Reality Check (Profane Worship)

Reality Check  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:06:56
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Bibles, Video, Slides, Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
Good morning thank you all for joining us this morning, in person and online. I am Pastor Kyle and I don’t know about you but I am thankful for the country we live in. What a great nation we are blessed to be in. That God has given us the freedoms that we have. But today is not about our nation today is about our God who is over all of creation. Let us go to him in prayer.
Praises: Conversations, Volleyball Night, Camp Cocollala (5 students leading)(show of hands of who is attending) Scholarships.
Needs Chris and Becca, Barb, Ben, and Katie Kendrick


Exegetical Summary
When God’s Priests profane the worship of God, God’s people follow. God calls for the priests to seek his face and repent of the sin in their hearts, because this type of worship is a nuisance, but God will be Worshiped by others.
Last week we started a sermon series that I am calling “Reality Check”. The Series is in the book of Malachi and the idea is that we all have a perception of the world around us. Our perception of the world around us is based on the truth or facts that we are aware of and based on those facts we interpret the world around us and this becomes our reality. We discussed three things that effect our perception of reality:
We don’t have all of the facts. This actually happened last weekend. It was just a communication breakdown but there were different realities going on.
We get our facts from the wrong places. We just have bad information. Who here has ever had bad information. Me and the kids with onfo.
We sometimes just ignore the facts that we have. Mountain Dew and health.
But all of these influence how we see the world around us and how we tackle problems and challenges.
There is much to discuss in the world around us but we have to have a correct view of what is going on to make any headway on those conversations. So we are taking a summer break to make sure we are looking at the world through the correct filters and see the world clearly.
The prophet Malachi started his oracle with a call to remember God’s love for Isreal. If you were not here last week this is the during the end of the OT right before the 400 years of silence between the OT and NT. God is calling out the Israelites one last time. We know from the NT that they did not heed these words correctly and would end up developing into Pharisees and Sadusees.
Malachi started with God calling them to remember his love for them, that he chose them in his sovereignty not because they were worthy, but because he wanted to.
He started chapter 1 with God saying “I have loved you” The priests would have agreed with him but God was laying down the foundation of the rebuke that was coming in the next section. So far God has not specifically called them out on anything but that is going to shift in today's section of scriptures.
Let us pray and then we will open the Word of God.
Stand with me as we read Malachi Chapter 1 verses 1-14. I am going to encourage you to bring bible. If you don’t have one let me know and I will get you one. You can also grab one of the sanctuary bibles in the back if you forget yours.
Malachi 1:1–14 (CSB)
1 A pronouncement:
The word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi.
2 “I have loved you,” says the Lord.
Yet you ask, “How have you loved us?”
“Wasn’t Esau Jacob’s brother?” This is the Lord’s declaration. “Even so, I loved Jacob, 3 but I hated Esau. I turned his mountains into a wasteland, and gave his inheritance to the desert jackals.”
4 Though Edom says, “We have been devastated, but we will rebuild the ruins,” the Lord of Armies says this: “They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called a wicked country and the people the Lord has cursed forever. 5 Your own eyes will see this, and you yourselves will say, ‘The Lord is great, even beyond the borders of Israel.’
6 “A son honors his father, and a servant his master. But if I am a father, where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is your fear of me? says the Lord of Armies to you priests, who despise my name.”
Yet you ask, “How have we despised your name?”
7 “By presenting defiled food on my altar.”
“How have we defiled you?” you ask.
When you say, “The Lord’s table is contemptible.”
8 “When you present a blind animal for sacrifice, is it not wrong? And when you present a lame or sick animal, is it not wrong? Bring it to your governor! Would he be pleased with you or show you favor?” asks the Lord of Armies. 9 “And now plead for God’s favor. Will he be gracious to us? Since this has come from your hands, will he show any of you favor?” asks the Lord of Armies. 10 “I wish one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would no longer kindle a useless fire on my altar! I am not pleased with you,” says the Lord of Armies, “and I will accept no offering from your hands.
11 “My name will be great among the nations, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Incense and pure offerings will be presented in my name in every place because my name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord of Armies.
12 “But you are profaning it when you say, ‘The Lord’s table is defiled, and its product, its food, is contemptible.’ 13 You also say, ‘Look, what a nuisance!’ And you scorn it,” says the Lord of Armies. “You bring stolen, lame, or sick animals. You bring this as an offering! Am I to accept that from your hands?” asks the Lord.
14 “The deceiver is cursed who has an acceptable male in his flock and makes a vow but sacrifices a defective animal to the Lord. For I am a great King,” says the Lord of Armies, “and my name will be feared among the nations.

Effect of Profane Worship

Today we are going to be in verses 6-14. Malachi is addressing the priests of Isreal. If you remember the priests were from the line of Aaron. The method of worship was the sacrifices that God laid out in the law and any other offering that people would bring to the alter and give to God. There were many different types of offerings that had specific purposes. They would bring animals and crops to the place of worship. The place of worship was the tabernacle and then the temple. The priests were set apart as mediators of worship between the people and God. They had a very important role in the community of Isreal. He is addressing them in this section.
This section starts like the last section. God makes a statement that the priests would agree with He states:
Malachi 1:6 (CSB)
6 “A son honors his father, and a servant his master. But if I am a father, where is my honor?
They have no issue with this statement. It was expected for children to honor their father and a servant his master. They would agree that many do not honor God but at this time and in the book of Malachi no where does it lead us to believe that the priests were aware of the charges that God is about to bring.
God continues with:
Malachi 1:6 (CSB)
... And if I am a master, where is your fear of me? says the Lord of Armies to you priests, who despise my name.”
The priests would have been taken back by this and in reality they did not respond with this question but God was responding for them based on what their actions are saying. He says that they despise his name. He asks for them “How have we despised your name?”
This is where words matter. Despised means
Despised: to treat something as worthless. to look down upon or contempt.
Esau thought his birthright was worthless so he sold it for a bowl of soup.
In other words they are saying “ How have we made your name worthless?” That is a pretty big charge even to them.
God says by presenting defiled food on the alter. As we discussed at the beginning this was that place where the peoples sacrifices and offering would be given to God and burnt. What they were bringing was “defiled”.
Malachi 1:7 (CSB)
7 “By presenting defiled food on my altar.”
“How have we defiled you?” you ask.
When you say, “The Lord’s table is contemptible.”
They were to bring their best to God. Their best animals and food. This was to be a demonstration of honor and worship. It was not to be compared to other peoples gifts and only the giver and the receiver would know if it was the best. It was to be the best not because of the giver but because of the character of the receiver. God is holy and he deserved the honor of the best they had to give. He did not the majority, but the best.
God uses a strong word.
Defiled:to make morally or spiritually impure, polluted
In the end God says they have defiled God’s name by defiling Him, by treating the alter as worthless. God was charging them with treating the very center of worship as worthless. They would be very surprised at this. This was what priests did. This was their role in the Israelite community. Have you ever had someone come up to you at work and tell you, you are not doing something right? How does that make you feel? Well there are usually two reactions, the 1st is shame or guilt if it is true, the other is anger or annoyance because by golly I do a good job and what do you know.
This would have been a hard thing to hear because they should have known better.
Leviticus 22:17–20 (CSB)
17 The Lord spoke to Moses: 18 “Speak to Aaron, his sons, and all the Israelites and tell them: Any man of the house of Israel or of the resident aliens in Israel who presents his offering—whether they present payment of vows or freewill gifts to the Lord as burnt offerings—19 must offer an unblemished male from the cattle, sheep, or goats in order for you to be accepted. 20 You are not to present anything that has a defect, because it will not be accepted on your behalf.
God isn’t calling them out over a couple of defiled sacrifices, he is talking about a culture of not presenting the best. He even asked them to think about it. Would you pay your taxes with what you are offering to me. I have commanded you give me the best and you give me the worst. What God is saying is that your hearts despise me so you bring defiled sacrifices to my alter. What kind of honor is that. I will not even accept it.
This might be a poor analogy but when we were having out first children the church used to make meals for about a week and bring them. It was very helpful and so awesome. But what I found hilarious was that these little older ladies would show up with something special for me. I had one I quote “I was told not to show up with out on of these”. Now I did not request this but they knew me and they brought me something they knew I would accept. Now if you have been around me at the holidays you know I loth cranberries. If they had brought me this. I would have rejected it behind their back in the most gracious way possible. It isn’t what I want.
He calls them out on what they are doing and then tells them the correct response.

The Correct Response to Profane Worship

Malachi 1:9 (CSB)
9 “And now plead for God’s favor. Will he be gracious to us? Since this has come from your hands, will he show any of you favor?” asks the Lord of Armies.
He tells them to plead, or to earnestly pray. To pray for what? Well for his favor or forgiveness if they recognise that they are sinning against God. It is the image of someone pleading to be in good graces again. Have you ever watched a movie where someone has broken the trust of another and they plead to be forgiven. This is not a willy-nilly shrug it off prayer. This is a deep action to ask for God’s graciousness.
“This is from your hands” they are guilty of this transgression and the transgression is large enough that he says close it down. Close it all down.
Malachi 1:9–10 (CSB)
9 “And now plead for God’s favor. Will he be gracious to us? Since this has come from your hands, will he show any of you favor?” asks the Lord of Armies. 10 “I wish one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would no longer kindle a useless fire on my altar! I am not pleased with you,” says the Lord of Armies, “and I will accept no offering from your hands.
The priests were leading the people to defiled worship. The priests were supposed to be the mediators of holy worship. Not only were they participating but they were allowing God’s people to go down this path. He says because of where your heart is he will not accept their sacrifices anymore. He would rather the priests shut the door of the temple than to continue with these worthless offerings. Then he goes on to say
Malachi 1:11 (CSB)
11 “My name will be great among the nations, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Incense and pure offerings will be presented in my name in every place because my name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord of Armies.
His name will be great from the east to the west from the rising to the setting sun. Prayer and pure offering will be presented from every place because his name will be great among the nations. Among the other nations. This is one of the OT pointers to the salvation of the Gentiles and that they will offer God prayer and pure offerings.
This should be our way of responding to revealed sin as well. First we need to become aware of it through the Word and other people. Then we should Earnestly pray for God favor.

The Cause: Profane Worship

Malachi starts with what the priests were and then told them how to properly respond to the revelation of their defiled worship and in verse 12 he goes back and tells them the why.
Malachi 1:12–13 (CSB)
12 “But you are profaning it when you say, ‘The Lord’s table is defiled, and its product, its food, is contemptible.’ 13 You also say, ‘Look, what a nuisance!’ And you scorn it,” says the Lord of Armies. “You bring stolen, lame, or sick animals. You bring this as an offering! Am I to accept that from your hands?” asks the Lord.
The priests actions are described as profane. This word has lost it significance to us other than probable the use of it to describe foul language as profanity. What make profanity foul? What is the standard?
Profane: to violate the sacred character of someone or something
It original literal use was that which is outside of the temple. It was to used to describe desecrating that which is holy. Profane is the antonym or the opposite of holy. It means common. Holy means to set apart and profane means to be common. So profanity would be the opposite of Holy language.
Isreal was making the worship of God common. They were removing the sacred character of the sacrifices. They were defiling the table, the product, and the food by saying it is contemptible or worthless.
Have you ever been a part of a ministry where you collect food, clothing, or anything else and well intentioned people bring the worst of the worst to you. I am not taking about the woman with two pennies and she bring what she has left. I am taking about the person who buys $5 coffees every day but donates food that has been expired for 3 years. They are saying with their actions “What is the thing of the least value to me and they will be thankful that they have that.”. You may think that doesn’t happen but I remember having to throw away a bunch of donated food one year because we were afraid it would make people really sick. The food drive was about giving what I don’t want not about giving what God wants.
The priests took something holy and amazing and made it common and had brought it away from its holy purposes, they now thought of the sacrifices as a nuisance and something to be scoffed at. They threw away the relationship in exchange for a ritual.
The priests must of thought this made sense. The people brought the lame and sick to the alter. They that this was very practical. that they could kill two birds with one stone. they did not see the heart issues that were going on. They lost their view of the reason for the sacrifice and just the sacrifice itself. this lead to practical changes that led them away from God. They focused on the act of obedience not the one asking.
When we take God out of something it becomes practical. We start to treat it in a way that fits into our lives instead of us fitting into God’s. Sanctuary communion...
God ends with this warning
Malachi 1:14 CSB
14 “The deceiver is cursed who has an acceptable male in his flock and makes a vow but sacrifices a defective animal to the Lord. For I am a great King,” says the Lord of Armies, “and my name will be feared among the nations.


God’s name will be known among all of the nations. That is what we see today. There are many who call him Lord for he is a great King but, We have to ask the question are we doing the same thing. Do we profane the worship of God? Do we defile his alter?
What does worship look like today?
Romans 12:1–2 CSB
1 Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
We are to present our bodies (both physical and Spiritual) as a living offering, a living sacrifice.
We are to be Holy and pleasing. That means our lives are the opposite of profane, the opposite of common. You should be regarded as weird or not normal. Our lives are to be set apart for the Glory of God. All of it. not just parts of it. This is to be pleasing to God which means it cannot be just zeal and passion we are to be inline with God.
This is true worship. This is divine service to God.
Do not be conformed, do not assimilate, do not be common. But be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We need to think differently. Why because we are all sinners and we are all common by birth. We start out as the opposite of Holy but he chooses us to be set apart but we still have a part of us, our fleshly, sinful nature that wants to conform to the world. Then we can discern the will of God.
Here is the take away for today
When people follow their natural inclination to make the things of God common, our worship does not honor God and he will remove blessing, but we have the Word to warn us from turning from God.
We naturally make the holy things of God common. Which leads to defiled or polluted actions.
We must find ways to see through this and when we do we must follow the example here and plead and repent.
What are some areas of our life that churches make common. Look at the words outside in the foyer.
Things we make common:
Growth (Common: School)
Bible Reading
Small Group
Sermon Hearing
Fellowship (Common: Party)
It is more than a potluck. It is a group of people on a path together.
What about marriage?
Stewardship (Common: Business)
We are not defined as a nonprofit, we are not defined as business. We are the church, local and universal. Our stewardship of the resources he has given us should be holy, not common.
Our marketing strategy is that which spreads the gospel. Illuminate the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest. Big or small that is not what makes a church common or Holy. It is the heart of the people for the things of God. That is what makes a church Holy.
Ministry (Common: Country Club)
Meeting needs of those in the church. Deacon ministry and the like. What is common is a group that comes together to make things as easy as possible for them, to meet as many of the peoples needs as possible. What is uncommon is people helping other people and loving people by sharing what God has given them. Time, Talents, or treasure.
Outreach (Common: Social Project)
The Gospel Period. In love for Jesus.
Worship (Common: Concert)
Worship is the pan that all of the other pieces sit in. It is what we offer in all of the other areas that is our offering
Worship music
In the end every aspect of our lives falls into common or Holy. We are the priesthood of believers so does our worship lead others to the correct worship of God?
Do areas of your life fall into the common category. Or the Profane category?
What areas of your life fall into the Holy and Pleasing to God Category?
Remember this is not a faith by works. This is the faith of the uncommon. This is a byproduct of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. This type of life comes from the sanctification of the believer and God’s will bestowing his blessings on those who worship him in spirit and truth.
I must have an aside here and also say that we must be careful not to ascribe sacred character to something that God has not defined as sacred. Those are idols.
So what do you do from here? What if areas of your life are common. Well join the club. We will always be working through areas of our lives because we will always be sinners but we should be growing to tackle new areas as he build in us the ability in other areas. Be encouraged because we have the opportunity to plead and ask for forgiveness and grow. Be willing to ask for help.
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