Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
On The Mountain With Jesus
Could you think of anywhere better than being on a mountain with Jesus?
Not only are you
Away from the pressures of the valley below.
And have the ability to look miles ahead of where you are currently.
The vision to see the beauty from a new perspective.
To see where you are going.
Not only do you experience the mountaintop, but you are experiencing it with Jesus.
Seriously, what could be better?
If you were on the mountain with Jesus what would you be doing?
I mean, Jesus heads up the mountain to pray.
Could you imagine a prayer meeting with Jesus on a mountain?
If there were anytime where you be excited about a prayer meeting you think it would be on a mountain with Jesus.
Unless you were Peter, James, and John.
These guys are always falling asleep.
Maybe the journey up the mountain wore them out.
Maybe they stayed up as long as they could until their eyes couldn’t hold open any longer.
Maybe it was late and they had much to do the next morning.
Whatever it was Peter, James, and John feel asleep in what would be one of the most incredible prayer meeting ever.
Lets take a look.
I mean, come on.
Moses and Elijah.
Jesus Shining, glowing, glorious, illuminatin, radiance.
This is some prayer meeting.
Moses and Elijah had been gone from the earth for hundreds upon hundreds of years.
And yet here they are.
Standing before Jesus.
Talking with Jesus.
Of course the light and the conversation wakes up Peter.
Peter does normal Peter stuff and speaks forefully but ignorantly.
Just because someone speaks forcefully doesn’t mean they know what they are talking about.
The Father rebukes him.
And then Peter, James, and John shut up and don’t speak about this again for some time.
That’s the mountaintop experience with Jesus.
Let’s dig in a little bit.
The Two Witnesses
Moses and Elijah
had led his own departure out of the land of Egypt and bondage and led the Hebrews to the edge of the Promised Land but wasn't allowed to go in because of his sin.
He led but didn’t finish.
He had given them the Law.
He had them renew their vow to keep Covenant with God.
He led them across the Red Sea.
He met with God on the Mountain and came down with the Torah.
He radiated and had to cover his face so that the people weren’t afraid.
He interceeded for the people.
He mediated between the people and God.
He functioned in a priestly role.
He led them thru the wilderness for 40 years.
He judged.
He ruled.
He led.
He was their deliverer under the hand the Almighty Deliverer.
Moses din’t entered the promised land because of his sin, but God buried his body secretly.
Michael the angel and Satan argued over Moses body.
Satan lost.
And Moses was cared for by God himself.
ANd now he stands on the mountain with Jesus.
Elijah was a prophet.
A miracle worker.
A righteous rebel against the idolatry and immorality of his own Hebrew people.
A mighty spiritual warrior against the Philistines.
He called down fire from heaven.
He supernaturally defeated armies.
He raised the dead.
He preached the Word of the LORD.
He stood up against wicked rulers.
He invested into other Prophets and trained them to hear the voice of God.
Elisha followed him and took up his mantle.
He didn’t taste death.
But God took him up to heaven in a flaming, glowing, radiant chariot.
And now he stands on the mountain with Jesus.
Discussing His Departure
So here’s Moses, Elijah, and Jesus on the mountain.
Jesus radiant with the glory of God.
And what are they talking about?
They are taking about Jesus departure.
Moses and Elijah understood the mission of Jesus.
Moses spoke of how he led a departure out of bondage.
Jesus would lead a departure out of bondage.
Jesus would Eph 4:8
Jesus would lead a people not to the edge of the promised land but into the promised land.
Jesus would taste death but not for his own sin but for the sins of the world.
Jesus would be the bread in with wilderness.
Jesus would be like the serpent lifted in the wilderness to bring healing to the nations.
Jesus would make the bitter waters sweet.
Jesus would be the fulfillment of the Law, the perfect Priest, the final Mediator, the New Covenent, The Temple, and the Sacrifice.
Jesus would be the good and better Moses and all that Moses represented.
Elijah was there too discussing his departed.
Talking about how he didn’t taste death but ascended in a chariot of glory.
Jesus would ascend in glory because Jesus though he would die like Moses he would not see decay but would be raised to life on the third day.
Jesus would heal the sick.
Jesus would raise the dead.
Jesus would preach the Good News of the Kingdom.
Jesus would challenge the religious hypocrite.
Jesus would defeat the enemy in the wilderness.
Jesus would invest in his disciples.
Jesus would be a rebel against the rulers and authorities that challenged the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus would be the better Prophet, better teacher, better miracle worker, and better cloud rider.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9