The Kingdom of God

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I believe that the Kingdom of God is at hand and whatever we have been called to accomplish in this dispensation, the time to do it is NOW!
Often time, we repeat colloquialisms we hear in the church that are not necessarily biblically-based. I’m just waiting on God! How is that when everything Jesus came to do, has already been done? Are you just waiting for the rapture ready?
We say things like, “I don’t feel led”. Where do we see in the scripture that we are led by our feelings? The bible declares in Romans 8:14, For as many are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
The Kingdom of God according to Luke 17: 20-21 says And, when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, (STOP, WAIT, TAKE A LOOK AT)” the kingdom of God is within you.”
Where is the Kingdom of God? In you and it is at hand.
In the book of Mark, which is one of the synoptic gospels, (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) where you read 3 accounts of the life of Jesus from 3 different viewpoints. Synoptic means “affording a general view of a whole.” Syn-together and Optic mean view of the site as it relates to the Optic nerve. John on the other hand covers a different period and is not included in the synoptic gospels.
In the first chapter of Mark, he describes how Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent (turn away from sin) ye and believe in the gospel. Turn away from sin, ask God to forgive you, and believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What I love about Jesus is the fact that Jesus was the best leader in history. Before there were Ted talks, he talk parables, before there were social media, His message wherever he preached it, spread abroad, and before there were mega-churches he preached to the multitudes. He taught some strong leadership principles on how to move the ministry forward.
Here in our text, Mark 3:13-19, the bible says “And he goeth into a mountain and called unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, and to have the power to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils. Oh, there is so much in this one verse.
The first point I want to raise is that as a leader, Jesus went into a mountain. In my sanctified imagination and based on His history, I would venture to say Jesus went to the mountain to pray before making a serious decision as to who would be a part of His leadership team to “Move Ministry Forward.” Matt. 14:23 says and when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain by Himself apart to pray: and when the evening came, he was there alone. When He hired his team, he did not confer with flesh. He sought the Lord.
1. Leaders need a prayer life to Move Ministry Forward
Second Point: He called unto him whom He would. While he was in the flesh as man, He was still the all-knowing God and He handpicked his team. He picked them knowing all the times they would fail, (ask Peter), he picked one who would fight and cuss, he picked them despite them. I came to encourage some leaders today.
2. Leaders must learn to delegate. Don’t confer with flesh
Called Out: Ecclesia
You were hand-selected and picked for the position. You didn’t ask for it, you didn’t sleep your way into the position, and you have been called to it. God knows what He has placed inside of you. When He hired you, he you’re your strengths and your weaknesses. He knew whether you possessed soft skills or were a little rough around the edges. He knew your proclivities and called you anyway. He handpicked you for the assignment.
Rest assured, the one who called you, the one who ordained you, the one who recruited you, will train you. All new hires in any organization, including the Kingdom of God will receive teaching and training. Your preceptor will allow you time to ask questions and yes times to make mistakes, because the one who called, the one who ordained you, will not send you forth until you have been adequately trained.
In this hiring group, he employed and ordained twelve disciples. The disciples had diverse personalities, and profession, and somehow the King of King and Lord of Lords was able to take raw talent (people placed in positions that did not have adequate skill sets at the time of hire). Yet, Jesus knew that the Kingdom of God was within Him, and He is the Master Class before there was ever a Master Class.
3. Leaders need help to Move Ministry Forward.
When he recruited them, he knew His time was short of three years, and he had to pour a lot into a small amount of time. I know you feel unqualified, I know the individuals you must choose from, might not look like much in the beginning. They might be a novice in some areas, a seasoned saint stuck in their ways and ideologies, or someone hungry and thirsty.
Recruit anyway, teach anyway, train anyway. WHY?? The Kingdom of God is at hand. YOU NEED HELP, YOU CAN’T DO THIS ALONE!
When you are in orientation as a new graduate nurse, depending on the area you are working in, you could be in orientation for 6 weeks or 6 months. As the preceptor observes the new hire, while properly training and role-modeling behaviors and skillsets, you very might find your next emerging leader. If you do not give them space to make mistakes, you can derail their career before they get started. If you are transparent as to their leader, you will apologize when you are wrong, and provide correction in love. (LPN story).
After Jesus hand-selected his team and ordained them, He had already had their job description. He sent them forth to preach while giving them the power to heal sicknesses and cast out devils.
4. Leaders must lead by example
As a leader, Jesus changed some of the names of those whom he selected. Someone is about to have their name changed. Yes, you are called, yes, you are not what they said about you, or yes, you are what they said about you, but your name is getting ready to change. The bible says we are to know those that labor amongst us. You can’t know them without having an intimate relationship. You see we live in this superficial world and authentic relationships have become far and few.
As leaders, when you get to know the protégé, the recruits, the new hires, you know who to bring close and who to keep at bay. We would think that Jesus who said “get thee behind me Satan to Peter is one you would keep close because he was willing to cut off a man’s ear for you Jesus.” But instead, he allowed Judas close enough to Him to kiss him, because as a leader He understood His assignment. Judas had a role to play in the assignment.
In Mark 6:7-13 We see Jesus sending them out two by two. (YOU CAN’T DO THIS BY YOURSELF). God is sending help in the sanctuary to leaders. Some will come and you will send them out and others will stay.
Jesus commanded them to take nothing for the journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, and no money in their purse. The ones he called had careers before they left a sure thing source of income to follow a man that would make them fishers of men instead of fish.
5. Leaders don’t worry about the money
In Mark 3 he gave them power, in Mark 6 he gave them authority. Dunamis (power or ability in the Greek) and Exousia (Greek authority). He also gave them additional instructions, if you go to a place and they don’t refuse to hear you, as you leave, shake the dust off your feet. KIM. Keep it Moving because the Kingdom of God is at hand, and you are not called to everybody.
After he called and ordained the twelve, in true leadership fashion, he took them on field trips, taught parables and lectures, handed down group assignments to assess their ability to work with others and my favorite is the teachable moments. The disciples did not have it all together, they were not perfect, but they trusted their leader. Some of us in the world of technological advances and more degrees than a thermometer would have fired some of the disciples.
Some of the disciples did not exhibit compassion for children, one was a cusser (and not you we think of cussing) and the same one denied he even knew Jesus but He called them anyway. Some of them couldn’t pray for one hour, but He called them anyway. Some didn’t believe even after walking with him for three years, so much so that when he was resurrected, they didn’t believe it.
As you grow into what God has called you to be, you will make mistakes. You cannot get stuck there and bury your hand in the sand. Take the failure as something you learn from and don’t repeat. When Jesus put the ear back on the man, that his disciple cut off, it became a teachable moment to someone with zeal, without knowledge.
As leaders, continue to pour into them because the Kingdom of God is at hand, and we need people warming up in the bull pit waiting to take on the next challenge to Move Ministry Forward. You have not led successfully until you have poured into someone who can “move the ministry forward” long after you are gone. The ministry shouldn’t die with you. Jesus knew that despite the flaws in their character, they too were on assignment to Move Ministry Forward. Mark 6:12-13: And they went out and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils and anointed many with oil that was sick and healed them.
I’m closing. The Kingdom of God is within you. Everything you need to Move Ministry Forward is inside of you.
1. Pray before you select your twelve
2. Learn to delegate. Call them based on the Spirit and not the Flesh
3. Remember, YOU NEED HELP, you can’t do this alone
4. Lead by example
5. Don’t worry about the money
He did not change his mind about whom he called.
1. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, even though you all lied, I still hand-picked you. Abraham, you are a father of many nations, remember… I changed your name. Jacob, trickster, supplanter, but I changed your name to Israel and do not mind about who I know you are.
2. Moses your speech impediment will not make me change my mind about your call. I am sending you some help. I am sending you some Aaron and Hur. Pastors, I am sending not only some Aaron’s and Hur’s but so Johanna’s to fund the vision. I am sending some Dorcas’s that will leave a legacy long after they are gone.
3. Elijah, I know you fear Jezebel, but I am not because I know what I put in you, get out of this cave. You have some Elisha’s to anoint.
Great leaders set high standards to bring out the best in people. Leadership is a privilege and not a right.
Mark 16:14-18 records that after Jesus was resurrected, he appeared to the eleven, the eleven that went back to their previous occupation, the eleven that had unbelief and hardness of heart, and he said unto them. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And they went forth and preached everywhere. Miracles, signs, and wonders followed them because they believed.
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