Coming into God's presence

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we come to God by trusting in Jesus

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Psalm 15

Good morning everyone
warms our hearts when we see young people desire to be baptised and follow Christ doesn’t it? It’s been an encouraging morning.
1. Introduction
Well we all know that there are things that we are welcomed into and there are things that we aren’t welcome into
There are times when the doors open come in, it’s great to have you. And there are times when no you can’t come this is not for you. It depends if certain conditions are met.
Don’t know if you caught the Queens platinum jubilee concert about a month ago. it was a huge celebration. It was to celebrate The Queens Platinum Jubilee. 70 years of service as the Queen of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth. 70 years. she’s 96. it’s a long time. The 2nd Longest reign of any monarch. They put on a big weekend of activites. it included a big platinum jubilee concert. Joy and I caught some of the on the TV. and, wow I wanted to be there. I was there live in concert. with royalty. Listening to the beautiful voice of Andrea Bocelli, Alicia Keys - not sure why you’d sing New York at the Queen of Englands Jubilee.. Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, Hans Zimmer, the cast of the Lion King... wouldn’t it have been great to be there? . here’s the thing, only a select few could attend. it was only 22,000 people and 10,000 available for the public. if the Jubilee 50 year celebration had 1.2m applications for 10,000 tickets, the probably of being in the crowd - very very slim.
We know it’s true. There are some things you are welcomed into and something things you’re not
· if you want to go to Fernwood fitness – it’s a gym, well you need to be a woman – they only let women in
· and as Najia and Naamah know, if you want to make it into orchestra, you better make sure you have practice A LOT, you better stand out and you got perform when it counts.
You need to meet specific conditions if you want to be welcomed into certain places.
What about entering into the kingdom of God? this is not just royalty. this is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. How do we come into God’s presence? What factors decided if are welcomed in or shut out?
It’s a big question isn’t it? In fact, this is the most important question of your life. Because this is the difference between life and death. spiritual life and spiritual death. Eternity with God the Creator of the world and eternity condemned in hell judged by God.
How can we be sure that God will welcome us into his presence?
We’re in Psalm 15
The King David asks this exact question.
2. Who can come before God? (15:1)
So who can come before God?
Psalm 15:1 ESV
O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?
Now to get our bearings; David talks about coming to God’s tent? He means the tabernacle. This is very very important in David’s time. It’s not an ordinary tent you get from Target for camping. It’s the large tent in Israel that sat in Jerusalem – their capital. It’s a tent that sat in top of the holy hill. Or Mount Zion. And this tent, often called the tent of meeting was the one place God met with his people, the Israelites 3000 years ago. To fellowship. To be in each other’s company. Yes God is everywhere, but at that time, this was essentially entry into God’s presence. So, David asks, who can be in your presence? You can’t just rock up however you want. This is God. He is perfect, holy. nadab and Abihu sons of Aaron found out in no uncertain terms. It cost them their lives. Have a read of Leviticus 10. David wonders, who can enjoy friendship with you? who can come before God?
There’s the question.
3. The one who loves God (15:2-5)
Then David gives the answer in verses 2 to 5. That’s the rest of the Psalm. And it all comes down to the way you walk. It means your lifestyle, direction. It’s the one who loves God.
Psalm 15:2 (ESV)
He who walks blamelessly and does what is right
See there, his walk is blameless. He loves God. This means his lifestyle is righteous. he does what is right and good in God’s eyes. he or she doesn’t just think it, they live it out. That’s the person who can enter into God’s presence.
And it makes perfect sense. In this holy tent, on this holy hill lives a holy God. He is set apart. God can’t be with sin, God does not dwell with sin. Like oil and water he does not mix with sin. Never has. Never will. So, who can enter God’s presence? He who walks blamelessly and does right.
But what does it look like to live a blameless life? What does it look like to love God in real concrete and practical ways?
Well, we are not left in the dark. David gets into the nitty gritty. you want to know? Here it is. Here’s the blameless and righteous person.
First, his speech is truthful.
Verse 2b
Psalm 15:2–3 (ESV)
and speaks truth in his heart;
who does not slander with his tongue
and does no evil to his neighbor,
nor takes up a reproach against his friend;
He doesn’t just speak just technically correct words but in his heart he wants to deceive. You know those people. Its truth spoken from the heart. Genuine. The truth. Nothing but the truth. It’s the person who doesn’t call in sick and makes up a lame excuse after they have watched the world cup at 4am. it’s the person who does not bend the truth on centrelink forms. This person genuinely always speaks the truth. Always.
and look at their speech, this person never slanders. They don’t spread rumors in office coffee room. They don’t contribute to juicy gossip. Usually starts with words like… Far out did you hear about…? or i heard from... They are not attracted to the Hollywood gossip. They are repulsed by this. They don’t slander. They carefully protect other people’s reputations.
More than that they do no evil to their neighbor. They’re not abusive. They don’t use emotional blackmail. They don’t drive off after accidentally hitting a parked car – even though no ones there. No, they are truthful from the heart. They do no evil to their neighbor. They love their neighbor.
And, this person does not take up a reproach against his friend. Never slurs a fellow man. They don’t belittle others. They don’t rip into friends based on gender, age, culture, physical appearance, intelligence. No way. This person never says cruel things to tear people down. They build others up with kind words.
Their speech is truthful, they do not slander, they are not evil, they do not take up a reproach against a friend. They walk a blameless upright life.
and that’s not all.
They are loyal to God. love what God loves, hate what God hates. Look at verse 4
Psalm 15:4 (ESV)
in whose eyes a vile person is despised,
but who honors those who fear the Lord;
this is not a person who finds the sexual innuendo on radio talk shows funny. or reality TV shows. It’s vile. It’s disgusting. They don’t entertain it. Nor are they drawn to the lust filled images/videos/vile stuff on the internet. No they love what is pure and good. They love what God loves. they read Philippians 4:8 and think these things
Philippians 4:8 ESV
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
They hate what God hates, they love what God loves.
finally, they are honorable in how they deal with others, especially the poor and needy.
They keep a promise. even when it cost them far more than they thought. They refuse to break a promise. have you broken a promise before? A Handshake promise in a business deal? Promise to be faithful and love your wife, your husband? Even small promises, I’ll help you move next week. They don’t break promises. Even though its costly.
And they honor the poor by not lending money at interest. They are not a loan sharks preying on the poor. they apply Exodus 22:25
Exodus 22:25 ESV
“If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.
The point is this; They are generous. They don’t rip off the poor. they are not greedy.
And finally, we learn this person does not take a bribe against the innocent. Their integrity can’t be bought off. They never give preferential treatment to someone for money. Sadly we see this everywhere. it’s so common. Government officials, sporting stars paid to rig the game. Dodgy accounting to cover illegitimate payments. No, no amount of money can sway this person. they have integrity. They know God is their master. look at verse 4 second half just to reiterate what this person is like.
Psalm 15:4–5 (ESV)
who swears to his own hurt and does not change;
who does not put out his money at interest
and does not take a bribe against the innocent.
There we have it. A portrait of a blameless person. Who enjoys fellowship with the holy God? He is the one who loves God. The one who speaks the truth, does not slander, hates evil, loves what god loves hate what god hates, and deals honorably with the weak and needy.
David gives a promise about this person. The one who loves God. He says, verses 5b
Psalm 15:5 (ESV)
He who does these things shall never be moved.
This is the person who can enter into God’s presence, who will never be shaken, who will never lose their place there. It’s a wonderful promise, isn’t it?
So, who can actually enter into God’s presence? It’s the person who walks blamelessly verse 2. he lives this out! It’s not for the person who thinks it’s a good idea. Or does it occasionally. It’s for the person who is actually blameless, who is actually righteous. walks the walk doesn’t just talk the talk. Only that person can enter into God’s kingdom.
but here’s the thing; based on this criteria, do you think you would welcomed in or shut out? Be honest. well I know I have failed. It’s distressing. Why? because I cannot enter into God’s presence. It’s like God’s saying KEEP OUT. You are not worthy! Why? I don’t walk blamelessly. I don’t live the life that is always truthful in speech, I have slandered others, I don’t always love my neighbour, love God. I don’t always deal honourably with the weak and needy. I am self-centred. I read this Psalm and in its saying “you cannot come into God’s presence!” Keep out sinner. You’re not welcomed. Is that how you felt? i think that’s the right response. Because that’s the case for all of us. Remember last week, the Lord looks down from heaven Psalm 14 – remember last week, we saw that no one is good. All have turned away.
Psalm 14:3 ESV
They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
It’s scary isn’t it? you want to come into God’s presence? walk a blameless life. but you haven’t. and you can’t. we’ve all failed. We don’t do good. we read it last week. we have all fallen short. I have every intention of being patient with my children but at 3,4, 6am and their up again and again again, I can tell you definitively I don’t walk a blameless life. And friends, according to the Bible if we are not in God’s presence we’re in darkness. Separated from God. Hebrews 9:27 says “man is destined to die once and after that face judgement.” We are corrupt destined for judgment. eternal separation from God. Friend I hope you grasp how bad the situation is.
Because when this bad new sinks in, then you can fully appreciate the good news of Jesus.
He is the only one who truly loves God. Psalm 15 is a perfect picture of Jesus’s life.
Jesus walked a completely blameless life. He always did what was right in God’s eyes. He was tempted in every way Hebrews 4 but he never did anything wrong. Hebrews 4:15
Hebrews 4:15 (ESV)
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Jesus who never lied but always spoke the truth.
1 Peter 2:22 (ESV)
He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.
Jesus who never slandered, gossiped always spoke the truth in love. Jesus who never hurt his neighbor. He loved the weak the poor, the outcast. The one who truly loved his neighbor. He never cast slurs on anyone. Even in confrontation with people it was for their good. He loved them enough to tell them the truth. Even as the Roman soldiers they hurled their insults at him on his way to the cross.
He despised the vile deeds but honored those who feared the Lord. He always kept his promises even when it hurt. He promised to save us and he endured the cross. An innocent man who went to the cross for you! For me, for us! He did nothing wrong!
He was generous. He expected nothing, let alone interest. he laid his own life down for us! And Jesus who never took a bribe. Satan offered all the kingdoms of the world. But Jesus kept his integrity. He knew his loving heavenly father.
Psalm 15 is a magnificent picture of Jesus. The one who actually loved God. The one whom God the father declared this is my son whom I love with him I am well pleased.
Now the brilliant news. This same news. The only one worthy to enter God’s presence. He offers to bring us in too.
2000 years ago he came down the holy hill of Mount Zion to the cursed hill of Golgotha. He was punished on the cross. He bore our sins of lying, slander, rejecting God. he suffered for our vile deeds. He died for us. He bore God’s wrath. God said to his Son, away from me sinner! He died alone, for your sin and mine. Do you understand that?
But true to the promise in Psalm 15, even in death he was not shaken. And God raised Jesus back to life. He restored him to his rightful place. At God’s right hand ruling and reigning now forever in heaven.
Friends, we are not worthy to enter God’s presence. But Jesus is. This is the greatest act of love. Jesus traded places with us. So we can come into God’s presence by trusting in Jesus. 1 Peter 3:18
1 Peter 3:18 ESV
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,
We may enter God’s kingdom. Not in our abilities to meet the standards of Psalm 15. But trusting in Jesus. He’s already met each and every criteria perfectly on the cross. We just trust in him. repent and have faith in Jesus. What a Saviour! What a Lord!
4. Implications
1. Trust in Jesus
So if you are sitting here today, and you are not right with God. you know you are on the outer, you can enter God’s presence. You can be right with God, friends with God. don’t wait any longer. Dont put it off. Psalm 15 has shown us no one can live up to God’s standard. It’s impossible. But God has sent Jesus. Only he loves God perfectly. Jesus alone. Trust in what he has done for your sins. He bore your sins on the cross, he died and he rose for your sins. Turn back, say sorry to God. Repent and trust in Jesus.
Tell you what I was going to end the talk there. Trust in Jesus. great way to end. because that’s it isn’t it? How do you get into God’s kingdom? Come into God’s presence? Trust in Jesus. Repent and have faith in him. But I reckon this passage would lose it’s punch.
2. Walk with Jesus
This passage teaches us how we walk with our Lord, our King it really really matters. it really does. we are not saved to then live however we want. No! this passage teaches us to aim for, strive, for a holy Spirit fillEd life, to walk like Jesus our Lord. Even though we often fall short. We are called to follow the example of Jesus: 1 John 1:6
1 John 1:6 ESV
If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
Whoever claims to follow Jesus walks like Jesus. So walk, like Jesus. Blameless upright holy like him. this is who we are. this is the best way to live. We walk like Jesus.
So how has God convicted you this morning?
Look at the list. Are there lies you’ve been telling? Gossip you’ve been sharing? Are you hurting those around you? Slurring others? Are you belittling people? Have you honoring vile people? Instead of the godly? Have you broken promises? Have you taken advantage of the poor because of greed in your heart? Are you involved in bribery?
We need to repent and ask for God’s forgiveness.
Oh friends, we have been brought into God’s kingdom – into his presence by faith, let’s walk like Jesus our great saviour. Keep in step with the Spirit, walk like he walked. Let’s walk worthily as people who are already saved by Jesus.
3. Boldly enter God’s presence through Jesus
Friends, yes we fail yes we fall, yes we continue to fall. But because of Jesus you will never be shaken out of God’s kingdom. Many of us worry, ah am I good enough. ah am i sure? far out i did that again. one of the best advice my wife Joy received after we had our first Andrea, like at that time it was a slog. Everyday was rough no sleep, exhausted, just surviving off fumes… she said insightfully, tomorrow is a new day God gives us. It’s a bit of a family motto. It’s true. We are saved by grace you may struggle today. It’s a bad day. Keep remembering you are saved by grace in Jesus alone. So, Just trust him. hold onto Jesus. look to Jesus. look at what he did. Don’t look to yourself looking to him. just hold onto him. Someone said and I like It, we are saved by grace, not by intensity. By faith in him, not faith in our faith in him. So keep living for him. in him alone we can boldly enter God’s presence.
Let’s pray to our great God.
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