The Call of Noah
Been going through a series of Summer of looking at Heroes of the faith. And this morning, I want to look at a man named Noah. The movie was Noah. The. The task that he was given to build an ark. God come to him and told him of judgement that was coming. And then we're going to see how Noah was a man who answered the call of God, a man that God saw to be righteous a man that God gave his favor to.
You meet Noah for the first time in Genesis chapter 5, in the story, goes on to chapter 6, 7 and 8. But today we're going to be looking at and also in chapter 9. But today we're going to be looking in chapter 6.
Are text says, now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them. That the sons of God, saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wise for themselves of all who they choose, and the Lord said, my spirit shall not strive with a man for ever for. He is indeed flesh at his days, shall be 120 years. There were giants on the earth in those days and so afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were Mighty Men Who were the old man over now. Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart. So the Lord said, I will destroy man, whom I have created from the face of the Earth, both man and Beast creeping thing, and birds of the air, For I am sorry that I have made them, but Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man. Perfect in his generation's Noah walked with God and nobody got three sons, sham ham, and japheth has the Earth was also corrupt before God. And the Earth was filled with violence, so God looked upon the Earth. And indeed it was corrupt for All Flesh had corrupted their way on the earth and God said to Noah. The end of All Flesh has come before me for the Earth is filled with violence through them. And behold, I will destroy them with the Earth. Make yourself an ark of gopher wood, make rooms in the ark and covered inside and outside with pitch. And this is how you shall make it the length of the arc. Shelby 300 cubits, its width 50 cubits and its height 30 cubits. You shall make a window for the ark and you shall finish it to a cubit from above and the door. The ark is in its usual make with it lower second and third decks and behold I myself, am I bringing flood waters on the Earth? To destroy from under Heaven, All Flash in which is the breath of life. Everything that is on the Earth shall die, but I will stablish my Covenant with you, and you shall go into the ark. You your son's, your wife, and your son's wives with you and of every living thing of All Flesh, shall bring two of every sort to the park to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female of the birds after their kind of animals after their kind, and every creeping thing of the earth. After this time, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive and you shall take for yourself, all of food that is eating, and you should gather to yourself, and it shall be food for you. And for them, the snow with dead. According to all that God commanded him. So he did let us pray with. Father, we thank you again for Lantus in your house this morning. Father, I pray that you just blessed. Meaning of your word. Father, father, give me the strength and the courage to Proclaim your word and be bold for you. Father, as we continue study today, Father, we love you in Jesus name I pray, amen. Does we can starting here in chapter 5? In chapter 6. On when she's noticed my first point this morning, I want you to notice that God knows our moral condition. He knows our moral condition. And starting in chapter 6, we see a troubling introduction if you will Genesis 6, 1 and 2 tells us. Now, it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were boarded. The end of the sons of God, that they were beautiful and that they took wise for themselves of whom all they choose. And this is talking about The Godly line of Seth and the Godless line of Cain it. In verse 3, we going to read in the Lord said, my spirit shall not strive or abide with man forever for. He is indeed, Flash, get his days shall be 120 years. And this verse we see a warning of God, whatever these people were doing it. Did not please God, he get Them a man who will preach to them for a hundred, twenty years of the coming judgment. And can you imagine having a preacher that preaches for 120 years and never has one convert convert outside of his own family? And hear this. Bring some things to mind something to really think about it because you get to looking at this and people will say something like, why doesn't he changed the way he preaches. It doesn't change the way he preaches Because he believes that God is Sovereign. He believes that God has told him exactly what to say and he's not going to change the message. People would say he could get so much more if he would just take over the ears a little bit. He's not here to please, man, know, Noah is here to do. His God has directed him to do, people would say the message. He preached. Preaches doesn't fit my lifestyle too bad. He is preaching. The message that God has given him to free and the same message that we are to preach today. And people say I'm happy with the way God made me. I don't need someone to tell me to get, right? And if that's your attitude then brother and sister I tell you need to seek out Christ.
We all see that Noah had one message to priests and that was the message that God had given him. We must understand that today. And today's society, God told him what to do. And exactly how to do it. It's the same with us. We have it here in our Bible. God tells us exactly what we can do. And he tells us exactly what we cannot do. But we have a problem with that today Society because society and culture teaches us that we are to do what we want to do and that's not the case. Our number one job is to obey God that's it. They were in a state of moral and permissiveness and perversion which separated them from God. This was a time of violence a time of corruption and a rampant liberalism was running throughout the world. And today we have corporations professions, professional entertainment and sports. That promote such violence corruption and rampant liberalism. In the funny thing is, is Starbucks coffee last week. Are are pulling their business out of Seattle and Portland. What's so funny about that? Were they not supporting all the riots that was going on? All the destruction were they not supporting the defund? The police. Y'all remember that? Remember that city of love, but they had over there, they had no law. And now they're pulling out because crime is so bad.
You think they stand behind what they preach? Are we like drinking your coffee? Don't weigh. With a reversal of Roe versus Wade. We have seen so much division over the sanctity of life. We see people upset with protecting the right for life of an unborn child. Claiming that it is our fault that they now have to raise a child that they helped me like it's my fault. They decided to do it, right? And before all the haters start attacking me later on about rape and stuff, I'm not talkin about that. I am talking about the precious life.
I know I'm not supposed to speculate, but can you imagine what it would be like today? If Mary was alive today and she just became pregnant
Was that a planned child? God planned it.
you know, if people can make it a law to protect an eagle egg, We can make it a law to protect our children.
Abortion is this and that's that our nation gave into and our nation has gone downhill ever since. And now we have a chance to repent as a nation as a people. And I pray we do the Supreme Court turned it back over the states, we still have work to do.
Seeing has embedded itself. In all of our Lives. It has hardened, our hearts culture has taught us that we are not the same. We have a month for every ethnic group, except for one.
People have gotten so tied up and making sure that a certain group of people stands out more than the others that we forget that we are to be one in Christ.
We have so much dividing us now because we have taken her eyes off of God, and I become a people whose Wiccan. This is great in the earth and every intent of the thoughts of the heart are only evil continually
And we have made our own Gods.
We have made God's to suit our lifestyle.
We're leaving in a time with people love themselves and money their pleasure, more than anything, and they love it more than they love. God, we're living in Wicked days for sure. Almost sexual marriage is God says, it's between the man and woman's gender identity birth. Gender is given by God, I can't decide who I'm going to be God, has already done that and premarital sex. It ain't just a homosexual. Is this the heterosexuals to
God has made it plain and clear on what he thinks about that. He's destroyed cities, he's destroyed Nations, he's judge over sexual morality.
And these ideas have managed that manifested themselves in our churches. Looking at verse 8 will move on, we see something different verse that tells us but Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. And we see that God has the man that he has chosen for the job of being a faithful witness. And we must remember back in Genesis 3, 15 gods were told of the Savior who would crush the serpent. And God is keeping his promise. No is the man for the job. God has always had someone to stand when no one else was staying with, which would stand Joseph remain, faithful the days of pharaoh. Elijah stood from the days of Beverly Bell prophets, Moses stood firm of the days of exodus in the wilderness, Daniel in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo, and they wouldn't be out to the guys, right. God is always had somebody to stand up for What God Says to do and that's who we are to be today. We'll move on to the second point this morning. God gives favor to those who are righteous. God gives favors to those who are righteous.
Verses 8 through 10 but Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. This is the genealogy of Noah. And Noah was a just man. Perfect in the generations, Noah walk with God and know what we got three sons, Sam ham and japheth and the Earth was awesome.
Noah is a descendant from Adam. By being a Godly to send it to Seth. It was Adams son.
We can see that even though the sin of mankind had reached such depths of depravity that the Lord regretted that he had made, man. And if there was one man who stood out, Out of everybody in the world one man. Stood out.
And we get to see this word, but but Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Would be thankful for that word this morning.
Are Texas, but Noah is like a beacon of light on a stormy night. We see hope in a hopeless situation. Here is a man that stands out. He stands out against the surrounding Society extends out by being faithful to God and not to man. Here's a man who found favor in the eyes of the Lord in the world that was causing God to feel so much grief. And here's a man who is the recipient of God, Sovereign. Unmerited Grace is kindness and his mercy. So when we look a little bit at the importance of the fact that Noah found favor with God, I hope you noticed this with me this morning, the fact that Noah found favor with God tells us that no one needed, God's favor. God did not show it to him. He did not. You see, we all need God's grace even though we are Unworthy of it and there is not one of us anywhere that deserve God's grace and his favor. So listen to me carefully, here we cannot earn it and we have done nothing to Merit it.
God does not owe it to us. The fact that Noah found favor with God tells us that he was searching for it.
There's two thoughts on this one thought, is that? No one seeks after God. Romans 3:10 through 18 tells us there is none righteous. No, not one. There is none who understand there. Is none, who seek after God, they have all turned aside. They have together become unprofitable. There is none. Who does good? No, not warn. Their throat is an open tune with their tongues. They have practice the seat. The poison of asps is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are Swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in their ways. And the way of peace. They have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes. And some of us some uses to say that no one is righteous and that is true. What are we born into? We're going to the sand.
You see, this is how far Humanity has departed from God. We're born into sin because of the car.
The other thought is that, if you seek God, you will find him. But the Bible also says, you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Isaiah 55 67, tells us Seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him. While he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and unrighteous man, his thoughts, let him return to the Lord that he may have compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon. So looking at these two thoughts, how does one find God if they don't seek him? Right. We'll listen here. We seek God only when he draws us to himself. Asal this happens. The Bible says, how people going to hear the word unless they may preaches it or they read it? God reveals himself to those who hear the word.
God by his grace opens are spiritually, blind eyes and then the table enables us to seek him. The spirit of God draws us to God. Do you see that this morning? The spirit of God. Brings us to repentance and faith and regenerates us with a new life in Christ. And that's how we find God. He chooses us. This is how Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord is the only way anyone finds favor with God. God gives his chosen people. A hunger for his presence.
And I pray, we all have that hunger now.
Also notice with me that Noah's favor was in the eyes of the Lord. Hook, no one else's opinions mattered. They didn't, it doesn't matter who they are, it doesn't matter. If it's your parents, your family, your spouse, your kids. The president whomever, it may be the only one that matters is God.
We are not to worry about what others think about us as a child of God being found righteous. And his eyes is all that matters and that should give us hope and joy that no one can steal from
No matter what we do, God's word is true, whether you like it or not. The Bible doesn't work like Facebook. It doesn't matter how many likes and opinions, it has its true matter what And because I'm a Child of God, I don't need the accolades of man to make me feel good and that should be the same with each and everyone of you. With every child of God, even me. The opinions of others about us, have no merit for the value of Eternity.
We must find favor in the eyes of the Lord, and that can only be found through faith in Jesus Christ. No offense favored in the eyes of the Lord, and that is the first. And most important thing that we know about this man named Noah, We can also say that Noah was a righteous man. The first part of verse 9 tells us, he was a righteous man blameless in his generation. He was a, he was righteous in his character. He was righteous in his actions and to be righteous means, to be upright, honest impartial fair, and just in his dealings and relationship with other people and according to 2nd Peter 2 verse 5, Noah was a preacher of righteousness. So throughout the 120 years from the time, that God decided to flood the world. Noah, preached righteousness, that's a scary thought.
For what was his message? What was his message this morning?
Here's his message.
Telling people how to be right with God.
That was his message. Telling people that God is righteous. Telling people that God demands that we be righteous under God's righteous. That the danger is not getting right with God leads to falling under God's righteous judgement. Which was the flood? Telling people that in order to get right with God, they have to accept God's offer of salvation.
What's our offer of Salvation today? Christ Christ Alone. And Noah's day, the offer of Salvation was the ark today. The offer of Salvation is Christ and sadly. We know that this event in the Bible shows a terrible tragedy. Not one person outside of his family. Was converted. Not
120 years of preaching, not one. And you know what? Makes it even more tragic.
Is that everyone that that he preached to everyone, that heard the words that come out of his voice, they did eventually believe him.
But it was only after God. Shut the door. There are all that time. It was too late. An account is given of a class at RC sproul's, RC sproul's talked on the first day, teaching, his class, for a 250 College, freshman RC sproul's carefully explained the signman of return papers, that will be do each term paper was due at the end of the month starting in September. I mean, I'm sorry, October November. September October November. That's why I need to look at my notes. And he stated that, there would be no extensions, other than for medical reasons. And at the end of September, 225 students turned in their papers, and 25 students. Students quake in fear and said, they're sorry, they hadn't made the proper adjustments from high-school to college. We promise to do better next time. So r.c., Sproul bow down to their pleas for mercy and he gives them an extension, but warned them not to be late. The next month. The end of October rolled around. All in 200 students turned in their papers while 50 students showed up empty-handed and hope, please they beg. It was homecoming weekend, we run out of time. So, Sproul repented one more time, but one of them, this is it no more excuses. Next time you will get an F. The end of November came and only 100 students turned in their papers. And the rat, the rest. All the rest of them casually toes, bro. It's bro. Don't worry about it. We'll get it in soon.
Well, his reply was sorry. It's too late now, you get an F. And the students out and fought the protest and said, well, this isn't fair. You gave extensions before I said okay you won't you won't Justice, do you? Well here's what you'll get you'll get an F forever, pay for you turned in late. Because that was the rule, wasn't it?
You see Humanity. Takes a downward spiral.
And when God finally opposed his judgment, people are shocked and they're outraged because he done what he said he was going to do.
Noah was blameless in his day, he lived uprightly with integrity and without reproach, he was not a sinless man, but he was blameless in his relationship to the world around him. Is that make sense? He was blameless and his relationship to the world around him. Did he make mistakes? You? Bet he did.
But he did give in to the ways of the world around him, and he didn't adopt her in moral, degenerate and perverted and idolaters life stop. How do we know that? Because God said he was righteous, And he was an oz of the Lord and he walked with the Lord.
The last Party Bus 9 says, he walked with the Lord walked with God to walk. With God means that you have to live in close company with God. You treasure your fellowship with him. Your life is characterized by godliness. Micah 6:8 starts off of the question. It says, what does the Lord require of you? And then he gives an answer. The answer is to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. Noah, acted just lie. He acted righteously. He loved Mercy. Love kindness. And he walk humbly with God and this is how we are to walk. this walk should describe each and every Christian, Our Lives should be characterized by what Humility.
All I should be characterized by Walking with God. That is a desire for God and love for his word. We should desire a closeness to God in a deep understanding of God. We should exhibit an extraordinary prayer line, praying for everyone and everything and need and in Thanksgiving. Husbands. How well do you know your wise?
Wife. How well do you know your husband's? You spent time with your family, with your other, your loved one, and you walk them long enough to understand them and enjoy their company. I pray, that's the way it works. That's how it is with you. You have common experiences and you laugh and you cry together. You talk together, you listen to each other. You share your feelings with each other. And your relationship is marked by Harmony. You have won this. And this is what it's like to walk with God. If you want to hear his voice, read his word and meditate on it. When you are in God's word, you are where he is, you you end up going where he wants you to go, you end up loving what he loves and hating what he hates
church. This is the same for us. We are to enjoy walking with each other praying for each other edifying. Each other sharing each other's burdens sharing each other's praises and we are to walk in unity with God.
This is what God expects us to do, and he wants us to do it.
Aw Tozer once said that the goal of every Christian should be to live in a state of unbroken worship.
And we do live in a state of unbroken worship, but the object of our worship there, not the right thing.
Walking with God. This is what it means to walk with God. Noah was a man who walked with God. He was a man who had placed his faith in God, and Noah was faithful and true to God. And did not give in to what Society pushed him to be. No is different from what culture pushed him to be. The world around him was ungodly. They were lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. They were caught up in the self-image. They were self-centered, they were self-indulgent, they were self-sufficient, they were only interested in pleasure in prosperity and the only concern was to eat drink and be merry.
Everything everything that seems like goes on today is if we don't, if we don't come together in solidarity and tolerance of acceptance, we're out, right?
But you know, and in God's word we can come together in solidarity and we can come together and tolerance.
By whose rules? Gods. Gods.
We give into culture. This takes us away from God one little bit at a time until one day. We don't miss God anymore.
And then, God, passes judgement. And we say God, it ain't Fair.
No, I didn't fall into this category.
He remains faithful to God. Even a day of such moral and spiritual decline, this is evident that the entire world, the in the entire world, he was the only one that God found favor with.
You see, we're thankful for the god. When we are thankful to God, when we are faithful to God. And we obey, God. Our life is different.
Our Lives will be different from that of the world. When we are born again, Christ saves us from death. And as a result, we have a new heart. A heart that hungers to serve God and not man.
Our Behavior changes are thinking changes, our desires changed our goals changed and I priorities changed and we have a new purpose in life. And what is that purpose? What is that purpose? Our answer for that purpose, should to be enjoy God. And glorify him forever.
Today many lock in Noah's day declared that they knew the Lord, but their lives never changed. Their behavior has never changed their thinking, never changed the desires. Never changed their goals, never changed and their priorities, never changed.
Seems like they were serving the wrong God, right?
If there is no evidence in your life that you have changed from the person, you was brother and sister are urging you to diligently seek out the Lord. You're hearing the message this morning. God is putting it out. We're here in the Parkland. Mation of the Gospel that he sent his only begotten son to die and be buried down that cross be buried in Rose again on the third day, for my salvation, for your salvation for forgiveness of sin. The gospel.
Each and everyone of us who under God's Grace has his favor. and we have been called to serve
God called Noah to serve him in a very unique way. he calls each and every one of us to serve him and the way that he has designed for us to serve,
Do we have the same gifts?
We had the gift of Salvation. Yes. But we have ability to do what God gives us ability to do. I'm a mechanic. We've got electricians. We got Carpenters, we got doctors and nurses administrators engineers. I can't name all the stuff cuz I don't remember more of what we got. Many different. People. And God pulls us under as one. One in Christ. Unity in Christ not division. Unity
People thought he was crazy for building the ark. But every day that he and his family built the ark, just the sight of his obedience and building this art was strong enough to preach who God is.
Do as God told you to do. God gave Noah a means of Salvation and it's through Noah's obedience that cellvation was granted to Noah and his family. God you know what The Preserve humanity and to keep a promise made back in Genesis 3, 15 our actions like Noah's are sometimes the only Light Of Hope that the world will ever see
One of our most important, as our should be that ashamed of the gospel of Christ. I'm so thankful to be a member of the church is so Mission minded that we support missions and missionaries who will go out in the field and share the good news of the Gospel.
And this is the face that Noah had. He knew what salvation was? And no one would listen. Can you imagine how that it must have broken his heart? He never gave up. He worked and he preached until God said in the
And that's thought to scare each and everyone of us. We are to share the gospel to the world. No matter what. Why this makes me to my third Point. That's a long second point, but it.
The third point, this morning is God looks with grief on those who are wicked. Verses 11 and 12. The Earth was.
The Earth also was corrupt before God. And the Earth was filled with violence, so God looked upon the Earth and indeed it was corrupt for all the flesh had corrupted their way on the Earth.
Did you notice the distinction between the Earth and All Flesh?
We must understand that are seeing has a negative impact on all of creation. It is because of seeing that death entered into the world. It is because of seeing that we has such Devastation and Corruption. The Earth was corrupt morally. It was corrupt spiritually. It is corrupt, physically environmentally politically socially and so on, you can just the list goes on and on, right? And I hope you see the picture here. The Earth was filled with violence and violence is accompanied by corruption. And because of this corruption, God decided to pass judgment on the Earth.
Now, we'll move on to the fourth and final point. We see that God determines everyone's Eternal destination.
Verse 13. And God said to Noah. The end of All Flesh is come before me for the Earth is filled with violence through them. And behold, I will destroy them with the Earth. So we see that God has made up his mind, his judgment on creation is coming. And here is what he is going to do.
First, I want you to notice with me at God is going to provide an escape from judgment verses 14 through 16. We read make yourself an ark of gopher wood make rooms in the Arcane covered inside and outside with pitch.
And this is how you should make it. The length of the arcs will be 300 cubits, its width 50 cubits and its height 30 cubits. And you still make a window for the our can you self finish it to the Cubit from above and shut the door of the Ark on its side and you shall make it with lower second and third decks. God said to Noah, make yourself an ark of gopher wood, God's decision to destroy all flesh, was a company with his provision from escaping the coming judgment.
You know, I like studying the Old Testament going back to, it's a lot different than what I remembered as a kid looking back. As was taught about the art, when you really get into it study it, you see about stuff, it really just sticks out.
God's decision, Destroy. All Flesh was accompanied by the means of salvation.
This is the Redeeming Grace of God. For those of us who believe, God does not Cast Away his people. That is he, that is those who are declared righteous by him.
For Noah. This means that salvation of Noah and for all who would believe is they are and we can all decide by the means that God has provided nothing else. We cannot work for it and we do not deserve it. And salvation is, all of God and is through his grace and Christ. God will destroy the wicked. Verse 17. The second Point, God will destroy the wicked. Verse 17 tells us behold, I myself and bringing floodwaters on the earth to destroy from under heaven and Flash and which is the breath of life. Everything that is on Earth shall die. And this is exactly what God did. If you weren't on the ark,
Right. The ark was the only place of safety and refuge from God's judgement. Everyone who did not heed, God's warning Sono was preaching and who do not enter the ark buffets would be destroyed.
Thirdly, we can see God, preserves the righteous.
Verse 18. But I will stablish my Covenant with you, and you shall go into the ark. You your son's, your wife, and your son's wives with you and of every living thing of All Flesh, he shall bring two of every sort to the ark to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female of the birds after their kind and animals after their kind of every creeping thing on earth work on two of every kind come to you to keep them alive. And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eating and You Shall Gather to yourself and it shall be food for you. And for them, Let us know what did according to all that God commanded him. So, he did.
God promises. No, I was stabbing my Covenant with you. And you shall come into the ark, you and your son, and your wife and your son's. Why I was with you and the spot, the worldwide judgment that was coming. Noah was Secure and God's unilateral Covenant with him again, that only God can make
Will see this coming again. With Abraham.
How he keeps his people.
The evidence of righteousness and faith. Is obedience.
Noah carried out, God's plan and all its details for the preservation. For all of those who would believe. No one outside of Noah's family. Believed, they didn't take him seriously and they wrote him off as a nutcase who build a boat for a hundred years.
420 years. Noah preached in for 120 years, no one believed him.
They didn't believe that the r was the means of their salvation. And God's instructions to build the ark and told Noah to coat the outside with pitch and the inside was Pitch. As you think about that old boat, finally beginning to float? The leaks that would would would have been in it if I built it. Leaking from the roof and the walls, and from the whole, you know, there's no mention of lakes in this are, as you continue to read, they were completely secure in the are no snow, no Rudder, no motor. No, oars and no leaks 100% in the care of God and his mighty strong, aunt. They were in the security of the Ark, the ark before the Wrath of the floodwaters, and the pitch, kept the waters outside, and kept it, dry on the inside. today, Jesus Christ is our our He is our means of salvation. The Plea is out to fall at his feet. Recognize him as Lord and savior. Jesus is the one, the only one that will save us some judgment that God is going to bring to this world.
And Jesus just like CR. Before the wrath of God's judgment.
Jesus's blood provided the pitch. To keep God's Wrath. All of us. I'm thankful for men in the Bible of Noah. Aren't you this morning? Brothers and sisters, no matter what we do. We must always always preach the truth. No, I didn't water it down. He didn't try to get people to force them to believe. What? God told him. He stayed obedient and preached what? God told him.
Play marketing. And made fun of him. But he didn't care. All that matter was to him was obeying God. if you don't know the Lord, as your personal Lord and Savior this morning, I pray that you seek him out the messages there.
Butter spray.