Guest Speaker - Michael Bittel
Well, thank you for coming today, what? A privilege and an honor to be up here today.
first and foremost, I want to really, make sure to thank Pastor Clyde And I need you to double down on your prayers for him. The text will still work from Tennessee and I'll still bother you on Monday mornings and throughout the week.
Pray for the pastor throughout the week. If you have an issue, hit him during the week, don't hit him on Sunday morning. Let him be his best on Sunday morning, to give his offer Jesus, when he's up here.
But many, many things. Do you pass her? The love that you have for this block. Here is never in question, never in question and has treasure it certainly was a pleasure sign in those checks to pay you every week, you're worth every penny. Secondly, I'd like to thank the elders in the trustees that I had the honor of serving with over these years as a Treasurer serving with the men in that group is second to none. They love this church, how they love you all. And I certainly love you all very, very much and I learned so much from them. Third. And most importantly is everybody here today.
You all have had a part in, making sure that my sons are Christians and that they love Jesus Christ. There is no greater gift than that, then I could ever think of. So thank you for that so much. The day Christ was born. That's all out of everything else. That's all I ask. God for same with Reagan, Cristiano Reagan. Thank you so much for being here today, or for being you. And last but not least certainly aren't the guests that are here today. You all have been a part of my life. And your way up on the notch because the first service visitors were way in the back so you're definitely get. You get big thumbs-up for sitting in the front of the pastor. Was confused. We had three Sheriff's here this morning from Rensselaer Washington and Saratoga County and the pastor is upset that none of them took a donut
And now, this is being recorded, right? So Murphy's z-man and Sheriff Russo. God bless you. Come on back, take a donut. We always have it every week now, it's a blessing having you all here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. We're going to dive into diving a couple things here today.
Next week is our last week here and then we go down to Knoxville Tennessee. Reagan is enrolled in college down there which I'm really, really happy about. And Christian will continue to work for story. Tack is as long as they'll have them in, as long as he'll be there. And as a proud papa, I do get to brag on him, he's one of their best customer service reps that they have. So thank you to Wendy for making that happen.
So thank you for being here today. We have people here today that are all in a different Walk With Jesus. And I submit to you day in and day out, we're all in a different Walk With Jesus, but the one thing I want to assure you is on that walk. But there's only one that breaks the bond with Jesus on that walk and it's never Jesus. Jesus is always with us, Jesus always loves us more than anybody else. But when that bond is broken, it's because of me. It's because I walked away from him and I can share with you bad things happen. When I Veer off the road to Jesus, Bad decisions. Bad thoughts, bad things? So that's outside. I can assure you when I am with Jesus really good, stuff happens. Tell me to talk a little bit about. Lessons, I learned from Jesus. And this morning, I'd like to start off with One of the best verses in the Bible and of course everybody every verse in the Bible is great. Cuz it's the truth it's written by God or through God. But the start-off John 3:16.
John 3:16.
So Jesus. They speak in here. And he says, for God. So loved the world that he gave his one and only son. That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
so, I think about this story and I shared in an adult Sunday school before, can you imagine if they're Person hit hit a little more home here. The last couple years. Could you imagine if there was a virus that was going to kill everybody? Everybody, you're standing in line to at least get a treatment and a doctor and scientist come up to me and say, hey Michael, we found a cure to solve this virus and have everyone live and that cure is Christian metal.
But in order to save the world, you're going to have to sacrifice Christian.
Think about that.
Do you have that sacrifice your son or your daughter?
Just put that into perspective.
That's what God did with his only son to do what to save us all that if we believe in him. So it's up to us. A lot of people say, Christianity is an exclusive Club. I say no. It's the most inclusive Club ever. You just have to make the decision if you want to be part of it. The debt has been paid. So you don't get that every year. Renewal notice, you don't, it's up to us. There is no better Club to be in than to be a Christian. John 3:16 starts us off, but the one that really brought me to Christ
What's this next one which Martin Luther really focused on this in 1517? And as often happens and I hope in this world, we can go back to having discussions. The world has not changed world, hasn't changed in five hundred years, Martin Luther just wanted to have a discussion with the Catholic Church.
It turned into way more than that.
So imagine what you could do as an individual to change the world, I can assure you everyone in this room that God is in control, I have no doubt about that. How do I know that? Because I bought that we're reading out of the Bible everything since the beginning of time has been the truth which then tells me everything coming forward in Revelation is the truth. It's common. We know it. Cool thing is if you believe in Jesus Christ, I know the end of the story. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you're on the winning team.
so, with that, As a grown up is a Lutheran. I memorized a lot of horses. And I knew the words, but I didn't know the words.
So, Martin Luther based his Reformation questions off of Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 through 10.
and what he said is,
Ephesians 2:8, written by Paul for it is by Grace, you have been saved. Through face. And this not from yourself, this doesn't come from us, folks. This is by grace. Not by works so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship created in Christ. Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. So God is giving us this Grace Grace. God's riches at Christ's expense. Grace, God's riches at, Christ's expense. It's a gift. But what's the important thing with a gift? There has to be two parties to a gift. There has to be a giver. And what's the other part of receiver? God's giving us 24/7. God's giving us every second. I'm here to tell you, whatever, walk you are in with Christ.
God doesn't love me more than carry. And God doesn't love carry more than Chris. Or Mac. You know what? The beauty of God is, he loves us all the same. He loves us all the same. We don't have to guess, we don't have to wonder and we don't have to do Works to make it happen. We just have to do one thing. We just have to receive the gift. Have you received this gift? Have you opened up your heart and taking Jesus into your heart?
If you haven't, we're here after church, I'm available 24/7, those that are visiting know I'm available 24/7. Anyways, Just open your heart. So the lessons I learned from Jesus.
Number one. Use your heart over your brain. Use your heart over your brain. What one of the things I learned a long time ago, was be careful who you hang out with You got to hang out with great people and I've been blessed my whole life to hang out with great people. Now I do it one people with Great Hearts to people way smarter than me because it's always great to push yourself up. It's always great to learn more Learn with your heart. In Ephesians chapter 3, verses 14 through 19 and a focus on Paul a lot. The Apostle Paul was a Pharisee. Pharisees top of the food chain for the Jews, top of the top sort of the equivalent of the Pope in the Vatican. They wrote all the laws. They cashed judgments upon people. Right on the spot. One of the Paul did that. He got extreme joy out of was killing Christians. He went around Israel. He went around Damascus. He was on the road to Damascus to kill Christians and Jesus struck him down.
Struck him down and blinded Paul. And Paul Shook and Paul knew that it was the Lord that struck him down and said to the Lord, what will you have me to do?
now, when that happens and Paul had this conversion ananias, Was told by the Lord, in a dream to cure Paul of his scales on his eyes. That would that, what do you think? Ananias said, That guy is going to kill me. What what I'm telling you why I'm telling you about Polly's if God forgave him he can forgive anybody. anybody including me, including me,
So use your heart over your brain Ephesians. 3:14 through 19 for this reason. I kneel before the father, That stuff for us to do his people. To let go. I'm not first. but to kneel before the father from whom, every family in heaven and on Earth Rises name, I pray this out of his glorious riches. He may strengthen you with power, through his spirit in your inner being, so that Christ May dwell in your left leg.
That's why it's been hurting lately. Wendy Doug of Christ in my left leg.
In your heart. In your heart. You can be a smart as anybody and intelligent as ever anybody, but if your heart's not in the right place, and you don't have the right foundation, you're going to make poor choices. I'm just here to tell you. Oh, and if you're not that smart and your heart's not working place, you can make poor choices. I'm just here to tell you start your heart in the right. Place every morning. Get up. Praise the Lord for what you have. Poor upon him. Thanks and praise and just go throughout your day. Starting in the right place, your heart over your brain.
Secondly, and I know y'all in this church, know me, well enough on this and I hit this every year in adult Sunday School, Husbands. Lift your wives above you.
If you want to do well in life, if you want to succeed in business, if you want to succeed at whatever you're doing men, You got to get it right at home first.
My guy. Paul outlines that which were about to read in a fusions chapter 5. But as we all like to do as human beings, we like to take clips of the Bible. And use it for our own self.
Ego. What we should do? What we shouldn't do. I'll wait, I like these words in the Bible. Hold on. I'm going to stop here. Oh wait, I'm going to add a couple words to the Bible. I heard you brothers and sisters, don't add, don't delete, there's no erase button. There's no delete key on the Bible stick with every word on the Bible. Some of it I can explain to you some of that PC can explain to you but you know why? I know it's true cuz it's the word of God stick with it stick with it.
so, the fusions 5:21 Great verse your submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. This is Paul talking to husband and wife. Submit to one another how out of pizza night? Are going to the movies. Ya do all of that stuff, but start without a reverence for Christ. And then this is the one where guys, usually stop after this. Next one, husbands love your wives wives. 22 wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Okay, we're done. We're all done. There's no more. There's no more words after that in the fusions chapter 5. It stops at 22. No PC. There is more. All right, let me read this.
For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body of which he is the savior. Now is the church submits to Christ. So also wives should submit to their husbands and everything. What? No. Come on wise, be free. Big run from your husband's. What is this talking about?
Wives your husband's love you dearly. Hold on to them. We need you. We are broken.
We go through a lot during the day. We need you more than ever. We need your eyes fixated on Christ and you need we need, we need Wendy, I need you to hug me every day. I need you to love me everyday. I need you to fix me cuz I'm broken everyday. Wives, we need you.
Yes. All right, guys. Are you ready? Husbands love your wives. Just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up to her. Hey guys, we got a double down.
Paul is saying yes wives submit to your husbands and then he saying husband's submit to your wives as Christ did for the church. What did Christ do for the church? Everything, everything died. Guys. Are you prepared to do anything for your wives? With their nuts. What are Wendy? I'm prepared to do anything for you. I'm going to fall. I'm going to stumble sometimes. I'm always want to do what I can. The best for you guys. Are you with me? Not for Wendy, but for your own lives. Let me be specific here.
Are you all in? All right guys come on DoubleDown. Hey try something tonight. Ask your wife. What they would like for dinner. Prepare something for them. I'm really good at preparing. Panda House, Chinese food, I'm the best at that.
All right, so for this reason and I'm jumping for 2:31. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be United to his wife. And the two will become
1 /, 1 Flash.
if any of you know me, you know how it, what I feel about Wendy You know how I gush about her and it's so easy to do. And I can just tell you, man.
It's so good to do. It's so good to pour love upon your spouse. Look them up above you because then I can do anything else. I can do anything else, the rest of the day, guys. Ephesians chapter five, start with verse 25.
Number three.
This one's its really, really tough one in today's world. Really tough love. Everybody. Everybody. Lost. Yeah. You and I have had some awesome conversations and they always end up with what got to love everybody, man.
Got to love everybody. We can't pick and choose. We got to wake up every morning going. I want to do my best. I want a love. I want to be like Christ.
Love everybody.
If you do that and you show up with that, there's nothing you can't do. I'm just here to tell you. There's, when I falter, it's when I can't get over myself and I can't get out of my own way. And I've got heat in my heart, and I'm here to tell you, When Love Takes Over, and I talk to Jesus, and I have the support of my wife and my boys. There's nothing I can't do.
Now, hear how I got there. I didn't get myself there. God and those around me supported me and got me where I needed to be cuz sometimes I can't get out of my own way. Love everybody. Matthew chapter 12 verses 28 through 34 So Jesus is continually try to be tricked by the Pharisees, the Jewish leaders. The Jewish leaders are really upset that Jesus has gaining a following and they feel threatened by his power. So they try to trip them up in the synagogues when Jesus making speeches. So one of the Pharisees comes up to our scribes comes up to Jesus and says in verse 28. Matthew 12:28.
What are the teachers of the law came? And heard them debating noticing that Jesus had given them? A good answer? He asked him of all the Commandments which is the most important. So, y'all know we have how many Commandments 11? 10. Alright I'm just just just quick quiz here, Ten Commandments. The first four are our relationship with God. The last six are our relationship. Me and Bill. How am I supposed to act with Bill? Ansari belfer, just Breaking those from time to time but you help lift me up brother. Which is the greatest Soul the Pharisees trying to Peg Jesus into a corner for him to just pick one. When there isn't just one, there's 10 And of course, what the Pharisee doesn't understand is. He's dealing with who These people with God, perfect, probably knows what he's talking about. So he's he's he's handicap before I read the rest of it.
So, the most important one answered Jesus, is this. And I and I just want to put this out here before I read it. Jesus does this. In order for a reason. He's going to answer with two greatest Commandments too, but he doesn't in order and there's a reason for that. We often is humans, go right to the second one and I'm here to tell you. You can't do the second one. If you don't have the first one, you can't do the second one. If you don't have the first one. The most important, one answered Jesus is this hero is real. 3, speaking of the people of Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is one that's the beginning, love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength,
We got to pour everything right into Jesus. Everything needs to start with God, everything needs to start with Jesus or not going to get the rest of it, right? If we can appreciate that, love that God gives us and we can give it in return. What can we do with that? I can give it to Juan.
I can give it to PC and give it to Shay. But until I have that right, I can't do anything else and what does that mean? Being right. Just have faith and believe, ask for God's forgiveness, and just have faith and believe.
The second is this, love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. Remember where I went back to the love everybody. Cuz who's our neighbor I mean? For me it's been geesey is right next to our, he's a really good guy. Pitched roof. Next door. The other side, he's a good guy. That's my neighbors. Both I'm all done. Thanks. God know who's our neighbor? Everybody's our neighbor.
How can we get people to hear about Jesus? If we're mean, if we're judgmental, if we're bristling, if we know better than that, Are we going to get people over? We got to love everybody. Doesn't mean we're always going to agree with him but we got to love them to open up that Avenue to have a clear communication and Clear Talk love everybody.
4. Focus on what unites us. Not what divides us. Focus on what unites us. Not what divides us.
In today's world. I'm barely on Facebook. I don't watch the news anymore. I'm in a much better place. Not doing either of those.
And when I, since I'm not on Facebook, that means I have more time to read. Good morning. And I was just average Alia, whatever your heart is that's where your priorities are going to be and wherever your priorities are, that's where your heart's going to be. So, I'm just here to say choose the good book over Facebook.
Because Facebook is used as a punching bag in a water. I mean it's good to catch up here so, you know, cousin did this today and I there's a lot of good, but in today's world there's there's just something said, it could be the nicest thing ever, and people are just punching. Put the gloves down. You can't love somebody punching. You got to love them with your heart. You got to come on out. And remember what unites us. Not? What divides of some of you here. Have taken adult Sunday school with me. You those that? Did you agreed with me a hundred percent of the time, right? No.
But you still came. And we still had great discussions. We have to get back to what unites us. We can't say Covington Catholic and I don't want to hang out with him. I Kevin and pea seasoning evengelical like kind of like him, we're all Christians. The devil loves dividing us. We need to stay together. We're all Christians, we all believe in the same Lord Jesus Christ. What start from Love in pile onto there? Let's not go the other way. How's the other way? Been working for us? How's the other way? Been working for the church house? The other way. Been working for America. How's the other way? Been working for New York.
Focus on what unites us. Not what divides us. Philippians chapter 2? Verses 1 through 4.
therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united in Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any, sharing in the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, these are great words, folks. These are wonderful words then make my joy complete. This is Paul again. Then make my joy complete by being like-minded. Having the same love being in one spirit. And of one mind.
How cool is that?
How cool is that?
What's everybody? Get a hamburger after and I don't care if you get pepper, jack cheese on it or cheddar cheese. We're all going to have differences, but focus on the tenderness, The Compassion, the love of your heart. And a hamburger is going to taste better than ever brother Leslie. You know what I'm saying? Focus on what unites us. Not what divides us. Number five, as we close here.
It is not about me and I'm going to break it to you too and I'm sorry, it's not about me. It's also not about you.
It's not about me, it's not about you who's it about. About him about God. if you look, and if you speak to him, and if you praise him, so many times, when is the only time that we pray, When we need something. Talk to God. He just wants to have a daily daily. Many conversations with you as I say, pray in the car with your eyes open, when you're driving. Pray in the car talk to God. I talk to God about anything. Great ask him to help. I have to ask God to help me all the time, and I show up, right. But praise him, thank him for everything that you have from day to day to the meal. You have your family to your job. She makes that all happen. Psalm 150 which is the last song
Is all about praising. The Lord. And this is exciting. Praise the Lord. Praise God, in his Sanctuary, praise him. In his mighty Heavens. Praise him for his acts of power, praise him. For a surpassing greatness. Praise him. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet. Praise him with the harp and lyre, timbrel dancing. Praise him with the strings in pipe. With a clash of symbols, praise him with the rezoning symbols. That's a band right there. That's a party.
What everything that has breath, do what? What's I'd say again? Praise the Lord. What everything was a breath. Praise the Lord.
We can get caught up in our own selves, I can get caught up in my own self and I'll tell you what the greatest times. Or when I'm walking with the Lord and I print praising the Lord and the Lord gives us instructions on what to do to heal our land. 2nd Chronicles. 714.
If my people who are called by my name, that's awesome. That's awesome. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves. I got a humble myself.
What is that mean? I have to humble myself. I have to show up the best. I can love and giving it over to Jesus asking for his forgiveness.
Humble themselves and pray had that conversation. Pray. And we have to seek, who's face. Where to see God's face. and, This one's a tough one. Turn from their Wicked Ways.
Think about what you do everyday. Is it for the glory of God or would God be upset if you were doing it, that's all just think in those terms.
But if we do all those things, then he God will hear from heaven and he will forgive our sin and heal our land. I'm here to tell you today, we need God more than ever. We need God right now. Not tomorrow, not the day after would yes, we do need him then. But God is there. What do we have to do? Humble ourselves. Pray. Seek his face and turn from their Wicked Ways. The instructions are right there, I spoke about this in the first then. None of you would would do this, but I spoke about it in the first guy queer guys. So, when you get something to put together comes with instructions and we're guys, why would we not do ever read the instructions? We never read the instructions and then you get a funky looking lawn, mower that you were supposed to put together or whatever weight. This is an extra part anymore. and of course, two weeks later, when you await that part, there's instructions right here. It's so easy. It's so simple. Pray to God, have those conversations. To go back to Scotty, John 3:16.
For God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever Believes in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life. I'm here to share with you do. Y'all believe there's a heaven
The guy who plays in realistic and definite rounds. If there's a heaven, then what else is there? I'm just sharing with you. If you don't know, Jesus Christ, come on board, it's the greatest club in the world. It's the most inclusive club in the world. And, oh, by the way, I'm going to be selfish. I want to see you for eternity. I know where I'm going. I hope you know where you're going. I hope that today and forever. More, you'll put Jesus in your heart and that you will. Let his him, be your light, your guide to everything you do. Everything you do in life.
You're going to stumble, you're going to fall surround yourself with great people. Get into the book. If you don't go to church on a regular basis, find a great biblical church, that help support you and guide you. Cuz remember, I knew the words in the Bible but I didn't know the words in the Bible. Thank you, again. Everybody has been a privilege and an honor to be up here. God is great. God is great. I'm in Tennessee but we did see a cell tower there so we can still be in in connection with y'all up here when and I will continue to pray for pastor this whole church. Go do good things this week. I love you so much. If you could join me in prayer, Thank you, Lord. Jesus, for this beautiful day, thank you for those that have gathered here today, in your name, Lori. Bored. You were so full of grace compassion. Kindness, tenderness if we just open up our hearts and let you in great things will happen or die challenge everybody today. This week to contact one person that they haven't talked to in a long time because of some fall out because of some hardened heart, open your heart and make the move brothers and sisters, make that call this week. Lord we do this all in your name or going to go out in this week and just love everybody in Your Name. Lord Jesus.
Well, you heard the word of God this morning. Amen. If you walk out of here today, not knowing where you going to spend eternity, then you were listening. You heard the words but you didn't hear the words, I like that. Thought I grew up that way. My father being a minister, I heard the words but I didn't always hear the words. I didn't want to be a minister. I wanted to do something other than this. So I told the guys this morning and that we're here, law enforcement people that I wanted to go into law enforcement. Well, I guess I did a different kind of law. God's law. The only problem is you can't pull people over and handcuffed him and make him do what you want to do. It's a free choice. We all have that free choice as a yes or no. But it is in our nation where there when there's trouble, there's trial, the tribulation were always called on to pray. We are to be praying everyday.
Couple years back. When covid head I started that morning Bible reading that some of you TuneIn on and thing that's great. I'll just do this now until covid is over then I'll quit doing that. Just to help people get through all of this and give him some encouragement it when I thought about not doing that, I started getting things on the Facebook thing saying, why I'm glad you do this. It gets me through my day. It helped start my day. Hope you never quit.
Every morning getting off and reading the word of God. Making sure it's on there by 6:30, or so people can maybe listen to it in the cars on the way to work or So every morning I get up early and I'd read a chapter of the Bible, put it on there, the date in the chapter that I got smart. I said, who he was that their shirt I'm wearing today? You'll see this shirt tomorrow morning.
Write this, you can be stupid or you can be smart. Good thing. You hooked up with Wendy, that was pretty smart it got it. Got you on the right path. Weather your twenties in your twenties or I was young 7 years of age when I accept it, why? Because I was raised in church. I heard it every time. Every day, every Sunday I was in church, Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night. Yes, I'm a Baptist from the South Texas. God moved us here 37 years ago. I didn't know why, right? But we are in the least evangelized area in the Capital District of New York, and Vermont least, evangelized area in the United States. We got work to do. I'm going to continue to do the work. Get on the team with us. Right? Believe in the Lord. Jesus Christ and you will be safe. Thank you, Michael for that. Let's have a word of prayer will close with the song. Thank you for coming today. Father, we thank you, we. Thank you for the goodness and mercy that you provide for each and everyone of us. We know we don't deserve it but you didn't look down to say who deserved it. You looked at it since they needed. They need this crazy. Need this mercy. So glad you sent your son that whosoever believes in him, not just a head knowledge but that heart knowledge of knowing him will not perish but have everlasting life. I thank you for that. I thank you that we have any moment of any time of the day that you're listening willing to hear us, call out to you. What we don't know is whether we have tomorrow. We do have today, we have right now. So today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow. We thank you for the goodness and mercy go with us. Go before us with the Beatles, watch over them as they make this move and bless them and the adventures ahead of them in the Endeavors that you have for each and every one. In Jesus name, we pray