The Vanity of Hypocritical Religion

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Solomon has been making observations in this book and recognizing the meaningless of life under the sun when it is lived without God. So far everything he has observed has been secular:
Now he makes his way to the Temple. He sees vanity even in the Temple. He warns against the meaningless of hypocritical worship.
Solomon knew a lot about hypocritical worship. He started well and ended well but he went through a rough patch. 1 Kings 11:4 says that Solomon’s wives turned his heart away from God.
Solomon has already admitted that in this book. In chapter 2 he tells us about his escapades but admits he found no meaning in a sinful life. Thank God for the book of Ecclesiastes. It shows us that Solomon did recognize his sin.
As a man who knew what it was like to be a hypocrite in religion, he warns us. We’re going to look at the five commands he gives concerning worship.
1. Walk reverently before God (1).
A. Hypocritical religion is both foolish and ignorant.
What is the “sacrifice of fools”? It’s worship that comes from an insincere heart. It’s pure ceremonial religion. It’s going though the motions with no regard for God Himself.
Solomon saw people bringing sacrifices to the Temple who he knew were fakes. They took an animal to the priest to have it sacrificed but that animal was killed for nothing at all. It was foolish for this person to even be at the Temple.
God calls the Atheist a fool in two Psalms (Psalm 14 & 53).
Here he calls the hypocrite a fool.
What’s more foolish? To be an atheist or a hypocrite?
To be a hypocrite is more foolish!
Think of all the committed Christian does:
We give every Sunday to the Lord.
We give a portion of every paycheck to the Lord.
We serve the Lord through His church.
Why in the world would you do that if your relationship with God was not real?
That leads us to the second part: they are ignorant.
They don’t realize that their hypocritical worship is evil. In fact, they think they are doing good. They’re deceived.
Jesus gave a parable about two guys he went to the Temple to pray in Luke 18. One was a hypocrite; the other was not.
The hypocrite said:
God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
That was an ignorant man. He thought all his religious works would atone for his sin. He was wrong. There is nothing more irreverent than pretending to love God when you do not.
B. We should worship God with great reverence.
“Keep thy foot”- “Guard your steps”
“Walk” in Scripture often refers to character. Solomon is telling us to be careful how we conduct ourselves when we worship.
Reference to feet reminds us of Moses at the burning bush who was told to take off his shoes because he was on holy ground (Exodus 3:5).
This implies preparation. In the West there was a custom of removing hats indoors. Why?
They were unnecessary- purpose of hat to protect head.
They communicate a courtesy- I’m not in a hurry to leave.
As a sign of respect.
The point is when you enter worship you are aware you are entering a special place.
We’re not to just trot into worship.
Our heart should be prepared.
Our mind should be engaged.
Why do people have a rug at their door? To remind you to prepare yourself before you enter their home. That rug is a reminder to respect where you are going.
C. We should come to worship to hear the Word of God.
Not everyone comes to church to hear the Word of God.
Illustration: When I was a chaplain at a maximum-security prison things got so bad we had to lock the bathroom door during worship services.
People would go in there to smoke dope
People would go in there to meet their boyfriend
If someone had to go to the restroom I would stop preaching, unlock the door, and then return to preaching.
Things changed pretty quickly because guys didn’t like everyone recognizing they were the reason why the preaching stopped.
Do you come to church to hear the Word of God?
Do you bring your Bible?
Do you look at the text?
Do you listen intently?
Are you more ready to hear than to speak?
If you don’t listen when the Word of God is being preached, you do not respect the Word of God.
It’s irreverent to talk to people when the Bible is being preached.
It’s irreverent to do your Word search when the Bible is being preached.
It’s irreverent to read your bulletin or your book when the Bible is being preached.
It’s irreverent to call any unnecessary attention to yourself when the Bible is being preached.
When we come to the house of God we should be more ready to hear the Word than to do anything else.
2. Speak slowly to God (2-3).
A. When we pray, we should consider who we are speaking to.
Solomon says, “God is in heaven, and you are on the earth.”
What does he mean?
God is far greater than we are.
Jeremiah the prophet got in trouble with hasty prayer. He was so upset that no one liked him because of the message he was preaching he took it out on God. He asked the Lord
“Will you be to me like a deceitful brook like waters that fail?” (Jeremiah 15:18)
He was a laying a charge of deceit against the Lord.
The Lord didn’t like that. He told Jeremiah “You better repent right now.” Thankfully Jeremiah straightened up.
Jesus said when you pray you should remember that you are on earth and your Father is in heaven.
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.”
B. When we pray, we should consider what we are saying.
Be not rash” “be not hasty”
Those who talk fast normally talk without thinking. The old saying:
“He’s a fast talker” isn’t a compliment. It usually implies deceit. Someone is telling us what we want to hear so they can get something from us. Jesus said of the hypocrites in His day:
“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.“ Matthew 6:7
Here’s some good prayers:
Lord, help!
Lord, I’m sorry!
Lord, save me!
Lord, forgive me!
Lord, I need you!
Lord, I love you!
Lord, I believe!
C. We should consider how we may sound to God.
Look at verse 3.
“A dream cometh through the multitude of business and a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words.”
The same truth is repeated in verse 7.
“For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities.”
He’s talking about actually dreaming. We dream more often when we have a lot on our mind. Dreams are our brains way of processing all the stuff going on in our life. Because we’re not awake to sort through all the information our dreams are often illogical. They don’t make sense.
Our dreams are normally foolish. Crazy things are happening. When we explain them to others we all laugh about it.
When we pray fast and long prayers without regard to what we are saying our prayers are as foolish as our dreams are.
There some who have big plans for God. They tell the Lord all they are going to do for Him. Be careful when you start telling the Lord all you are going to do for Him. You may sound foolish. He knows what you’re going to do.
Jesus said before we follow Him we need to sit down and count the cost. In Luke 14 He talked about rash promises. He said:
Before you fight a war you better make sure you can win it.
Before you decide to build a tower you better make sure you can finish it.
Speak slowly to God so that you don’t tell Him stuff that isn’t true.
3. If you make a promise to God, keep it (4-5).
A. There is no virtue in making promises.
You may sound virtuous but you’re not. Virtue is in keeping promises.
I can’t tell you how many people have told me what they’re going to do for God.
Preacher I’m going to get serious. I know I’ve been slacking but I’m going to get serious for the Lord.
Baptism- What is the promise?
Church membership- What is the promise?
Think about wedding vows. There is no virtue in those vows. If you make the vows on your wedding day but don’t live them afterward there is no virtue at all.
B. God takes vows seriously.
We are not required to make vows. If we make one we are required to keep it.
Unless that vow is sinful- Illustration of Jephthah.
He made a rash vow.
He made a sinful vow.
His keeping of the vow was sinful.
He told the Lord he would sacrifice the first thing that came out of his door if the Lord gave him victory over the Ammonites. His daughter was the first thing to come out (Judges 11).
Even if it is a difficult vow God expects us to keep it.
Hannah had no child. She told the Lord if He would give her a child she would give it to Him. He gave her a child. After the child was weaned she took him to the Tabernacle and that’s where the child lived.
That was no doubt a difficult vow to keep.
Did you know you will not be a hypocrite if you do this simple thing: Keep your promises to God.
The first vow I ever made was 30 minutes a day in the Bible and prayer for three months. It was hard. Working 50-60 hours a week and doing that was hard! I was scared what would happen to me if I didn’t keep that vow.
C. It is better not to make a vow at all than it is to make a vow and break it (5).
1) It is better to God. He doesn’t require the vow. There is no need for you to make a vow to Him.
Listen to me, Have you ever been lied to by someone you thought cared about you? How did it feel? Imagine how the Lord feels.
The Lord has made us many promises and has kept them all.
The Lord loves us like no other!
The Lord deserves our faithfulness.
2) It is better for man.
You aren’t bound by your vow. You don’t have to worry about the discipline of the Lord. you don’t have to worry about the weight of regret.
We make vows because we think we have to bargain with God. We don’t have to bargain. He gives us all things freely through Christ!
4. Don’t make excuses for a lack of faithfulness (6).
A. Sometimes sin is what we fail to do.
Solomon says don’t allow your mouth to cause you to sin. The context is a person said they were going to do something for God, and they didn’t.
We know it is a sin because look at the question at the end of verse 6:
“Why should God be angry at thy voice and destroy the work of thine hands?”
God wouldn’t be angry if there were no sin. Lying to God is a sin.
I was an awful kid. I was always in trouble. But one thing I learned early was not to lie to my mom. If I lied and she found out things were way worse. She took it personal. So, if I was caught, I would just tell the truth. Years later she told me she appreciated that.
When you break your Word to God He takes it personal. Things will be worse.
B. Owning our sin is the only way to please God.
Solomon says, “neither say thou before the angel that it was as error”.
The word angel means messenger. It probably refers to the priest in the temple who the vow was made in the presence of.
The guy tells the priest “I know I promised God but….”
He had an excuse.
When we break our promise there is no excuse. There is only confession. You say, “What if I truly can’t keep my word?”
You confess your hastiness in making the promise. But as Christians we are not to make excuses.
There are people who never want to use the word “sin” when referring to their behavior.
Remember this: Only sinners find forgiveness!
Those who will not acknowledge their sin will not be forgiven of their sin.
Jesus said only the sick need a Physician. In other words, if you won’t admit you are sick, Jesus isn’t going to heal you.
5. Fear God (7).
You can say:
I’m gonna love God
I’m gonna serve God
I’m gonna follow God
But if you don’t fear God none of those things will happen.
What does it mean to fear God?
I’m gonna share a verse with you that I memorized as a very young Christian and it scared the devil out of me.
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)
To fear God means to live every moment of every day with the understanding that God is watching and listening.
God sees what I do.
God hears what I say.
God knows what I’m thinking.
There are some who will not fear God until it is too late. Those of you who do not fear God consider something with me for a moment.
Consider that you suddenly have a heart attack. There you are, clutching your chest in pain. You can hardly breathe. You are aware that this is a serious thing. Sweat is pouring out of your pores. There is nothing you can do.
You reach out for the phone but can’t grab it.
You try to speak but you can’t get the words out.
My friend if that happens you are scared. I don’t care who you are, you’re scared. You’re scared because you realize, perhaps for the first time ever, that you are possibly going to die.
Death will one day suddenly drag us all before the presence of the Lord. That’s why death is scary. It is scary because it takes us unwillingly to the judgment seat of God.
The question is not will we fear God. We will eventually. The question is will we fear God on this side of the dirt.
The remedy to a hypocritical meaningless religion is to fear God. When we fear God we will:
Come to Christ for salvation
Live for the glory of Christ
Love the Word of Christ.
When I was a young Christian I read a quote that made a lot of sense to me. It said “If Christianity is worth anything it is worth everything.” Indeed, it is. Won’t you come to Christ?
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