Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Galatians 6:1-5 “1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.
5 For each will have to bear his own load.”
So, as you know, a number of months ago we moved into a “new” place.
Well, new for us, anyway.
And actually part of it is brand new.
But the other part of the house has been around for a little while.
I wasn’t there when the house was built, obviously, but I can assume that when the guy built this house, it had the appearance of a new house.
I’m sure the cupboards were free of scratches, the linoleum was shiny and nice,
The floors were stained, varnished, and polished.
The house was ready to be lived in.
And for many years, it fulfilled its purpose of being a shelter and a place of rest for grandpa, Wilbur and Lucille and family, our family, various renters,
And it fulfilled its purpose well.
It didn’t complain.
Sometimes it needed to be repaired here and there and “corrected”.
It really served well
But as it served, it began to wear out.
The cupboards became scratched, the floor began to be scuffed and scraped.
The walls had holes where pictures were hung, marks, dents, and such.
And after 60 years or so, the house just didn’t have that nice new feel to it anymore.
It was kind of tired.
So when Heidi and I were considering moving in, we not only considered adding on something new, we thought about how we could restore what was already there.
One major project was the floors.
We went out and rented big sanders, bought the sandpaper to go with it.
We bought polyurethane and applicators.
And we began the work of restoration
We tore away at the old finish that was worn and scratched and scuffed and as best as we could with our nonexistent experience,
we exposed the bright beautiful wood underneath.
and then we took the polyurethane and put 3 or 4 shiny coats on top of this bright wood to protect it from getting scratched again.
And some of the rooms were completely transformed, especially those rooms that had that old dark finish on the floors
We know that sometimes we need to restore objects:
Sometimes we like to restore old cars…sometimes the result of restoration is more beautiful than the original!
But you know, people need restoration too.
Even people end up with scuffs and scratches.
Even people get worn out and tired and lose the beauty and shininess that they had when they first began to follow Jesus.
Some of you might remember how it felt when you first began to follow Jesus and felt His presence in your life.
Things felt new, brighter, happier.
You knew something had changed and it just felt like a new beginning.
But perhaps over time that has changed.
Things just don’t feel that way anymore.
You feel tired.
Life doesn’t seem so bright any more.
You don’t feel so close to Jesus.
The Christian life seems more like a chore than a privilege and a joy.
It’s just something that’s expected.
You come to church and other church activities because…well, it’s expected and what would folks say if I didn’t.
And during the week, Jesus could hardly be farther from you mind.
It seems like you could use some restoration.
Why would people need to be restored?
For some people, they have served their purpose well.
They have stayed the course and done what they were created to do.
But in the course of time, they find themselves worn out and scuffed, feeling abused and used.
Last summer, as you know, we went to a retreat center.
There were some other couples there, and all of them bore the marks of pain and weariness.
As we talked with them and heard their stories, it was fairly evident that they needed to be restored.
We felt like we needed some restoration work done ourselves
That is what is on Paul’s mind in our passage today.
sometimes it’s not that we are necessarily feeling worn out from serving our purpose and being faithful to what God has called us to do
Sometimes, if we are honest, we find that we have been “overtaken” by a sin or a fault.
But whether it’s tiredness or sin, in both cases we need some restoration work done on us.
Because both have a way of marring the image of our Creator.
Both have a way of marring the newness of our original design.
Now, unlike restoring a floor or a car, it’s hard to write a “how to” manual about restoring people.
You can’t just pop on Youtube and type in “How to Restore People”.
You won’t find one of those yellow and black books in the bookstore entitled “Restoring People for Dummies”.
Because people are wonderfully complex, just like our Creator God.
Each situation is unique.
Every personality is different.
I can’t restore an adult in the same way that I would restore a child.
I can’t restore an American in the same way that I would restore an African.
Each person requires a different approach
But Paul does give us some guiding principles here in this passage which help us to understand the work of restoration.
It must be done by those who are Spiritual
Who has the responsibility for doing the work of restoration?
If someone is caught in a fault, a sin?
If someone is tired and worn out, who has the responsibility for undertaking this restoration work?
You might look at me and say, “Well, that’s your job, preacher man!”
But that’s not what it says here.
It says “You who are spiritual”.
And who is that?
Are you a spiritual person?
And you say, “I don’t know.
I try to be spiritual”
But I’m not talking about trying to be spiritual
I’m asking, is the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life?
That’s what we are talking about
A spiritual person is one who is keeping in step with the Spirit and in whom the fruit of the Spirit is growing
And that should be all of us
And this is so key.
This is so important.
If you set about to do the work of restoration, you must be spiritual.
Because what we see on the outside, our works, our choices, are at the very core, a spiritual matter.
< .5
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