Index to the Recorded Bible Classes of Dr. Robert L. Dean, Jr.

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Most classes can be heard online, downloaded in MP3 format,

and/or ordered on audiocassette or DVD at

Dean Bible Ministries, Inc.

Dr. Dean is the pastor of

West Houston Bible Church

1500 W. Sam Houston Parkway N., Suite 104

Houston, TX 77043


This is not an exhaustive index and it may have errors.

It has not been double-checked by Dr. Dean,

Dean Bible Ministries or West Houston Bible Church.


Series and Specials Included in This Index:

Survey Series:

2005 Foundation for Life (Basics 1: God, Truth, Salvation, Eternal Security)

2005 Foundation for Living (Basics 2: Spiritual Life Basics)

2000 God's Plan for the Ages (Dispensations)

2000 Understanding the Old Testament

1991 History of Christianity

2006 Israel Past, Present and Future

(Also see Specials and Conferences listed below.)

Old Testament Books:

2003 Genesis

2000 Judges

2001 Ruth

2007 Kings lessons 1-44

2001 Daniel

New Testament Books:

1998 John

2000 Romans chapters 6-8 (Spiritual Life)

2002 1st Corinthians

1998 Galatians

2005 Hebrews lessons 1-140

1998 James

2000 1st John

2002 2nd John

2003 3rd John

2004 Revelation lessons 1-172

Systematic Theology:

2002 Salvation (Soteriology)

2003 Who Is Jesus? (Christology)

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? (Bibliology)

Chafer Theological Seminary Course:

2008 History of Doctrine

Also see class syllabus and notes posted at

Specials and Conferences

(Also see Survey Series listed above.)

2008 Election Special - The Bible: Decision-Making in the Voting Booth

2008 Hurricane Ike - Psalm 23

2008 Resurrection Sunday

2008 Significance of the Pulpit Ministry: When It's All Said and Done, What Have We Said and Done?

(from 2008 Chafer Seminary Pastors Conference)

2008 How Much Is Enough? (Sufficiency) (Intro to 2008 Chafer Seminary Pastors Conference)

2007 Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All

2007 Basis for Genuine Freedom

2007 Temple Special

2007 Philosophy of Ministry

2007 Passover-Easter

2006 Christmas: The Greatest Christmas Present

2006 Thanksgiving

2006 Witnessing

2006 Crisis in Pastoral Leadership

2006 Jerusalem (Summer New England Bible Conference)

2006 July 4th: Christianity and the Independence of America

2006 Truth and Resurrection (includes critique of The DaVinci Code)

2006 Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit (Spring New England Bible Conference)

2006 Justification by Faith (Intro to 2006 Chafer Seminary Pastors Conference)

2006 Deacons

2005 Christmas: King Over Chaos: Matt. 2:1-12

2005 Thanksgiving

2005 Endurance of the Believer

2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ

2005 Prophecy Conference (Only Dr. Dean's sessions are included in this index)

2004 Living Today in Light of Eternity

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life

2003 Missions: Thoughts on Missions

2003 Communion

1999 Easter: Passover and the Lord's Table

1999 Questions and Answers

1999 Intro to Why We Need Bible Doctrine (1998 James lesson 32 excerpt)

1999 Christmas: Stability in the Midst of Chaos: Matt. 1-2

1999 Christmas: The Savior for All: Luke 1-2

1998 Memorial Day: Establishment and Spiritual Authorities

1997 Prayer

Additional classes mentioned but not indexed in any detail:

College of Biblical Studies Courses: Old Testament Survey



- Subject Index

- Numerical Index

- Alphabetical Index

- Verse Index

A selection of verses often questioned or misunderstood


Most classes can be heard online, downloaded in MP3 format,

and/or ordered on cassette or DVD at


- Red, underlined lessons usually have more in-depth or important treatment of the subject or have especially helpful clarifications. Lesson numbers in black usually have shorter, often just very brief mentions of the subject.

- An asterisk (*) indicates the latest revised, expanded or corrected reference to a subject.

- Subjects that begin with numbers (10 commandments, 70 weeks of Daniel) are in the Numerical Index that precedes the Alphabetical Index.

- It may be helpful to listen to many or all lessons cited for a subject. Some lessons contain clarifications or revisions that other lessons omit.

- This is far from being a completely comprehensive index. Many brief references are omitted intentionally. It is likely that some references that should be included have been overlooked.

- When looking for the most recent reference to a subject, be aware that the date of a series doesn't always indicate the date of a lesson, especially in long series. For example, some lessons in a series that began in 2003 (e.g., the 2003 Genesis series) are newer than some lessons in a series that began later (e.g., the 2004 Revelation series). Dates of individual lessons of most series can be found at

- This index may have errors. It has not been double-checked by Dr. Dean, Dean Bible Ministries or West Houston Bible Church. If you find an error or a significant omission, please send an email to:


Subject Index

Numerical Index

2 sticks - Judah and Joseph (Ezek. 37:16&ff)

2005 Hebrews 121, 2003 Genesis 158

2 witnesses of the Tribulation period

2005 Hebrews 118-119, 2005 Endurance of the Believer 3, 2004 Revelation 92, 147

2003 Genesis 38, 2002 1st Corinthians 95, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 25

2nd Advent

See: Second Coming

4 beasts

See: Kingdom - Kingdom of Man - Pictured in Daniel chapter 7 as 4 great beasts

4 "corners" of the earth

2004 Revelation 148, 163, 2003 Genesis 8

4 horns of the altar

2005 Hebrews 128, 134

4 horsemen of the apocalypse

2004 Revelation 147, 148-153, 155-157

4 living creatures

2004 Revelation 94-95-96-97, 107, 116, 137, 148, 172

4 winds

2004 Revelation 148, 163, 167

See also: Wind, Biblical usage of

5 cycles of discipline

See: Cycles of discipline and cycles of judgments/degradation

7 churches of Revelation

See: Revelation - 7 letters to 7 churches

7 eyes - Rev. 5:6

2004 Revelation 8, 60, 106-107

See also: Eyes, Biblical usage of

7 heads

2001 Daniel 30-31, 2004 Revelation 152

7 horns - Rev. 5:6

2004 Revelation 106-107

See also: Horn, Biblical usage of

7 lamps - Zech. 4:2, Rev. 4:5

2004 Revelation 8, 96

See also: Lamps, lampstands

7 lampstands - Rev. 1:12, 20

2004 Revelation 16-17

See also: Lamps, lampstands

7 letters to 7 churches

See: Revelation - 7 letters to 7 churches

7 seal judgments, 7 trumpet judgments, 7 bowl judgments


Revelation - Seal, Trumpet, Bowl Judgments

Scroll with 7 seals

7 Spirits - Rev. 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, 5:6

2004 Revelation 8-9, 60, 96-97, 106-107, 137

7 stars

Rev. 1:16, 20 - "the 7 stars are the angels of the 7 churches" -

Do "angels" here refer to human messengers, pastors, or heavenly beings?

2004 Revelation 17, 21-22-23, 24-25, 29-30, 33-34, 41-42, 46,

58-59-60, 81

See also: Stars, Biblical usage of

Also see Dr. Dean's 2007 paper: Identifying the Aggelos in Revelation 2 & 3


See: Terrorism: 9-11-01 terrorist attack

10 Commandments

2000 Understanding the OT 9-10, 2008 Election Special 3

2005 Hebrews 67, 97, 136

All except sabbatical commandment are restated in New Testament

2005 Hebrews 97, 126, 2000 Understanding the OT 10

Display of 10 Commandments in U.S. courtroom

2004 Revelation 38, 152, 2002 1st Corinthians 72

Is the Church Age believer under the Mosaic Law?

See: Covenants - Mosaic Covenant - For Israel only...

See also:

Ark of the covenant (tablets of the 10 commandments inside the ark)

Covenants - Mosaic Covenant


10 horns

2001 Daniel 30-31, 2004 Revelation 149-150, 152

10 plagues of the exodus

2004 Revelation 170

See also: Exodus of the Jews from Egypt

10 toes

See: Kingdom - Kingdom of Man - Pictured in Daniel chapter 2 as image...

12 tribes of Israel

2003 Genesis 168

See also:


Jacob - Jacob's prophecies regarding his descendants

"Lost tribes of Israel"

Also see listings for individual tribes

24 elders

2004 Revelation 93, 94-95, 96-98, 107, 137

70 weeks of Daniel

2006 Israel 8-9, 2004 Revelation 76-78, 146-147, 165-166

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 5

2001 Daniel 41-44, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 22-23

2000 Understanding the OT 20, 2006 Jerusalem 2

See also: Tribulation period - Daniel's 70th Week



Mark of the beast

Revelation - Overview

144,000 of the Tribulation period

2004 Revelation 92, 163, 164, 165-167, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 25

200,000,000 of the Tribulation period - Rev. 9:16

2004 Revelation 92, 116-117, 129, 172

Alphabetical Index


Aaronic priesthood

See: Priest - Priesthoods in the Old Testament - Aaronic, Levitical

Aaron's rod that budded

2005 Hebrews 136

See also: Ark of the covenant

Abaddon, Apollyon

2004 Revelation 171

Abelard, Peter

2008 History of Doctrine 8, 12, 15, 17, 2005 Hebrews 103, 124, 126

2004 Revelation 112, 2002 Salvation 4, 1991 History of Christianity 2

See also: Church History - Medieval Church


2007 Kings 5, 7-8

Abiding in Christ

Abiding (remaining) in (fellowship with) Christ

2005 Hebrews 65-68, 70, 2002 Salvation 16

2000 1st John 1, 7, 11, 17, 19-20, 58, 65-67, 71, 1998 John 81-86

2006 Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit 2

2004 Revelation 35, 84, 2003 Genesis 74, 151, 2002 2nd John 53

2000 Romans 7, 1998 Galatians 65

Accomplished by walking by means of the Spirit

1998 John 85

See also: Walking - Walk by Means of the Spirit

Fellowship with God is broken by sin




Can fellowship with God be broken by accepting false doctrine?

2005 Hebrews 63, 2004 Revelation 35, 2002 2nd John 8, 12

2002 1st Corinthians 11, 56, 2000 1st John 2

Importance of obedience

2005 Hebrews 67-68, 1998 John 80

John chapter 15 - Abide in Christ

2005 Hebrews 65-68, 1998 John 81-86

Reciprocity in fellowship - "Abide in Me and I in you" - Jn. 15:4-5, 7

2005 Hebrews 66-67, 2000 1st John 66-67

Restoration to fellowship with God




Viticulture - vine analogy

2005 Hebrews 65, 66-68, 1998 John 81, 84

See also:

Faith - Other Questions - Does "abide" mean "believe"?

Filling by means of God the Holy Spirit


Spiritual Life - Spiritual Skills

Walking - Walk by means of the Spirit


Genesis chapter 21

2003 Genesis 107

Genesis chapter 26

2003 Genesis 120

Judges chapter 9

2000 Judges 38


2007 Kings 29

Abomination of Desolation

2006 Israel 3, 2004 Revelation 146-147

2001 Daniel 29, 31, 34-35, 44, 51

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 22-23, 2000 1st John 48, 1998 John 77

In the book of 1st Maccabees

2001 Daniel 34

See also:


Antiochus Epiphanes


2005 Hebrews 84-89, 2003 Genesis 20-21, 2000 Judges 44-45

1998 Memorial Day: Establishment and Spiritual Authorities

See also: Life - Human life


2005 Hebrews 77, 84, 2003 Genesis 65-113, 127, 129, 133, 176

2002 1st Corinthians 116, 2000 Understanding the OT 6-7

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 7-9

Abraham offers up Isaac

2005 Hebrews 77, 2003 Genesis 108-109, 176, 2004 Revelation 79, 139

Genealogy of Abraham

2003 Genesis 159

New Testament uses Abraham to teach 6 key doctrines

2003 Genesis 108, 112-113, 176

Summary of principles regarding Abraham

2003 Genesis 112-113

Summary of tests in Abraham's life

2003 Genesis 105, 113, 176

See also:

Chronology, Biblical - Date of Abraham's birth

Covenants - Abrahamic Covenant

Seed of Abraham

Abraham's Bosom


Hades, Sheol


Abundant life

2005 Foundation for Living 6, 2005 Hebrews 29, 54, 68, 2004 Revelation 20, 26, 67

2000 Romans 9, 13, 2000 1st John 3, 66, 1998 John 64

See also:


Eternal life

Spiritual Life


2005 Hebrews 71, 2003 Genesis 144, 151, 154-155, 157, 1998 Galatians 59

See also:

Drug use / abuse

Marriage - Problems in marriage - Abuse

Paganism - Paganism and abuse of women

Sex - Sexual abuse

Abyss, the

2004 Revelation 171


2005 Hebrews 94-95, 129


2005 Hebrews 75, 89

Accountability for sin, evil

2004 Revelation 91

Age of accountability (with regard to eternal salvation)

1998 Galatians 60, 1998 James 6

"What about people who've never heard the gospel?"

2002 1st Corinthians 42, 1998 John 64, 105, 2005 Hebrews 108

2002 Salvation 12

What OT gentiles were held accountable for

2005 Hebrews 89, 98

See also:





See: Bible - Content of the Bible - Overviews

Also see Verse Index for individual verses in Acts


Series: 2003 Genesis

As a type of Christ

2003 Who Is Jesus? cassette tape lesson 6, mp3 lessons 6-7

Federal and seminal headship over human race

2005 Hebrews 89, 90-95, 2003 Genesis 22, 29, 32, 2002 Salvation 7

2008 History of Doctrine 18, 1998 Galatians 20

See also:

Covenants - Adamic Covenant

Creation - Creation of Mankind

Fall of mankind

Imputations - Imputation of Adam's original sin

Adam's original sin


Adam - Federal and seminal headship over human race

Fall of mankind - Impact of Adam's original sin

Imputations - Imputation of Adam's original sin

Adams, Jay

2004 Revelation 61, 2003 Genesis 131

Adams, John

2008 Election Special 1, 2006 July 4th

Adams, Samuel

2008 Election Special 1


2003 Genesis 95, 154, 2002 1st Corinthians 36

See also:


Behavior patterns, habits

Drug use / abuse

Obsession, compulsion

Admonishing one another

2002 1st Corinthians 83, 2000 1st John 68, 2000 Romans 11

See also:



Restoring others

Adonay, Adonai

2003 Genesis 2


2007 Kings 4-5, 7-8

Adoption of the believer in Christ

1998 Galatians 31, 33, 2004 Revelation 15, 2000 Romans 12

See also:


Positional Truth


See: Trinity - False views of the Trinity

Advanced grace blessings - Contingent blessings

Capacity as a prerequisite

2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ 1

2003 Genesis 43-44, 2002 2nd John 11

2000 Judges 23, 27, 52, 1998 James 17-18, 22, 1998 Galatians 75

See also: Capacity - Capacity righteousness


2007 Kings 33

Adversity and stress

2004 Revelation 15, 123, 2003 Genesis 72-74, 77, 78, 143-144

2000 1st John 29, 1998 James 2-5, 26, 2003 3rd John 7

"Adversity - kingdom - endurance" - Rev. 1:9

2004 Revelation 15-16, 28

See also:

Spiritual Warfare




Christ our Advocate

2000 1st John 15, 2005 Hebrews 134

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 6

2002 1st Corinthians 73

See also: Paraklete


2004 Revelation 89, 101-102, 133, 2007 Kings 10

2005 Hebrews 42, 69, 132, 2003 Genesis 24, 126

See also:

Art, arts



Age, ages

Age of Gentiles, Age of Israel, Messianic Age, Church Age, Millennial Kingdom

2005 Hebrews 11, 98-100, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 12, 16

2003 Genesis 67

Aion can be used for world

2004 Revelation 133

See also:

Dispensationalism - Terminology and definitions

Dispensations - Church Age

Dispensations - Messiah

Kingdom - Millennial Kingdom

Age of accountability

See: Accountability - Age of accountability


2005 Endurance of the Believer 1-3, 2004 Revelation 115


2007 Kings 16, 2005 Hebrews 80, 117, 2004 Revelation 144

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 24

Albright, William F.

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 3

See also: Archaeology

Alcoholic beverages

See: Wine, alcoholic beverages


1998 John 19, 2005 Hebrews 118

2003 Genesis 51, 154, 2002 1st Corinthians 29, 36, 92, 2000 Romans 8

Alcoholics Anonymous

2005 Hebrews 118

See also:



Wine, alcoholic beverages

Alexander, bishop of Alexandria

2008 History of Doctrine 6, 26

Alexander the Great

2006 Israel 2-3, 2004 Revelation 121, 2001 Daniel 16, 29, 33, 50


See: Antioch and Alexandria, theological schools of

Allegorical interpretation of the Bible


Bible - Study and Interpretation



2006 Thanksgiving, 2004 Revelation 97, 104, 142

"All truth is God's truth"

See: Truth - "All truth is God's truth"


2004 Revelation 8, 14, 16, 56

See also: Lord God, Lord God Almighty

Alpha and Omega

2004 Revelation 14, 28

Alsted, Johann Heinrich

2008 History of Doctrine 27


2003 Communion

Bronze altar

2005 Hebrews 125, 126-131, 134, 140*, 2004 Revelation 169

Bronze, not brass or brazen

2005 Hebrews 140*

Altar of incense

2005 Hebrews 134, 140*, 2004 Revelation 169

Located in Holy of Holies in Tabernacle and Solomonic Temple;

located in Holy Place in Second Temple

2005 Hebrews 140*

See also:

Heaven - Heavenly Temple - Altar(s) in Heavenly Temple

Sacrifices and offerings



Altizer, J. J.

2008 History of Doctrine 9

Amazing Grace (movie)

2004 Revelation 151, 2003 Genesis 156

Ambassadorship of the believer

2005 Foundation for Living 13-14, 2002 1st Corinthians 12, 1998 John 10

See also: Witnessing


2008 History of Doctrine 18


2004 Revelation 82, 139

Christ as "The Amen" - Rev. 3:14

2004 Revelation 82


See: United States of America

Ames, William

2008 History of Doctrine 3


See: Millennialism


2000 Understanding the OT 18

See also:

Bible - Content of the Bible - Overviews

Old Testament - Overviews of

Anabaptism, Mennonites, Amish

2008 History of Doctrine 12, 25, 1991 History of Christianity 3

2005 Hebrews 101, 2004 Revelation 133

2002 1st Corinthians 106

Anakim giants

2005 Foundation for Living 3

Anchor of the soul

2005 Hebrews 78

Ancient of Days

2001 Daniel 32, 2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ 3

2004 Revelation 16

Anderson, Sir Robert

2003 Genesis 128, 2001 Daniel 42


1998 John 17-18

Andrews, Samuel J.

Book: Christianity and Anti-Christianity

2004 Revelation 149

Angelic conflict

2004 Revelation 22-23, 58-59, 79, 82, 113-136, 165, 172

2002 1st Corinthians 103-104

2001 Daniel 46-47, 2000 1st John 32-38

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 3, 20

2003 Genesis 4, 2000 Understanding the OT 3, 1998 James 71, 75

See also:

Demons, demonism

Spiritual Warfare

Human race was designed to resolve the angelic conflict - How?

2004 Revelation 116-117

See also: Evil - Problem of evil

Judgment of Satan and fallen angels postponed

2004 Revelation 10, 22, 23, 29-30, 58-59, 113, 115-118, 122, 136

2000 1st John 34-35, 1998 Galatians 49

See also:


Bible - Background - Importance of the Bible -

Why we need to study the Bible and learn to think Biblically

Demons, demonism

Fall of mankind - Temptation of mankind



Sons of God, daughters of men, Nephilim

Spiritual Warfare

Temptation of Christ by Satan in the wilderness

Angel of the Lord

2000 Judges 4, 28, 44, 46, 2005 Foundation for Life 5-6, 2003 Who Is Jesus? 3-4


2005 Hebrews 20

2004 Revelation 58-59, 94, 96-97, 113-118, 120, 122, 124, 163, 172

2000 1st John 33-34, 2003 Genesis 98-99, 2001 Daniel 47

7 angels who stand before God (Rev. 8:2)

2004 Revelation 169

Angelic assembly, convocations, council

2004 Revelation 115-116-117, 120, 132

Angels in the book of Revelation

2004 Revelation 23, 29-30, 58-59, 94, 96-97, 113-116, 117-118, 120, 148,

169, 172

See also: 7 stars

Angels in the Old Testament

2004 Revelation 30, 58-59, 96-97, 114-118, 120, 132, 172

2005 Hebrews 2, 22, 2003 Genesis 123

See also:

Satan, Lucifer - Fall of Satan

Sons of God, daughters of men, Nephilim

Angels' role in the angelic conflict -

(i.e., the role of angels in general, not Satan specifically)

2004 Revelation 30, 58-59, 113-118, 120, 122, 130-132, 169, 172

See also:

Angelic conflict

Satan, Lucifer

Sons of God, daughters of men, Nephilim

Spiritual Warfare

Angels visible and audible on earth during the Tribulation period

2004 Revelation 22-23, 59, 113-114, 116-118, 129, 171-172

Divine provision for angelic salvation?

2004 Revelation 95, 1998 Galatians 17

Escort/carry the believer's soul at death into the presence of God

2005 Hebrews 85, 2004 Revelation 155, 2003 Genesis 170-171

Female angels? Male angels? Are angels inherently sexual beings?

2004 Revelation 96, 114-116

See also: Sons of God, daughters of men, Nephilim

Guardian angels

2005 Hebrews 20, 2004 Revelation 114, 126

Observing humans

2005 Hebrews 109

Watcher angels

2004 Revelation 58-60, 2001 Daniel 19

When did God create angels? 3 views

2004 Revelation 114, 2003 Genesis 7

See also:

7 stars - Rev. 1:16, 20 - "the 7 stars are the angels of the 7 churches"...

Angelic conflict





Michael the archangel

Revelation - Overview

Satan, Lucifer


Sons of God, daughters of men, Nephilim

Spiritual Warfare

Also see:

Identifying the Aggelos in Revelation 2 & 3 - paper by Dr. Dean 2007

What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare - book by Drs. Dean & Ice


2005 Hebrews 118, 140

Sinful anger vs. righteous indignation

1998 James 31

See also:

Forgiveness - Forgiving people who wrong you

Sin - Categories - Mental attitude sins


2008 History of Doctrine 25, 28

2006 Israel 6, 2005 Hebrews 101, 1991 History of Christianity 3-4


Difference between man and animals

2001 Daniel 28

Resemblance to certain angelic beings

2004 Revelation 96, 116

See also: Cherubim

Wild animals, wild beasts, predators

2004 Revelation 155-156

See also: Covenants - Mosaic Covenant - Blessings and cursings

Also see: Fall of mankind - Consequences to serpent, woman, man, nature

Ankerberg, John

2005 Hebrews 111


2000 1st John 49-50, 2004 Revelation 116

Also see Verse Index: James 5:14 - "Is anyone among you sick?... anointing him with

oil in the name of the Lord"

Anselm of Canterbury

2008 History of Doctrine 8, 15, 16-17, 20, 2007 Kings 31

2005 Hebrews 103, 124, 126, 2004 Revelation 106, 2002 2nd John 9

See also: Church History - Medieval Church

Answers in Genesis

2005 Hebrews 90, 95, 2003 Genesis 174

Creation Museum

2003 Genesis 166-167

Answers magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2, April-June 2007 -

special issue on Noahic flood and ark

2003 Genesis 161


Antagonism toward God

2004 Revelation 130-132, 134-136

See also:

Angelic conflict

Divine viewpoint vs. human viewpoint

Kosmic system


Satan - Fall of Satan

Spiritual Warfare




See: Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings - Ancient map of Antarctica without ice

Anthropopathism, anthropomorphism, zoomorphism

2007 Kings 18, 29-30-31-32, 2000 Judges 7, 2005 Hebrews 73, 2004 Revelation 39, 94

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 5

2003 Genesis 23, 40, 99, 133, 166

See also:

Impassibility of God

Wrath of God


Antichrist of the Tribulation period

2004 Revelation 146-7, 148-152, 153

2001 Daniel 31, 33-35, 36, 43, 50-51, 53-55, 2000 1st John 48

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 24-25

2008 History of Doctrine 26, 2006 Israel 10

Gentile, not Jewish

2001 Daniel 53-54, 2000 1st John 48

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 24-25

King who "will do as he pleases" - Dan. 11:36-45

2004 Revelation 150-151

2001 Daniel 54, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 23

Makes "a covenant with many for one week" - Dan. 9:27

2006 Israel 8, 2004 Revelation 146, 149, 166

2001 Daniel 44, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 23

See also: 70 weeks of Daniel

Covenant secures peace only for Israel & Middle East, not entire world

2004 Revelation 155-156

"No regard for the gods of his fathers or for the Desire of Women" (the Messiah)

- Dan. 11:37

2004 Revelation 151, 2001 Daniel 54

Not from tribe of Dan

2003 Genesis 162-163

Not "the Assyrian"

2001 Daniel 53-54

Titles of

2000 1st John 48, 2004 Revelation 149-150

Will come out of the revived Roman Empire

2004 Revelation 77, 146, 150-152, 2001 Daniel 36, 43, 53-54

Will "honor a god of fortresses" - Dan. 11:38

2004 Revelation 151, 2001 Daniel 54

Will "intend to change times and law" - Dan. 7:25

2004 Revelation 149-150

Will the antichrist be a Muslim?

2004 Revelation 146, 151

See also:

Antiochus Epiphanes

Prophecy, Biblical, predictive

Revelation - Overview

Tribulation period

"Many antichrists" - 1st Jn. 2:18

2000 1st John 49


2005 Hebrews 47, 2002 1st Corinthians 34, 1998 James 68, 1998 Galatians 37

See also:



Sin nature - Lust pattern and trends of

Antioch and Alexandria, theological schools of

2008 History of Doctrine 11

Antiochus Epiphanes

2001 Daniel 33, 36, 50-51, 2006 Israel 3, 2004 Revelation 150-151

7 reasons why Dan. 11:36-45 cannot refer to Antiochus

2004 Revelation 150, 2001 Daniel 53-54


Series: 2006 Israel

2008 Election Special 6, 2005 Hebrews 119, 2005 Prophecy Conference 10

2004 Revelation 4, 114, 129-130, 165-166, 2001 Daniel 15

See also:

Angelic conflict


Nazi holocaust

Spiritual Warfare - Strategies and tactics of Satan, demons -

direct and indirect attacks


See: Fear, worry, anxiety

Apocalyptic literature

2004 Revelation 2-3


2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 1, 6, 2000 Understanding the OT 1

2008 History of Doctrine 3

Apollinarius, Apollinarianism

2008 History of Doctrine 10-11

2003 Who Is Jesus? cassette tape lesson 16 = mp3 lesson 17

2003 Who Is Jesus? cassette tape lesson 18 = mp3 lesson 19

1991 History of Christianity 1


See: Abaddon, Apollyon


2005 Hebrews 12, 48-52, 93, 2005 Endurance of the Believer 2-3

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 2-5, 2000 1st John 6, 1998 John 33, 43, 64

2002 1st Corinthians 15-16, 105, 2003 Genesis 142, 2001 Daniel 21

2 reasons why people reject God's existence

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 1

Also see Verse Index:

Romans 1:18 - "who suppress the truth in unrighteousness"

Defensive and offensive apologetics

2005 Endurance of the Believer 2-3

Different views of apologetics

2005 Hebrews 48-52

Presuppositional apologetics, revelational approach

2005 Hebrews 49-52, 2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 2-3

2002 1st Corinthians 7, 105

Proof, evidences, corroboration

Christian evidences, role of

2000 1st John 6, 43-44, 2001 Daniel 21, 1998 John 72

Corroboration of the Bible's claims:

Archaeological corroboration

See: Archaeology

Fulfilled prophecies of the Bible

See: Prophecy, Biblical, predictive -

Biblical prophecies already fulfilled

God is the ultimate authority. Don't elevate logic, history, etc. as ultimate

authority to prove God or the Bible.

2005 Hebrews 49, 51-52, 78, 2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 2-3

2002 1st Corinthians 15, 105, 1998 John 27-28, 43-44

2001 Daniel 21

How can we know that the Bible is true?

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 2-3

2005 Hebrews 51, 2002 1st Corinthians 10

See also:

Bible - Authorship

Bible - Characteristics

Bible - History

"What kind of God would take the physical suffering and death of an individual

to expiate a moral problem in substitution for others?"

2004 Revelation 40

Also see:


Evil - Problem of evil






Apostle, Apostleship

2005 Hebrews 31, 2002 1st Corinthians 2, 46, 83, 1998 Galatians 1-2, 9

2004 Revelation 35

Apostolic Brethren

2008 History of Doctrine 27


See: Clapping

Application of doctrine


Bible - Background to the Bible - Importance...

Doctrinal orientation

Faith - Faith and Works

Spiritual Life - Spiritual Skills

Temptation of Christ by Satan in the wilderness


Approbation lust

See: Sin nature - Lust pattern and trends

Aquinas, Thomas

2008 History of Doctrine 8, 15, 20, 24, 2005 Hebrews 50, 84-86, 103

2004 Revelation 102-103

See also: Church History - Medieval Church


Genealogy of

2003 Genesis 94, 2000 Judges 14-15

History of, related to Israel

See: Israel, and especially:

Israel - Post-Biblical Period - Muslim Arab Period

Israel - Modern Period

Aramea (Syria)

2007 Kings 2


Archaeological corroboration of the Bible

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 2-3, 2001 Daniel 24, 2000 Romans 7


See: Strife


2008 History of Doctrine 6, 10, 1991 History of Christianity 2

2004 Revelation 154

See also: Trinity - False views

Arise, Biblical usage of

In Psalms

2002 1st Corinthians 70


2008 History of Doctrine 23

Aristotle, Aristotelianism

2008 History of Doctrine 8, 2005 Hebrews 47, 103, 2004 Revelation 101, 103, 130, 134

2005 Foundation for Life 1, 2003 Genesis 23

See also: Philosophy




Trinity - False views of the Trinity

Ark of Noah

See: Flood

Ark of the Covenant

2007 Kings 11, 2005 Hebrews 136-139

2002 Salvation 6, 2005 Foundation for Life 7

2005 Hebrews 30, 123, 135, 2004 Revelation 97, 112, 116, 143

2002 1st Corinthians 20, 2000 Understanding the OT 10, 13

2000 1st John 69

As a type of Christ

2003 Who Is Jesus? cassette tape lesson 6, mp3 lessons 6-7

As God's footstool

2002 1st Corinthians 20

As God's throne

2007 Kings 11

See also: Throne - God's throne

Has the Ark of the Covenant that was in the earthly Tabernacle and Temple

been transported to Heaven?

2005 Hebrews 109

Where is the Ark of the Covenant today?

2005 Hebrews 139

See also:

Sacrifices and offerings



2006 Israel 10, 2001 Daniel 55, 2004 Revelation 92, 118-119

See also:

Kings of the north, south, east, west

Revelation - Overview

Tribulation period - Daniel's 70th Week


2008 History of Doctrine 16, 18, 21

2005 Hebrews 1, 26, 63, 65, 72, 91-92, 105-106, 2004 Revelation 63

2003 Genesis 115-116, 177, 2002 Salvation 1, 11, 2000 1st John 16

1998 John 67, 1998 Galatians 43, 44, 1991 History of Christianity 3, 5

Armor of God

See: Spiritual Warfare - How to "resist the devil" - The full armor of God - Eph. 6

Arms control

See: Right to bear arms


2002 1st Corinthians 84, 2000 Judges 31, 2008 How Much Is Enough?

2007 Kings 24-26, 42, 2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ 4

2005 Hebrews 107, 2004 Revelation 47-48, 83, 84, 120-122, 132, 168

2003 Genesis 68, 91, 144, 156, 172

2003 3rd John 7, 15, 23, 2001 Daniel 17, 1998 Galatians 70, 76

See also: Satan, Lucifer - Fall of Satan

Art, arts

2004 Revelation 89, 100, 101-103, 142-143, 158, 2002 1st Corinthians 41

2007 Kings 6, 10, 2005 Hebrews 69, 131, 2000 Understanding the OT 10

1998 James 58

See also:





Artaxerxes Longimanus

Decree of March 5, 444 BC

See: 70 weeks of Daniel

Artemas (Artemon)

2008 History of Doctrine 5


Use of the article in Greek

2005 Hebrews 94, 112-113


2007 Kings 44

Asaph (a Levite)

2004 Revelation 143

See also: Psalms

Ascension and Session of Christ


2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life

2005 Hebrews 15-19, 2004 Revelation 34, 2002 1st Corinthians 66-73

2 Ascensions of Christ

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 2

2002 1st Corinthians 68

Christ now seated on the Father's throne, not David's throne

2005 Hebrews 15-16, 110, 2004 Revelation 14, 22, 80, 90, 137

2002 1st Corinthians 72, 109, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 12

See also: Throne

Christ seated, yet walking around. What is meant by the "seatedness" of Christ?

2004 Revelation 34

Christ's status, function and ministries during the present Church Age

2004 Revelation 33, 34, 2005 Hebrews 13, 107-108, 109-110, 112

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 4, 6

2002 1st Corinthians 68, 73, 104

See also:

Eternal security

Prayer - Intercessory

Priest, priesthood - Christ as High Priest

Christ will return "in like manner," the same way He left - Acts 1:11

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 2

2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ 1

2002 1st Corinthians 68

Questions about the ascension:

Why did Jesus have to ascend? What was accomplished?

2005 Hebrews 16

2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ 1, 2-3

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 1, 5

2002 1st Corinthians 68-70, 73

What happened physically at the ascension?

2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ 2-3

Why did Jesus have to ascend before sending the Holy Spirit?

2005 Hebrews 16

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 1

2005 Ascension and Current Session of Christ 1

Why did Jesus have to ascend before giving spiritual gifts?

2005 Hebrews 16

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 7

2002 1st Corinthians 69, 70

Ascensions of God in Scripture

2003 Genesis 97


2005 Hebrews 85

See also:

Degeneracy - Immoral and moral degeneracy


Sin nature - Lust pattern and trends

Asgill, John

2008 History of Doctrine 27

Asher (Jacob's son and his tribe)

2003 Genesis 165

See also:

12 tribes of Israel


Jacob - Jacob's prophecies regarding his descendants

"Lost tribes of Israel"


2007 Kings 29

Associates for Biblical Research

2003 Genesis 168

Assurance of salvation

Distinguished from eternal security

2005 Hebrews 106-107

See also: Eternal security


2007 Kings 2

Assyrian, the

See: Kings of the north, south, east, west - King of the north also called the Assyrian

Astrology, horoscopes

2003 Genesis 155, 2001 Daniel 7, 2000 1st John 37


2004 Revelation 165


2008 History of Doctrine 2, 5-6-7-8, 11, 14, 18


2007 Kings 36, 2005 Hebrews 103, 123, 2004 Revelation 153, 155-156

2003 Genesis 35, 66, 2002 1st Corinthians 15

Also see Verse Index: Rom. 1:18 - "who suppress the truth in unrighteousness"


2008 History of Doctrine 5, 7


2003 Genesis 38


2008 History of Doctrine 14-17, 21-22

2002 Salvation 4, 5, 6, 2007 Kings 15

2005 Hebrews 124-127, 129, 133, 137-138

2005 Foundation for Life 7, 1998 John 65

Ceremonial (ritual) atonement vs. atonement by Christ's sacrifice on the cross

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 29

Hypothetical atonement and potential substitution vs. real substitution

2002 Salvation 4-5, 2000 1st John 16, 71, 2005 Hebrews 26, 61

2004 Revelation 111-112, 2003 Genesis 152, 2002 1st Corinthians 3, 99

2001 Ruth 9, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 29

Meaning of atonement - kaphar - Covering or cleansing?

2007 Kings 15, 2005 Hebrews 14-15, 43, 79, 119, 126-127, 129, 137-138

2003 Genesis 157, 2002 Salvation 4, 2002 1st Corinthians 20


2002 Salvation 4, 6, 2008 History of Doctrine 14-16

2005 Hebrews 124, 126-128, 133, 2004 Revelation 112

See also: Substitutionary spiritual death of Christ on the cross

Unlimited atonement vs. limited atonement

2005 Hebrews 26, 2004 Revelation 111-112, 2002 Salvation 4-5

2000 1st John 16, 71, 2003 Genesis 152, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 29

1998 John 28

See also:

Abelard, Peter


Grotius, Hugo


Augsburg Confession

See: Councils, synods, creeds, confessions - Augsburg Confession

Augustine, Augustinianism

2008 History of Doctrine 2-3, 14, 18, 19-20, 21, 24, 26-27

2002 Salvation 13, 1991 History of Christianity 2

2005 Hebrews 47, 84, 92-93, 101-102, 119

2002 1st Corinthians 31, 72, 2003 Genesis 116, 2001 Daniel 8-9

Misinterpretation of Matt. 24:13 re perseverance

2005 Hebrews 119

See also: Church History - Medieval Church

Authority orientation

2003 Genesis 134-135, 146, 164, 2001 Daniel 25, 1998 Galatians 5

2007 Kings 5, 9, 36-37, 2005 Hebrews 41, 43-45, 75

2004 Revelation 113, 125, 131, 140

2003 3rd John 16, 2000 Judges 36, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 3-4

Respect the office of legitimate authority even if the person is unworthy

2007 Kings 5, 9, 2005 Hebrews 8, 2005 Endurance of the Believer 3

2004 Revelation 131, 2003 Genesis 49, 130

2003 Who Is Jesus? cassette tape lesson 17 = mp3 lesson 18

2002 1st Corinthians 37, 2001 Daniel 25, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 3

1999 Questions and Answers

1998 James 69-70, 1998 Galatians 5, 13, 52

Whether and when to disobey authority


Civil disobedience

Choosing your battles

See also:

Divine institutions






Autonomy in antagonism to God's authority

2004 Revelation 130-132, 134-136

See also:



Satan - Fall of Satan





2007 Kings 29, 2005 Endurance of the Believer 2-3

2000 Understanding the OT 12

Babel, Babylon

Series: 2001 Daniel

2006 Israel 10, 2004 Revelation 117-119, 120

2003 Genesis 55-56, 63-64, 175, 2001 Daniel 2-3-4, 15, 24

Tower of Babel

2004 Revelation 119-120, 2003 Genesis 55-56, 63-64, 175

2008 Election Special 6, 2007 Kings 36-37

2000 Understanding the OT 6

Tower of Babel contrasted with Abrahamic Covenant

2005 Prophecy Conference 1

Ancient city of Babylon

2004 Revelation 118-119, 2001 Daniel 2-3, 2003 Genesis 54, 64

Babylonian Empire

2001 Daniel 2-3, 20, 2007 Kings 2, 2004 Revelation 118-119

Represented in Daniel chapter 2 by Nebuchadnezzar, golden head of image

2001 Daniel 13-14

Pictured in Daniel chapter 7 as lion with wings of an eagle

2001 Daniel 28

Babylon in Bible prophecy

2006 Israel 10, 2004 Revelation 117-119, 120

2003 Genesis 52, 54, 59, 2001 Daniel 14, 30, 2000 1st John 33

King of Babylon in Isaiah 14

2004 Revelation 120

See also: Satan - Fall of Satan - Depicted in Isaiah 14 and Ezek. 28

See also:

Kingdom - Kingdom of Man


Baby boomers

2008 Hurricane Ike - Psalm 23

2003 Genesis 173


See: Babel, Babylon

Backsliding (spiritual decay, reversionism)

2005 Hebrews 46-48, 61-62-63-64, 2000 Judges 6, 27, 1998 James 67-68

2000 1st John 81

See also: Carnality

Bacon, Francis

2008 History of Doctrine 4


2004 Revelation 48-49, 2003 Genesis 129

Balfour Declaration

2008 Election Special 6, 2006 Israel 7, 2006 Jerusalem 3, 2005 Hebrews 119


8 kinds of baptism

2005 Hebrews 35, 57-59, 2002 1st Corinthians 51-52, 105-106

1998 John 13

Baptism of Christ

2004 Revelation 125, 1998 John 10, 12-13, 16

See also: Baptism - 8 kinds of baptism

Water baptism of the believer

2008 History of Doctrine 23-25

2005 Hebrews 58-59-60-61, 107

2004 Revelation 69, 123, 2002 1st Corinthians 6, 67

See also: Baptism - 8 kinds of baptism

See also:

"Baptismal regeneration"

Baptism by means of God the Holy Spirit

Also see Verse Index: 1st Cor. 15:29 - "baptism for (on account of) the dead"

"Baptismal regeneration"

2002 1st Corinthians 105, 2005 Hebrews 59-60

Also see Verse Index: 1st Pet. 3:21 - "baptism now saves you"

Baptism by means of God the Holy Spirit

2005 Hebrews 59-60, 108

2004 Ascension, Church Age, Pleroma and Your Spiritual Life 6

2002 Salvation 10, 2002 1st Corinthians 3-4, 80-81, 2000 God's Plan for the Ages 18

1998 Galatians 31-32, 54, 1998 John 10, 13-14, 16

2006 Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit 2

See also:

Holy Spirit

Positional Truth

Also see Verse Index:

Matt. 3:11 (baptism "with" the Holy Spirit)

and 1st Cor. 12:13 (baptism "by" one Spirit)

Baptism by fire

See: Baptism - 8 kinds of baptism

Baptism for the dead

See Verse Index: 1st Cor. 15:29 - "baptism for (on account of) the dead"


2008 History of Doctrine 25, 2007 Kings 19, 2005 Hebrews 58, 101

2004 Revelation 37, 2002 1st Corinthians 9, 2000 Romans 8

1991 History of Christianity 5


1998 Galatians 10

Barnes, Albert

2008 History of Doctrine 22

Barnhouse, Donald Grey

2004 Revelation 98, 122

Barren women

2003 Genesis 66, 92, 93, 115, 125, 162, 2000 Judges 43, 1998 Galatians 37


See: Reconciliation - Removal of the barrier between God and mankind

Barth, Karl

2008 History of Doctrine 4-5, 9, 13, 17, 22

Basil of Caesarea

2008 History of Doctrine 6-7


2007 Kings 5, 7

See also: David

Battle Hymn of the Republic

See: Hymns and choruses



Choosing your battles

Fetterman massacre 1866


Memorial Day



War Between the States

War for Independence

Bauer, Danker, Arndt & Gingrich

2008 History of Doctrine 4, 2003 Genesis 151

See also:

Bible - Study and Interpretation of the Bible

Bible - Translation Theory and Textual Criticism


Word studies

Bearing witness ministry of God the Holy Spirit

"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit..." - Rom. 8:16

2006 Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit 2

2005 Hebrews 48, 53


2003 3rd John 16

See also: Sermon on the Mount


See: Sonship of Christ - Son of God - Eternal Son of God, eternally begotten,

"only begotten"

Behavior patterns, habits

2004 Revelation 49, 62, 135, 2001 Daniel 28, 2005 Hebrews 40, 53, 118

1998 Galatians 49, 68

See also: Obsession, compulsion





Gospel - Free Grace Gospel - What is the condition for salvation?

Waiting on the Lord, waiting for the Lord


2004 Revelation 168, 2001 Daniel 20-23

Bema Seat Evaluation

See: Judgment Seat of Christ

Ben-Hur (book and movie)

2004 Revelation 111

Benjamin (Jacob's son and his tribe)

2003 Genesis 167, 2007 Kings 29

See also:

12 tribes of Israel


Jacob - Jacob's prophecies regarding his descendants

Benware, Paul N.

Understanding End Times Prophecy (book)

2000 God's Plan for the Ages 28

Berkouwer, G. C.

2008 History of Doctrine 13

Bernard of Clairvaux

2008 History of Doctrine 15


2006 Christmas: The Greatest Christmas Present

2005 Christmas: King Over Chaos

1999 Christmas: Stability in the Midst of Chaos

Bethlehem Ephrathah

2005 Christmas: King Over Chaos

2003 Genesis 137, 167

1999 Christmas: Stability in the Midst of Chaos


Series: 2004 Can We Trust the Bible?

2008 History of Doctrine 1-4

See also:




Divine Authorship of the Bible

Inspiration and inerrancy

2008 History of Doctrine 3

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 1, 6

2003 3rd John 23, 2000 1st John 25-26

1998 Galatians 29

2006 Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit 1

2005 Hebrews 4-6, 47, 78, 2003 Genesis 174

2002 2nd John 4, 1998 John 45

Bible's view of itself

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 1

New Testament usage of Septuagint passages that

differ from the Masoretic Text

2005 Hebrews 2, 17, 26

Proof, evidences, corroboration of the Bible

See: Apologetics - Proof, evidences, corroboration

Human authors of the Bible

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 1


Importance of the Bible -

Why we need to study the Bible and learn to think Biblically

2005 Foundation for Living 10-11

2005 Hebrews 21, 46, 49, 51, 64, 75

2004 Revelation 40, 122, 128, 131-132, 133, 138, 154

2008 Election Special 2-3

2008 Significance of the Pulpit Ministry

2002 1st Corinthians 6, 11, 2000 Understanding the OT 2

1999 Intro to Why We Need Bible Doctrine

1998 John 46-47

See also:

Angelic conflict

Divine viewpoint vs. human viewpoint

Kosmic system, kosmic thinking

Spiritual Life - Spiritual Growth -

How to grow spiritually

Spiritual Warfare

Meaning of terms "Old Testament" and "New Testament"

2005 Hebrews 122, 2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 1

See also:

Covenants - Mosaic Covenant

Covenants - New Covenant

Misconceptions about the Bible

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 1

Liberal presuppositions about the Bible

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 2-3


Bible compared to other books claiming divine revelation

2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 2


2004 Can We Trust the Bible? 3, 6,

2008 History of Doctrine 3, 2002 1st Corinthians 105

2000 Judges 2, 1998 John 44


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