Two Very Special Women
Hilary Clinton Was Wrong Utawala Baptist Church 10/05/09 Mother’s Day
2 Timothy 1:1-5
Happy Mother’s Day!
Welcome to all of the mothers and grandmothers!
In January 1996, Hillary Clinton went on a 10-city book tour...
and made television appearances to promote the book,
It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us.
The theme of Hillary’s book is that children are raised...
not just by their parents, but also by all of the other people in the society around them.
According to Hillary, all the components of that society the schools and the government, but the businesses too have an obligation to consider their impact on children.
Hillary Clinton says, "It takes a village to raise a child"
That is not true!
The truth is, it takes godly parents to raise a child
Today, more than ever in history, people other than parents are raising their children
Because of the cost of living and the amount of low paying jobs...
it has become almost impossible for a family to survive...
without both parents being at work full time
Our society glorifies sin behavior, manners, ethics or morality
If you don’t believe me just watch television
In times past television shows were forbiddento show husband and wife characters sleeping in the same bed
Now, kids see all kinds of sexual activity on TV.
So, is it really best that the ’village’ raise the children?
Yes, Daycare centers are going to be necessary, and the cost of living is not going down anytime soon.
But this does not take away from our responsibility as mothers and fathers!
What is needed is godly mothers and grandmothers who will stand and say,
"This is right, because the Bible says it!"
In our Bible text today, we see 2 examples of godly mothers.Lois and Eunice are the mother and grandmother of Timothy
Let me give you a little background:
Timothy was a young minister of the Gospel.
He was a student of the Apostle Paul.
He served with Paul on some of his missionary journeys.
He was Paul’s representative to churches.
He also served as the pastor of the church at Ephesus.
In his second letter to Timothy,
Paul gives insight into the root of Timothy’s faith.
He says that it first "dwelt in his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice"
This gives insight into the role of a godly mother and grandmother
in shaping a child to do what is right.
Notice some things about Timothy’s mother and grandmother:
Point #1. Children need to be taught as a child to seek God
v. 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures...
Timothy had received a religious education as a child
But this education didn’t come from a priest or a pastor!
It came from Lois and Eunice
He had been taught the Old Testament Scriptures as a boy.
Many times I have heard parents say:
"Well I am not going to push my beliefs off on my child, when they are old enough, they will make their choice on their own"
These same parents choose what sports their children play,
what activities they participate in
and which college they should attend!
But belief in Jesus as Savior is left up to chance!!!
Godly mothers and grandmothers need to begin teaching their children
about the things of God from a young age!
Proverbs 22:6 says: "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it"
The word ’train’ doesn’t just mean ’teach’
You can teach your child something,
and someone teach them something else
This word indicates ’to prepare for an athletic contest’
Satan is in a contest for the souls of people
He knows what is in store for him.
He wants as many as possible to share his fate.
He tries to influences young people...
Because they are the most influential of all!
Mothers and grandmothers have to prepare their children!
Statistics show that a child’s behavior is formed in early years.
World views concerning morality and ethics and religion
are formed in the early teenage years
What really needs to happen is that children be taught...
to discriminate between what is sin and what is not,
what is right and what is wrong!
They are being taught
#1 Morality is relative.
They say things like, "Truth is relative to what you believe"
Their motto: "If it feels good, do it!"
This is the most dangerous problem facing our kids today
The idea that there is no absolute ’right and wrong’
2. Humanism in Education
Humanism teaches that man is not made in the image of God.
God doesn’t exist.
In grade school kids are taught that they descended from apes
And then we wonder why they act like it!
God’s Word assures us we CREATED in the IMAGE OF GOD!
But this is not what’s being taught in the ’village’
#3 Heathenism by society
Sexual sin, perversion, abortion, greed and lust..
are way more common to the eyes of our children...
than proper
Point #2. Children need to see God’s Influence in their Mother’s and Grandmother’s lives.
2 Tim. 1:5 when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice...
Paul knew these women and had seen their faith in action
He and Barnabas may have led them to faith in Jesus...
during their first missionary journey. (Acts 13)
Godly mothers and grandmothers...
cannot just ’train’ their children in the way they should go --
they must lead the way!
Sadly today we see empty churches!
Moms send their kids off to church, while they stay at home!
Mothers should be leading the way to church!
If they fail to do it...
Then Grandma needs to step in
Let me ask you a few questions:
#1 Do your children and grandkids see God’s influence in you?
#2 Do they see His love, His grace, His mercy?
#3 Are you an example of godliness?
#4 Do your Grandkids see a godly wife to your husband?
#5 Do they see a good example of what a wife should be?
You may say, "Pastor Russ, nobody is perfect!"
I am not saying you never make mistakes
But do you cut your child a trail to follow in life
that will lead them to the knowledge of Jesus as Savior?
Explain marking a trail!
Lois and Eunice were examples of Christian living to Timothy.
They showed him how to live a godly life
Oh, I am sure Timothy had other influences in his life!
As a young boy, he probably had friends...
whose parents were not Christians.
I am sure Satan tempted him to follow sins of the flesh
and improper behavior!
But Timothy always had his mother and grandmother at home!
They were guides for Timothy during these times of temptation!
Do your children and grandchildren see you as a godly guide?
Are you steadfast in your faith
When the temptations of this world come calling,
do they look to you as an example of godliness?
You can’t shield your children from all that life will throw at them,
but you can be a light in the darkness
that leads them through by being an example of God for them.
Being a godly mother and grandmother...
involves modeling Christ-like behaviors, disciplines, and attitudes
because your children and grandchildren...
need far more than a Christian’s description.
They need an example of one.
If you have a godly mother, you should thank God for her!
If you are a mother or grandmother,
you should be doing your best
to be an example to those little ones who look up to you!
Thank God for giving us mothers --
Forget the village; just give me godly mothers and grandmothers!
The village of our society is not fit to be raising children.
They need godly mothers and grandmothers...
who will step out in faith and declare ’Thus Says the Lord’
If you are a mother or grandmother.
I plead with you,
spend time with your children!
Tell them about Jesus and His love for them!
Nothing can replace the precious time spent with your children.
Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said:
"Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation."