Galatians 5:23 and Second Corinthians 10:1: Meekness as the Fruit of the Spirit.
A. Meekness as the Fruit of the Spirit
B. MEEKNESS, noun. Softness of temper; mildness; gentleness; forbearance under injuries and provocations.
1. In an evangelical sense, humility; resignation; submission to the divine will, without murmuring or peevishness; opposed to pride, arrogance and refractoriness. Galatians 5:23.
I beseech you by the meekness of Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:1.
Meekness is a grace which Jesus alone inculcated and which no ancient philosopher seems to have understood or recommended.
Websters 1828
C. Gentleness (4240) (prautes) describes the quality of not being overly impressed by a sense of one’s self-importance.
Prautes is a quality of gentle friendliness--gentleness, meekness (as strength that accommodates to another's weakness), consideration, restrained patience, patient trust in the midst of difficult circumstances.
As Ryrie says, gentleness could be rendered "gentlemanliness"!
1. Meekness is having a patient, gentle disposition.
2. Meekness is humble submissiveness to God’s will.