Final Warnings!
Thank you.
Can I move all these papers are? All right?
Morning. Everyone could see will hear what a beautiful morning. Say to my wife, it's nearly as hot as when we lived in the hottest place in the world. In Pakistan in the province of Sindh and South Pakistan. The Arabs have a saying God created sit and what need is there of hell. So you don't get it was
Well, recently we moved house and part of the Salem included, all the white goods. So we had to buy lots of new equipment which is exciting by with the new washing machine and then you tumble dryer. Now, there is some people, you got new equipment and immediately some people nearly always a lot younger than me, which is not difficult who immediately go to the equipment and start using it. I'm not one of those sorts of people. I need to read the instruction booklet first and find out everything about it. So he is the instruction leaflet for our new electric 8, kg heat from tumble dryer.
What's the pricing? It was at least to me is when you get it. It opens with a number of cautions and warnings, in fact, a large number of warnings and questions. In fact, 53 warnings, incursions.
Allsup's of commands many beginning with the words, do not on a warning sign. In fact, it's not until you reach 11 that you learn anything about how to use the machine. Which is pretty frustrating. I mean, who writes these books? Why don't they start with a positive? Instead of the negative. Why do they start with number one? Check the voltage marked on the rating label matches, your Mains voltage.
Well, the answer is obvious. I think if you use a different voltage and I've never tried The item won't work. I will bring the tumble dryer. and that all the positives, every relevant is the thing won't work now what applies to tumble dry it Also applied in every area of life. Negatives and positives Belong Together, heed the warnings enjoy the benefits of positive, ignore the warnings, when you suffer the consequences right back at the beginning of human history. We see this played out. Offers parents placed in the garden. Beautiful, perfect, everything they needed. Just one warning. You can eat of anything, any tree in the garden but there's one tree. Don't eat this tree, otherwise you will die. The warning is ignored and the consequences follow for everyone who ever lived. Since then for every one of us today to set the soul up did not abandon his plan. That needs rescue project. Any culminates with him, sending his son with good news preceded by a warning. Good news is preceded by warning Jesus emerged, the age of 13 and Israel. And he had a simple message, repent and believe the good news. Repent warning, stop. Doing what you doing, going? Where you going change direction, positive, believe the good news. It was the same message of warning and promised that the followers of jesus carried out following his death and Resurrection. We've been following this account is squid said in the book of Acts, a book in the New Testament, in the Bible, when you, the Bible's got to Hobbs the Old Testament, got 39 books in the New Testament, 27 books, and the New Testament begins with for cancel after Jesus, Matthew Mark, Luke and John. And then it comes to act which tells how the followers of jesus carried out his instructions. We've cooled out series the final chapter of human history. Let me follow the travel Civic, a message, and then, pull, and his group of friends, when we reached in this story, and I hope you feel under these blue Bibles in front of you, you haven't, you're such a kind of reach-around, is it will help to have one in front of you near to you if you've not got one just just raise your hand cuz this more aware and there's a load on that. I knew anyone need one. Who hasn't got one human year all. Okay. Okay. So
when is following this group of friends, as they traveled around, the Roman Mediterranean world with this good news,
And we reach this stage last week, if you have one in my son-in-law was preaching, we got to the stage where they reach the town little town, cool. My latest on their Journey, the heading east towards Jerusalem, feel like geography of maps and they've reached the town of my league Fitz and pull this leader sends for the leaders of the church in the great city of Ephesus, which was kind of 30 Mi North. And it doesn't want to go back there for various reasons, one reason, cuz of the trouble, he had their new nose is getting in. There might be more difficult than getting out, so he sends for these leaders and ask them to meet him at this town, lettuce and he reminds notice what he reminds him of the message that he preached. This was his message. Message, I have the clutch, both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God Heritage again and repentance. And have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And so he is heading east towards Jerusalem. We saw a lot week then he knows he's facing hardship. Trouble separating, But he's driving like a marathon runner to finish assess, I want to finish the race, complete the test, the Lord Jesus has given me the task of testifying to the news of God's grace, but before he leaves after saying that, he now turns to these leaders and he has some last words to speak to them. He knows he will never see them again in this life. So, imagine the scene, it's a very serious moment. What was he going to say to them? What would you say in such a situation where we going to read on Elmo? This issue? To these leaders. Awesome final warnings for this page 111 sneakers, going to come up over there to 1117. I'm going to read at least he's going to read first 20 verses 25 to 38. Where's the microphone? That's a very good question. I think I'll try not to. Let me see I have to confess to you that I was reading through this passage again this morning. I said to Pizza, I'm not at all. Sure, I'm going to be able to get through this reading without shedding tears, because it is so incredibly sad at the end. So I hope you will forgive me. I would encourage you to really enter into the sea. I just think about pools, tools and feelings. Chapter 20 verses 25 to 38.
No, I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching. The kingdom will ever see me again? Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of any of you. Sorry, I have not hesitated to for plant you, the whole will of God, Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the holy spirit is Major overseas. Be Shepherds of the Church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave Savage, wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So, be on your guard, remember that for three years? I never stopped wanting each of you night and day with tears. Now, I commit you to go out into the woods of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance. Among all those who defied, I have not committed any silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied, my own needs and the needs of my companions and everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the weak, remembering the words, the Lord Jesus himself, said it is more blessed to give than to receive. When pool finish speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed, they all went as they embraced and kissed him.
Walgreens most recent statement.
Temple your company to wish it.
but if it Nature has shown us, how
Very moving in serious. This moment is
Google says, I know I'm never going to see any of you again.
Now, I know that none of you among whom I have done about preaching. The kingdom will ever see me again. Notice the words he uses Luke Catholic the words, he uses what we've seen in the series, how when Paul and engages with people and tries to communicate the Christian message to them. Very few words, used the dialogues with the media Bates, with the me, argues with them. He persuades them. But this is not because the message he proclaimed his 14, different opinions. That would be like saying, well you prefer, I prefer the mud.
I may want to disagree with you debate with you. I love when you try to persuade you that you're wrong. But you need to follow the makers instructions to post. As I've spent my champ reaching the kingdom and the word used to preach in here since I'm going to give you some Greek word. So don't be confused out, I'll explain why it's not to show up for confusion, in the way to use is Kira's, you would go. Caruso it means the word of a Harold, proclaiming a message and there's a noun from it. The switch is the word for a trumpet. He says, I've gone about proclaiming declaring not my message, but the message is a king.
And he says, he's spent three years. Notice how we summarizes is 3 years warning, you Announcing like a herd of what the king tells him to say. Now he's discharged his responsibilities and he says, I'm innocent of the blood of anyone. I've declared the whole truth to you, I've done my bit. Now I'm turning on the button, I'm passing on the trumpet, to you to continue the work that I've been doing for the last three years. So be on your guard. Remember that for three years? I never stopped wanting each of you night and day with kids the wood. Be on your guard is the word literally means staying. Awake is where you Service Centre on? Do you think Stay awake, Greek Wedding, regulator from which we get the word Gregory. If your name is Gregory and you should be falling asleep at this point. Stay awake. Salute with me in detail, any issues in this section is very simple. Is he issued Three Links warnings to them? All right, we're going to look at them this morning. Three link. Warning is the first one. We watch yourselves, 28, keep watch over yourselves. What is it about themselves? That they should be careful about wealth. In another election, you wrote for you, call a quote Embassy, he spells it out a little more. Specifically, he says, what's your life and your daughter in closely persevering them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and you'll hear it, what are they to watch? What it lead us to watch for the all of us to watch two things. Very closely watch how you live, what you believe and if your leader what you teach, the two things are inextricably linked together and you need to watch both of them. Sadly over the many years I've lived and Benny Ministry. I've known time from Christian leaders to Simply announced that they change what they believe. They departed from the face and, you know, how to say to my wife even said, public, meditate to my wife. I wonder how his marriage is doing. Don't believe the number of times that happens in this person has changed his views and is also changing its why? I mean, the two things are linked closely together and pull up Leslie. The he says, while I was in the office since you saw how I lived among you 24/7 3 years, And what you heard from me and what, you're sorry, my life. And what you hear from you with the truth, the whole truth, nothing. But the truth. Now these words, apply to both Christians. All of us. If you are a follower of Jesus, what you like, and what you don't train, watch how you live and what you believe.
But there are specifically here, apply to those in leadership. Because if they get it wrong, then those Day lead will also get it wrong. It is difficult if not impossible for church to rise above the level of his leadership.
The rise above the level of its leadership show. This Is Us specifically to leaders in the church by whatever label that cool will come to that in a moment. What shall you live in? What you believe, how you doing your toes was a great American Pastor? You would hate me saying was a great American Festival in his writings in the influence of considerable. He's what do you know, he's the most trouble? You know. Who I pray for the most. In my pasture work just myself. Cuz he knows if he gets it wrong. If you're really to watch yourself interesting, you know, in this world between Ukraine and Russia want the Ukraine into doing that targeting leading Russian, generals taking them out, why? Because the leaders got deleted
you'll get the photos. So what if you're not a leader in the church? What do you still need to watch your life and Doctrine, but you need to watch And be careful which leaders you follow and whatever Church system with you to give me your follow. You need to watch what leaders you follow and what leaders you were point.
one more important thing to know before we move on from this morning,
Whenever pool is, we spend it because I was an in the New Testament. Whenever church has planted leaders plural or appointed. Being a sole leader in, any organization is not a good thing, being a sole leader. In the church, take it from me is dangerous, dangerous, dangerous Elite because the potential for abuse has enormous, Who pastors the pastor? Alone, you are vulnerable and in danger alone, your followers, your church is in danger and it says God is a plurality of leaders. But they are accountable also to one another to watch one another to watch out for one another to speak. The truth in the left, you one of the respectfully to one another, when they support one, another may be going wrong. In some way. The Book of Proverbs Proverbs 27, verse 6, as faithful of the wounds of a friend, You need that protection. So he's the first one. You watch yourselves is closely linked with the second. Look at a text this 28, watch over the plug, keep watch over the over yourselves all the floor after which the Holy Spirit has made you were with you as we stepped into the Church of God Wiki bought with his own blood so far. I've used the word leaders to describe the totem pole is addressing in his speech. There is three different terms used in this section to describe Christian leaders, three different terms to describe them. Hear the birds from Church's website. I hope they won't mind and Shepherd The first one is out. If you look back in the text him, those 17 from Miley to spoil sent to Ephesus for the Elders of the church, the word Adelaide, the English word simply means older, and hopefully more experience and hopefully, it'll settle in and everything play more mature as you get older. And so merits respect can make wise decisions, so he isn't. He's another great. We're going to benefit you and understand why the Greek word is press butherus. Alright from which we get Presbyterian. Any choosing church is not discussed Church of Scotland of the free check that have eldest, that rule the church that leave the church. Pull use the second term and was trying to get, keep watch over yourselves. And all the fluck of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseas the word for overseers. You learning a lot this morning and oversee. It is a Piscopo switch is a Greek word. I think, over scope, us look means to look over to take care of a minute. I need translated symptoms by the related English word. If you think about the Episcopal Bishop related, okay, to church is like the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, all led by Bishops. Nothing to local level T's days, leading over a group of churches, but the one originally referred just a single conversations that were led by if it's the port, poison floral. All right, but there's a third term which is close to connected with the overseer which is Shepard. She says be shifted to the float sometimes. Translate the English word threw like to get the faster. It goes way back if you know the Bible, you know that David is Rose greatest King started. His life is the youngest in the family is a Shepherd boy and he memorably refer to the Lord. So I'm 23 you don't know about you from enough Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd.
So the eldest of the elders are also overseers Who oversee, the flock as Shepherds caring for his welfare leading God, providing in the moment protecting from danger, all three returns refer to the same room. We may have an idea this picture of what she feel. Like, I'm Fluffy creatures that you can hold in your arms, but sheep in the first century and the 21st we're not really like that drunk stuff to Pastor for many years, and they are dirty subject to unpleasant past that way, wouldn't up stupid. I hate to apply the metaphor to close clean. Characterize, the people of God is dirty lousy lousy or stupid but some people are great trial to that pastors and vice versa. So why persist with him? Wife is with him simply because he's efficient shepherds are precious to God because he bought them with his own blood, the blood of his son.
And they're interested to the carriage Shepherds who are appointed ultimately by the Holy Spirit Father, Son and Holy Spirit involved in the world. Hey precious, you are precious. If you've been bought with a price, if you belong to Christ, you are precious to God. And let me say to those who arouses believe me. They'll be times when you think, why should there many times in Australian Richie, to be blessed by God's people? Let's be honest. Right. Times when it deeply frustrating, remember you, on Sunday, I've been bought with a price. You are precious to God. I'm worried about those who were members of the fluck, or the last chapter of the book of Hebrews New Testament, tells us what we should do. Let me leave this with. You have confidence in your latest submit to their Authority, because they keep keep what they keep watch over you as those who will have to give an account, your leaders will have to give an account. I've been a leader of the many years. I have to give an account to God of How I Look to have to go speak less a sobering thought. So I need your prayers and our eldest. Here in this church, needs your prayers, do this. So that work with Another burden for that would be of no benefit to you. Okay. What do you want to watch yourselves wanting to watch over the fluck time? He's going with warning 3. Watch out for wolves.
Savage wolves will come in a monkey, will not spare the flood, so be on your guard. The specific role of the shepherd. The police took him out here. Is that a protection? Danger from people who want to exploit and destroy the flood and the picture uses to describe such people is that of the Wolf Nice picture of a Wilson West coming up on the screen. There you go.
A dangerous predator that hunts alone or in packs are described as Savage wolves ruthless and caring sparing. None of the flock seeking to scatter the flocking to destroy it. Jesus use the same picture in self. He described himself as the Good Shepherd.
I can trust himself with those who just Hired Hands, who weren't really interested in the welfare of the floor. What is what is Savage wolves? There were also subtle moves, and he is a nice picture of a wolf in sheep's clothing. What's what Jesus said about the false prophets, they come to in sheep's clothing in Midland that ferocious wolves impulses that lie much he says, they will emerge from within the church and even from among your own number men will arise and destroy the truth in all the cities in order drawer way disciples after them the tactic that use. No, they do not answer the church and safe today friends, I'm going to teach you a heresy. That will teach the truth, but distorting Twisted overemphasize. It only goes after them is a breeding ground for people who want Power. Really is.
Those are want to promote themselves and set themselves over other than Shepherds need to be on that. Go to Spotlight, charge spot and charge them and stuff them. You don't need a PhD in church. History to see how this has happened over the years.
With the emergence of whole movements by such people and anyone has been a Christian for any length of time will have seen and experienced something like this. And this solution for an increasing number of people is to give up on Church in churches. I know Saturday of those who've done that and I remember them and thinking pray for them. I see them on Facebook sometimes, and I think that person could one family in particular that used to work with Christ used to be my brother and sister they no longer worship still anyway.
It's a painful thing. It's a source of great emotion. see, the tears are full of these leaders together, but I want to say, if you're in that Catherine this morning, and I don't know, increasing me, I don't know everyone here, if you're in that category, It is no answer to leave the floor to give up on church. But guess what, who the Wolves to take sheep their oscillated from the float. You are vulnerable.
To let you challenge. Maybe you've been hurt in the past and you were determined never to get in that same situation again. But you need the local church and the local church needs you.
50 Christian and don't belong. Even coming to Hub, City, that you have an ideal opportunity this morning. After the services of a thing, you get coffee with it. Already has much less any cakes. Yes, yes. Well, after this 45 minutes start to take some food to be long if hopes, it is the church for you and if it is not the church for Youth and stop coming.
Find a church where you should be in where you can use, the gifts that God has given you.
How do you fill out a Christian this morning? Decent to Good Shepherd, lay down his life for you. Shed his blood so that you could belong to him. And be part of his people to bring you into his family into which clock. So now you'll never see them. Again, pull issues this morning. So watch yourselves, what show is it plugged for 1:30 and then I don't want to look at it. It's a wonderful first. So I could spend another hour to anybody but I want to go into the wood of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those with Sanctified by faith. What is his promise is a promise of God's grace? You may be a leader and think. How can I possibly do these things? I'm not up to it. You may be Christian things. I'm not doing very well. How am I ever going to make it only by grace? you were saved by grace, you were sustained by grace and he says you will ultimately you'll be built up by grace and ultimately you will receive an inheritance among those who were sanctified
Declared right with God. That is the final promise. Let me heat the one, he's nuts about his personal time in Ephesus to 91, silver, or gold of clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine of Supply my own needs and he's my companions and everything. I did. I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the Wii remembering the words, the Lord Jesus himself said, the only words of Jesus that are recorded outside of the four Gospels. It is more blessed to give than receive. And that's kind of pill is little bit this week about why does he say this here? He's already given me special test. Why do you say that? She, let me, let me make a suggestion. I think he says it here because he's focusing on The Inheritance. They will receive
At the end of the race, not for material things. Material things, a second-rate. When your priority is on your Eternal inherited. ECGs himself said, you cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve God and money and really the faces, the same three big challenge. Power. Sex money. Was fascinated to see an object. Nigerian friends. Can tell me some of the richest people in Nigeria the fastest. 10 richest people in Nigeria. I don't know, I'd who might to change my birthday. I think a very wealthy. Pastor is the best to cause for concern and at worst a contradiction in terms.
And this situation, this story, we end with the moving scene, bowling prices. The picture of Paul is his heart, listen to Bruce Willis guy, you know, talk to you later. Here's a guy who knew when his leaders and they Embrace but little, ingrate they fall, I meet you this next Sunday week, and if they kneel understand as you profess their own board the ship and they pray together, Deeply emotional. This is this past month. I've attended to Thanksgiving services for men who were members of my previous Church where I served for 17 years. Each of them, it says the Lord faithfully and really Faithfully each of them for over 60 years, each I need these kind of services, you know his ass beat for one of them has a deeply emotional
or Society. It's belonging to a family is deeply emotional. So we grieve but not like those who have no hope. What's the difference? They messed with a joyful to receive their inheritance. And so we grieving hope. sitting in that final reuniting with him and all those who died in Christ so I can put it by saying, I hope that you have hope And your certainty. It's an awful thing to die. Friendless.
It's an even said a thing to die churchless.
I hope you can crash down the Eternal inheritance. We received in prayer.
Gracious. God, we thank you for your send the Good Shepherd, who lay down his life for the Sheep.
Thank you for those who belong to you that we've been bought with a price. But with the price. And so we pray that we might glorify you in our lives with our bodies and minds are well, emotion. We pray, Lord, and thank you for those. You've appointed to be leaders in this local church. We pray for them and their wives and families. He will protect them and help to God. That lives on this plot, you've entrusted to them especially as he grows.
Protect us from the evil one. Protect us from wolves, who would come in and destroy the flock. And keep our minds focused on that Eternal hope that he saw us and Christ that inheritance we pray in Jesus name. I'm in John, those to you.