' It was Necassary '
Sunday morning
Genesis 15-21
Genesis 50 20
“You meant it for evil but God meant it for my Good”
“It was necessary”
My brothers sisters each one of us has had different experiences to get us to to where we are today. Some good and some not so good. If we were to be honest the good experiences are often the most memorable. Why because in the good that we take pictures, In the good times that we smile, it’s in the good that we often can look back and laugh and enjoy with our friends. However, it’s in those difficult moments that we often would love to through out of our memory bank. It’s the people that hurt us that we often try to dismiss. It’s with the people that talked about us that we often avoid and or even attempt to minimize.
However, my brothers and sisters I’ve learned to appreciate the not so good moments just as much as I appreciate those great moments. Some may say why is that, well because if the truth be told. If it had not been for those trials I wouldn’t be where I am today. There is a song that says and I am who I am today because God used my mistakes, He’s working for my Good like no one else ever could, God told me to tell you..It was necessary”
Is there anyone in here that can say it’s in those tough moments that made you who you are today.
Its often in the unfourtnate situations that reveals who God is in our life.
Why do I say that well because If you never been sick you wouldn’t know god to be a Jehova Rapha our healer. If I wouldn’t have never been without. I wouldn’t know God be Jehova Jireh a provider. If your heart heart has never been Broken you wouldn’t know God to be a heart mender..If you’ve never had your peace ☮️ disrupted you wouldn’t know God to be a mind regulater.
So it is these moments that allows us to know God To be God. It’s the difficult moments that God allows because those moments builds our trust in God. I heard the saying that what don’t kill you only makes you stronger. Is there anyone in here that can say somethings hurt me but it helped me.
It was Romans 8:28 that says and we know that ALL THINGS WORK together for the good of them that love the lord and those who are called according to his purpose.
So my brothers and sisters we have to learn to trust the process because life is often compared to journey it’s been said that the strength and joys of life are not in the destination but rather in the journey.
So when life brings challenges in your life dont stop along the way keep going. Keep pressing your way through.
There was story about a young man at a summer camp. The young men went down to the river and they were assigned to swim one mile, The young man got to the half mile, and felt like he couldnt go any longer. he turned around and start swimming back. The camp director explained to him that if he would have spend the same energy in swimming forward that he did swimming backward he would have finished the course. Can I encourage you to put that same energy that you have in going backward to push you forward to finish the work that God has assigned to your life.
Truth of the matter is that some people along this journey won’t always support you, some people,
Don’t always like to see your progress. Do I have anybody in here, or maybe I’m the only that have had plots and plans that if it was the enemy I would have given up a long time ago. If it’s was up to the enemy I would be in jail or prison. However, God know to turn the enemy stumbling blocks to my stepping stones. He said in his word sit at my right hand until I make your enemy your footstool.
If something’s would have not happened you wouldn’t be as motivated as you are today. If something’s wouldn’t have happened you wouldn’t the drive you have today..
My brothers and sister we have to learn See bad experiences as events that have happened to you rather than being who you are.
Oprah Winfrey made the qoute that you should ”Turn Your Wounds Into Wisdom"
As We find in Genesis the story of Joseph who most of us are familiar with If you read Genesis we find that Joseph found favor in the eyes of his father Jacob because he took care of the cattle and herd of the family, His brothers knew that Joseph had found favor.
Because Joseph found favor in the eyes of the father the bible said that his brothers hated on him.
Is there anyone in here that can agree that when you have favor in the eyes of the father, there are some people that gone hate....
Its not that they hate you they just cant figure out the favor and the anointing on your life,
What we have to understand is that when you have favor on your life, you can expect a fight. We see people favor, but we dont understand the fight. They see your favor but they dont understand your fight.
You dont look like what you been through.
What made matters worse is that Joseph had a dream that he would one day be rule over them—-
(When you have a dream and vision, you can expect people to not believe in yours as you believe in it.
When God has spoken to you and gave you a personal vision for your life, people may not understand it, but keep on dreaming. I heard the saying you have to see it before you can you see it. You have to believe in yourself, if know one else believe in you. Once you understand who you are in God you don’t need validation for no one else. If God said it that settles it. If God said you will get the house that settles it. If God said you will progress in your career, that settles it. The bible saids that God is not a man that he should lie nore the son of man that he shall repent.
sometimes we can’t tell everyone our dream before it happen, some people may take offense)
We cant always tell where God is taking just follow it. I heard somebody say, stop telling everybody your game plan an just run the play.
So on Day Joseph’s brothers took the the sheep out to eat and Joseph father asked if Joseph could supervise them to make sure the sheep was well.While Joseph was on his way his brothers plotted to kill him…
I truly believe it wasn’t Joseph they wanted to kill but it was the favor and vision that he had for his life..
“Don’t let anyone kill your dream”
But when Joseph brother Rueben heard this. He said not to kill him but let’s throw him into a dry well. And we will tell our father that the wild animals ate him.
Because they knew the value of Joseph, they said if he kill him we won’t profit, but rather let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites for 20 coins.
They understood that he had a gift and assignment, they knew they knew his value of him. Truth of the matter is that some people know your value, the reason they keeping you because they understand your value, However if they only knew that Joseph was worth more than what he was sold out for, Some of us have been sold out, but if they only know that you were more valuable than what they thought. If only knew that being connected to Joseph could have brought the same favor. I know I got some issues, but Im still favored, I know I got some issues but Im still favored, They sold him out because of his favor. Dont be suprise when your sold out. but your favor wont run out.
The Ishmaelites brought Joseph and took him back to Egypt.
His brothers killed a goat and out the blood on Joseph’s coat and took it back to his father and said we don’t know what happened to Joseph but we found his coat.
Joseph meanwhile was sold to Potiphar.
Who has in charge of all of pharaohs officers
Joseph worked so hard that he pleased Potiphar.
While he was there a hardworking man and a handsome man.
He was tempted by Potiphar wife.
Because Joseph ran because he knew the assignment on his life.
While he was on his way running she ripped off his coat…
Potiphars wife took his coat back to Potiphar and stated that he attempted to be with her and he took off his coat and she used his coat as evidence.
"Joseph was then put in prison.."
His ability to keep pressing even while in prison showed his resilience.
How do you handle yiur prison moment. Don't give up while you prison. Your preparation in prison is preparing you for the Promise.
If you don't believe me it was Paul and Silas thay praised and sang hymns until God while they in prison, and immediately their chains were broken.
Some us should take a moment even in your prison moment and praise God for the bands that he is about to break.
So While in prison he worked so hard even in prison that he gained authority in prison.
Whatever Joseph did in prison the lord prosper him.
He interpreted the cupbearer dreams who was pur in prison but later was released back to pharaoh
Years go by pharaoh had a dream….
The cupbearer remembered…
There was a Hebrew Slavs in prison that interpreted my dream maybe he can interpret pharoes
Joseph gift allowed him to interpret pharaohs dream while in prison.
Because Joseph interpreted pharaohs dream pharaohs places him over all of Egypt.
Put a ring in Joseph finger.
Gold chain around his neck.
Dressed him up.
Gave him a chariot.
Only Pharohbhad more authority over Joseph.
While joseph was in command crops grew grains grew. The land increased in plentiful.
There was plenty food.
Meanwhile. Jacob, Joseph father heard of the food in Egypt, not knowing that it was his son who was producing the fruit..
He told his sons Joseph brothers to go and get food from Egyptian.
When Joseph saw his brothers from afar off he knew that it was his brothers.
He remembered the dream he had.
Joseph asked their intend...
He recognized them but they did not recognize him...
Joseph asked the only way theh could get food of they brought their youngest brother.
Joseph meanwhile sends them back to Egypt with each money in their bag...
The brothers after a while because of the land of canine returned to Joseph still not knowing it.wad their brother.
To make a long story short, eventually,
Joseph Sent all of his servants away..
Withholding tears he finally said to them
"I'm Joseph "
In other words he said I'm him.
“Just tell somebody look at me now”
Look at you now, after everything you went through, Look at you now, after everything you faced.
Tell Somebody next to you I dont look like what Ive been through.
This season God is about to give you the strength to say, I am him, I am her.
The one you lied on, I'm him,
The one you talked about I am him.
The one they through to the curb, I'm him.
So we go the text:
Joseph father's dies, and his brothers falsely tells Joseph that their father said to take care of them while he is dead because they feared Joseph would kill them.
They bowed down to.joseoh to say we will be yiur servants..
Joseph responds,
Get up I'm at a place with God.
As for you you meant it for evil, but God meant for my good.
In other words it was necessary for them to do what they did, because it allowed him to get from the pit to the palace.
I came to encourage those who have went through some things in your life, that it was necessary.
Yes it was necessary for Joseph's brother to dispose his dreams,
It was necessary for them to throw him in a pit.
It was necessary for them to sell him too.
It was necessary for him to serve with potiojar
It was necessary for potiphar wife to accuse him.
It was necessary that he went to prison.
It was necessary for him to meet the cupbearred
It was necessary for him to meet Pharoah.
I don't know yiur story,
I don't know the events that has happened in your life.
However, I do know that it was necessary.
Look at someone and Say I am who I am today. Because God used my mistakes. He worked it for.my good. Like no one.else ever could.
Everything that they tried God made it fail....
Conclusion: Is there anyone here that can say there are some things thing that happened in my life that although the devil meant it for evil it turned out for your good. I want to encourage you that even what your going through now its going to work out for you good.