Galatians 6
Sermon Tone Analysis
Galatians 6
Galatians 6
Good morning church! Great to be with you all this morning on what is going to be a hot day! I was going to say it’s going to be a scorcher today, but I thought some of you would run out afraid of the sermon that’s coming! The only bad thing about the message this morning is that we are probably going to finish the book of Galatians, and I love the book of Galatians. Let’s pray...
We spent the last two weeks in chapter 5, and in the first half we learned about Christian liberty....that we are free in Christ, no longer under the law. AND that freedom wasn’t just for our birthdays and Christmas, but Paul told us to stand fast in that liberty of Christ that has set us free. In other words camp out in it, and don’t ever fall back into bondage. We read that love fulfills the law, the simplicity of loving God, and loving our neighbors.
For those struggling to apply that, and live it out, Paul told us it’s not something we can do in the flesh. That our flesh battles with the Spirit and the Spirit with our flesh and in verse 16 he tells us that we need to walk in the Spirit and we will no longer fulfill the lust or passions of our flesh. Through the end of that chapter we are told to walk in the Spirit, be led by the Spirit, and to live in the Spirit. Yes so we can be free, yes so we can be forgiven, that’s part of the freedom that he talks about in this book, that it’s not by works, but just like Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness, we are saved by grace through faith.
All of that is awesome and unattainable any other way, but do you guys know that there is actually a greater purpose that Paul is telling us all this about walking in the Spirit? Because as awesome as forgiveness is, there is so much more. We aren’t forgiven of our sins, we aren’t filled with the Spirit and freed from having to constantly be in bondage of sin, just so we can loose our guilt and shame, bonus that we can. But the real reason is so that we can have fellowship with God.
What is fellowship? The word for "fellowship" in the Bible is koinonia, which means "to have in common" community, communion, or "to share." The reason God made a way for us to have our sin removed was so that we could have fellowship with Him. Not just get saved, get baptised, and sit on a pew in church once and a while and lip sink some songs. God want’s relationship, fellowship, koinonia with You! Sin messes that up that’s why it should matter to us when a brother or sister in Christ is acting like they’re not in Christ and they are sinning in the flesh. Look how Paul starts this chapter.
1 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.
You who are spiritual should make sure everyone in church knows, make sure they know you know, but post something about it first, in case they don’t answer the phone when you call, and let them know you don’t understand how anyone could be tempted by that sin, because you’re a real Christian, not a pretend wanna-be looser. Anyone have that translation? I ask because I was involved in policy writing for many year for different law enforcement agencies. One thing I learned early on, is that it doesn’t really matter what you have written down, your practice is your policy.
In other words any policy and procedure manual that you have had better match what you are actually training your people to do, and requiring them to practice, otherwise there is a conflict, and in a courtroom, in a liability suit, you’re going to lose.
If you have a continuum of force policy that says the first line of correction is officer presence, then verbal instruction, then pepper spray, or a taser, followed by physical control or restraint, before you get to deadly force, that had better be your practice. It’s not OK if every time you see someone j-walking, you sneak up behind the telephone pole on the other side of the road, and just before the reach the sidewalk, taser, taser, and you zap them. Your practice is different than your policy.
Sometimes the Bible gives us really really clear policy, or written instruction and our practice, and the practice of the church, remember the church isn’t a building, is just a bunch of us, is very different. Paul ends this letter with a series of exhortations, or intense encouragements on what truly walking in the Spirit looks like practically day to day in the neighborhood. Now a proper reading of verse one…Gal 6:1
1 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.
So Paul here gives us good policy, that protects us from both liability and harm. How can we harm somebody overtaken in a trespass? Is that a thing? Can we help someone out, when it really isn’t helping them out, it’s enabling them. Ever bail somebody out of trouble when they weren’t ready for help, or they weren’t ready for change? You might have a friend, or a child, that’s struggling financially because of addiction, but they minimize the problem or make excuses, but now they can afford rent, or they can’t fix their car, so you give them some money? What did you just do? You just bought drugs for that person you love. You can’t save someone from drowning if they keep on swimming to the bottom.
So Paul give us this instruction both as an exhortation, he says do it, get involved, help the person that has fallen into sin, don’t shun, don’t gossip, and listen, don’t shame! You who are Spiritual, you’re the ones that should be getting involved in the messes, not a brand new baby Christian, not someone just beginning to walk with Christ. A drowning man can never save another drowning man, they both sink that way. SO Paul gives an exhortation to get involved, don’t just look the other way or shake your head at them and walk away, but also gives a warning.
restore them in a spirit of gentleness…but consider yourself lest you also be tempted. But wait, I’m spiritual, you think I’m going to be overtaken just because they were? Remember this from the book of 1 Cor 10:13
13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
None of us are beyond temptation! We can slip and fall, and be overtaken, and drown right next to our friend. Let me give you an example. Anybody here ever have pull someone out of a snowbank, they were going a little too fast around a corner and ended up in the ditch, or maybe they were going too fast when they were plowing in reverse and rolled their truck? You hunters that drive down woods roads, have pulled people out of the mud. What happens if you feel sorry for them go charging right into the mud or the snow bank after them with your truck? You’re stuck too! Right? If you’re going to help someone else out you have to be on solid ground yourself, you have to have some traction, does that make sense? SO Gal 6:1
1 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.
When we restore someone there is a way that we’re supposed to do it, in a spirit of gentleness, you can find a number of example of Jesus doing so in the Gospels, but we need to remember that we’re not Jesus, and that friend or that relationship can become a liability to us and start costing us too much and can pull us into places where we can slip and get stuck if we’re not on solid ground.
So you guy that are spiritual and not so humble you won’t admit it, how do you restore someone? Come on, most of you guys have been Christians for quite awhile. You see a brother or sister overtaken in a trespass, you shut off your social media live-stream, you consider if this is safe for you, are you on good footing so you won’t be tempted as well. Then what? What can we do? What’s the first thing we should do?…Pray, intercede for them. Lord please help them. Lord, please make them want the help, cause them to want change that will really change them.
You can pray for you. God you know way more about this person and this situation than I do. I think I OK, and I think I’m doing the right thing, but I want to walk in the Spirit, so led me Father. What can I do, what can I say, what will help? How can I come alongside them in this? Pray for discernment, because sometimes as new Christians, when were still not used to caring about anyone other than ourselves, we can see someone in need and respond emotionally, not spiritually. Being led by our heart and not the Spirit of God, and we can make a bigger mess than they were in when our involvement started. If we come across someone that is being overtaken, that is downing, we don’t want to accidently throw them a backpack instead of a life preserver. Or an anchor instead of life buoy.
Verse 2, I think Paul is moving on to another issue, actually 2 through verse 5, let me read that because it provides more exhortations, more encouragement for us to take action, but there is a balance in this, read it with me… Gal 6:2-5
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
5 For each one shall bear his own load.
So again, there are a couple of things to look at here, the first in verse Gal 6:2
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
and then in verse Gal 6:5
5 For each one shall bear his own load.
So which is it Paul? Should we bear one another’s burdens, or each one bear his own....Yes, both.
Sometimes a brother or sister is going to need you to come along and bear their burden with them, other times your going to have to bear your own load.
So the first one again, Gal 6:2
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
And look that has a connection to it, Paul says and so fulfill the law of Christ. Wait what, I thought we were free from the law, what is the law of Christ? Do you guys remember the law of Christ. Love one another! Love one another as I have loved you. One of the ways we can do that is to help a brother or sister that has a burden. We can help them practically. We can pray for them. But say they are having financial trouble, or car trouble, not because of addiction or because they’re spending all their money on video games and toys. Just their vehicle that was supposed to be a blessing has become a liability and stuff keeps breaking.
You pray for them, you pray for you, asking the Lord for wisdom, how can you help them practically, and the Lord tells they need stuff, I gave you stuff, give them some of MY stuff. Notice the stuff that we have belongs to the Lord right? So maybe it is as radical as God has blessed us financially, I know these bills are setting you behind, they’ve been a discouragement to you. IF you could just get caught up you could make it because you’re working hard, We want to help you do that.
Or your car doesn’t work, so you can’t get to work. I have two, I’m going to give you one. I don’t need two, so you can just have it. Remember the fellowship thing? koinonia - means to have in common, if we have things in common, if they are common things it means we are sharing those things right? I have an office back here, Pastor Jim has one out here, back in that closet area there’s a bunch of mailboxes for various ministries, supplies, it is a common area, a shared area.
I want to add another. Pray for them, pray for you, and pray with them…There is something very different when someone tells me they will be praying for me, and someone actually prays for me.
I’ve got another example that might have some application to my fellow hikers out there. Ever go on a hike somewhere and you’re going along fine, doing great, but then you get to a really really steep part and you’re struggling, starting to drag carrying the weight of your pack, and one of your buddies says hey sally (Your friend’s not a Christian, so he’s not going to be gentle) hey sally, let me take your pack up this part. They’re not going to carry it forever, but they’re willing to help you out to get through a rough spot.
Paul is saying you guys need to be doing that. Now the balance. Gal 6:3-5
3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
5 For each one shall bear his own load.
Do you hear the warning here against our pride? IF anyone think himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceives himself, but examine your own work. I was talking to Nicole last night about why I no longer like to fly. It used to be in America that customers mattered. IF you got bumped from a flight, it was cash and prizes, maybe a free ticket. Now they overbook every flight, flights get cancelled everyday, with no concern for your plans. When it comes to the airlines, I feel like I don’t matter at all and don’t want to be treated like that as a paying customer. It this country it used to be the customer is always right.
LL Bean in our own state had a lifetime return policy. You didn’t need a receipt, if it broke it was replaced period no questions asked. Do you know what happened? It turned into this...Why are you returning the backpack sir, it looks like it has a ton of miles on it, is something wrong with it, ...yes, yes there is. OK, what aren’t you happy with? The color, the color? That’s right. What’s wrong with the color? Is is fading, does it bleed color onto other things, no, nothing like that, it’s blue. Hasn’t it always been blue? Wasn’t it blue when you picked it out and bought it? Oh, ya, but I don’t really like blue, I thought I would when I finished the Appalachian trail with it, but I don’t so I want a new one. Green please. When that got abused so much they stopped their policy. American consumers became a bunch of whiny, self entitled spoiled brats. With unrealistic expectations that they deserve to be served all the time, and that was the purpose of everyone else in their world.
Guess what? That made it’s way into the church. People started expecting others to serve them. Here’s the balance, as the Spirit leads you, give a hand up to a brother or sister in need. But don’t start thinking that you’re something, or people ought to be serving you when you’re nobody above another brother or sister in Christ. Examine your own work and bear your own load.
Several years ago I went to a pastor’s conference and Pastor Chuck Smith was there, in his 80’s at that point not too long before he went to be with the Lord. That morning there was a group of in line to get coffee and one of the conference speakers and a couple pastors with him bugged in front of everyone to fill up their cups so that they could get over to the meeting area and get the best seats. I won’t tell you what went through my mind, I wish it was these verses, but it wasn’t.
I noticed at lunch time, there was a long line on both sides of this buffet and Pastor Chuck found his way at the end of the line. I watch as a couple of the other speakers went over and took him by the arm to lead him up front so he wouldn’t have to stand there, and he waived them off and took his place among the men. I’ll never forget that sermon that Pastor Chuck preached without any words, and it made all the words that he did say both before that and after matter all the more to me. SO Paul says it’s not all about you. Bear your own load, start carrying your own weight.
So how do you apply this practically? When one of these applies in your life apply it, do it. When you can help someone and the Lord is directing you to do it, help them. When someone has a need or a want because they’re lazy, or their selfish, don’t help them. The Bible says if a man doesn’t work, he shouldn’t eat. Ask the Lord to show you what to do, and work hard on your own stuff. Verse 6 Gal 6:6
6 Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.
Another point here. You who are taught the word share in all good things with him or her that teaches. Pretty self explanatory, you guys should be sharing with me the good things, if you have bad things, don’t share that with me. I didn’t put a garden in this year, so you can share your good zucchini and your fresh tomatoes with me, not the zucchinis that are as big as a tire club and are filled with pumpkin looking seeds.
Ladies that Nicole pours into and teaches the Word, don’t share with her store bought stale cookies. Find a good youtube channel, dust off that apron and whip up a homemade peanut butter pie, or German Chocolate cake, actually you can buy that from franks bakery. Let’s move on, you guys do share good things and we are grateful.
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.
A universal law that also applies to us. If you wanted to have beef steak tomatoes in your garden this year you have to plant those kind of seeds, not cherry tomatoes, or yellow squash, what ever you sow that’s what your going to get back.
What kind of man do you want to be, what kind of woman do you want to be? What kind of marriage do you want to have. Are you sowing things of your flesh, feeding and watering your fleshly desires, that’s what’s going to grown. Do you want to grow into the man of God or woman of God that Jesus is calling you to be? Then sow His Word into you everyday.
We have Bible reading plans on the back table, on our church FB page, we even give you Bibles, try to eliminate all the excuses. There Bible studies of one sort or another going on most days of the week around here. Men’s studies, women’s studies, home groups, midweek studies, young adults, youth group. There is a ton of opportunities for a little church for you to be sowing and watering, so consider what it is that you want to harvest.
9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Now if Paul gives us an exhortation to not grow weary while we are doing good, what does that imply? A couple of things one we should all be doing something. Two that something should be good, and 3 we’re probably going to get tired and weary when we’re doing it. There will be days that are encouraging, and you see God moving in people’s lives. And then there will be the rest of the days, where you’re doing it. You’re doing good, and no one seems to care, or people don’t show up. Or people’s commitment comes and goes, and love waxes cold, and you begin to wonder if anything is even happening, and you’re weary. Paul says don’t let being weary defeat you in ministry.
You’re going to get weary, Satan will make sure you’re weary if you’re doing good, especially if it’s to those of the household of faith. But Paul says don’t quit because if that is what you are sowing, in due season, we shall reap if we don’t lose heart. If you’re sowing good things the fruit is going to come, so keep going, as the Lord gives opportunity, due good to all, especially to fellow Christians. Did you guys see the catch there, as we have opportunity. Do we all have the same opportunities? Nope, no way.
You might sit there and think why does he get to teach up front my whole row knows more than him! I should be up there doing that good thing, right, now, for this season, that’s not you’re opportunity. You might have a favorite Christian music artist. I want to do good so I’m going to be the Chaplain for the Old Town police department, that’s not you’re opportunity, someone is already doing that. So we are to ask the Lord what opportunities do you have today. Let Nick or Andy, or Brian Porter, or Ken, or Eric, or Matt Foster know that you are willing and have a desire to serve where there is opportunity. Don’t go tell them that you want to fill in for me and teach when I’m gone, your opportunity might be to be a greeter, or to straighten the chairs, or to cut the grass. Verse 11.
You’re opportunity might be to provide childcare for one of our young families that never get a date night. It might be to wash the dishes for your wife when you get home tonight. Do good to all especially our brothers and sisters. Verse 11 Gal 6:11-14
11 See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand!
12 As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
13 For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh.
14 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.
Again, Paul is saying the real bummer of legalism, the disappointment of striving by works is that they will always rip you off. You end up with nothing. The love and grace of Jesus makes you a new creation. Walking in the Spirit creates a new creation in you. Verse 16 Gal 6:16-18
16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.
17 From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.