LORD’S SUPPER (also commonly called Communion or Eucharist). Memorial rite involving wine and bread; one of the two universally acknowledged sacraments of the Christian Church (along with baptism). There are numerous views of the meaning of the Lord’s Supper, as well as disagreements about its practice and even the elements involved (some Christians use juice or water instead of wine).
What are some experiences you have had with Communion at churches you have attended?
The Synoptic Gospels all record a final meal in which Jesus, the night before His death, takes bread and wine, offers them to His disciples, and imbues these actions with theological meaning—an event that the Church eventually called “the Last Supper.” Significant differences exist among the original sources that describe this event, making it difficult to determine the historical details.
Read the passages from the Gospels on the Lord’s Supper.
Mt 26:26-29
Mk 14:22-26
Lk 22:19-20
What differences between the three Gospels do you see?
What are the similarities?
What did Jesus call us to do in these accounts?
And what does this call mean to you based on your current experiences and understanding?