Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Christ is more than your Bro’
The Book of Hebrews is anonymous letter that over the centuries has been attributed to the Apostle Paul.
That would make the most sense… Paul, a Jews, Jew.
He was in line to be the Chief Priest of ALL of the synagogues in Israel.
Then the Lord Jesus got a hold of Paul.
Jesus interjected himself into Paul’s life.
And changed his direction.
We don’t completely understand it but we accept that Jesus dwells in our hearts and we are a temple of the Holy Spirit.
The Book of Hebrews aside from the mystery of the authorship is written about who is “greater” and “superior”
Ultimately the author is speaking to a large group of Hebrews about the
The Superiority of Christ
This first chapter of the Book of Hebrews is all about comparisons.
I’ll be dealing with Chapter’s 1-2 and our son Josh will be here in the 24th to deal with Chapter 3.
You won’t want to miss Josh’s message.
He is currently enrolled at Sioux Falls Seminary and getting his MDiv in the next couple of years.
I always tell people that my sons, Tyler and Josh are truly better versions of me.
I want to take a minute and tell you about the journey that I am on...
I am encountering the Holy Spirit in ways and situations that I have not been sensitive to before.
I won’t say that the Spirit has finally opened himself to me.
The Holy Spirit is given to us all, 100% of Him when we accept Christ.
Learn to listen, more than anything… Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit.
I have to learn to take my foot off the gas and to give time for The Spirit to interject.
OK… enough of the background stuff.
I’m excited to see where this study takes us… I’m thinking, depending on how this goes to do.
Christ is more than your Bro’
I got saved in 1986.
I grew up a roman catholic kid in NE South Dakota in the 1960’s and 70’s.
I knew what Holiness meant...
When the Monsignor came and blessed me… That was HOLY!
I really fell in love with that feeling, I still have chill bumps when I think about it.
But that was kind of it...
Until I found Christ, until He welcomed me into the family of God.
My experience with family was NOT of an over demanding father, who was overtly abusive.
I didn’t need a father in my life what I needed was a brother, a sibling, that I never had.
I began to form in my “new Christian” mind what I wanted Jesus to be in my life.
This family that he invited to was actually a family.
You see I had never really seen a functioning happy family.
Jesus gave me family that I never have had before.
At this point for me… He is still my ‘Bro!
We don’t get to chose what kind of Jesus we get!
We get the Jesus that is a father to the father-less, a mother to the mother-less, friend to the friend-less.
He fills that empty spot in your heart, Yes He is our brother!
but he is also the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
You see we get 100% of Jesus In the same that we get 100% of The Spirit and 100% of the Father!
We have some responsibility… We must accept that Free Gift of Salvation!
We must do this by Grace from Faith alone!
So what more must we do...
Listen for The Spirit, engage Jesus in a conversation, and Praise and Worship God the Father, God the Son and God The Spirit...
This study I hope stretches ALL of us to be more like the Father intends us to be.
What is and how is our relationship with God?
I pray that as we continue with this study that your relationship is woven with 3-cords that cannot be easily broken.
That we can answer many of the questions that you have and when we are done we understand the God of the Universe better.
The new James Webb Deep Space Probe was turned on this week.
If you’ve seen the pictures there is something special about a camera that can capture 10,000 Galaxies each containing at a minimum 1000 planets each.
OK so I’m not a math genius but we are looking at 1X10 to the 7th.
God has created it...
The world was formed exhilo, from nothing!
We were and are created for the pleasure of our Father.
We are created to worship Him!
We are also created by him to reach the world with the message of the Gospel.
The Supremacy of God’s Son
Whoever wrote the Book of Hebrews.
Has not needed an introduction.
Once we begin we are on a rocket ship so hold on!
Today we are looking at The Book of Hebrews.
Hebrews is found towards the back of the New Testament.
Get to Revelation and go back a couple of books and you’ll find it.
Its on page 1001 of your pew Bible.
So immediately this verse has got to put you on edge.
All of a sudden my reference to my “Bro”is seeming a little shallow.
Jesus is moving from “‘Bro” to or so much more
To the Jew steeped in tradition, law, history and prophets received his marching orders from the Prophets, speaking of course for Go.
So I think… “Long ago” — Refers to the Old Testament times and earlier.
— God spoke to the Old Testament Fathers by the prophets… Note that God did not say that he spoke via Via The Spirit to the Prophets!
These people of the later First Century, Hebrews.
Not followers of Jesus.
They would’ve essentially followed their “old” ways into the grave… except for Jesus.
Are we willing to follow OUR old ways into the grave or is there another way?
There is another way...
— We are in the last days… at any given time he could roll all of this up and say He has had enough...
— We have heard what is spoken to us… the Gospel is clear
“Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and Be Saved.”
Through Jesus the world was created… I’m not going to argue about 7 days or 700 million years.
God did it … I Believe it.
God has appointed Jesus as the author and protector of our Faith.
Who is this Jesus that the Hebrews are supposed to follow?
Hebrews 1:3 (ESV)
3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.
After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
The Lord Jesus is my ‘Bro but more he is the the only begotten son of God.
He is exactly like him… exactly!
The Author lays out for us who Jesus is...
— “the radiance of the Glory of God”
— “the EXACT imprint of his [God’s] Nature
— “He upholds the universe… how by his word!!
— Then when he has some extra time… “making purification for sins”
— After beating death, rising from the dead, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high!!
— Jesus is now next to the Father, interceding for us with God, Sending the Spirit as the replacement for Jesus.
Verses 4 & 5
< .5
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> .9