Gal 1:10-24

Galatians 1:10- 24  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Galatians 1:10- 24

Intro: to refresh us regarding what is happening, Paul is confronting his accusers, who happen to be communicating that the message Paul is preaching is watered down or a softened message, which in their opinion is a lawless message and that basically it is allowing these new gentile converts to continue in sin. They are in fact accusing Paul of being a people pleaser!
10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Notice the “now” and “still” words which underscore a change. Paul had changed.
Paul, used to be a people pleaser-
Paul admits to being a previous people pleaser - (1st person he was trying to please was himself!) this played itself out in how he was living as a pharisee.
“I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age”
“zealous for the traditions of my fathers”
The desire to rise above your contemporaries is rooted in self centeredness but the avenue in which it occurs is thru people pleasing.
We see this played out in many scenarios such as politics, business leadership, as well as in some churches, not to mention the various cults, where they coddle or cave into the demands of the people for the sake of presumed power and leadership.
People pleasing is simply the fear of man. And we “all” struggle with it on one level or another. Its an Age old dilemma.
Proverbs 29:25 ESV
The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
Truth be told, the Judaizers were the ones still operating in the fear of man. They were concerned about the opinion from the rest of the Jews Gal 6:12 They could easily argue, if under persecution from the Jews, that they are indeed keeping the law instead of boating in the cross of Christ “alone”.

It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.

For most of us it is not the fear of being killed from outsiders, granted because we dont experience this in the west, but it is the fear from within. It is the fear of not being affirmed or accepted which has its root in being self conscience rather than Christ conscience.
The fear of man can distort the gospel, which is exactly what the Judaizers were doing.
Fear of man can cause us to become self centered, not trusting in Christ, not trusting in His gospel
Fear of man can cause us to be paralyzed in our faith and our service to Christ. Recall Paul said if he was a people pleaser he wouldn't be servant of Christ.
How do we overcome people pleasing?
like any sin - admit it and confess it. James 5: 16 - then comes the healing process
Paul addresses people pleasing - Eph 6:5-9 and Col 3:22-25 , fear the Lord more and fear the Lord more towards those we are people pleasing.
Do the will of God and not the will of man. Eph 6:6
Crucify it by willing to lose your life. This is the paradox of scriptural teaching,
a. he that tries to save his life will lose, but he that loses his life will find it or keep it. Matt 16:25
b. seek 1st the Kingdom…and all these things will be added
the antidote for people pleasing is not people despising. We are called to love even our enemies as well as pray for them that persecute us.
signs of people pleaser - truth is, we all struggle with it!
unhealthy need to be accepted or approved by men - John 12:43
concerned what others are thinking or thinking others are constantly thinking about you.
overly needing to be liked - Col 4:3-6; Phil 2:3-4
not being completely honest Col 3:9
avoid conflicts -
motive: duty or desire? Col 3:23
passive in personal interactions - I don't care, what everybody else wants to do, etc
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