Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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God’s Word Revives My Soul
We’ve been talking about Freedom.
Specifically about the true freedom that God gives us and how that true freedom gives us purpose.
God is our source of true freedom.
Without Him freedom wouldn’t even exist.
The only way to experience true freedom is in God’s presence.
God’s freedom gives us purpose.
He has rescued us from darkness and made us citizens of His kingdom.
After we experience this change in our lives, Jesus calls us to surrender to Him.
We live surrendering lives, continually giving God control and letting Him change the way we think and transform us into the loving people He has created us to be.
Today we are going to continue this River Valley Church study about freedom as we talk about God’s word.
I really like the practical tips that River Valley puts forth in this study.
I believe that if you try some of these ideas out next time you sit down to read your bible, God will use that time to speak to you in ways you may have never thought possible.
I know that He will bless you and touch your heart in powerful ways.
Life changing ways.
I love the way David speaks of God’s word in Psalm 19.
He starts by talking about God’s creation.
He says that the sun and the skies proclaim God’s glory.
Even without uttering a sound or a word, their message about God’s glory goes out to all the world.
Then he talks about God’s word and says this...
God’s word is so powerful that His creation reflects it.
After reflecting on what God’s words are, how powerful they are, and what they mean to him, David declares that he wants his words to be pleasing to God as well.
As a follower of Christ, like David, I want my words to be pleasing to God as well.
So let’s spend a few minutes getting a solid understanding of what God’s word is.
Today I want to talk about 3 truths about God’s word and then we will look at those practical tips from River Valley Church.
If you are taking notes, let’s dive right in.
What is God’s word?
God’s word is food!
*rips paper and eats.
“mmm… sweet.”
While I don’t recommend eating paper (especially with ink on it), God’s word is quite nutritious.
Seriously though, don’t eat your bibles.
There is nothing in the bible that says you need to eat God’s word...
Hang on, that wasn’t the one I was looking for...
I’m just having a little bit of fun.
Don’t eat your bibles.
This scripture is painting us a picture of how important God’s word is.
Just like we must have food to nourish our physical bodies, God’s Word must be “consumed spiritually” in order to be effective.
It’s vitally important to us.
Ezekiel was describing a vision where God told him to eat the scroll that had a message for the people of Israel.
Next God repeats the commission without riddles and spells it out clearly for him...
Find God’s words and eat them.
Let them sink in.
Read it, study it, reflect on what it is telling us, and then meditate on it continually.
The very first Psalm contrasts those who listen to the words of the wicked vs those who listen to God’s word.
Those who listen to God’s word delight in it and meditate on it day and night.
In the Psalm we read earlier, David continues to describe God’s word and he even talks about how it tastes...
God’s word is food.
It is sweet, delicious, and desirable.
I need it every day.
On average, I eat food 2 or 3 times per day to survive and by all appearances I enjoy a little too much of it.
That makes me wonder if I see God’s spiritual nourishment the same way.
How often to I sit down and eat from God’s table?
How much to I crave His word?
In the NT, Peter says now that we are followers of Christ it is time to stop eating the ice cream and fried snickers of the world.
Get rid of evil behavior and...
Just like a baby cries out for milk and needs it to live, grow, and mature, we need the Word of God.
God’s Word brings life.
God told Joshua to meditate on His word day and night, not deviating from it to the left or to the right.
It was the only way he would succeed and be prosperous.
In other words...
Consuming God’s Word is the Key to Spiritual Growth.
What is God’s Word?
God’s word is food.
It is vital to our success.
We need it’s nourishment.
We need it every day.
We need to consume it constantly and consistently.
God’s Word is what sets us free.
If you are taking notes, the second truth about God’s Word is...
Jesus is God’s word.
He already existed when the world was created.
(John 1:1) Everything was created through Him.
He is the source of life.
His life brought light and His light can never be extinguished.
He is the eternal, powerful Word of God...
Just think about how amazing that is.
God’s Word, so powerful that the sun and skies testify to it throughout the entire world without uttering a sound.
So powerful that it breaths life into a pile of dust.
So powerful that it is incapable of being false or misleading.
God’s Word is so powerful that it took on human form and walked the earth and experienced what we experience.
He lived in a fragile human body while simultaneously healing the sick, setting free the captive, raising the dead.
So powerful that even after the human body was destroyed He conquered death and is alive today.
How do we know this?
Because God’s Word is so powerful that He is still revealing His truth to us today.
Jesus once asked the disciples who people say that He is.
After the disciples told Him, He asked who they say that He is...
The Greek word that Jesus used to describe God’s revelation to Peter is apokalypto.
Jesus said that Peter experienced an apocalypse.
Contrary to what the movies want you to believe, an apocalypse is a Revelation from God. God’s way of supernaturally making you aware of His truth.
Chances are you have experienced an apocalypse.
Maybe you were reading the Bible and a scripture jumped off the page to you.
You’ve probably even read it a thousand times, but this time it stood out and you saw something you’ve never realized before.
Or you were praying about something and suddenly a verse came from nowhere into your mind.
Or you were listening to the radio, at church, or just talking to friends and someone mentioned a scripture that you know must have been just for you because it spoke directly to your situation.
This is God’s word at work in your life.
That is God’s apokalypto to you.
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