Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Good morning.
It is good to be in the house of the Lord this morning with you.
The Bible says that when two or more are gathered, that He is here - among us.
We gathered this morning to worship the almighty.
It is good.
This morning we are continuing our study of the book of Romans.
And we are really moving very quickly through this book.
Like - we are at neck breaking speeds at this point.
We might even finish chapter one by Christmas!
Which is only 22 weeks away.
Only kidding.
Definitely by next christmas though.
If you have a Bible please open it to the book of Romans, chapter 1.
Last week my message was on the life of a believer - as we are called to be Saints.
We looked at the description that Paul gave of his life in chapter one, to see what it looks like to follow the Lord after He ascended into heaven.
We saw that following Jesus might not look logical, it might not line up with what we want, that his plans are not our plans for our lives.
And those things are okay.
If we will follow Him - we will be blessed.
Today - I have entitled my message God, Who?
As we look at Romans 1:17-20 and see a God who has revealed himself.
Lets pray.
There are 3 different things that God reveals about himself described in this passage of scripture.
Eternal Power/Divine Nature
Wrath of God
Paul writes that nature - the world around us - heaven - reveals God’s wrath.
His wrath is known by the world, because he declares it from heaven.
Nahum describes it like this:
God used a prophet to declare to Nineveh exactly what was going to happen to them.
We do this with our children.
You speak like that again and I will wash your mouth out with soap.
If you can’t get along I will turn this car around.
We let them know exactly what we are capable of - to make sure they know who they are messin with!
Eternal Power/Divine Nature
This is what we refer to as general revelation.
The reality that God exists is made plain to the world through creation.
I like to talk about how God made good things.
How bees work to help grow flowers, and we get to enjoy those.
How things taste good.
Righteousness of God
Revealed from Faith to Faith
There is a verbal component to the gospel being revealed.
God’s wrath - is revealed from heaven.
God’s eternal power - is revealed by creation.
God’s righteousness - is revealed through sharing the gospel
The gospel does not go out, except through you sharing it.
Our feelings dictate our response
Facts care about your feelings.
If I don’t care about God, about his wrath, about his eternal power, and certainly not about his Righteousness… Then my behavior will follow that.
Choose not to Glorify him.
Choose to create idols
Falling into sin.
Vs 21-32 describe a slippery slope of sin that follows indifference.
If it isn’t valuable to me… then who cares, I am going to live my life.
How could we get there?
Consider myself wise.
- hey I’ve got it all figured out.
Not worthwhile to acknowledge God
Prodigal son
This is less dangerous, but more likely to happen to us.
If you are sitting in this room - you probably are not indifferent.
You might be.
You might be living a double life.
But its raining outside - the rain usually weeds out most of the people who aren’t really committed.
No the people who gather here and call this or another church their home, probably haven’t fallen into that sin spiral that
Paul says very boldly in verse 16 I am not ashamed - after saying he is excited to share the gospel.
We can live a life where we attempt to follow Jesus, and yet be ashamed and unable to communicate about it.
The bible doesn’t describe here what it looks like to be ashamed, because Paul says that he isn’t…
but we know what it looks like.
Ashamed means to be embarrassed or guilty because of something.
Lets take swimming for example.
Swimming is a very common skill, but some people never learned how.
In this room, several people right now are thinking “who doesn’t know how to swim??” and some others are thinking “please don’t ask who knows how to swim”
If asked about swimming - those of us who can’t - will probably not offer that information up readily.
Our first response is probably not “no, I cannot swim”
We might say “nah, I don’t like swimming that much” or
“I’m pretty sure we have something going on that day”
Or we will act like we can swim.
“Oh yeah, that would be fun, I will be there”
and then they will get there - and suddenly realize, they forgot their swimwear.
I can’t believe I did that.....
There will be some great reason they cannot go swimming today.
And then they might tell stories of other times they definitely did go swimming.
“Yeah when I was in college we actually went bridge jumping and then we swam across the river to a dock and walked into town and…”
And we go through that entire act, because saying that you cannot swim could be embarrassing.
We might be ashamed.
If we are ashamed, how do we act:
We hide it
discard it
lie about it
very sensitive about it
lash out about it
apologize for it
If we act in those ways - are we ashamed of the gospel?
< .5
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> .9