The Mystery Of The Church
So, you have heard the verses that Mike McEwen read in the book of Ephesians, we are going to be looking at that passes today. Where Paul discusses the mystery. That is the
Hidden portion. That is not revealed in the Old Testament, regarding God's Ministry through the church. And so it's important for us to understand this truth and it's an important lesson for us to know about this. There are four important things in this passage that reveal the mystery of the church and it's revealed as we go through these four important things, but it's important. First of all, to understand that it has been a mystery and I first kind of want to establish a parenthetical if you will hear that. The Apostle Paul says it has been, let me adjust my laptop here just for a minute. I got to get the friend to where I can see it and where it shows out. That's better. Okay. It has been a mystery. Paul says, it has been revealed to him. To have the responsibility to reveal the mystery to us. So it's important to know that the Apostle Paul's teaching found in this book, in The Book of Galatians and in Philippians has primarily the message to the, about the church, the New Testament in large part, has the message to the church. It's important to distinguish some things about that and I want Larry to read as he did last week for us as well. I don't, I like you literally read that first passage there under the fact that Paul has been given to know the mystery and to reveal it to us chapter 3 verses 3 through 6. How that by Revelation he made known to me the mystery as I have briefly written already by which when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. Which in other Ages was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed by the spirit To His Holy Apostles and Prophets that the Gentiles should be fellow Heirs of the same body and Protectors of his promise. In Christ, through the gospel is here to realize that in the past God's plan was that when a person was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, he came through the Jewish religion. He was a proselyte, it was called and he worship God as a part of that nation's observances, but now Paul says, the gospel is come to the Gentiles. The Apostle Paul has been given the gospel to the Gentiles. Now that's true of most of you here today, that your gentle I wouldn't identify everybody necessarily but I got a sneaking hunch that most of us would fall into that category. And so the gospel is come to only because of this mystery that Paul has been talkin about. So it has been a mystery for a number of years for centuries. As a matter of fact that First Peter chapter 1, verses 10, and 11, Larry's going to read. And if that helps us to understand this, Of this salvation, the prophets have inquired, and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace, that would come to you searching. What or what manner of time, the spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when he testified before hand. The sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. It's important in this passage to see that the prophets of old, the prophets of the Old Testament, where it affect just below the crest of amount, I think it seemed beyond that another Mountain, which was the coming of the Messiah from their perspective. But they knew there was Valley in between because of the distance involved and they wanted to know what was in that Valley. God did not reveal that to them, he's revealed. And now tap all the church was in that Valley and effect, God establish the church, but that was not important in the view of the Old Testament prophets. They were only seeing what God had revealed to them at that point in time and show the church is to those Old Testament, prophets and mystery. It is not anything that they have seen or have been able to see. They even though they've inquire about what Center Valley. No, you focus on the mountains that you can see you, reveal that information and then you'll find out later about what's in the valley and I will be revealed when I'm ready to reveal. It. God says, this mystery was partially revealed, however, to King, David parsley, revealed Acts chapter 22 verses 25 through 35.
It's a rather extended passage and maybe we don't need to read all of it. But go ahead Larry and I'll stop you when we've heard enough. Or David says of him, I was always beholding the Lord in my presence. For he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken. There for my heart was glad my tongue exalted more over. My flesh. Also will abide in Hope because thou will not abandon my soul to Hades. Nor allow the Holy One to undergo Decay. Just about himself, he's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. He knew the Lord. Jesus Christ would be resurrected. That will not suffer thy. Holy wanted to see corruption and David had B have that much reveal to him, but he didn't know what all of it, it meant because the rest of it was still a mystery. And so the Apostle Paul begins to reveal a church has been formed the body of the Lord Jesus Christ and what that means to us and how we are empowered to live that way and how we are An able to live that way. And we'll talk about that because it brings God's blessing to us. It's not merely the nation Israel. Now, this blessed even remember the promise to Abraham was Indian and I see show all the families of the earth be blessed. Remember that? For God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish Nicodemus for that, and didn't really understand what it meant, but the time was coming when all would be blessed. And so, we are now in a situation where all can be blessed all of us, even Gentiles who are not Jews and worship in the temple anymore. Can now approach God and be part of his blessings. So it's important to understand that it is been a mystery of the past but it now brings God's blessing to us. First of all, we are made are the first six says that made Ayers.
Glad that the Gentiles should be fellow Heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ through the gospel. Okay, does another passage of scripture that talks about us being Heirs of God and Joint heirs with Jesus Christ? Do you realize what that means? Completely? I sure don't. I have no idea how much has been given to me, because I am an heir of the Lord Jesus Christ, but I've talked about it before, I don't want to talk about you again today, cuz it's important for us to understand that God out of those riches in glory has given us a blank checkbook. And Jesus Christ, the sign, the line that normally a person, who owns the checking account signs, he has sign them and their blank checks at any time. We can an effect rip something out of that, checkbook, and cash. It Because it's already signed. Now, there is coming a day, 1st Corinthians chapter 3 talks about it when we will stand before. God, I know say, you know, I noticed that you wrote a check one day and I don't understand how this was to the benefit of the person who endorse the check.
And and we're going to be accountable for how we've used those riches, but on the other hand, we will be benefiting from the riches because they're always available to us. We'll talk more about that in a moment but God has made us heirs with Christ and the fellow heirs Heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ. That's part of the way that God's blessing comes to us. It's also of the we are made members of one body and we're going to read these separately. First of all, 3:6
That the Gentiles should be fellow Heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ through the gospel. Okay? We are members of one body. That's the way God describes the church, one body, the body of Christ. We are members of that one body. It's important to know that. That is the way the scripture describes us. We are part of the body and it's important to know that in addition, as members of one body, we act in concert with each other. Like Paul says, another passage does one finger say, while I'm the most important one here or no, We all work together, we all work as Unity, we all work together, that's important. It's important to know that we must work together. We are members of one body, but in addition, on that same point, it's, we are not members of One Nation. 1:23. Which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all, this is his body Nation. Holy God. It was to be a nation. That was blessed. We are not a nation. We are of every tongue and tribe and Kindred, but we are one body. It's it's impressive to me when I have in the past as a part of you. I am United Indian Mission gone to Mexico. I've been in service is down there and met people whom I barely speak the language of I can communicate a little bit in Spanish cuz I took it I don't know 50 years ago at least and only 2 years worth and I can I can kind of tell people how to farm in Spanish but not much else. But anyway, when I meet those people, I am greeted as a member of the body of Christ. There is a fellowship there that makes our friendship valuable knits us together because we're A1 body and we pray together for God's blessing upon the body. we pray for specific needs that our present there and back here, we encourage one another and support one another because of what God has made us to be members of one body and we are also made fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus that I 3:6 That the Gentiles should be fellow Heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ through the gospel. Okay. It's important to understand that when God made a promise, we talked about this on Wednesday nights, when God made the promise to Abraham, he promised in the end. I see show all families of the earth. Be blessed. You remember that, all families of the earth, be blessed. We are partakers of that promise. Not because we are Jews, but because God has grafted, as in to the same route because we are believers in the Lord. Jesus Christ, God has made his fellow partakers. It's important to understand that the blessing of God comes to everyone of us because he has given us by his grace, the privilege of being Heirs of God and fellow partakers. That's the reason that an effect you have the blank checkbook because you are now. And are, you are now a fellow partaker? You have now been made apart of the family, if you receive the Lord, Jesus Christ. The Savior? And the question is, are you a member of this church or not? No. The question is, are you a member of Christ's body? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour if you have if you have, if you realize the fact that it is God's gift that is giving you eternal life, not your work and not your effort. If you've accepted the Lord, Jesus Christ on that basis, then he has made you a member of his body. You are a fellow heir of God, and a partaker of all the promises that God gave. You are part of God's body. So it's important to know that and then is the third thing that we come to and that is it makes God's wisdom know. It makes God's wisdom, knowing it makes us understand in effect that God has a plan. We're not here haphazardly. God just didn't say okay these people get to live in Lockeford, I don't really know what else is going to happen, but I'm sure they'll get along fine. Their God didn't say that. He put us here for a specific reason. He put us here on this Earth for a specific reason. He saw to it. That the gospel of God came to our hearts and we accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and it's important to know that we are here for a reason. God had it in 10. He had an intense Even in our being to illustrate the Satan and his host that he was the ultimate Victor. He will Triumph He is the ultimate Victory. And the often times when you're struggling about things, you say, well, the adversary is giving me a hard time but the battle is really over. The battle. He may win this Skirmish, but the battle is over. He will not Triumph because God has won the victory. That's important to know. I, let's look at verses 10 and 11. I accidentally Vision chapter 3 to the intent. That now, the manifold wisdom of God, might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in The Heavenly places. According to the Eternal purpose when she accomplished in Christ Jesus, our lord Now, it's important to things are important in that. First of all, it's Illustrated to Satan and his host. That means they're still not completely convinced of this. They still think they might win, and that's why they continue to fight.
but the second thing is, That God, had an eternal plan. He didn't just come up with us yesterday. He had a plan even before we were born that we would be Believers in the Lord. Jesus Christ through faith in him. We would be part of the Revelation that God is giving to Satan and his host. Did you ever think about that? Yeah, I know you may think. Well, you don't people around me. I hope they can see that. I'm a Believer. The question really is, what does Satan and his host? See, God's intent was to illustrate something the Satan and his hole through your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and realized that you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know you on the side which will Triumph that's the blessing part. We're on the winning side, we're on The Winning Side. In spite of the fact that from day-to-day, we may have trouble. We may have defeats in our life. We are on The Winning Side. That's a great encouragement to know that that God has put us on The Winning Side. It is to make God's wisdom. No none available to each one of us, not just Solomon. Remember that Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived. Is he described in the Old Testament because he prayed and asked for wisdom. But you know what is a couple of passages of scripture? Hear read verse 12? Chapter 3, would you hurry in whom we have boldness and access with him with confidence through faith in him. Okay, we've talked about this before we have boldness and access. Remember that in the Old Testament, the high priests when they do once a year to The Mercy Seat and made Israel's needs known to God. After he had accepted the sacrifice, he's already accepted the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we have boldness to enter at any time now. Every so often I'll just tell you a little story here, every so often somebody comes to me and asked me to pray about something, I'll be happy to pray for. However, You need to understand that I do not have a red phone. That is I do not have a direct line to God any more than you do. Your prayers are equally as effective as mine are. It doesn't matter who you're talkin about. Your prayers are equally as effective, if you have access to God through the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you have confessed your sins. You have direct access to God. When you pray, God hears you. It may help for me to pray as well. It may help for others to pray because it encourages everyone of us. But the access that you have is just the same as what God has given me what God is giving everybody else direct access into his present. So it's important to understand that these are the truth for the church and you are a member of the church, the body of Christ. If you accepted the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Savior. It's important to know that Paul has taught and is teaching the truth about church members about Believers in the Lord. Jesus Christ. And so therefore, we have access in his presents. James 1:5. Do you have that Larry? Yes, if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God. Who gives all who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Okay. Now I remember the Old Testament Solomon pray that he will be given wisdom. You know what's been given to us? Access into God's presence. Do any of you lack wisdom? Well, I won't ask that personally because all of us would probably raise our hand. That is some things. I wonder about let them ask of God who giveth to all men liberally. Everybody gets this not just Solomon as did in the Old Testament but now that we're in the New Testament God gives us wisdom and you may think sometimes. Well I I still need some good ask for it, ask for it. God is willing to give the everyone wisdom, so it's important to know that and realize that you never have to be. Excuse me, sir. I have an answer. You never have to be wondering whether or not you have the right answer because God gives wisdom and he gives it liberally. So what is your responsibility? What is your responsibility? There's a word here in Ephesians chapter 3, verses 10 and 11. That we need to take a moment to look at
I'm sorry, I gave you the wrong first there. If he's in 3:2.
If indeed, you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which was given to me for you. Okay. You know, it's kind of an Old English word and we we sometimes wonder what it means. We know there are different time periods that God deals with man in different ways but it's important to know that that word is also translated stewardship. Sometimes in the scripture stewardship, what did a steward do? A steward was in charge of the financial affairs of an individual's household. It was he that had the blank check book signed by the owner. I don't wish either was called in regularly to give an account of what he done. To go through the checks and say, while I wrote this one for groceries and I wrote this one for the servants and I wrote so on and so forth. That was stewardship. And so it's a responsibility that we've given this stewardship of God's Grace has been given to us and we are charged with the responsibility of taking that stewardship and applying it to what God would apply at 2. Not for ourselves that a parole news. But for his use, and for his benefit that changes, our attitude little bit about what we pray for. You know, I've talked before about the fact that prayer doesn't change, God's want to change ours. Changes hours. So it's important other sometimes when we start to pray, we get to the end of the prayer, we say in Jesus name. And then we think wait a second. Is this really for the Lord's sake? Because that's what we've been given the responsibility for and that's what we'll be accountable for stewardship of God's grace. That's the important part and that's part of the mystery. That Paul is revealing that we have now, been given just as much wisdom of Solomon had at any time that we need to act. We've been made Heirs of God and Joint heirs with Jesus Christ, but we have a responsibility to use it for him. Now the question comes two of them. What, why have we been given this responsibility? First of all, to prove God's, Justice Romans chapter 3 verses 19 and 20. Now we know that, whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God. Okay. That every mouth may be stopped and all the world become guilty before. God, I've talked about this on Wednesday night, but for those of you that didn't hear it and for that matter for those, you get the dead, you're going to hear it again, but it's important to know that when people stand before the Judgment seat. They won't have any excuse. A man won't be able to say, well, you know, if you created me innocent, I never would have sent wrong. God already did that and man sick, kind send, no woman is going to be able to stand before God and say, what if you just giving me a conscience to remind me when I was going to do wrong, I never would have done wrong. Wrong God, gave us all consciences and we still have them. And we still do the wrong thing. Well, if you just established the government that said, what was right? And what was wrong? I'd never would have done wrong. You know what? We have enough problem, nowadays following the law without any additional laws. The ones that we have on the books. People are ignoring God is still proving that we're not accountable for the accountability. We've been given so he comes to us and he says, you know what, I'm not going to hold you accountable for anything other than it will you accept something for nothing?
And you know what many, many people refused the gift. They're accountable for refusing, the gift God says, here it is. All you have to do is take it. I still people refuse.
That's incredible. But, I'm reminded it. As I've told you what, my former police, but he said to me a person to be crazy, not to accept a gift. That's right. That's right. But many people do many people do and it's important to understand that we have been given responsibility to prove God's. Justice. And also,
To prove the reliability of scripture 2nd. Timothy 3:16 Says, this all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness. Okay, then goes on to say that the man of God, may be thoroughly, furnished unto every good work. What is it? That helps you do. What's, right? The knowledge of the scripture, the knowledge of the scripture, that's why I encourage you. When we started Ephesians to read it over and over and over again, you say while I've already read it once, well, read it again because the holy spirit will speak to your heart, that which you need for that day and you'll learn more and more, and more about being part of the body about being part of the identity as a Christian of part of what God has provided for you through his word. That's important to know the mystery that Paul Revere's is that which is still a great mystery to us. How can God do this? How in the world can we have something for nothing? Like this, it doesn't depend upon us being good, it doesn't depend upon us being rich. It doesn't depend on anything that we can do. Just received the gift. And Paul says, that's the mystery that was revealed to me, you no longer have to keep the law in order to be a proven God, you no longer have to do certain things and offer certain sacrifices. And so, all you do is accept the gift. And it's important to understand that the book of Ephesians more than anything else and precise is God's grace. If you go back to Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9, it says, for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of Works. Lest any man should boast for by grace. Are you saved? Not of yourselves, not of Works. Did you hear that? It's by Grace by God's grace that you're saved. And if you were here today and haven't fully realize, the fact that God doesn't expect you to get better before your say God doesn't expect you to do better before you shave that God doesn't expect anything of you. Other than coming in faith believing that Christ's death was sufficient to pay for your sins. Then the time to receive it is right now and you don't have to come forward. You don't have to tell me or anybody next to you about it. He's just very or had them as we've found a prayer and say, Lord, I realize that I am not perfect. That's called in the scripture, a sinner. And we hate that to her. Sometimes it well, I'm not as bad as somebody else. That's not the question. The question is, have you missed the mark of perfection? Yes. I can I can tell that without even knowing you that well you we have all missed that Mark, none of us are perfect and Christ died in order to give us righteousness, Perfection of God's righteousness, God's Perfection. And so, you have to realize that and then accept, Christ's work. And say, I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins. He died for my imperfections and I accept him as Savior. That's all that's required and you become a part of God's family and you've become a part of the promise of God to all of us. But if you lack wisdom, you'll give it to you. When you asked, All of those things become part of God's promise. Let's try to get her in prayer. Father, we thank you for the fact that by your grace. We have been given That which we have no concept. That we would receive. We didn't have no understanding of how you have seen fit to give us eternal life. And yet you have We are Gentiles who were as the scripture says apart from God, no knowledge, no experience, nothing to redeem us and yet you have chores to do it. We marveled that we thank you for the opportunity. We have to come into your presence at any time. And ask for wisdom, we thank you for the privilege. We have of coming into your presence at any time, and ask for your in able to do that, which we ought to do. And as we finish the service, we pray that everyone here will know the Assurance of knowing that they've accepted the gift of Salvation and be part of the body, which is the church for gasket in Jesus name. Amen.