Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Good Morning!
This morning I want to take sort of a before and after approach to today’s sermon, so I want to start with the before.
Now this is Saul in Acts Chapter 8 obviously, so this is Saul during the height of His persecution.
Now we all know what is coming, we know the story of the meeting on the damascus road, and who Saul became, but before we get to the after, Ler’s talk a little bit about what made Paul how he was and how he would become.
As I mentioned today’s sermon is entitled when purpose meets passion, and a lot of interesting things can happen when you bring two different things together.
many of you know that I did my undergraduate work in Business before working on Theology in grad school, what you may not know is that I took quite a bit of chemistry as well in my undergrad, enough to start serving as TA in some labs and classes.
In the chemical world, compounds are created by the mixing of 2 different components, such as Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Many times, mixing various components cause some amazing and fantastic results.
or some amazing and disastrous results.
Two elements Hydrogen and water mixed together make water (H2O), 50-70% of your body and over 70% of the earth.
Howeveer those same two elements, mixed together a little differently (H2O2) make hydrogen peroxide, which is a powerful oxidizer and would kill you if you ingest it.
The right things mixed together can be wonderful, but the wrong things mixed together can be harmful or disastrous.
In our lives, there are times in our careers when our expertise meets up with an opportunity and the result is a raise or a promotion.
When 2 people meet and fall in love, and many times the result is fantastic, amazing, and life changing.... Or sometimes not, and i think we’ve all seen that as well
But in our spiritual lives, when our Purpose meets our Passion, the results are nothing short of miraculous.
Lets examine Purpose for a bit.
We have several purposes in this life.
First and foremost We are created to Praise Him (Need KJV)
The word praise is used over 250 times.
Folks, God wants our praise- It is an imperative, it is an expectation,
But there is more to why we are alive...
We are all called to fulfill a purpose in this life.
I believe that in a general sense that our Purpose as believers can be summed up in the Great Comission
We have been given a comission, and purpose straight from Jesus Christ, and that is that we should go and make disciples
Disciple is defined as A student, pupil, or learner
So we are all of us called to make disciples, make students, make learners everywhere we go.
You’ve heard me before in talking about the great comission, that word Go, didn’t mean that they had to leave, it translates as you as you go about you life, as you go about you business, make disciples.
We are called to share the truth that we know of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we go about our lives.
Now specifically, we not only have a purpose to serve God, we have a resonsibility to serve God specifically in the area or in the burden He has placed on your heart.
Now I don’t mean that you should be lead by whatever tickles your fancy at that moment in time.
Notice I didn’t say whatever was in your head.
I didn’t say follow whatever ideas happen to be the thing that excite you or interest you at that moment, that’s not your passion.
A lot of people get confused and equate a momentary interest with Passion.
That can apply to your calling, your love life, your job, and so many other things in your life.
Gal 5:24 makes it clear that there will be things that come from the flesh rather than God and that we need to be prepared to put away those things
So what does that mean?
I used to hate this sort of thing because IN high School, or even as I was in College and after, people would ask questions like what is your calling?
now for those of you that knew that at a your age, that’s, I was slow.
I didn’t KNOW exactly what my calling was supposed to be.
I wasn’t sure ..... SO very quickly, I want to tell you how you know if this calling this passion is from your head and you or from the Spirit and God
A Calling from God will never contradict Scripture
This one may seem obvious, but it can be surprisingly easy for us to give in to a desire that doesn’t match how Scripture calls us to live.
If the thing you’re feeling called to is causing you to sin, it isn’t from God. God’s callings for us will always draw us closer to Him, not pull us away from Him.
A Calling from God will always be accompanied by His peace, as well as anything else we Need
Sometimes God will ask us to do something big or scary, and while we may feel afraid, our fears will be met by God’s overwhelming grace and peace to do whatever it is He’s asking us to do.
He will also never call us to something without also equipping us to do the thing He’s asking us to do.
A Calling from God will often be accompanied by Confirmation
Many times God will confirm what He’s asking us to do through situations and even through other people.
If you’re unsure about a potential calling in your life right now, ask God to make it clear to you by sending you some sort of confirmation.
He doesn’t want you to be confused, so don’t hesitate to ask Him for wisdom.
A Calling from God will always result in His being Glorified
While our callings can and often do benefit us, whether by growing us or by blessing us, ultimately any God-given calling will point back to Him.
If your calling seems to be all about your happiness and success with no thought, thanks, or credit being given to God, it probably isn’t from Him
God has a calling for each and every one of you and if you don’t know what it is yet, be faithful in the things that you do know ans remember those points I just laid out till you are.
It is OK not to be sure of your calling yet, but to be dilligent and “passionate” in doing the day to day things of your lives for the Gory of Christ!!!
Whatever your calling, even if right now it is just to be faithful in the day to day that we just spoke about.....The worst thing you can do with Gods calling, is to sit on it.
Each of us has been called of God to serve a purpose in His kingdom.
Each and every day we have an opportunity to advance the kingdom of God.
Each of us has been given a different burden and direction in our lives that we need to fulfill for His glory.
What does that mean....we need to take our purpose, match it up with our passion and get to work for the Kingdom of God
I said at the start of today’s sermon that we would be doing a before and after......let me remin you of the before
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