What's this about Gifts- Diversity within Spiritual Gifts
I. Unity within Spiritual Gifts (v.1-11)
Spiritual gifts are divine enablements for ministry, characteristics of Jesus Christ that are to be manifested through the body corporate just as they were manifested through the body incarnate.
II. Diversity within Spiritual Gifts (v.12-31)
A. Unity in Diversity (v.12-14)
1. Illustration of our Unity
2. Person of our Unity
Paul is so intent on driving home the point of oneness in the church that he refers to Christ as the church: so also is Christ. We can no more separate Christ from His church than we can separate a body from its head. When Christ is referred to as the head of the church it is always in the sense of mind, spirit, and control. When a body loses its mind and spirit it ceases to be a body and becomes a corpse. It still has structure but it does not have life. It is still organized but it is no longer a living organism.
Through another figure for the church Jesus tells us the same truth. “I am the vine, you are the branches,” He said. “He who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). A severed branch not only is an unproductive branch but a lifeless branch.
It is for that reason that the New Testament speaks of our being in Christ and of Christ’s being in us. He is more than simply with His church; He is in His church and His church is in Him. They are totally identified. The church is an organic whole, the living manifestation of Jesus Christ that pulses with the eternal life of God. The common denominator of all believers is that they possess the very life of God. Jesus said, “Because I live, you shall live also” (John 14:19). “He who has the Son has the life” (1 John 5:12), because “the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Cor. 6:17).
One Spirit baptism establishes one church. There are no partial Christians, no partial members of Christ’s Body. The Lord has no halfway houses for His children, no limbo or purgatory. All of His children are born into His household and will forever remain in His household.
A person who does not have the Holy Spirit does not have eternal life, because eternal life is the life of the Spirit.
B. Purpose in Diversity (v.15-26)
1. Creates Belonging (v.15-20)
2. Creates Necessity (v.21-22)
3. Creates Honor (v.23-24)
4. Creates Care
It is clear from what Paul says in the present text that heavenly reward will be based not only on what we do with our own gifts and ministries but on our attitudes toward and support of the gifts and ministries of other believers.