Board certified OB/GYN who specializes in gynecology
More than 30 years of practice in care for the health needs of women.
You’ve prepared decades for this very interview!
Thank you, Dr. Young
Q1: There’s a lot of misinformation currently circulating with the Dobb's decision concerning the overturn of Roe v. Wade. My understanding is that this has been the case from the beginning. Can you elaborate on how Roe v. Wade was always based up misinformation?
Q2: I’m asked most often about ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and D&C procedures. There’s a lot of information circulating that these are now considered abortions and will be affected by the Supreme Court’s decision. Can you speak to this confusion?
Q3: I know you to be a champion for life in both word and deed. How would you encourage Christians to respond to these issues?
Thank you again, Dr. Young.
You practice what you preach, and I deeply admire that.
You’re an encouragement to me and to your church family.