Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
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Psalm 139 (1-16, 23-24)
Psalm 139 (1-16, 23-24)
So you are pro-life? Why?
The majority of Christians oppose abortion, but only “because Christians oppose abortions”
If you do not know the Bible, your belief or statement on the topic holds zero credibility
You cannot stand on the truth if you do not know the truth
Some argue that life begins at first breath. How do you respond to that?
Our Pro-life God
Our Pro-life God
1) Facts/stats
1) Facts/stats
Over 63,000,000 since 1973
Around 5900 per day since 1973
(ASIDE- July 4, US pride?)
What about rape/incest? <1% of abortion related to this, way less
What about when the life of the mother is at stake?
Truth - in the very RARE instance, the baby is delivered and attempted to be kept alive, not killed. Doctors work hard to save BOTH lives
But we force women to give birth, right?
Planned Parenthood locations are closing - why? I thought they were crucial places for women’s health?
Some Bible facts
Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood,
“Did not He who made me in the womb make him, And the same one fashion us in the womb?
Yet You are He who brought me forth from the womb; You made me trust when upon my mother’s breasts. Upon You I was cast from birth; You have been my God from my mother’s womb.
Thus says the Lord who made you And formed you from the womb, who will help you, ‘Do not fear, O Jacob My servant; And you Jeshurun whom I have chosen.
John the Baptist was filled with H.S. in the womb
He responded with joy at the presence of another baby in the womb, when Mary (pregnant with Jesus) visited Elizabeth
Jesus was recognized with joy by another pre-born baby
In the New Testament, the word is “brefos”
Luke 1:41 and Luke 2:16 - same word pre- and post-birth!
POINT - life begins at conception/fertilization - 1 sperm, 1 egg
gender hair color, eye color, other traits - already determined
2) Defining the terms (no middle ground)
2) Defining the terms (no middle ground)
“What do you mean by…?”
Pro-life - all life matters to God, and life is not to be taken unjustly
Abortion is wrong
Pro-”choice” - must define the “choice” - let baby live or kill the baby
pro-choice = pro-abortion
Conception - that moment that the sperm and egg combine to form one organism, one life
Many birth control methods are abortive - if you are truly pro-life, consider that
Womb in Psalm 139:13-14 is the “abdomen” or “belly” (no parsing words to say this means that life begins with implantation (OT was not an A/P class)
Woman’s body - no. Connected but completely distinct, separate life, so much so that God design the womb to protect the baby from the mother, whose body and immune system wants to reject
Human being or human person? “Person implies not needing support of another to live” - the “life at first breath” argument comes into play
How far do you take this argument, logically?
The Bible NEVER separates human being from person
Murder - unjustly taking the life of another human being - it’s wrong
What about capital punishment, self-defense? “You people have this commandment thou shall not kill… NO, the commandment is thou shall not MURDER
Murder is to kill an innocent, undeserving of death
And God values life in the womb - Exodus 21:22 and Numbers 5 are great passages for study - not enough time right now - some will say these passages support abortion, and they are wrong
Proverbs 6:16-17 passage
Psalm 10:1-8 passage
James 1:27 passage
We would do well, honestly, teaching our children the truth about pregnancy, about how He values abstinence and life, about how He values every life, even in the womb
You CAN actually teach expect your children to grow up and get married as virgins. It actually happens!
Or you can give up, and just hope kids turn out OK
Let the government schools teach them how to use condoms, morning-after pills, and how sex is not sacred, it’s just normal for teens.
No concept at all of 1 Cor. 7 and that the place for sex is within marriage
There are great reasons God planned it this way - if that matters to Christian parents today
We’ve gotten this so messed up - we need to see hearts changed, not just laws
3) God Forgives
3) God Forgives
This is often missed by pro-life groups
Many decisions are painful, and are easy to answer “on paper”
10-year-old in Michigan
The known birth defect
The substance user
Bad timing, poor social/financial challenges
Consequence of bad/sinful decision
Look at the conversations Jesus had
The woman at the well - multiple husbands
The adulterous woman
The crooked tax collector
He understands the pain and hurt - while never bending on right and wrong
Forgiveness does not mean just looking the other way
It means confronting sin, someone repents, and then we forgive
Just like God
So we, church, need to come alongside the hurting sinner, the pregnant woman contemplating abortion - yet never straying from the truth
It’s hard. Yes, it’s hard. Your point??
4) Pro-choice?
4) Pro-choice?
Wanna talk “pro-choice?”
When it comes to babies, God is pro-life, not wiling that any be killed in the womb
You are either pro-abortion or pro-life
When it comes to eternity, God is also pro-life, not willing that any would perish eternally
And He gives everyone the choice
God lets you make the choice
For Jesus
Against Jesus
For Jesus - sinner, saved by grace, for the asking and acceptance
Against Jesus - sinner, willing to pay the penalty, eternity separated from God
The recent SCOTUS ruling did not outlaw abortion
Illinois is already stepping up access and encouraging more
Real change will come when God’s people know His Word, and TEACH His Word to the next generation.
We have lots of the next generation here.
Let’s pray for them, encourage them. They face a world hostile to following Jesus. We all do.
And when you follow Jesus, even though it seems difficult, He tells us that His burden is light and His yoke is easy (Matt. 11:30)
Church, your life is, and always has been precious to God. Every life is.
My prayer is that we diligently pray for the pre-born, to make it to physical birth
Then…we diligently pray for their second birth, spiritually, trusting in Jesus