Who Are You?
Who are you?
2 Truths and 1 Lie
Which was easier to come up with: the truths or the lie? Why?
The word “hypocrite” comes from a Greek word meaning “actor” or “pretender.” It means a person who acts one way with one group of people and another way with others. Presenting ourselves as something we know we are not. Masking ourselves to deceive others. It's a form of lying. Some people call hypocrites, two-faced.
How is hypocrisy like lies that we may tell or believe?
How have you seen hypocrisy disrupt relationships?
Why is this important or why do relationships matter?
3 ways hypocrisy affects relationships:
1) Hypocrisy deceives the hypocrite
We can know the doctrine, but misapply it or don't apply it at all.
We can know His commandments, but not obey them at a heart level.
We boast in God, not to honor Him, but to honor ourselves.
Romans 2:17-24
2) Hypocrisy damages the unbeliever
If we tell others we are Christians, but live in disobedience, unbelievers will mock the Christian faith. We see this all the time, unfortunately. James 1:22. Christians are often called hypocrites and unbelievers don't see a reason to follow their God. It's important that we are the light. Sometimes we may be the only "Bible" others read. Our lives should make them want to know our God.
3) Hypocrisy dishonors God.
Romans 3:23 - we all fall short
Obedience is presented like a path to blessings, and it is, however, we should want to obey God not to be blessed, but to honor God. He is worthy of all praise and honor.
Disobedience always results in pain and trouble.
3 ways we can overcome hypocrisy:
1) Work daily to maintain reality with God on the heart level. Meet with Him in the Word and in prayer, not to check off that you did your “quiet time,” but to come before Him and expose everything in your heart to Him. Confess your sins and your struggles. Seek His strength. Be aware that He examines your heart (1 Thess. 2:4).
2) Show honesty and humility towards others. Don’t try to impress others with your godliness. Romans 12:2. Let them know that you are weak, but the Lord is strong.
3) Apply the Bible personally. While reading, ask, how can I apply this to my life? Memorize relevant verses to help you apply it to your area of need.
Don’t let the sin of hypocrisy deceive you, damage unbelievers, or dishonor our glorious God!
Questions and Thoughts:
How honest should you be with others? Should you share all of your struggles? If you don’t, are you being a hypocrite?
How can we cultivate genuine humility and avoid hypocrisy?
Why should honoring God, not seeking happiness, be our number one priority? What is practically involved in this?