1 Corinthians 11:23-26
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1 Corinthians Exegesis and Exposition
It is the only place in his letters in which he cites a tradition about Jesus that corresponds to a narrative in the Synoptic Gospels.
1 Corinthians Exegesis and Exposition
He does not intend to teach the Corinthians something new about the Lord’s Supper or to correct their theology of the Lord’s Supper. He cites it only to contrast what Jesus did at the Last Supper with what they are doing at their supper.
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (Memorial)
Although “remember” is usually understood as simply recalling to the mind something from the past, and “memorial” as that which serves to preserve the memory of something from the past, there is often another dimension to these terms in biblical usage. In the Bible, the verb “to remember” often represents a broader idea than simply to recall something from the past because it implies and includes resultant action as well. It is not just recalling, but recalling in a way that affects one’s present feeling, thought, or action.
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (Memorial)
It is not just recalling, but recalling in a way that affects one’s present feeling, thought, or action.
Elwell, W. A., & Beitzel, B. J. (1988). Memorial. In Baker encyclopedia of the Bible (Vol. 2, p. 1435). Baker Book House.This also means much more than simply recalling events from past history. It means to live in the present in the light of God’s past actions.
1 Corinthians (b. Institution (11:23–26))
Believers must understand that when they eat the bread and drink from the cup of the Lord, they are guests at his table. If Christians partake without loving their fellow church members, they are dishonoring the Lord himself.
As the host, he invited me to be his guest at the table. As the Mediator of the new covenant that God had made, he considered me a covenant partner. As the Lamb of God slain at Golgotha, he cleansed me from my sins. As my brother and friend, he showed me how to live to God’s glory and express my thankfulness to him. As the source of bliss, he filled me not with grief and sadness for his death but with joy and gladness for his presence.
What is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper? It is a time of reflecting, rejoicing, and thanksgiving. As we experience the spiritual presence of the Lord at the table, we with the church of all ages and all places fervently pray Maranatha, “Come, O Lord” (16:22; see also Rev. 22:20).
31 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah