challenge - skip the news tonight, this week, turn off the TV, get in the Word
And when the Lord does answer, does deliver
We pray thanks for His deliverance!
Times like these - we may ask
God, what do I do?
God has blessed us, what is our response?
10 Lepers example - Luke 17:11-19 -
Are we the nine, or the one?
And the one - he was a SAMARITAN
All were healed - physically
ONE accepted spiritual healing as well
The LORD offers help to everyone, healing, hope
He even helps those who hate Him, reject Him, deny Him
In hopes they will see and recognize His goodness
We must thank God for past victories
The USA is no accident, no convenient coincidence
God has helped this nation to we can serve Him
Our days may be numbered, ‘cause we (church) are not doing that
Sure, blame the communists, the socialists, etc.
How about we look in the mirror and own our part
God’s Blessings should lead to our thankfulness
Victory through God’s strength
Answered prayer
Tangible blessings - job, finances, health, friends, family
Life - length of days
Glory given to God - even when “good” things occur
God’s very real presence
Finally - Future Victories
Finally - Future Victories
We should trust God to keep our nation strong
So that we can continue to be used to point to Him
(Assumptions: we do trust Him, and we respond by surrender to Him)
So that we can sing His praise, His might!
The LORD is exalted (glorified, praised)
Past victory
Present victory
Future victory
Note - our leaders:
We don’t respect them or value them, so we don’t pray for them. How about...
to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’
OR....We think too highly of them, and we are crushed when they disappoint us, not living up to our expectations. How about praying for them to simply rely on the LORD?
For the king trusts in the Lord, And through the lovingkindness of the Most High he will not be shaken.
As for Us...How about we follow Christ?
As for Us...How about we follow Christ?
Respect and value Him
Think very highly of Him
He will NEVER disappoint
The successes of our leaders and people come from us, faithfully praying and and consistently serving the LORD
SCOTUS? Could very well be.
God is certainly pleased when we side with His Word
Now, the enemy will fight harder, differently
BRING IT! My faith is not in our chariots, our horses, other nations
My faith is in the LORD!
The enemy’s fight is not with me, but with the LORD OF HOSTS
The enemy has already lost
So who do you follow? Should be a no-brainer.