Take a Stand
Throughout the history of the church there have been false teachers, marked by certain characteristics, that have brought division within the church, and we are called to reject their authority and resist their false teachings.
When Clarence Darrow was a young lawyer, he was presenting a suit for damages in a civil court in a small town. The jury that was selected appeared to be even lower than average in intelligence. However, one man seemed much superior to the rest and would probably be elected foreman by the jury—according to the local legal customs. Throughout the case, therefore, Darrow concentrated on this man, and addressed all his oratory to him.
The case finally went to the jury. After an unusually long wait, the jury filed in, and Darrow saw that his surmise had been correct. The object of his attention headed the procession of foreman.
“Gentleman,” said the judge, “have you reached a decision?”
“No, Your Honor,” answered the foreman, “we’ve come back to ask for some information. There are two words which have been used throughout this trial which we don’t know the meaning of.”
“What are they?” asked the judge.
“One word is “plaintiff” and the other is “defendant.” ”