The Church That Jesus is Building
Context of the Text
Thought 1. The true church is universal. It is made up of all who genuinely confess Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. But note: He is the Son of the living God. If God is living, then Christ is living. He is, therefore, “My Lord, my God.” A genuine believer, that is, a true church member, becomes a person who has surrendered himself to be a servant of God’s Son, of God’s Lord.
Thought 2. We should go to Christ often and confess our trust and faith in Him. We should do so alone, demonstrating strength, devotion, tenderness, and warmth. He desires such strong and warm devotion, for we are the “living stones” of His church.
Thought 3. Note a fact often overlooked. Christ not only loved and died for us individually—He also loved and died for the church as a whole (universally). “Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it” (Ep. 5:25).