Day 2-3: Gen 1:6-13 boundaries and consistency
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Remembering that The Bible specializes in the theology of life and God’s plan we are going to take a look at day 2-3 with this goal in mind.
Day 2: “The Expanse” (vs. 6-8)
Day 3: “Seed, Fruit” (vs. 9-13)
Summary: God created boundaries and consistency then that are still true now.
Prayer: Jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever.
Day 2: “The Expanse” (vs. 6-8)
Day 2: “The Expanse” (vs. 6-8)
God Creates (vs. 6-7)
And God said
let there be an expanse- “beaten metal plate, or bow; firmament, the expanse on which celestial bodies appear to be projected”, not refering to the show on Amazon. I have not seen it but it came up in my studying this week.
in the midst of the waters-
Let it separate- to act as a barrier between; stand between
the waters from the waters- to the origional readers this meant a lot. The waters are untamable, the place of chaos. Moses is writing in the midst of a polytheistic world view. The surrounding nations worship multiple gods that had authority over…you name it. Yet, here you have one God, showing power and authority over it all. Well how do you know that? Keep reading…what is the next phrase.
And God made- Elohim, the one God that is plural.
the expanse
and separated
the waters under the expanse
from the waters that were above the expanse
the atmospheric waters from the terrestrial waters by an arching expanse, the sky. This suggests that previously there had been a dense moisture enshrouding the earth. God’s work involves making divisions and distinctions
(2 PIC) “expanse”
And it was so- listen to that again, “and it was so”. When God says something, you can trust it. If God promises something, you can believe it.
This is crazy, this is the world of fantasy that we see in the movies. How can he create something in the middle of the water that can support life. Or civilizations that exist with a defence shield all around it. Wakanda, atlantis, underwater bases.
God Defines (v. 8)
God called
the expanse
heaven (sky)- the Sumerian religion
There was evening
and there was morning
the second day- once again, God is defining what a “day” consists of. He is showing a pattern and consistency in His creation. He is not saying “this” one day and then completely changing what He ment. This last week at Vacation Bible School we learned Heb. 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” -Lets all say that together...
If God defined something back in creation it is the same today. We have a problem with this, we call it tradition, old school, being stuck in our ways. We say that things have changed, that doesn’t mean that anymore and it can be hard to keep up with what is meant…I would rather be good with the one that made time than good with the times I am living in. Why, because the days I am living in will change, but God and His word will not.
God Evaluates (v. 8)
God saw it was good- there is that evaluation again.
Would you rather be “good” with the times or the creator of time?
God is making boundaries and distinctions in his creation. He is separating things. Not in a good verse bad, or separating because they are not doing what He has said (like you and I being separated by our parents when we did not get along with our siblings).
God said, separated, and saw. He creates, defines, and evaluates or gives worth to what He creates. How is God’s creation doing and by that I mean you? Are you having a hard time believing His created purpose for you? What outward circumstances are causing you to question what God’s Word defines about Himself and His creation
In what ways are you struggling to agree that what God said is so? Is it in how he created you, your family, abilities, looks, cordination? Is it in his defintions that are the same yesterday, today, and forever? Is it in agreeing with what He evaluates as good or with what our times declare as good?
Transitional phrase: Wow, this is pretty murky water you are wading into Pastor Jeremy. Afterall, water is really hard to separate and keep it separated. How can you be so sure about these things? If we have a hard time believing these things to be so, how are we going to address the murky water of our day?
Day 3: “According to its Kind” (vs. 9-13)
Day 3: “According to its Kind” (vs. 9-13)
Earth and Sea- Boundaries or limits (vs. 9-10)
And God said (creates)
let the waters under the heavens
be gathered together into one place
let the dry land appear
and it was so
God called (defines)
the dry land- earth
and the waters
that were gathered together- Job 38:8-11 ““Or who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb, when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors, and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed’?”
he called seas
And God saw (evaluates)
that it was good- not only does does God create, define and evaluate, He also contains or sets limits. He controls the location of the water. You may not have thought about this, but think of it this way the next time you have to call a plumber or have someone over to fix your pool. He is imaging or mirroring the act of your creator. He is setting limits to where water should be gathered together in your home and where it shouldn’t be.
Seed and Fruit- Consistency (vs. 11-12)
And God said
let the earth sprout vegetation- before the Sun! Not as a result of anything other than God’s command, His spoken word.
yeilding seed- The first mention of yet another majoy theme in the Bible
Fruit trees
bearing fruit
in which is their seed
each according to its kind
on the earth
and it was so
The earth brought forth
yeilding seed according to their own kinds
and trees
bearing fruit
in which is their seed
each according to its kind
Evening and morning- Evaluation (vs. 13)
God saw
that it was good
and there was evening
and there was morning
the third day
God separartes and makes boundaries in water. This has to be the hardest place. To make a boundary or separate something that is constantly in motion. Wade! How did you know when you crossed over the Canadian side of lake Erie to the American side? We use the term “fluid” to explain something that is moving, changing, not secure. It is not set in stone or a concrete idea. If God can make boundaries in water, if he can create consitency in vegetation, and definition to the beginning and ending of the day; don’t you think He can do that in your life? Make boundaries where things are murky, create consistency in the midst of life’s demands, and definition to our days?
Jesus is going to pick up this theme in Luke 6:43-45 ““For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
PIC tree
Transitional phrase:
Summary: God created boundaries and consistency then that are still true now.
Song: Yes I will
“I count on one thing, the same God that never fails will not fail me now”
How will you choose to praise God in what he has created, how will you glorify Him as He has defined Himself, and in His evaluation of what is best as he is working all things out?
Discussion questions
Discussion questions
Worship- Renew the Mind (Scripture)
1. What passage of Scripture did we look at? Summarize it in your own words.
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
Grow- Engage the Heart (Conversation)
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
Serve- Enlist the Body (Action)