Galatians 5-6
When we look at what the Apostle Paul is doing here in the book of Galatians, I'm just going to reiterate something that we've shared over the last few weeks and chapters 1 and chapter 2, Paul gives a personal affirmation of his faith in Jesus Christ. We need to do that more than we have. Paul is sharing of how God delivered him from bondage, through faith in Jesus Christ. He was under bondage to the law under bodies to the old way of life, under bondage, to the world, and his faith in Jesus Christ released him from that. If in fact, you know, that story of the Damascus Road Saul of Tarsus Paul, the Apostle got called him and put him on A New Path. In chapter 3, chapter 4. We see that Paul gives a doctor, an explanation, his explanation of his doctor, what he believes that shows, the relationship between law and Grace at we needed the law to get to where we are. But now that we have God work, we're no longer bound by the law will no longer bound to those things that had to get us where we need to be, because God sent his son to die on a cross. For whosoever, will believe in him. Chapters 5 in chapter 6, Paul gives a practical application, let's put it into play. How do we make this happen now? How do we do the things that all these other things are leading up to? It's one thing to hear about is one thing to know about it. Now, let's do it. Let's do the Practical part. That tells us how to enjoy Grace, and how to enjoy freedom in our day because we love freedom. Do we not? We love freedom but at the same time, we need rules. We need regulations. Otherwise, there's chaos. Those of you who came from the south this morning or from the north this morning, how many you got to assign over here and slow down? Nobody, I knew it three or four times a day. I get to that. Sign was slow and Slow Down, slow down. And then it tells me my speed which is 54 because you know, I owe made I obey the law. If I pass play, how fast were you going before that? I don't know. But somebody told me to slow down so I slowed down. Stupid sign.
Remove those. Otherwise it's chaos. There must be a reason that that sign got placed there. And if you ever set up here during the day, you know there's a reason that that cuz I ain't got set up there cuz people go flying past here. Leichter. Tried out of a rocket. Sometimes we need laws, we need rules. We need regulations. That's why God gave us his word. That's why the Ten Commandments were laid out for us here. Obey, these, you obey these rules, you obey these laws life will be better. When we put those things in the practice and then to play, but these last few verses that we see here in Rome and start a relationship. If I starting in verse 16 of chapter 5, he's asking the question, are you walking in the spirit? Remember what we looked at last week? Are you standing free? Do you have the freedom? In your life, the freedom that Christ gives you the freedom that was a coffee than the blood of Jesus set us free. His life was laid down that we might have freedom. The next question was, are you falling? Have you fallen from Grace? Have you fallen from the place that God wants you to be? That doesn't mean to lose one salvation, but it does mean that we're not where we need to be.
Then you ask a question. What are you running? On course not the course that you said out for yourself, are you running on the course at God's laid out for you? Then we, we closed last week with the question. Are you being loving the little leaven leavens? The whole lump, the things of the world has come into the church. Paul was dealing with this some two thousand years ago. We're hearing we know about it today. We know, it's their velocities, in the ways of the world have entered into the church and its 11, the whole lump. Not everybody believes it that way. Not everybody sees it that way, but it does begin to permeate and we begin to let our guard down a little bit.
Baby clothes with are you serving others? Are you ministering to those around you or your ministering to those that have a need this, where he picks up and verse 16, are you walking in the spirit Galatians 5 or 6 East as I say, then walk in the spirit and you should not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flash lost against the spirit of spirit against the Against The Flash. And these are contrary to one another. So that you do not do the things that you wish Paul said. He's pretty much that same thing in the Book of Romans, if you're not the things I want to do, I don't do things. I don't want to do or the things I'm prone to do. Oh, what a Wretched Man. I am. He knew his life, he knew who he was. But he says a 5th Verse 18. If you were led by the spirit, you are not under the law. Now, the works of the flesh are evident with your adultery fornication. Uncleanness Lunas idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of Wrath selfish and Ambitions dissensions heresies. Evil murders are Envy. Murders drunkenness, revelries. And the like now I know there's nobody in our audience today in the service that has any issues or ever had any issues with any of those. It's all the people in the first service. Right now, I have to deal with that passage of scripture because we're perfect. Well, if you're saying is not listed there, it is, when he says in the light, because that's what it covers, the other ones. LOL, it's not there. I'm doing no. It's the end, the lake that gets was all, but he says he needs nothing. But the fruit of the spirit verse 22 is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness goodness, faithfulness Dental to self control against such. There is no law. So things are the world brain descends into our lives. The fruit of the spirit is going in the opposite direction. Love joy, peace. Notice what he says, the fruit of the spirit, not the fruits of the spirit. For you and me to have the spirit within us. We need all the fruits in the spirit in us, so we need all of them. So the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, Dylan Schooners, making a State Temperance. All those things that he writes about not picking and choosing their, maybe a fruit that we need to work on. But we need all of those fruits in our salad so to speak, you know I'm saying. We need those in our lives, in order to be all that God wants us to be close but I'm not going to work on that. Love thing. Know we need we need gentleness every part that is there. Cuz you see those things that are mentioned, before that and verse 19, verse 21 or things in which the world is throwing at us, the things that would say, here's what we can do is how we can live our life. Here's the thing, just go out and do whatever you want to do it when you're all said and done just confess it and move on.
Doesn't work that way really doesn't. I I I get bothered by people when I hear him say Well I I've accepted Christ on my as my Lord and Savior just for fire Insurance, just in case it's true. Well, then you don't really believe it. If you did it just in case it's true, right? Just in case it's true, doesn't mean you believe it's beginning to get there but no, I've accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, I don't need fire Insurance cuz I know where I'm going. I know him I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I don't have to be perfect, but I need to strive keep running the course. Strive to be what God wants me to be. And then look what he says in those last few verses verses 24 through the following and those who are Christ's have crucified, The Flash with its passions and desires.
The fact that the flash of past is gone, the new has come all things are passed away, all things have become new.
Where's 25 if we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit, let us not become conceited. Provoking one, another envying one, another, he lays out some things that we need to understand. Ever meet that Christian that thinks they're all that. Usually they're covering something up. If I got to tell you how great I am, Something's not right. You ought to be able to see it in me. You ought to be able to see it and others, and yes, when we looking and see the evil, sometimes the evil in the world, overrides, the good. And the moment we say something. I'm on, we do something then. That's all that. We know about the rest of, it doesn't really matter what we need to go back and look at that fruit of the spirit again. Love joy. Peace. Long suffering. Kindness goodness faithfulness. Gentleness self-control if we had those things in our life, who's going to hit us is against such there is no law. There's nobody say hey don't be don't be suffering with me. Know we we like that when those things happen. Are we thankful that God was that way with us? Are we thankful that he had loved that? He had peace that he had. It is long suffering that he is kind that he is good. That he is faithful. He's gentle. He has self control and he wants us to have it. The South control really does not mean me, controlling self. Is means having the Holy Spirit control cuz you and I can't control ourselves.
You know that we really can't not the way the world is not with all those other sins whirling around around us in this life all the things being tossed that is all the things being thrown as but we can be controlled by the spirit. But we got to give over to the spirit.
That takes us in the chapter 6. If we're walking in the spirit with then other things in her life are going to be a little different. If we're not walking in the spirit, then we're going to fulfill the lust of the flesh. All those sins. We've read about that are all around us. We hear about him today. They're going all around the world. Are there in this world. We live in today. But look what he says, in chapter 6, verse 1 and verse 2. He says, we need to see others humbly Brethren. If a man is overtaken in a trespass, you, who are spiritual restore, such a one in a spirit of gentleness considering yourself less. You also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens and Soulful Phil. The law of Christ hear some key phrases that he gives us here in verse 1. If a man is overtaken in a fault, if a woman is overtaken in a fault, then he said, then you who are what Spiritual. Make sure your script, I don't think your spiritual There's a lot of people walk around thinking, their spiritual that are allowing these other sins up here in chapter 5 in their lives. That's not spirituality.
Every Sunday morning when I come to church. The first thing that I do is I say, Lord, I spent a week in this world. Lord, I know that I've dealt with other people. I know my attitude probably hasn't been right. My spirit, my thoughts, made me. Not right Lauren before I walk here, up on this Pulpit on this platform. Lord cleanse me, make me write this morning, let your spirit work through me, not my ways, Lord, but yours be done.
Anytime we minister to people, that needs to be our attitude. Don't let it, don't let me see them by my eyes, let me see them through your eyes. Or let me look upon this world through your eyes. So that I can see the way you see, not the way the world tells me, I should see what Paul was dealing with the church. Was going back to the old way. They've been taught, all the things. The world has entered into the church supposed to say. I sent you guys up. I, I put you on the right course with God, doing the right things, you were doing a great job. What hindered you what? Hindered you on your path. What, what got you off path to where we are today?
And there's a lot of things in this world that can go soft. Pat, there's or not We need to see others. Humbly, see our response, many times. When we look at another's fall reveals our own walk. Sometimes we're looking for people to fall, sometimes we're looking for those mistakes and other people because it makes us feel better.
when you stumble, and when you fall, You think Jesus isn't having all that work? I did on the cross. It's paying off. I don't think so. When we stopped and we fall, I pretty much see Jesus doing.
And he's not that I didn't see that coming. He saw it, you just don't want it to happen.
How many of you have ever taught your kids to ride a bike? Right. You're running behind them. You're pushing them. You know, what's coming? Am I right? You know what's got? You just don't want it to Cuz you're not back, you're going to crash crash crash. I know you're there. You're pushing me. Stay up, stay upset.
We knew it was coming. And usually the child does not run back to you.
They go to the one that's going to show them that affection, show them that love, show them that care that you're probably not going to show them, you're just going to hate, don't rub it, get up and do it again.
We see ourselves differently. We need to see others humbly. Weather. We are walking in the spirit of whether we are not shows where we are when we judge others. Look what he says in verse 3, through verse 5.
if anyone thinks himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceives who You're not deceiving anyone, you hadn't deceiving yourself, you're deceiving yourself, he said, but we're not deceiving anybody else but we each one, let him examine his own work and then he will have rejoicing and himself alone and not in another for each one. Shall bear his own load. Carry your own load. We're good at dumping our loads on other people. Are we not? We're good at our problems and just dumping them all. There's someone else, taking off, who I feel so much better. And the other person laying there under that load of pain and sorrow, what just happened.
I know I care about you. I think you guys know that, right? I love each and everyone of you. I care about you. And if there's a a, a big thing that we got to deal with it, we'll deal with it. But let me just say in and not about myself, but in any Ministry, Sunday morning before the pastor, gets up to preach, or the Sunday, school teacher gets up to teacher. Somebody else is getting up to do ministry is not the time to dump on them.
You got that?
You know I'm saying? Because it gets your off line of what God's got in store because you've got it, we're here to deal with that. We're here that we are a triage unit. We're here to help you.
But just like in any triaging and you got to wait your time, there's a waiting room. And God is here and God will answer if your burn yourself grade, you just got there. You got to okay, good do it. But sometimes we just dump it on people, just so we feel better. And now somebody else got our load and I'm free. I'm glad I got that off my chest.
I can't breathe. And we say, what just happened. We need to see ourselves, honestly. See others. Humbly Point number 3. See your leaders appreciatively. And if you can't see them, it's the office that they hold. I mean we're talkin politics, you're talkin anything. We may not like those in charge but there's a position there that we have to respect. Look what he says in verse 6, through verse 10. Let him who is taught in the word share, all good. Things with him. Who teaches do not be deceived. God is Not mocked for whatever a man sows that he will also reap for, He Who solves to the flash will of the flesh reap corruption. But he who sells to the spirit world of the spirit reap everlasting life and let us not. Grow weary while doing good for in due season, we shall reap. If we do not lose heart, therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all expect you to those that are in the household. Efface. when you give to others, Who's Ministry, blesses you. You are sowing a seed that will continue to grow. You are sowing a seed that will continue to bear fruit. You are sowing a seed that will come back and bless you and others. But when we use our refund resources for Central purpose, you sold to The Flash and you're going to repay fleshly Harvest. What do you say again? Let him who is taught in the word share and all good things with him? Who teaches?
We need to be sharing the word within us.
Stupid thought I had this week with all that's going on in the world around us and in their own country.
but a lot of Christians, Buckle your seatbelts and we're going to like this, a lot of Christians have been doing a concealed-carry thing for a long time.
We got Jesus. But I'm not sharing with anybody.
No, I'm saying. I got them. It's easy to share it here this morning, we're pretty much of like-minded people, maybe not everything, but you pretty much the hard Parts when we go out there and hit the street. And have to share with people, who are totally different mindset than us. Have fallen into this New Age Era, kind of belief system gotten away from the word of God. See when we take prayer out, when we remove the Ten Commandments, things begin to change. and not for the better when there are no rules, Anything Goes
Have you seen anything goes? But look what he says. He who sows to The Flash and burn Sage will other flesh reap corruption but he whose souls to the spiritual of the spirit reap everlasting life. What do you want a lot of fruit in your barn? That when you're dead and John's going to ride away and be done with no good to anybody or everlasting life. That you can partake of fruit forever and ever and ever. God gave us that in that. Gift. He gave his only son, Jesus Christ but here's a problem verse nine against us and let us not grow weary. While doing good for in due season, we shall reap. If we don't lose heart,
have you ever given up just a little bit too soon? I've just quit you didn't go that extra step and had you done that extra step. Things might have changed would have changed for the better for you. We quit a little too soon. Or maybe we just never began. We never started. I got to do the same thing in the service that I did nearly service. Otherwise people are going to be upset. Joanna.
Can you play the piano?
How'd you learn to play the piano? Practice, did you teach yourself? Somebody taught you shared but you practice on your own somewhat. And how long have you been practicing?
About 11 years.
Remind me, what are you going to school for? Music. Play music. What what are your plans to do with that?
Are you sure you're 11 years? I've always wanted to learn to play the piano. I just never take the time to practice. Play. Templar song. Right now, anybody downstairs, praise and worship going to get confused. Come running up here when they hit a piano start playing cuz this is so Splendid. When I do this, Right. Right. Do my towels back.
I got to got to find the right key here.
Oh, there it is. Right? That's better than this morning. I didn't practice this morning this. I got one practice. Incense, here's my song.
you know how many years of practice that is 0.
Always wanted to learn to play the piano. I grew up in church, has pianos everywhere. My dad even asked me, son, would you like to take piano lessons? I said, sure Dad. Why not? And that's as far as it went. And then I got a motorcycle. I'm outside. Don't need to learn to play the piano when you can ride a motorcycle, a man. God's music is the greatest anyway. It's hard work. It's putting time and it's doing the work that's necessary in order. To better ourselves. It's not working to get salvation. We have salvation. Now that we have salvation, we need to put the work in, to grow it, to get better in the more we put into it. The more we get out, we understand that process. We do it at work, the better you do at work, you're expecting a better pay, a higher position to whatever you're hoping for that outcome.
We need to understand God's plan is what Paul is saying to the church Iglesia saying it to you. And I today, listen to it. Don't allow the things of the world to come in and steal. Your joy is still your home away from you all the things that I've laid out for you.
Was mentioned this morning about the Roe versus Wade, the change in that and God bless us for that. God is the giver in the taker of life. If God is God, he is a giver. He is a taker of life so when those babies come into this world, God look at that. You didn't see that happen. He allows those things to happen. The problem with our society today and has been as we allow the things of the world into our lives and then we get ourselves in trouble and here's how we get out of it. That wasn't God's plan. Well, that's what. What are you saying? I'm supposed to take celebrate until the time I get my that's God's plan.
Not the world. That's in the world, likes it. Wilson. Today, or yesterday was Prince birthday. Our youngest son's birthday. July 2nd. Today, is Tyler's birthday or middle child. Wednesday is Lacey's birthday.
All in July. Somebody asked me a while, back with Pastor Clyde, how do you lower you? What, how are you able to get all your kids birthdays in July, so it won't October 1st cold month.
other than Once we figure that out. I said, see you in November.
God's got a plan for all of those things in a right proper with. Here's the thing. We don't always follow God's plan. Can I get an amen?
Does a the best way? Here's the best way to live your life and now we got all these though, sends back in chapter 5. Remember the house we read about? We don't like hearing about. That's the world around us. So how do I get out of this problem? I got myself into
2nd Chronicles 7:14. If my people Who are called by. My name will humble themselves turn from their Wicked Ways seek my face and pray, then. I will hear from Heaven. I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.
Are you a child of God? Are you called by his name? We can apply that verse us. If we turn our ways to him, he will bless us. So we'll pass that. I wish I had. That Paul said the same thing. He's not God's not throwing us away. He says let the past be the past. Leave it behind strive to go forward for the Lord. Do the things that I'm asking you to do. Get the fruit of the spirit into your life, the way it needs to be, then you'll see others humbly. Then you'll see yourself, honestly, then you'll see your leaders appreciably then you will see the cross clearly. Look what he says verse 12 to verse 18. As many as you desire, to make a good showing in The Flash and we all like to make a good showing in the flash. Do we not? These would compel you to be circumcised. Ouch. Only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross for you, for not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they decided to have you circumcised that they made most in your phone. Hey, I've had 50 people circumcised this month. That's what he saying. I cannot tell you how many people I have married. I cannot tell you. How many people I have buried. I cannot tell you how many people we have. Baptized. I cannot tell you how many people have accepted Christ as their lord and savior. I don't keep track of that, I don't need to. It's God. And if one person again today, send up lyrics up in Christ as my Lord and Savior today. As I heard last week, that's what it's about.
One person saved from the Flames of Hell, going to heaven, spending eternity with Jesus and me too.
That's what it's about. I don't want anybody to go to hell, but it's not my choice. When you go there, it's your choice. Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ. And thou shalt be saved. That's where it starts. If there's anything else. Being taught if there's anything else being shared. It's wrong. I can't get there by my good. Looks I'm trying, I can't get through my mind, go to works and I'm not things I can do. I cannot buy it. It's already paid for I can just accept it and want to accept it. It's now doing the things got call me to do. It's not a fire. Insurance policy just in case. It's a real deal. Believe you will be there. Reject, you go to hell. That's it. That's John 3:16 in a nutshell for God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. The false teachers, one of the world's praise, that's what was going on here in this last part of a relationship after 6. So they avoided the cross. It's a work-related thing. They were trying to get people to do things by works. The True Believer will glory in the cross. Without the cross, I can do nothing. Without Jesus Christ. I am of no value to anyone. Even if it means suffering the world's and the T. The Bible tells us what's going to happen the last days. We can focus on the bad stuff is going to have. We need to be aware of that. Are you ready for this? God is still in charge. There is nothing. That keeps him surprised. He's got it all figured even when he told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, don't even that tree when they are the tree is not like I didn't see that guy. I told him not to eat of the tree so they wouldn't either the tree. I knew they were going to, they did it anyway. Then they made himself clothes. And even asking why did you call yourself or we were naked. One. Who told you? You were naked.
God knows us better than we know ourselves. Be not deceived. God is Not mocked for whatsoever. A man soweth that shall he? Also reap. My wife plants, a garden vegetables. She got flower gardens. Vegetables are there flower gardens around the house. I can't tell you what's in the garden. I can just tell you, it's green stuff. But she can tell you what's in the garden. Should we just do this? You'll do that. She'll take care of. The garden. Will reap a harvest. We've already begin to reap some of the Harvest of that Garden to work that's put in, but you got to pull the weeds or they'll choke out what's growing. You got to put working or it's not going to happen. It's not going to work. You got to do it, it takes effort, it takes time. But the garden is there. We have salvation. If you know, Jesus as your lord debut have salvation, it's there. Now, in order to get from where you just eat bits and pieces to getting a lot, you got to put some work in. The work comes at the piano 11, + years, right? Right. And it's not always the same piano, sometimes it's a different piano sometimes are too and sometimes you're not so attuned, right? Sometimes big sometimes it's all, but you put the work in in order to get the blessing. I'm an accomplished ability. True Believers. I will glory in the cross, even with me and suffering from the world. If we were in Ukraine today, Worshipping in Ukraine.
And the bomb Sirens started going off. Would we stay or would we run?
I enjoy you getting on a Sunday morning and waking up and reading some of these letters from churches in Ukraine that are already worship. He already doing their thing. Say, hey, we started seeing worship songs that the sirens went off and nobody left. We stay there and they began to sing louder to overcome the sound of the bombs dropping around them. Listen, fall to say, well that's foolish. Is it? Who's the giver and taker of life. If it's your day to go, it's your day to go. I mean, don't go out there and drive down the wrong side of the road that stupid itself, right?
But that doesn't take God by surprise. He knows that as well, he knows what's taking me out, he knows what's and yes in this world there's going to be a hard eights in the hardships.
But be of good cheer. He's overcome the world.
Closing us. Go back to that verse 1. Because he talks about Faithfully restoring one another. Brother. Never man or a person is overtaken in any trespass or in a fall. You who are spiritual? It's not all about you. Think we're spiritual, it's those who are spiritual and it's not me being more spiritual than you. It's driving to be what God wants to be what God wants. Add these fruit. This fruit of the spirit into your life, the way it oughta me. And when the fruit of your spirit is where it needs to be, then you can give Godly wisdom, then you can give guidance and Direction then. We can restore such a one with gentleness. Considering yourself. Unless you yourself be tempted. There is not a sin. That any of you have committed, I mean skews me. There's not a send that anybody in the 8:30 service has committed
that somebody else in the 8:30 service has not committed as well. Think about that, we're all guilty. We're all sinners. But when we accept Christ as our Lord and savior, he washes us with this blood and makes us white as snow Perfected. To begin our life all over again. Now the choice is what's my first act going to be a an act of sin or an act of service to the Lord. It's a daily Choice, isn't it? I got to make that choice everyday. My going to the right thing, or am I going to do the wrong thing? Remodeling, our kitchen at her house. We started last week with the process of Buying some things and getting prepared. and my back of my mind as I went bought some more for and you know how that went the other day when I bought five boxes of flooring to repair a camper this time, I bought 19 boxes of flooring And I counted 19 and I made sure they rang up 19 cuz it's a pain to go back and pay them for that extra box. They don't expect you to be honest. Number one. God, does, regardless, and I'm sitting there before we get this done cuz I want to make sure this was heavy boxes. I need a one morning guy says, I got to get down from up there in that top shelf. And I say, well before I move all of these you wanted you to bring that pallet down. I'll take them off the pallet then you don't have to. That's the way I would have done it. You don't have to restock that use a lift. No, I'm okay. Your waist buddy. You got to do it later. I guess, we'll however, but I got charged for all of just so you know, we're good with that aspect, but the other day it was a pain to pay back one box. They wouldn't believe I wanted to be that honest. I said I got to God, won't allow me to do it any other way, when we get to that point. And I'm not saying I'm perfect, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying we got somebody bigger than these eyes around as watching as we got, God knows everything about us, and when we strive to please him, It's going to go out the right way. Do that the fruit of the spirit and us the sins of the world? Bushnell father, we thank you we. Thank you for your goodness, your mercy and your love. We thank you for the way that you would provide for each and everyone of us. And all the birds, you know, the knees know, the direction that we need is a church. You know, the direction we need is a country. You know, the directions, we need individually guide us and help us to be all that we can be for you. We thank you for the freedoms. We thank you for the celebrations that we can have. And let us not forget where that freedom comes from. Where the independence comes from is by being free with you, and then you, we can be free from the world. Thank you guys are some directors in Jesus name.