Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
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> .9
Have you ever been discouraged, disparaged by the church?
The imperfect church is still something we should believe in.
This morning we are going to be looking at the church, described, defined and applicable.
Previously we have in this series looked at:
Why believe in God
Creator of the world (Gen1:1-27; Eph3:9)
Sustainer of the world (Eph4:16; Col2:19)
The historical and scientific evidence
Why believe in the bible
Because of the uniformity of the Bible by 40 people over 1500 years, from various backgrounds and places
Because of the foreknowledge of the bible, the scientific facts proven years after the bible proclaimed.
Because of the over 2000 fulfilled prophesies found in the bible many with outside the bible historical accounts too.
The bibles impact on civilization and on a person
Why believe in Jesus Christ
because of the fulfilled prophesies about Him
Because of the apostolic testimony about Him
Because it brought about personal faith, surrender and commitment to Him
The screen you are looking at talks about being discouraged, disparaged by the church before.
Let me expand a minute or two.
Insert personal story about being hurt by the church, body of believers, be sure to include restoration story too (keep short less than 5 minutes)
So, here is where I would like to go this morning in the time we have
The church described (what is the church).
The church defined (who is the church).
The church applied, what are we to do as the church.
The church described
It is good for is to look at what the bible says, since we already established why we should, or why we believe in the bible, Jesus Christ and God.
So, let’s see together now when it comes to the church.
I’m sure you have heard, seen the illustration going all the way back to your childhood (illustrate here is church, steeple, open the doors and see an the people) but is that true?
Is that biblical?
Let’s see what the scripture says (telling you up front this is very scripture rich, I have put all the scriptures and describers in your outline.
not all will be on the screen).
If you want to follow along for most of them, open your bibles to Ephesians.
Let me start with:
Christ’s Church (Mt16:18)
Christ is over the church (Eph1:22)
The church is His body (Eph1:23; Col1:18, 24)
The church is the fullness of him (Eph1:23)
The church is a part of God’s eternal purpose (Eph3:10-11)
So, to God be the glory in the church (Eph3:21)
eph3:21 “21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.
For Christ is the head and the Savior of the church, the body (Eph5:23)
eph5:23 “23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.”
Christ gave Himself for the church (Eph5:25)
Eph5:25 “25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,”
The church is designed to be glorious (Eph5:26-27)
Jesus nourishes and cherishes the church (Eph5:29-30)
Eph5:29-30 “29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are members of His body.”
The church was purchased by His precious blood (Act20:28)
Act20:28 “28 “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”
The church is the family of God (1Tim3:15)
(Transition) I think it is pretty clear a few things.
God thinks very highly of the Church and was a part of His eternal purpose
We should think highly of the church and treat the church as “glorious” and make sure it is nourished and cherished
Now we better go from described to defined
The Church defined
We should look at some definitions with some scriptures too for us to be able to accurately define the church.
Greek word “Ekklesia” (1Pt2:9; Act19:39, 7:38, 19:40-41)
“Ek” meaning (Out of) and “Kaleo” (to call) so it is the called out ones
The word Ekklesia and church are not the same thing.
Though I’m sure you have heard it said that way, and yes we are the Ekklesia, the called out ones, but there are many types of Ekklesia, not just the body of Christ.
Here Peter says the Ekklesia, the called out, were out of darkness, and what that looked like was a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own possession, with a purpose, to proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out.
Let me expand a little more on this:
Eastman’s bible dictionary defines church as
In the New Testament it is the translations of the Greek word Ekklesia , which is synonymous with the Hebrew word “kahal,’ of the Old Testament”
Both words simply mean “an assembly”
Thayer’s defines church as “a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly
An assembly of people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating (Act19:39, 7:38, 19:40-41)
and one more
So, Ekklesia simply means called out to assembly for a purpose, a gathering of people for a purpose, so does that define the church?
Ekklesia used in Christian sense (1Cor14:19, 35; 1The1:1; 1Cor1:2; Eph1:22-23; Heb12:22-23)
Thayer goes on and offers a few uses of the word in Christian sense.
An assembly of Christians
again, in a christian sense
A company of Christians (1The1:1; 1Cor1:2; Eph1:22-23; Heb12:22-23)
This being a group of people who, hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own affairs (Thayers)
A company, a gathering anywhere in a city, village, constitute the church and are united in one body.
The whole body of Christians scattered throughout the earth
And they are the assembly of the the believers, the faithful that have gone on to be with the Lord in heaven as noted in Hebrews 12:22-23.
To sum up this may we look at it like this
The church is universal - this is all the saved, the whole assembly of believers united in Christ Jesus
The church is local - a company of believers, saved people in a geographical area who work and worship together as a local congregation.
(Insert Church is who we are picture here)
We are a part of the universal church- The church Jesus Christ gave His life for and that He is the head of (Eph5:23, 25)
We are a part of the universal church that Christ sanctifies and cleanses (Eph5:25-26)
WE are part of the universal church that Christ will one day present to the Father as the glorious church without spot or blemish (Eph5:27)
why I believe in the church, that is what we have been looking at this morning, We are a local church, a body of believers with one purpose to glorify God and to make disciples.
If you did you have the right definition and description of the church before I hope you do now.
And I hope you can say “I AM THE CHURCH”
Jesus Christ adds to the church (Act2:47)
He adds those who being baptized (Act2:41)
Those baptized were those who believed and repented, and they were saved
So, if you are not a part of the church, let this scripture speak to you now
Be added to the numbers!
(Song) (Prayer) (Exit)
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