Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Well, one of my to take your seats, open your Bibles to the Book of Genesis 1 chapter 9, this morning, for beginning, chapter 9, and the Lord has a lot for us here.
You know, we live in a culture.
That in one form or another increasingly devalues life?
And we see that in a lot of ways in our culture and the Lord has a word for us about that this morning from all the way back in Genesis.
If you're joining us or visiting with us today, we've been recently looking at the the flood account and we seen that God brought a flood as God promised to bring a flood to deal with the the rampant wickedness on Earth and he said, I'm going to wipe it out by wiping everyone out.
And then we come to this passage on the sanctity of human life.
And I'll be honest, I can be a little bit perplexing guy just killed and now he's going to tell us how important human life is.
But here's the thing.
God is the righteous one.
And any second chance that we are given.
Is a gift of God's mercy.
None of us deserve a second chance but God has freely chosen to give everyone a second chance of third chance.
The fifth chance sometimes.
I 100th chance and so will read today verses 1 through 7 of chapter 9, and if you have a Bible or phone of Bible a fat ass, get a look on that with me this morning.
And God blessed, Noah and his sons, and he said to them, be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth, the fear of you and the dread of you be upon every beast of the Earth in the birds of the heavens upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea into your hand.
They are delivered.
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you, as I gave you the green plants.
I give you everything.
But you shall not eat flesh with its life.
That is its blood.
And for your lifeblood.
I will require a reckoning from every restart will require it and from man, For his fellow man.
I will require a reckoning for the life of man.
Whoever shed the blood of Man by his blood.
I'm Sorry by man.
Shall his blood be shed?
For God, made, man in his own image and you be fruitful and multiply increase.
Greatly on the earth and multiply in it.
God God blesses no, I hear any Theory establishes, the priorities for living in a New World by showing him the innate value.
And the priority of human life.
By showing Noah and by extension his family, the innate value and priority of human life.
God's blessing revealed his Divine Purpose for mankind.
This is the third time we read about God blessing.
We seek God, blessing Adam.
And then we see that recounted and now we see it here again, if I think the second instance of blessing for the third time, we see it in a text, if we're understanding, how the story is kind of retarded a little bit in there.
So, Who's his previous blessing?
What you gave to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 when he said be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth.
When when Noah came off of the earth, Noah and his wife, and his sons and his son's wife came off of the earth, it was a very different world was probably shaped quite differently.
Won't go into any specifics cuz I didn't see it.
I wasn't there.
But life, essentially begin all over again.
No more Adam and Eve.
we've guessed ever since where the Garden of Eden truly was So this time when we see this blessing, praise be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth.
We see twice in the seven versus, that's what helps us know.
This is a good length of Passage to preach on here because its inverse one and its inverse, Kevin seven, which tells us, this is my point for this section, in the passage that Moses wrote for us.
In verse 7 says, and you, this is a plural form of you.
So not only know about you, people be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth.
Increased greatly on the earth and multiply in it.
That is that strong language.
Repetitive language that says don't be shy.
Get go in and let's start populating this thing.
Even that is a different message.
Then we hear culturally
So God's purpose is to renew his purpose for them, God's purpose and creating men and women from the beginning 2 genders.
Two Sexes, no more.
Is that they might enter into fruitful relationship with one another.
but they might marry one another and in that married relationship,
no one another intimately.
Get pregnant and bear children.
In Ezra 9, Ezra 9 is fee, if I don't have time to read the whole passage they cuz it's not short but it is run 9 if you have time later on this afternoon, this is one of the most beautiful prayers of repentance.
I think, in the Bible, if you think, you know, when I repent for something and I say God I'm sorry, I'll try not to do it again.
Thank you for your grace and I want to walk to follow your ways, you know?
Hey Craig, good for you.
If you are in appointing you say you know what, I want to learn how to repent, well, read Ezra 9, Ezra is on done.
He's embarrassed to go to God that you'll hear me say frequently, we ought not be embarrassed to go to God, go to God, wherever you're at and that stands true.
But when someone is truly grieved over their sin, there is a sense of embarrassment but it should never keep us from going to God.
And it did not keep Ezra from going to.
He just called it.
What it what it was he says, oh my God, I am ashamed that I'm Blush to lift my face to you for our iniquities, our great sins.
Have risen to the heavens Higher than our heads.
And our Guild has mounted up to the heavens.
Why why?
That prayer will the Israelite daughters?
I'd begun to marry outside of God's people.
Got that.
Don't marry outside my people, I'm creating a holy people for the sake of my name.
In order for that to happen, you need to marry my people.
So here's a Reliance Mary Israelites and it is real got bigger and they he got around other nations.
They got to know these other people in there like all missionary date them, right?
I know God said, don't date a non-Christian kind of pulling from the New Testament here.
If you catch my drift, I'll date that.
And maybe we'll bring them to God, except it's almost never works that way.
And they began to be more and more like the other nations.
The begin to once with the other nations.
When referring to preach that text, I didn't get back.
And so God.
Holy race had mixed itself with the people of other land.
Malachi, gives us a little bit of insight on this.
I mentioned this to several weeks ago, I believe when the Lord reviews Israel, it is real sort of in the Book of Malachi Priester, Malachi a year or two ago.
And and the people of Israel or sort of, like,
And they're just going to church.
They're just going through the motions.
We're poor.
We don't have any blessing how come you won't answer our prayers.
It's the kind of voice were as parents.
We say to our kids or ice, it is kind of a phrase.
I say you can say almost any words that you want to me if you change your tone of voice,
There, their, they're whining.
They're just satisfied with God and God makes it clear.
God says that they're his main purpose for men, for marriage.
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