Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
Worship team for leading us today and when I let the kids know, for those who are in grades one through five, or is it a special service for you downstairs?
At a, is a special service force a day.
Last week was also unique service and that we took a lot of time just to pray for our annual summer camp, Outreach to the community called Super Summer Slam and today is the answer to Super Summer Slam.
It's our praise service.
We take time to pray and ask God to be working for the week.
And then we like to set aside the Sunday after to really thank him because he does answer prayers and we want everybody in the church to to know and be aware of how God was at work.
This past week so we can take time to jointly, praise him for all, he's done.
Zoomerang is a special week.
How can I describe it?
Well a Picture Tells A Thousand Years.
So here is a video to give you an idea of what took place this week.
2 minutes.
Bruno Mars.
We really did have a great week and we had 110 kids sign up.
We had an average attendance around a hundred.
Each day.
Never gets Miss different days, but we had a great opportunity.
We always start out.
The mornings was just an opening time with some songs and then we do a large group game.
You saw the kids actually beat the team staff at tug-of-war there in the video, and then the kids just rotate in their teams through all different kinds of activities.
So, they have a Bible Lesson.
They have time to small group to discuss the things were talking about through the Bible.
We have a mission story after lunch every day and of course a different specials with jugglers magicians and birds and all kinds of things.
And so it's a great time where the kids come out to have fun for us.
We also have a great time having fun to sharing the Lord Christ with them and that Happens to the Bible lessons to Mission story and through the song.
So today I want you to hear some of the songs.
I want you to pay attention to the lyrics, because the songs go right along with the themes of the things that were teaching.
So this time we're going to have to come up, and they're going to lead us in a few of the songs of sorry, Nathan.
And the swim at Yes, Nathan and slam it.
Encouraged everyone to go ahead and stand up.
You guys can get on the stage.
There everybody go ahead and stand up and try to follow along with emotions.
Just make a little bit more fun here.
Family Guy.
I am his Masterpiece from the top of my head to the tip of my finger.
See, the settings.
Don't matter.
Is Home Depot.
Which one did you want stuffing?
All you wanted Rock the Boat.
Everybody wants to rock.
The boat will do rock the boat.
Next Sunday, Michael eat it.
Rock the Boat.
That's actually from a few years ago when we talked about the ark and the flood but we still sing it because the kids love it.
Anyway, zoomerang, we had a great week as I said and and the theme this year was really let the kids know that they are created.
God is the creator.
I don't know how many of you were aware, but still they moved away from the ape to Man model.
They now say 8, like creature and somen and apes.
Both came from some Missing Link the ape-like creature.
So, we took time to let them know.
All these different missing links that are even still today being taught in schools and in textbooks that have been disproven for decades shown to be frauds.
Actually were scientists did all kinds of manipulations and they said, oh, actually, that was an orangutan bone.
But they anyway, we let the kids know the truth because he's pushing these lies because they want Are accidents of Nature.
And again, when life is just an accident, then you can easily dismiss life and say people are worthless and discard babies discard old people, what not?
But we want the kids to know that they are valuable.
They are precious.
And so the first verse says that they memorize on Tuesday was God, created Mankind in his own image.
The image of God, he created them male and female, he created them and letting you know that they are created.
They are just an accident.
They were created by God In His Image, which gives them immense, value, immense value.
And then the next day we talked about Psalm 139 14 and I praise you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully.
Made your works, are wonderful.
I know that full well and we took time to actually examine different parts of the body are bones in our eyes and our nose or mouth.
Okay, you remember Tom Mucus.
Does your nose produce a day?
A quart, a quarter mucus a day and, and you might think how irritating that is.
It goes down my throat, it's just me up.
If I'd actually has a purpose, right?
It helps to moisturize the air and warm the air as it goes and helps to capture all the dirt in the dust and the germs.
So that our lungs are filled with dirt by this point in our lives, that God created our bodies with all these intricate systems that work and without one of them Life as a human being would not be possible.
But we talked about how God made our bodies, and they are fearfully and wonderfully made it again.
Fearfully doesn't mean that, oh no, we have to be afraid but awestruck Why just how amazing our bodies are?
And let these kids know that you are amazing.
And God Made You amazing just the way you are.
And again, in our culture they want to cause confusion among the kids and, and make them question.
Well, were you really right when you came out of the womb?
Will you just end this?
Like no, you are just right?
God didn't make a mistake, you're perfect just the way you are and to let them know how wonderfully made they are.
And then we talked about the next day that, you know what, God puts so much value on you and He would actually send his son.
The guy for you, we shared with them how God created Mankind in his own image, so that guy could have a relationship with him and the kids.
And we talked about how man chose to disobey God by eating fruit from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in the kids.
That's a really good question.
Well, why did he put the tree there to begin with?
It's what we said.
Why did he do that?
And we just gave a simple as stration of Stephen and Megan hear Stephen, how would you feel if you found out that Megan, only married, you because her parents bought her off?
I know it would hurt if you found out that your friend was only a friend because somebody paid them to do so they really didn't want to do it.
They were being forced to do it.
That ruins a relationship.
Doesn't it seem relationships require a choice?
Don't they love is a choice.
I forgot to force Adam and Eve to be in a relationship with him when he created them, is not a relationship.
So we gave them the choice to trust him as their loving creator.
The follow him.
But they didn't.
They broke the relationship.
But even though they broke the relationship, even though every single one of us breaks that relationship by doing things contrary to what our creator has made us to be in do.
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