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so, they rolled her in, in a wheelchair. She walked out pushed in a wheelchair.

Something y'all missed it when she had a fractured hip.

Fractured hip. You got a brace on no face a cast none of that. Did they put screws in your hip a fractured hip? She got a fractured hip, had a fractured hip. Somebody on the shop and give God glory.

amazing God, we serve I heard out in the atmosphere.

You know, sometimes God will do miracles in your Miss just to prove your doubt to be the boss. Let's go to work. Grab your Bibles all over this place?

Crappie biting.

Go to the book of Saw. 14. I'm sorry, 144 Psalms 144 verse, number 1. Grab also the gospel John chapter number 18. Verse number 36, hold your finger there. We're going to jump to it. Do you want to make mention that women of elevators, having a time of empowerment? That's going to take show up. Also, I want my mom and my sister morning. Hey man, have you love you?

My twin Hollywood.

The Book of Psalms numbers, 144 Verse number one, we started the sermon series. Intitle from worship from walked worship to Warfare. and, It's been transforming my life. Just declaring this work to you. That's how God typically deals with me. Is that first he ministers to my heart before I'm able to minister to yours. So, from worship to wash fair, if you have strength in your body and got enabled you to walk into this building, I need you standing.

cuz if you were in a court of law,

When the judge enters the chambers. Then everyone would rise.

And those who do not will be held in contempt of court, will be charged to find and with the possibility of being jail. now, if you can stand for a man, surely you can stand for the man.

so, Scripture says bless. Be the Lord my strength which teaches My Hands to War. And my fingers to fight. God is training us on how to do Warfare. Who says blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight.

From worship to Warfare.

Don't go with the John.

Captain America versus number 36. Jesus answer. My kingdom is not of this world. Tell your neighbor. I'm not from here.

This is not your home, you just traveling through. Just as Jesus is so, are you? He is not of this world nor or you and I my kingdom is not of this world. Then would my service fight? That I should not be delivered to the Jews. She said, any moment, I'll call my homies and we'll get it On. Let's Get It On.

Gina gets he's with gangsta, huh? Design call My People, any moment. Never fight. But now is my kingdom not from hints.

Two kingdoms at War. Kemah doctors. Hakeem Lyon. And every day there's a battle. Is waste of see what kingdom? You will reside in. Every day does a battle, every moment of your life, even up to this moment and the next there's a fight taking place. That's why this is what kingdom will hold your Allegiance. Some of your Bounty within yourselves. Right now. Your ears are clogged and your heart is closed. Because the kingdom of darkness is feeling you because it doesn't want to let you go.

The day I had an encounter with Jesus. I was actually I never told my mom. This I was at my parents house I just got out of the tub and the holy ghost-filled me while I was taking a bath. And when I got out the tub, I was looking in the mirror and I saw a dark image in the mirror. And the war room with black and I heard a conversation and this conversation was a negotiation between Darkness and Light and I ordered Lee in my spirit hurt. These words, can you grab another But let me have him.

Satan didn't want to let me go and he was willing to trade and exchange. Another, for my sake, Paul said it this way, I was a chief among sinners. Paul was until I was born. You get that on the way home. And say it didn't want to lose me and he was, we go skating with God for my soul. He said I would give you another for him, but let me have him. Then all the sudden the lights came back on. Begin the week. And ever since then, my life has been dedicated to this gospel.

There are two kingdoms that I'm fighting and Waging War, watch this because you are valuable to both

God sees value in you and so does Satan. They're fighting over your work. Don't ever, let anyone tell you you're not worth anything. Did your valuable to god. Father. In the name of Jesus? That your word permeating out, her ears. Be open to hear in Jesus mighty name. Amen, and amen. On your way. You see slap hop out your neighbor says wartime. Is what time here this.

Be real brief with you. But spiritual conflict is inevitable.

But defeat is not.

You don't have to wage war whether you choose to or not. So you best come prepared and ready to battle every day you wake up. The fight begins a succubus. The fight extends all the way into the Midnight Hour while we're laying peacefully on our bed. And then the battle begins, can't sleep talks and and turn and toiling all night wrestling pillows on the floor. Cheats all topsy-turvy wife because you been battling all night long. There's a war going on. And spiritual conflict is inevitable. You going to have to deal with it, whether you choose to or not. You don't get to choose who you get to fight. got in here me, you don't get to choose your opponent in spiritual warfare, Satan, sends whatever, demonic forces, whatever demons ends or whatever he needs to get at you, you don't get to choose It is not like you're picking teams on the basketball court to give me him and him and him know.

You don't get a choice in the matter, so somebody use the battle is bigger than your neighbor. Your enemy is far more massive than your neighbor. And you don't get the tooth. Will you fight? You just got fight.

But he has hockey fight. You fight through your worship. I said this in the 9:15 service, the Holy Spirit showed me about your worship, your Worship in the hands of God, is a hammer. And when you begin to worship, God takes your worship as a weapon. And he begins to break down the mileage, and Destroy, whatever. Enemy that is facing you and watch. You don't have to lift your hands. That's all you got to do is put your Worship in his hand, and he begins to break down and begin to demolish, and he begins to destroy whatever attack is coming your way.

Worship His wife that I want to talk to you real briefly from this, thought about to catch these hands.

I think some of y'all from the streets.

All right.

That must be in the Hood from next door to My Hood. What I mean by bout to catch these hands? It's a declaration to your enemy that it's wartime. You got to let your enemy know that this ain't no punk.

Called. Yep. That was growing up is on the playground at the village on your shoulders. Knock it off. I double dog dare you. But you always knew the one that was talking just had a mouth but really had no hands cuz they're knocking off your pick up another. They will knock that one off.

Picnic ideas.

Right? So you got to make this declaration to the enemy to let the enemy know that these hands are Lethal Weapon. That God has trained me in Warfare. He has put my fingers to fight, don't watch the fight is not a physical fight because we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and wickedness in Heavenly places, the fight is not a physical fight, but it's a spiritual one. And God says, I'm teaching your hand, how to fight with this? Can I have it? Give it to me. He says, I'm teaching your hands. How to fight your fingers? I'm teaching your fingers. How to fight somebody missing me, I'm teaching your fingers, how you going to beat down your enemy. I'm teaching your fingers, how to walk through the scriptures, Define the word for thing is on how we going to do this fight, how we going to get it on? Let's see if that what you want to mess with me to hang on. OK. Google do you want some of this? Take this. Oh, you want something? He'll have that left hook, right, hook up, a right cross left call, I'm teaching your head, your fingers. How to fight? Did you not read that? So, you telling me my fingers can fight. My hand can do walk holding the word. You can do all by holding the word. And you can fight. Simply by Termini. Hey, by the devil wants to keep dust on your Bible.

They want to make so you never cracked the lid to seal of your Bible. That's why every time you open your Bible you fall asleep. Y'all don't need melatonin to go to sleep. Open your body.

You don't need? No Ambien. Open your Bible in the devil don't sleep.

That what I want you to read your word watch because faith comes by hearing and hearing by and say no more of your face to be build-ups. And the only way your face to be filled up if you fight with the word.

Because he knows the moment you get the word in you, he in trouble.

Let's teach this thing before, every promotion. That would be a testing and a pressie before God ever Elevate, you to the next level of your life, that will be a testing and a pricing. You got to go through. You cannot skip the process. To get to the next place. That will be a testing. You have to be tested cuz God wants to make sure that your battle ready. So that will be a test. Come on, talk to David. David is in the wilderness tending, his father's sheep. And while he is there, doing his business, honoring his father by working in the wilderness, taken on the most roast cast that he can take on contingency, it's stinky messy work, trust me. I'm a pastor, I know.

Look at your neighbor and say, bad.

He likes us to cheat.

so God test is David in the wilderness by having him tending to But not only that, while he is doing his task in his assignment. There is some poachers in the land that comes to snatch up the sheet lions tigers and bears.

An interest testing God says they what you going to do with them?

Whack. It was a test before David ever faced Goliath. He killed lions tigers and back. It was a test. It was at that was just a test. Something you going through some light Affliction right now, it's just a test. You see, a common cold and a headache is just a test.

Cuz that's something greater coming cancer. Some greater coming and you know, on this lower level you have enough faith in me the faces big a devil. So I want to know that you have enough space to ask. You got killed me of this cold, my head hurt, but I believe you for healing. He want to make sure that your battle tested, that you have enough Faith. Watch this season for Palmetto

who is something big come out?

You post, all you, you know who's about to fight you fight to get the ring with Tyson. You think you would handle ties?

I have nothing. Matter fact, I don't even need your gear. Cuz he bout to catch these hands. I don't need your weapons. I don't need your picture on my no because the lies about to get these hands. It was a test. he tried them in the wilderness, but not only to fight But he also was trying to him on how to be faithful. What do you mean? Apostle? Be faithful. He's tending. These sheep on the backside of the Wilderness and not one got lost.

Not one got lost. What? Why is that? Because he wants to make sure when he now is elevated promoted to the rank of Kingdom shift. He can now make sure he government and keep the people

He's teaching him on principles on how to be faithful and make sure that nothing. Get lost over. Thank you. Jesus. Jesus said father you are placed in my hands and none have been plucked out as long as you have put them there and I kept them all that they gave their life to me. And that like Shelby they will never lose their life because I hold the life in my hands. Somebody shoved the devil's about to get these hands. Driving time to come your way to try to pull you back in darkness. A devil. You about to get these

Hey, teach them how to be faithful.

Teaches him how how to make sure the people is covered in cat. Cuz you bout to be promoted. Haha, I feel the Holy Ghost in somebody's about to get an upgrade. You bout to be promoted, God's about to bring you to the next level. This level is just a test, taking a b, just the text. Just to pass. We see in the Book of Daniel chapter number 10,

Identity was the only one who saw the vision those who were with me, did not see it, but such Terror overwhelmed them that they fed and hit them. So, I left alone gazing at the great visit. I had no strength left in my body. My face turned deeply felt and I was helpless before anybody else. Right? Now, I think we all have felt helpless at one point or another, but you have done all that you can do and couldn't do no more and there was nobody to turn to nobody to call and everybody you did call didn't ask. and the one who was supposed to have to hit decline,

The one who told you I was going to answer avoiding your call, So Yeon outfits in Walmart and ran down all 50. Feeling helpless and then I heard him speaking. And as I listened to your myself into a deep sleep in my face, planted in the ground,

In my head and a hand touched me in set, the trembling on my hands and knees before with a posture to be in in the presence of almighty God. Planted in the ground on hands and knees. This is how I do my my wife. That is how I battle. Planet in the ground, my hands and knees. That's why why? So many I was sitting and standing

I was playing it. In the ground. I handle the heat.

See, in this position, you actually are defenseless.

You know why he liking you to see cuz it's cheap. But she does not have any defensive make no mechanisms to defend themself. He don't have Sharpie, he don't have 12. He don't have horns to Ram their his defensive. That's why you need a shepherd. Could only the ship that can protect you. This is the pasta to be in because you are defenseless. So therefore you need a Shepherd who can't defend you.

Somebody, I want to feel bad to give people a piece of your mind. But given the word is, if you giving your mind, you're going to have none left.

Hallelujah. So Daniel find himself plant in the ground. He said he said to Daniel, you are you who are highly esteem? Taking a business value in you. He says you who are highly esteem, consider carefully the words I'm about to switch. He says white. Listen to the verbage make sure that you take note of every word. I'm about to say you another word. Listen, Linda, can you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth? Picking able to pay attention. Is that considered these words carefully that I'm about to speak to you and stand up? What I have now, been sent to you. And when he said this to me, I stood up. Trembling next verse then he continued and said, do not be afraid that you'll since the first day

first day. Something about the first game. The first day is not like the last name.

The first day is not like the tent thing. Something special about the first day. What's so special about the first day? The first day is a declaration to all the other day. The miss that. So when you start the first day, you telling the next day here I come. So it's not, you know what they say. It's how they make that statement. It says about starting and finishing it is if that's not good at all.

That's the power. It's the start. Cuz if you never start thing, you'll never get to do to the Finish Line, you got to first start. So the first day is the most powerful day of your life. When you make a declaration to say, I'm going to do something you actually do it. It's more powerful than you even finishing. thinking that he's got to start the first day, you set your mind to gain understanding Is that first thing you set your mind fix. Do I need to understand what's happening in my life. I don't know what's happening every time I turn around, it's a fight, it's a battle. The first time you set your mind and fixed on the devil is not going to take me out. He's not going to wipe me out the first day. You make up your mind. I'm not going to quit. I'm not going to give it. I'm not going to give up the first day. You set your mind that this sickness or disease. Could today is the last day, I'm going to battle with this thing. The first day, you set your mind to understand what God wants to do in your finances and your relationship. When you set your mind, Watch What Happens. I said you might gain understanding and the humble yourself before your God, the words were heard. The first thing you set your mind, God hears your prayers. Work with her on the first day. Firestone. Myself the first day. And I have come in response to me.

So here it is full of it. The first day you get your mind, right? Got used to pray. And he was fine. Take me back to that last first look, what, look what it says, remember. Take note of every word I come. In response. 2 bit.

I call and response. To what you pray on the first day. No, I didn't listen to it. That's a difference between response and reaction. What watch reaction is Arie in that what has happened to me, or what has been acted towards me. So catch it. If you slap me, I'm gone. Cuz that's the reaction.

Did you catch it? if you cussed me out on something, to

You hit me up, possibly. Oh yeah. Because yeah, I do hit you back. I'm have happily. And if you ever know what they are, you going to get those? Go ahead, you hit me and it's possible. You can hit that that is in a reaction. But you know what? A response is. It is the predetermined.

Already fixed. Answer to the problem. So God says I'm responding to the problem before the problem even happen cuz I already got the answer. That's a response I've already fixed in my mind. What the answer is before. The problem, you show us. Some of the problems shows up, I can just give the problem the answer cuz I problem is not a problem that you ain't got no problems. That's not your problem of lack of answers is your problem. Cuz when you have answers, there is no problems. You don't have problems with money. The quest the problem is is that you don't have to answer to the problem of money cuz if you knew what the word of God says, I've given you creative power to create. Well, there's dancer. So you don't have money issues, you have lack of answer, is you.

so, when the response comes, God is already determined, but the answer is, He had already set it in motion. You says, I have come in response to what you prayed on the first day, but the Prince of Persia. Persian Kingdom resisted me for 21 days. Then Michael one of the chief princes came to help me because I was detained. There are the King of Persia God heard Daniel on the first day, but that was a war going on in Heavenly. And while God was trying to respond to a problem, Satan came to resist or to put a, put a halt to the answer. So some of you today, you're waiting on an answer and there's has been locked up in the heavenly. Like, this is the beautiful testified earlier, hard, head hard. And because she was mad at God and why, it wasn't that God wanted anything to happen to her. He already had an answer for whatever would happen to it, but the answer was locked up in heaven, waiting to get to it.

The Angels was wanting to get the answer to the angel was wanting to get protection around, but that was a principality and power blocking its way. So is not that God doesn't love. You is not that God is not listening to you, but there is been some disruption in heaven that preventing the answers to your questions.

That's a blockade in heaven. That's preventing your provision for coming down. Your healing from coming down a war going on. And watch. This pit is because you have put your hand in your pocket instead of dipping your hand in worship.

The problem is not with. Problem is with us in our worship.

What do we do with our hands? So here's the fact that Daniel experience. Number one, Daniel experience attacking his character. His character. Most of the issues you're facing right now is because the enemy has attacked your character. He has gone to God and said, look.

Did you see what Charlie did?

You see how Charlie is acting? Attack of the character Joe face the same Satan comes to get you out of character. You know how this world does be the Poke and push and poke and push until they poked the bear and the bear wakes up and then he turned to look at yourself but you for the Christmas.

After they have instigated you and brought you to a ride, then they turn around and blame. You did that. So kind of

attack on your car. They want to pull you out of camera. Didn't want to wake up and resurrect Lazarus in your life. You know that old man that you sometimes? Poke yourself. You know, you sometimes spoke of the Lazarus in your life. You do. You know how you said you better be lucky. I'm saved. See, the old me?

But we do that. You poked it old man. Did you trying to resurrect Lazarus? Right, on top of the cabinet. Next thing is Attack on your worship. Do y'all know how dangerous life was Daniel? Daniel, what was a man of God living in King, Nebuchadnezzar's rain at the time? And on the front end, Daniel chapter number 10 states. The problem I have the number to Daniel chapter number one States, about the person single chapter two states. The problem, but Daniel chapter 3 is the process. So, what happened to Daniel chapter number one, the person of Daniel is there standing before the king and says it's not going to eat your meat, your drink. We going to live. Holy unto God. We're not going to have what they have. We going to live God's way. Talk about Daniel and how he is choosing to live for God and not for the world. But Bubba Danny Ellis you think I have some certain Jews that you know they worship another. So this what I need you to do, I need you to build a cold and image and make sure that when the the The Hulk and the leaders and the flutes and they brought down and work cuz they knew that they had a heart forgot. He want to live for God and he would not work if another doctor. So they build a got to trap Daniel as an attack on his tablet to and worship. So they built the golden image, keep the gas. Good idea if they don't buy.

Then what I need you to do is put in a fiery furnace. Need to fight them out. Pack, when they worship. , Messaged him second.


Blue Clear, happens, everybody. Bow Down and Worship of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego refused to worship.

Reverse number three process. They refused to worship.

Received Fortune. Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo. Refuse to worship. Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo refused to worship. So they bring the snap traps brain. Shadrach Meshach. In a Bendigo, I'm doing it on purpose. Did the king and said they refused to worship. The king says, take them for him in the fire seven times hotter, never been done before. Turn up seven times hotter. Can I say something to you right quick? That's why you that's being prepared, you that nobody else can hear.

That's a fire. That's been said that only you can go through Seven times hotter never been dumped before. Turning up, sometimes I was so hot that even the men for holding them up, they got burned up.

So they don't go into the fire, they get burned up and what it was not thrown they fell. Do you know why? Because before they got to the fire-makers decoration, King Nebuchadnezzar kick, that freaking has a real. God is mighty to save, we will not work if you did, make the decoration that if you throw it in the fire will just a few other parents Disturbed. W thoughts and he don't stay with. Praise God. If he throws it in these tables. Praise God. But we will.

So, they had made this prophetic declaration, that if we go in, it's up to God, whether we come out or not, it's not up to you K. It's up to y'all.

So, commit a bar. Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo.

Ain't nobody holding us. Do. Still mine.

Skeleton Farm.

And the king with amazement as we have been taught to do it up to see the Fourth Man in the fire but his amazement was not the Fourth Man in the fire. The management was these three boys decided to go into the fire in spite of running out, the building to be set free. Wait a minute.


In a fire.

Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo.

The boy who the book.

Odell Beckham.

I thought everyone who did not worship the golden, it was supposed to be thrown in the fire.

But they throw Daniel. Daniel has a track meet that in a Bendigo.

Danielson. The same place of a busbar.

Half of it works.

So maybe Daniel did not file, but maybe you can eat

You know how you do a taxi at work when they start talking about some stuff that you should be talkin about? You kind of just laying on the table if they're acting like you're not part of the group with you. Dying will be honest with you. You know, when they say you don't have time to pray at and instead of you praying.

When when they start talking about things of religion, you don't really want to stay tonight because, you know,

Delta Place. Daniel Daniel had a half-hearted worship. Daniel probably would like this.

I will come and look like y'all but I ain't one of y'all but I want to come up. But y'all real spoke to watch the music playing y'all to think that I'm one of y'all but I'm really not one of y'all but I want I want to look like cuz I won't get thrown in the fire. Just keep tie my shoe to the music and it just

Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. Packing working, or you going to work? Call before you charge them with the crying.

Your guy. Only Living God by Atlantis playing about the company.

Maybe it's your kid.

Maybe said new car that you just got that, you've been dreaming about.

Babies. That job that you were hoping for work. You got a promotion and they're offering overtime as much as you can have. Do you still have to take it even though it's your choice and it's on a Sunday? Right? When you make a commitment to be fully invested in the things of God, and then Satan comes as hell. We got open time for what you want and work any that you want and you ought to take it. The day that you have the most yourself to think.

Begin with worship. Who are you? What makes that spot.

Make a stop at Boston Children's. You always in church all the time. Where we get to spend time with you, so you have to stay out of church and now you have separate yourself from God. Because you hated his voice tonight.

What type of worship? Do the tax on trust you trust me. I do you trust me? You trust. If you trust me. I said we trust God. So we're going into the fire. We're going to trust them enough that whether we die whether we perish or not God be true.

Sickness come on my body. God, I trust you

I'm being attacked by them. I trust you, you have taught my head on how to do all your touch, my fingers. Have. I trust you that everything? You thought me, God, I can't view. Thought you always be. Two metal framing pictures. Pack.

The fight, you avoiding me. Will have it fixed.

Fight you avoid today.

David fought, the Philistines. He robbed me, wipe them all out before you're allowed them. When he slew, Goliath over 300 Philistines plans, and instead of them chasing them down. And annihilating all of them, we find David. Now watch this as he's free from Saul. He is now living with the Enemy. He used to fight Jesus, if you don't kidnap it that you can play with them tomorrow. Don't miss that enemy. That you pray that you fight today. If you don't kill him, he going to become your friend of me tomorrow. You find yourself in a relationship with him. He was fighting the Philistines at one point now you living with him. so, if you don't fight today, So you might as well do battle. Now, you might as well have walked back, Jesus face. The same thing to the clap back.

Need to space the same thing. The cause of warfare is the disruption of alignment, a realignment of the kingdom of God. So, the call of warfare in your life, go back to me, the cause of warfare in your life. It comes in your life to disrupt the realignment of the kingdom of God.

Understand is why God wants to realign you with his kingdom. And Warfare comes to get you out of line because God Wants You in lie or it's going to bless you, real good. Watch this Daniel gets another chance. Sylvia's worshiping allegiance to God.

And they said the same people come to the king. If they can't listen, we got this new that he'd be working all the time. He's always in the window is always in the Presley die. Back in his character. And he's a king, listen. If if anybody does not worship this certain way. So I'm in the line.

Note Block. They don't Worship You from The Lion King. Daniel gets a second chance to show me believe this to the Lord. So, Daniels, 3 days turn to the east praying and worshipping, and then, and these little knucklehead come as a Big King.

Disobedience Rebellion by some of these Folk. I talk to you and talk to the person next to me. now, behind

That thing that he's healthy. And so what takes Daniel throws Daniel in the Lion's Den. He really didn't want to do it when he throws Daniels and they didn't feed the Lions and hungry, they picking a team when they sit down.

Will be home at night and watch what happens.

Dangerous. Lion, and the lamb.

thank you, Watch watch what happens if the kingdom of God, is being aligned in my music. Cast of Revelation. Why? Because the kingdom of God comes into realignment, it is now eating manifesting in Daniel. It is now the kingdom of God, manifested in Earth, that will come a time where you will walk amongst the lion and they won't harm you. Do a walk amongst the surface and they won't bother you jumped in the river with sharks in the ocean with sauce and it won't bite you. Why? Because the kingdom of God is real line,

That's why there's such Warfare in your life cuz it doesn't want the kingdom of God. Real minding your life because he knows the moment this real best pizza in your soul. You can rest at night. Real peaceful with a smile on your face. You wake up in the morning when you go to your work and you be glory and everybody be skipping around you. Why? Because we're perfect. The weather is chaos and confusion, they'll be no more with that sickness and disease. They'll be no more because the kingdom of God come back,

Miller, you don't get the chance to fight you fight, but you going to have to stop and fight, but I will fight somebody else. Going to get hit me the way.

You got you got you got this, you got this, you got this. Don't you probably your father can watch the road but that's okay. Just I told you, I do. and if that don't work,

What will win this thing? When this ain't what you do stuff for you by Descendants on Pandora.

That don't work, you could get the house.

At work.

Declare war on whatever.

Want your hair to this did make a declaration over. What is happening in your life right now? If it's sickness in your life.

Do relationships. B train.

Watch Dogs.

Make a text to wifey.

The advancement. Every problem that he's waiting for you on these birthday.

Call Ashley Cooper score today.

And for that. I pray that those were far away.

Dr. Albrecht

they repay you every herb for broken bones.

That other day in the park. You have to accept Jesus Christ as going to invite to session is now. Maybe you have your back flip, you straight away, your head.

Benjamin kickz. It's not about the activity has been in the state of being Who You Are. Dad has been trying to have a state of being.

FIFA 17.

Morgan State images.

US Senate.

Ticketmaster. Maybe that you have to separate yourself.

You can begin it. Still be in church.

Chris is headed this way.

The apartment. Do you want to get it right? I've already prayed and I'll get back to you. That used a Cookie and Kate and wave at me the other day, how big does a w? E, b Dubois. Thank you, babe. I'm coming your way. Just God has a plan for your life.

Away you back away. It's like living in the shadows. Freedom. What they was saying about you, if you ever manage that. I hear you.

You are what you do today at 7.

Call Hong Kong. Now I don't think the life of the bus. You, thank you to a new theory of you lying. Bit of your purpose in life.

But the gift of God.

Maybe others today. If you don't have a church home, God's calling you to connect today to say if this is your third, fourth. Just I'm here with this. If you haven't joined yet God has been speaking and you had not been missing.

Okay, got it. Been speaking and you have been disobeying. Because God would not have you come time and time again. If he did not have his, don't connect to you. So if you hear this, is your third fourth, possibly fifth time.

Got saying something. Question is, will you respond? What do you say? Because you've been looking for something and that's just fine.

You don't want to make the commitment. Maybe.

It'll be settled in your heart today, that's you today don't have a church home. You want to connect today?

Hallelujah. Those eonline you connect to be a part of our teacher

That's your lot. You can simply text the word, Joy. Buy 361 2016. Is that you Even though humans make to worry. Now, if you want to join all the way home in the spirit of God, in front to you, you can join on the way home text that number text the word join that number is to connect good. A branch. That is not connected to a Vine eventually.

if you don't be connected to the body after you take and rigor mortis respect me and you will begin to be,

B, b b. so, if your body remembers the body not connected to it, Pretty soon, you'll be staying. Connect to bed that you was getting too connected a. Amen. Amen. And amen. A hard-on pumped up. He was blessed by the words. They all said that you peed all over this place. Amen. hey babe, I hope you have a blessed other word I know where for overtime but

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