IMB Conference: Philippians 4:10-23: How to Be Content
Sermon Tone Analysis
"Thank You” from Staci… Not what I wanted to hear…
What does God want to hear from you? “I love you?” “I’m surrendered to you?” “I’m completely satisfied in you?”
Are you completely satisfied in Christ? Or, are you content with the life that God has given you?
Been a struggle to be content with the challenges of the last couple of years…
Life seems to be a never ending pursuit of contentment and satisfaction.
Those of us in ministry are NOT immune to hearts of discontentment.
COVID-19 brought a season of discontentment for most of us…
Think about how your life would be different right now if you were content with God and the life that He has given you in the present moment.
Nothing wrong with pursuing more or striving to make your life better, but there’s much to be said for being content wherever you find yourself.
Paul didn’t want to be imprisoned. He wanted to be a free man traveling the world for the sake of the Gospel. While he was in less than ideal circumstances, he was content.
As we look at this passage, I want to answer three questions that will help you become content: 1. What is contentment? 2. Why do I need contentment? 2. How do I get contentment?
What is contentment?
What is contentment?
Paul started letter with gratitude for Philippians partnership in Gospel (1:5). Ends the letter with gratitude.
While Philippians supported Paul, it had been a while since they last had an opportunity to financially support Paul. Imprisoned in Rome, Paul dependent on the support of local churches and friends to provide for his needs.
Philippians had “no opportunity” to support. Why? Paul 2 years in Caesarea and shipped off to Rome - hard time keeping up with him. Or, 2 Cor. 8:2… church at Philippi a poor church. Perhaps it took them a long time to raise an offering that they felt was suitable to send to Paul.
Paul doesn’t lay on the guilt because Philippi took so long to help him.
Paul says, “I’m glad you sent the money, but I was ok without it because I’m content.” - A thankless thank you.
What is contentment?
Contentment is satisfaction with God and the life He has given you.
Contentment is unrelated to circumstances or possessions. For many of us: I will be content when I have vs. I’m content with what I have in life right now. Or, I will be content when I’m out of this situation and in a new situation.
For us: “I just want life to get back to normal...” Yet, for most of us in this room, it never got back to whatever normal was for you.
Paul: I know how to be brought low. I know how to abound. Plenty, hunger, abundance, need… I’m content. You can be content - satisfied with life - regardless of circumstances and how hard life may be.
Contentment doesn’t come naturally. Paul: “I have learned the secret...” In Greek, a word used by pagans - initiated into secret rites and rituals of a cultic religion. For Paul - I’ve been initiated into contentment.
What comes naturally? Envy. When you’re in a season of want and need it’s easy to look at people who have more and say, “It’s not fair. Why do they have, and I don’t? What are they doing right, and what am I doing wrong?” Envy is longing for and wanting the life someone else has. (Struggled in Franklinton and at BSC) Greed. Greed is never having enough. It’s being in a season of plenty and saying, “I don’t have enough. I need a bigger house, more money in the bank, more education, etc.” “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income, this also is vanity.” (Eccl. 5:10)
Contentment is learned. For Paul, life had thrown him all kinds of circumstances, both good and bad. For Paul, life was full of ups and downs. If he didn’t learn contentment, he would have been miserable. (2 Corinthians 11:25-27) You can be content regardless of your circumstances, but God teaches you contentment through your circumstances.
Disney Springs - lack of contentment miss the joy of the moment of being with a great group of volunteers.
Why do I need contentment?
Why do I need contentment?
Without contentment, you will never be satisfied with God. Ph. 3 - “Everything I gain, I count as loss to know Christ.” Hard to be satisfied with God when you’re not satisfied with the life He has given you. You’re constantly saying “I want more, or I want it my way,” while God is constantly saying to you, “I’m enough for you.”
Without contentment you’ll always live with missional apathy. You’re always thinking of your needs - what you need to get ahead, what you need to be satisfied, what you need to feel good about life AND you spend very little time thinking about Kingdom needs.
How do I get contentment?
How do I get contentment?
One of most famous verses in the Bible: “I can do all things...” NOT claiming that he is now all powerful - not claiming super human strength on the football field.
BUT… Consider the “all things.” Because of Jesus, Paul could put his life on the line for the Gospel. Because of Jesus, Paul could travel the known world preaching the Gospel to people involved in other religions. Because of Jesus, Paul could stand before governors, philosophers, and religious leaders and share the Gospel. Because of Jesus, Paul could share the Gospel with the Roman soldiers he was chained to. Because of Jesus, Paul could endure shipwrecks, beatings, hunger, and hardships.
For the sake of the Gospel, and in the power of the Spirit who lived inside of him, Paul could do whatever God called him to do.
And, in the context of this passage, Paul could be content - no matter the circumstances - why? The same reason you can be content: Jesus.
How do I get contentment?
Trade entitlement for gratitude - With thanksgiving, by prayer and supplication make your request known to God. Rejoice, etc. Paul didn’t walk around with an attitude that said, “I deserve...” Some of us do. You’re convinced you deserve better - you deserve more, etc. You forget that you deserve hell, but God has given you what you do not deserve. You won’t be content until you trade entitlement for gratitude.
Trade self-sufficiency for complete dependency - Not, “I can do things in my own strength...” BUT without Christ - at the end of your life, you will have nothing. (Luke 9:25) AND, apart from Jesus you can do nothing of eternal value. (John 15:5) BUT, in Christ I have everything, and I can do all things. Paul’s secret - Jesus. Jesus was the secret to His contentment. His secret to His joy. His secret to His ability to persevere. Imprisoned in Rome, Paul knew that Jesus would have to provide his needs, and Jesus did through Philippi. Jesus is your secret as well.
Contentment FREES you to enjoy God. (Numbers 18:20) - God to priests in the wilderness: “You will not get an allotment when you come into the Promised Land, but you will get me. I am your portion. You get to daily handle holy things.” What a beautiful promise! Enjoy God!
God gives you Himself! John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that He gave you His Son. If anyone should have been discontent, it should have been Jesus - Should have been discontent with living in a broken world - with being mistreated - with being ridiculed - with the will of His Father. In the garden - agonized with His death, but left the garden content with God’s plan to die for you so that you could GET God. Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus - you GET GOD! You can to handle the holy. You get to enjoy a relationship with Jesus. Y
Contentment FREES you to live with Mission Adaptability. This is Paul! When you aren’t content in Jesus, you can’t focus on the mission. BUT, when you are content in Jesus, you’re free - you’re free to be flexible with your life. Why? Your eyes aren’t on the stuff. Your eyes aren’t on the things that weigh everyone else down. You’re free to go and free to share because you have what you need. The reason many of us don’t live on mission is because we’re not content with Jesus.
Contentment leads you to live an open-handed life.
This morning, you have no contentment - could be that you do not know Jesus. Turn to Him in faith.
Follower of Jesus - What are you holding too tightly to in this world that is producing in you mission apathy? What are you holding onto in this world that is keeping you from being satisfied with God?