Numbers 19:1-22, The Ordinance of the Red Heifer
Numbers 19:1-22, The Ordinance of the Red Heifer.
1. The Preparation (1-10)
a. (v. 1) “The Lord spake.”
b. (v. 2) “the Lord hath commanded.”
c. It was a divine ordinance.
d. God is interested in purity and provides the means of purity.
e. In their relationship to Him or others in the camp.
f. God’s rule was “You shall be holy for I am holy” found 8 times in the Bible (Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:2; 20:7, 26; 21:8; 1 Peter 1:15-16).
g. This was a Law for cleansing of defilement, but there is a spiritual purpose to teach the Jew’s between holiness and sin and encourage them to walk in holiness.
h. The animal for the preparation “a red heifer.”
i. A young female cow.
j. Probably God required a female because the female was the bearer of life, and continued life is what this sacrifice provided.
k. The red color to emphasize the blood being shed for sin.
l. Never borne a yoke.
m. Of course, it was to be without spot or blemish.
n. Slain outside the camp because of its connection with sin and death.
o. The high priest was to observe the slaying making sure the person in charge did it properly.
p. This was a very important sacrifice.
q. The sprinkling of the blood shows that this slaying was a sin offering.
r. The animal died for the sin of the congregation (v. 4).
s. The carcass with the blood was to be burned.
t. Three items dropped into the fire by Eleazar.
1. Cedar wood--was not as subject to decay as most other woods and so represented the continuance of life.
2. Hyssop--stood for purification from corruption, and the priests used it to apply blood as in the Passover ritual.
3. Scarlet wool--symbolized the strong vital energy connected with blood.
4. All of these elements combined to signify all that strengthened life.
5. All of the elements were also used in the cleansing ceremony for a healed leaper. (Leviticus 14:4-6).
2. The Purpose (v. 9).
a. The ashes of the red heifer were mixed with water for a special water that would be used for purification purposes regarding the defilement from dead bodies.
3. The Application (vv. 11-22).
a. How were the ashes used?
1. Someone who becomes ceremonially defiled from touching a dead body (11-13).
2. Someone who were in a tent with a dead body (14-15).
3. Someone who (v. 16, And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave).
b. When to use 3rd and 7th day (v. 19).
1. "Hand washing and clothes washing with proper drying were prescribed
2. "God recognized that the incubation period for most bacteria is within seven days.
3. This means that after exposure to a disease a person will know within seven days whether the disease is contracted.
4. Seven days was practical for most acute, bacterial diseases fatal in that day.
c. (20-22)
1. It was a serious offence to be defiled and refuse to follow the ordinance. One defiled person defiled the whole camp.
2. God’s presence dwelt in the tabernacle (13, 20).
3. He walked among His people (Leviticus 26:11-12; Deuteronomy 23:12-14).
4. The camp had to be kept clean and Holy.
5. Those who refused were cut off and stoned to death (20). The unclean person who refused to purify himself would suffer death.
d. This sacrifice, then, was a kind of instant sin offering and provided for the cleansing of those who had become ceremonially unclean through contact with a corpse.
e. This sacrifice kept the Israelites free from the defilement that would hinder their fellowship with God.
Typically, the red heifer depicts the sacrifice of Jesus as the means of cleansing the defilement from the believer who lives in a sin polluted world.
Hebrews 9:12-14: When we sin today, Christ is not going to die all over again.
1 John 1:7-9, Both the water of the Word and the cleansing blood of Christ must be applied.
Ephesians 5:26, That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.